traverse city east middle school staff

Thank you - Mike & Mary Foley, My son is in kindergarten at Eastern this year with Mrs. Owen. It is my daughter's freshman year and it could not have been a smoother transition for her. She's doing an outstanding job running the virtual classrooms and, though it's been a tricky endeavor, she's provided a friendly and fun "virtual" environment for the class filled with fun activities. Also, Ms. Humphreys has shown my child a love for music that would never have happened had it not been for her. I try to be neutral when talking to my children about politics (which I thoroughly enjoy and am involved in through my industry) and no matter how hard I try, I cannot remain neutral. Every time I see her she has a huge smile on her face that is absolutely contagious. Thank you Mr Odette for your years of service as an advisor to the students in Senate! One of the ways we celebrate this week is by sharing messages of appreciation from students, families, colleagues, and community members. - Michelle Keene, We all know teachers do more than just teach. The "hole" that will be felt will be deep and vast as we'll struggle to fill the caring and compassion void that she'll leave with her departure. Her devotion to teaching has been phenomenal at Eastern! Leading through this challenge is certainly not easy and everyone has an opinion. - Leslie Hamilton. Thank you for your dedication to our kids, your sweet voice on the other end of the phone and your kind heart! Not only does she have the gift of teaching children, she does so with passion, love, and dedication each day. Shes constantly guiding them to new levels and selecting books to share that the whole class wants to borrow immediately. The office staff, principal, custodians, support staff, teachers, extended day program, aides, andnoonduty all go out of their way to make sure anyone who enters the school feels safe, important, and cared for. - Sarah Gano, Mrs. Spitzley (Courtade Elementary) has shown our son kindness, nurturing, and support each day. The one that believed in our abilities and forever changed the path of our lives. Thank you for all that you have done for us all year, and thank you for transitioning our learning by providing such wonderful resources for us. Thank you! They provide a safe learning environment for all students. Our school is incredibly lucky to have you. Id like to express my appreciation for all of my twin boys teachers, How can we adequately thank the teachers, aides, custodians, crossing guards, administrators and administrative assistants that spend so much time and effort loving and teaching our kids? Or "Thank you so much for helping me out today! But we knew, after the 1st day of school that she was going to be okay. We hear stories of her sitting with her students and helping them even when they are not asking questions. Her undeniable love of teaching and recognizing the greatness in students is unbelievable. Thanks for everything. Beth D., Central Grade School parent, As new students to Traverse City Central High School, my children have transitioned well and that is due to the support of teachers and staff! Mrs. Zebell has worked so hard at motivating and promoting each of her students individual vocal skills. My daughter has enjoyed activities in her class. Our sons are better people for having been taught by Minda and we are forever grateful that they have not only a teacher that they will remember for a lifetime, but a friend and support should they ever need it. It is evident how she loves her students and inspires them to go the extra mile. Three years ago my son was the last child left at home in a family that was torn by divorce, enrolled in a school that in his words: You are nothing if you arent in football. There is no doubt that he was at an at risk kid. Thank you Ms. It would make my day to get her random emails middle of the day to tell me how well my son was doing that day. Mrs. Please enjoy the October2022 edition ofTCAPS district newsletter, Horizon. I am grateful for the preparation I received from him for college and the continued support and encouragement in the early stages of my own teaching career. Mrs. Puckett, even though she is 2 years removed from being in your class she still talks about you with so much affection. Mrs. Dungjen continues to go out of her way to make each student feel confident, and loved. Minda Nyquist (West Senior High School): Teachers are immortal because the knowledge and skill they pass on stays in the minds of their students for generations to come. Thank you!! Weston, our 1st grade Teacher and Mrs. Brazee, our Music Teacher. Miss Kelly has a knack for making each person feel as if they are the most important person in the world. Our family appreciates each one of you and what you do for our daughter and all students daily. The way youre able to juggle everything, and still have a hug for any kiddo who walks in needing one is amazing. My daughter has made lots of friends and adores all of her teachers. They give so much of themselves to care for others and make sure every student feels safe and loved. Thanks to Ryan Ranger for your dedication. This property is not currently available for sale. They see his hard work, his dedication to his craft. What we mean by that is that she will let you figure something out on your own. Ms. She is always going above and beyond. She told us that she will miss her, and shed some tears. - Lauren Creighton, has supported my sons growth as a musician and student by recognizing his individual needs and going above and beyond to challenge him beyond his comfort zone. Every teacher he has had there has been exceptional, and I am truly grateful for the encouragement, love, and laugher they have shared with him over the years. They hope to get to Germany soon! Heartfelt thanks, Amy L. I could not be happier with the dedication of the teachers at East Middle School. Before our daughter was in your class, she felt very discouraged about herself as a chemistry student. Shes also given her limited free time to help support Students for Environmental Advocacy, a new student club. Not only has she been there for all her students but for parents as well. - Beckie Cairns, We are fortunate to have Mr. Simons for our daughter's fourth grade teacher this year (Courtade Elementary). Along with being sure that the students' physical and emotional needs are met, she is also a talented and accomplished artist, which makes the unique lens and perspective that she shines on projects, thoughts and situations, ever enlightening and fresh. Youre always ready to help Carter walk into school on teary drop off mornings. - EMS Parent, I'd like to thank Annette Cole and the rest of the TAG staff (Central Grade School) for their intuitive teaching style, as they teach my son in a way that brings out the best in him! My second child started with Eastern in preschool and is now at that second grade level. Mrs. Linda, Miss Annette, and Miss Margi did a wonderful job of helping him feel comfortable and welcome in their classroom. I have had various managers through the years and none of them had the grace and leadership skills that he possesses. Her gentle manner allows students to be risk takers and explore their interests in a safe manner. You are all appreciated beyond explanation! - Jann Cook, I'd like to say a HUGE thank you to Ms. Brenda Schwind (East Middle School counselor). I try to be neutral when talking to my children about politics (which I thoroughly enjoy and am involved in through my industry) and no matter how hard I try, I cannot remain neutral. Her intelligence, compassion, and diligence make her an outstanding employee and valued co-worker. Traverse City East Middle School is one of two middle schools in the Traverse City Area Public Schools (TCAPS) district and serves students in sixth through eighth grade. - Andy Wares, I would like to express how much I have appreciated Mrs. Burkholder, my daughter's kindergarten teacher at Central Grade School. We are always amazed at how she is able to find the time with the care enough to send a quick text with updates on issues concerning progress or problems to keep us in the loop and engaged! Meagan L. A huge thank you to Mr. Brian from Westwoods Elementary. I have seen this on a first hand basis while parent volunteering in her class. We thoroughly enjoy the dinner conversations about what happens in each of your classesthe meeting Jimmy Carter story, cat dissection descriptions, using her math skills to tutor other students, Senate responsibilities and fun, the gleam in her eye about singing the selections fromHairbecause you felt this was the choir to do it, her LOVE of essay writing and the challenging, thought provoking topics given to her. Thank you for all you both do. First, Mrs. Oleson was amazing. They have both made this transition pretty seamlessly and we owe a lot to their teachers for making their classes safe spaces to ask for support/clarification/help. I am grateful for all of the efforts of, In this strange and changeable school year, all our teachers have had to work even harder and with more flexibility than ever. Kira, Aedan is in 1st grade and loves his teacher at Westwoods! We just love Jean! To say that Ms. Preston's shoes will be difficult to fill is an understatement. She is definitely a huge part of the soul of Willow Hill Elementary School. Thank you for being there. The focus on connecting with their students on an emotional and personal level has not gone unnoticed and one of the biggest areas our son has appreciated. Not only is he a phenomenal teacher when it comes to the music aspect, but he is a leader and mentor in such meaningful regards. I couldn't have asked for a better first experience. ! Beth Still, Principal. But Mrs. Paul remains neutral and first and foremost is a teacher to these kids! He was very nervous to start school away from all of his preschool friends whom he had known for years. - T. VanRheenen, I would like to thank David Goodwin (Courtade Elementary School) for being such an inspirational teacher. The knowledge Mrs. Wright is providing for our daughter is extraordinary, and I really have no words to express how thankful I am for that! Her friendly voice lends comfort to [him] during this difficult time. - Larissa V. (Parent of two LL students). Our daughter, while a freshman, came home from school her first week with these words: I cant believe how lucky I am. I wish more families could see how hard you and your staff work to make a day run. - Stephanie L. (parent of 4 TCAPS students), We are so thankful for our children's teachers, Mrs.Stout (1st grade at Eastern) and Ms. Julie and Mrs. Brasington (pre-K at Eastern). We are so grateful for all of the Jedi Masters in our district who bring stories to life every day in our schools! Thank you - K. Watkins, We want to thank Ms. Kelly, Ms. Clark and Ms. Cindy at Oak Park preschool for always going above and beyond. Kathy has helped my daughter in so many ways and has gone above and beyond helping her with not only educational challenges but also how to handle her high levels of anxiety in class. Please enjoy and thank you for all that you do! Mary Beth Schmidt, thank you for continuing to challenge [my son] in math. They have provided the utmost care for my daughter, and have become a team that we trust implicitly. And finally, a huge shout out to our janitorial and cafeteria staffyou truly are the unsung heroes. We would like to thank the staff at WMS, especially, Ms. Robbins, Ms. O'Neill, Mrs. Six-King, Mrs. Sommerville, Mrs. Sirrine, Ms. Babel, Ms. He emphasized the value of strong character, community involvement and civic participation and how those traits outlast our academic knowledge. To my sons AP teachers (Mrs. Farmer, Mr. Ulicny, Mr. Ranke and Mr. Ready): THANK YOU for continuing to teach and mentor and give these kids a path to their future at a time when its so hard to see. Her services in this building and ability to make meaningful relationships with kids, especially those kids who need those connections the most, is invaluable. as staff members share what they appreciate about their coworkers. Her willingness to help and patience is so appreciated. He has helped instill a curiosity for learning that I am confident will serve her well in high school. Thank you for all that you do Karen and Sheila! Thank you. She made a basket for our daughter to help get her on the right track and help her be able to be where she needed to be. Mike Lesinski at Central Grade has been a patient, understanding force during our fifth grade sons last year in elementary school. Ms. Kelly loves him as if he is family and I can't say enough about how much that means to a parent of a preschooler! Thank you, Thank you also to Dr. Victoria Derks for leading staff and students so well, the support staff, custodians, staff in the lunchroom feeding our hungry kiddos, and the wonderful ladies in the office, Mrs. Amy McDonald and Mrs. Kerri-Ann Bonaddio. It is definitely the teachers who matter. Thank you Mr.Tisdale and Mrs. DuGuay for truly exemplifying what it means to be a leader and getting to know your students! [My daughter] is in super star math teacher, Jody Murphys co-taught 6th grade class with Mrs.K. Moving from middle school to high school is already a big move, but doing it after being at home for over a year is even bigger. Mr. Hester has recognized his unique strengths in such a way that has served as a role model to my son. Anna--thank you for all you've done to care for my son and to offer support to me! Sara B. - Chris and Michelle C. I would like to give a huge THANK YOU toMiss Thompson. We had changed schools last year in November of 2018, due to my new employment. We have been so lucky with all of the teachers our kids have had through the years and this year is no different. It hasn't been easy. Thank you, Mrs. Bee! When I would drop my kid off early in the morningand I had barely had my coffee yetand I was still a little tiredMiss Kelly was already dancing, singing, and making school the most amazing place in the world for kids. But Mrs. Carpenter has been amazing at grooming that to be confidence in his answers and abilities, instead of unsure, embarrassment. Thank you so much for empowering your teachers to do great work, and for also staying in touch with students yourself. We also cannot forget our extreme gratefulness for her neighborhood office leadership in Principal Dan Oberski and Administrative Assistant Mindy Wilkening. We love you! We appreciate that you hold your students accountable for their work and efforts and give them the respect of treating them as young adults. Our daughter has loved World Geography and has continued many thought provoking topics from yourclass with us at home. She had a pretend center in the classroom that became a bakery, a post office, an aquarium and sensory time that included playing in water. I personally know how hard those roles alone can be. They are always happy and willing to do whatever is needed to support student learning and achievement. She encourages him in his talent and is always willing to help him with questions and projects, even when it is on her own time. We have seen such amazing growth. My son is currently in Ms. Conway's (aka Ms Michelle) (Silver Lake Elementary School), we have been lucky enough to have our older son go through her class as well. Ms. Kelly has been a huge part in shaping our two boys while laying an amazing foundation for academic learning. Warmly - Seraphina Vajda, Admittedly, I was a bit nervous to have learned that my son was getting the new teacher for his first grade year. They work very hard for their students. So, Miss Sarah, we appreciate you. TCAPSyour music programs and educators rock!! She teaches some levels of subjects that I didnt expect to see come home with my child for a few years yet: opinion writing and fractions, just to name a fewand the kids love them and excel at them! She makes students feel safe and loved, which helps them grow and flourish. They have worked hard this year and especially during this pandemic to connect with kids. They are such kind and caring teachers; my son loves going to school every day because of them. Thank you all again for your love and support and being the school that you are. THANK YOU!!! My kids couldn't be more different personality wise, but both teachers catered to and encouraged each of them while in their classes. She seeks out opportunities to reach each and every student that walks through her doors and inspires them to love learning. Thank you for making school a positive and rewarding experience for our daughter. - Kristy P. We are so grateful for the year of learning and friendship our daughter has had in second grade at Eastern Elementary. To the PTO, thank you for your hard work and dedication. It was just such an unexpected surprise, and so very thoughtful of her to share it. She can make a child, and parents, feel at ease during difficult times. The best way out is through she is an amazing human/teacher. Joelle Kolody and Larissa VanderZee provided challenging assignments and excellent preparation for college level writing assignments in English Language and Composition. We couldn't do it without you! Through Luans patience, teaching, and support we have seen huge improvements in our sons development and growth. The publication revisited participants in the "Predator & Prey" film and covered additional wellness and mental health topics. Starting in 8th grade with Brett Graham in history and Flournoy Humphreys for band, hes had teachers who uniformly have made a positive impression on him and contributed greatly to his success in high school. Thank you Mrs. A! She truly has went above and beyond. But, without a doubt, our family would not be doing as well as we are without the help and care of Ms. Kathy. We are also very grateful for your smooth transition into remote learning from the very first day school was out. Thank you all for helping my son grow as a learner. She hasorganizednumerous fundraisers with special help from the Traverse City Masonic Lodge, and her husband John Hansen, to helpour students earn over $12,000towards covering travel expensesthrough the annual Cinco de mayodinner event. When the pandemic hit and it all went crazy, My son has thrived this year under the guidance of a, To all the 6th grade teachers my son has this year at, I'd like to give a big hug and shout-out to, I would like to send a note of thanks for, I would like to extend a HUGE thank you to, We would like to extend our gratitude for the past 2 years our son has spent in preschool with, First, I want to recognize and show appreciation to, I just want to take a minute and tell you how much we appreciate the, Our children received stellar educations in TCAPS 20 to 35 years ago. My daughter's writing has transformed under the guidance of her teach, Mrs. Cole at WSH. He was always sure to make sure and email me and make sure that I knew what was going on with my daughter and her homework, even though she was getting an A in his class. He has learned to be more responsible! Every child can't wait to see Mrs. Radecki and that's because of her love and passion for teaching. Thank you Mrs. Pfost for loving our little guy like your own! [Our daughter] has exceeded our expectations! Our son is in his first years of school (Central Grade School). Thank you! Our son adores her. Every step along the way we were met with professionalism, compassion and friendship. As the parent of a Kindergartener, we are so grateful to the staff at Courtade Elementary School for making our first year at TCAPS wonderful! Ms Peterson(Long Lake)has been a constant force in my daughters drive and learning. Thank you for such a blessing! It is not easy to change schools. Our son has become much more confident and independent. Love, The Johns Family, Traverse Heights Elementary has been a school that I am proud to be a part of as a parent. The cafeteria staff who makes sure our kids are fed. - M. Keene-Hinds, I would like to say a big thank you to Mrs. Ballmer of Glenn Loomis (Montessori). She is an amazing co-worker; she gives praise when deserved and also knows how to correct me when I have made a mistake. Liz Y. Now I'm in 5th grade and she continues teaching wonderfully. She's a wonderful person and one reason I wanted to become an educator myself! Former TC West student. She is always coming up with new ideas to make the classroom better. Every one of you share a part in making this a great district from teachers, custodians, and aides to bus drivers, kitchen staff, support staff and anyone who meets the needs of our students. The work of the office staff, aides, lunch room staff, noon duty and extended day team, custodial team and special education team are felt throughout the school on a daily basis. We were so very proud And it was sweet that she was just as proud of our little girl! Students love working with Mrs. Fleis and they know that she cares deeply about them as a person first. Sarah Gano, Mrs. Brian, I hear oftenhow great you are! I know we are! 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traverse city east middle school staff