close grip bench press

Rest 60-90 seconds between sets. In this article, we will go through everything you need to know about the close-grip bench press, including: Below is a step-by-step guide on how to perform the close-grip bench press with a barbell. Darla Leal is a Master Fitness Trainer, freelance writer, and the creator of Stay Healthy Fitness, where she embraces a "fit-over-55" lifestyle. 2. The risk of injury outweighs any potential benefits. Verywell Fit's content is for informational and educational purposes only. Take a thumbs-width grip from the knurling and completely close your grip. Lockie RG, Callaghan SJ, Moreno MR, et al. Competitive CrossFit and fitness athletes can use the close-grip bench press within training programs to increase upper body strength and muscle mass, especially of the triceps. With the hands inside shoulder width, grasp the barbell making sure to have the bar resting in the middle of your palm. Once you have returned to the top of the movement, repeat for the prescribed repetitions, rest, and repeat. The close-grip bench press is an assistance lift for the bench press that puts more emphasis on the shoulders, upper chest, and triceps. You can always add weight to the barbell, whereas with tricep dips, you need to elevate your legs and then put weight plates on your legs, which is hard to do unless you have a training Maintain proper body position on the bench for safe and effective execution of the movement. Grip the bar narrower than in a regular bench press so that your hands are directly above your shoulders or even closer. Smith machine close grip bench pressis one of the most effective yet underutilized triceps exercises. 1. Keep your butt on the bench. Grab the barbell with an overhand closer than shoulder-width grip and unlatch the bar from the rack. The verdict: What is the best close grip bench press alternative? Tara Laferrara is a certified NASM personal trainer, yoga teacher, and fitness coach. Q&A Episode - Ordering Shirts from Bre, Australian Chickens, and Red Draws , The Most Important Thing You Will Ever Learn About Lifting Weights Mark Rippetoe. Med Sci Sports Exerc. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. Is 55 short for a man? Your pecs and delts are still involved in close-grip bench presses, but your triceps play a much bigger role. Position the dumbbells so that the ends are touching. The lateral triceps head is the strongest head of the three. Close grip dumbbell floor press; 4. Landin, D., Thompson, M., & Jackson, M. (2018). This is shown to improve muscle function and symmetry, another common goal for lifters. Set the Smith machine bar to waist height and safety catches to head height. 1. However, this definition is somewhat arbitrary and beginners who dont have a consistent bench press grip may have a difficult time determining where to actually place their hands on the bar. The close-grip bench press is an upper body pressing movement. Lower the bar with control until it touches your chest somewhere where the Pull your shoulder blades together and keep the back of your head on the bench. Lie on the bench, pull your shoulder blades together and down, and slightly arch your back. Although the close grip bench press is an excellent mass building movement, its not for everyone. Better bench press lockout: In the regular bench press, a lot of lifters struggle to lock their elbows at the end of a rep. Why? It depends on whether youre looking for a like-for-like close grip bench press alternative or a complete close grip bench press substitute. Once you have made contact with the chest/sternum, forcefully press the barbell off the body using the triceps and chest muscles. The Smith machine close grip bench press is great for people recovering from injuries. Performing the close grip bench press will ensure youre not giving your posterior arm a step-motherly treatment. An Investigation of the Mechanics and Sticking Region of a One-Repetition Maximum Close-Grip Bench Press versus the Traditional Bench Press. 3. Increase the weight resistance as you gain in strength and ready for an additional challenge. Studies have revealed that exercise variety is every bit as important for muscle growth and building strength as different weights, sets, and reps (3). Diamond push-ups; 7. Thank you, {{}}, for signing up. Close-Grip Push Up. Step 1: Lie on the bench with your feet straight and flat on the floor. Instead, make sure your hands are correctly spaced. Many people bounce the bar off their chest while lifting heavier weights. Benefits of Close Grip Bench Press. In sports like wrestling, American football, basketball, rugby, boxing, and martial arts; the close-grip bench press can enable athletes to unload force forwards into an opponent. Is being a 55 guy bad? Maintain your elbows close to the body during the movement for proper form and technique. A lot of exercisers rely on the bench press on chest day, but this exercise is more than a just a pec builder. Decline close grip dumbbell press; 3. Powerlifter Ken Cooper Deadlifts 410-kg (903.9-lb) Just One Year After His Gruesome Knee Injuries, How To Do The Smith Machine Hack Squat Tips, Benefits, Variations and More, Dana Linn Bailey Smokes Brutal 140 Reps In Smith Machine Bench Press Workout With C.T. Close grip barbell bench press; 8. 2017, Lockie RG, Callaghan SJ, Moreno MR, et al. You can always add weight to the barbell, whereas with tricep dips, you need to elevate your legs and then put weight plates on your legs, which is hard to do unless you have a training Here's a look at 3 bench press variations to include in whichever split you're following. Is 58 short for a guy? Since you do not have to balance the bar while performing the lift, you can lift heavier with better form while using heavier resistance, which can help in building muscle size and strength. Adjust the Smith machine barbell to waist height. The board press is a partial range of motion bench press that isolates the triceps and chest, similar to the close-grip bench press. Using appropriate resistance and form ensures optimal triceps recruitment. 2012. Make sure to not over protract at the top when completing a rep, as this could throw your positioning and base out of line. Madsen N, McLaughlin T. Kinematic factors influencing performance and injury risk in the bench press exercise. This is because elbow extension is the primary function of the triceps brachii, so you need to lock your elbows out in order to achieve maximum muscle stimulation. 2. You will slightly arch your back. Rest 3-5 minutes between sets. For this reason beginners think of the close-grip bench as a triceps exercise, when the reality is that a very wide-grip bench is a much more specialized movement that leaves out more than it adds. The legs, glutes, and back muscles should be contracted as they provide a stable base for you to press from. 2. Using a narrow grip is shown to be a great alternative method to increase upper body pushing strength. Keep your core tight and keep the shoulder blades pulled back tight. ( 2 ) During the setup phase of the exercise, place your hands shoulder-distance apart with your wrists, elbows, and shoulders in a straight line . Starting Strength: Basic Barbell Training. Furthermore, you can alleviate stress on your shoulders by utilizing training equipment like slingshots or limit the exercises range of motion by setting up safety pins on the machine. The push press is a great overhead pressing movement that stresses the triceps and shoulders. Thats the grip width you need on the bar. In this case, it is a full range of motion bench press with a narrower grip than used in the competitive version of the movement, similar to a stiff-legged deadlift or a low-box squat. Fix left to right strength imbalances and develop better coordination by working each arm independently. Return the bar to the rack upon exercise completion. Why? This movement could be considered a regression and could be a useful variation for newer athletes working to improve their form on the bench. Pause and contract your triceps at the top. I dont like to train arms, said no one ever. Questions? Step 4: Repeat for the desired number of repetitions. Master the form using lower weights or use one of the above variations before going too heavy to get the most out of the exercise and avoid injury. The close-grip bench press is an exercise that can build mass and develop triceps strength. After all, thats why most lifters do bench presses they want bigger pecs! Great For People Dealing with Injuries. Remember that the goal is to target the pecs and triceps, so think about loading these areas the most during the eccentric.. Still not sold on the close grip bench press? This site uses cookies to store information on your computer. However, this definition is somewhat arbitrary and beginners who dont have a consistent bench press grip may have a difficult time determining where to actually place their hands on the bar. Ultimately, if youre looking for a great alternative to the close grip bench press that you can do with dumbbells (or even just one dumbbell), overhead extensions are one of the top choices. Its a great tool to have in your toolbox and one of the best tricep and lower chest builders out there. Changes in exercises are more effective than in loading schemes to improve muscle strength. A narrow grip is shown to reduce shoulder strain and help lifters to successfully bench a heavier load. Our website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. 3 Push the dumbbells back up to arms length and repeat., 1 & 3. If you like the video, hit the like button and please subscribe if you haven't already. So in this sense, pushdowns are the opposite of a close grip bench press because theyre an isolation exercise rather than a compound movement. Using a decline bench increases your range of motion and puts greater tension on your medial triceps head. Repeat the exercise for the recommended number of repetitions. Use a flat bench station or flat bench/power rack combination. Another variation of the close-grip bench press is the close-grip push-up. But in order to work the long head optimally, you need to put your shoulders into flexion, which is exactly what youre doing by lowering the weights behind your head during a skull crusher. Copyright 2010 - 2022 Fitness Volt IBC. All Rights Reserved. 3. 3 Unrack the bar, bend your arms and lower the weight down until your triceps lightly touch the floor. By using the It is suggested that lifters experiment with various repetition schemes and loading to determine which works best for their bodies. The long triceps head assists with the extension and adduction of the arm at the shoulder joint and helps prevent any displacement of the humerus. However, this definition is somewhat arbitrary and beginners who dont have a consistent bench press grip may have a difficult time determining where to actually place their hands on the bar. 1- Lie on the bench with your feet flat on the floor. When most people do bench presses, they do them with their hands at least shoulder-width apart, and usually wider than that. Skull crushers are another exercise that can increase tricep strength, however the close grip bench press might be the better alternative if you have elbow issues. I realize that the wide-grip bench press is the last exercise youre looking for if you want to work your triceps, but being the exact opposite of a close grip bench press, I couldnt not include it in this list. No problem! Benefits of Close Grip Bench Press. While the former helps build muscle mass and strength, the latter improves muscle conditioning and definition. As per research, a close grip bench press is a better exercise than the traditional bench press if your primary goal is to build explosive strength. Smith Machine close grip bench pressprimarily targets the medial and lateral triceps heads. This is ideal if youre working out at home with minimal or no equipment. Powerlifter Ken Cooper Deadlifts 410-kg (903.9-lb) Just One Year After His Gruesome Knee Injuries, Dana Linn Bailey Smokes Brutal 140 Reps In Smith Machine Bench Press Workout With C.T. site, you consent to the placement of these cookies. From a normal-width grip for general strength training purposes like that taught by Starting Strength, with the forearms vertical at bar contact with the chest and designed to increase the ROM at the bottom of the movement the ROM variation is not drastic. Here are some of the benefits that this excellent exercise offers: Bigger, stronger triceps: Most triceps exercises are isolation exercises. This increases the risk of injury to the sternum and decreases the effectiveness of the exercise. Use a full standard grip on the bar (thumb and fingers wrapped around the bar) to avoid dropping the bar during the exercise. Dumbbell/cable bench press combo; Close Grip Dumbbell Press Tips; Close Grip Dumbbell Press Wrapping Up The close grip bench press is a variation of the bench press and an exercise used to build muscle and strength in the triceps. Many competitive lifters in the lighter weight classes take advantage of the fact that maximum legal grip width for all weight classes is 32 inches, and as a result many world records have been set by lightweight women who moved the bar less than 2 inches. Sport athletes, such as throwers (baseball, football, etc.) Inhale slowly as you lower the bar to your chest, and exhale during the push upward to start position. Note, that this relationship with the floor is essential to the floor press. Lie down on the bench so that you are facing the ceiling. 3. Increase the number of repetitions per set and challenge the close grip bench press to muscle failure. The close grip bench press is an upper body compound exercise that targets the triceps muscles. So in a sense, even though youre lifting much lighter, the overhead extension is arguably a better mass-builder than the CGBP because it trains the single biggest muscle in your upper armthe long head of the triceps. 1. Lift the bar with assistance from the rack, arms locked, and hold the bar straight over you. Using a spotter or smith machine is recommended during this exercise. By improving triceps strength and lockout performance, you can also reduce the amount of stress placed on the surrounding ligaments and tendons of the elbow joint, increasing joint health and furthering injury resilience. Individual differences may be seen using a wide variety of grip placements, and therefore coaches and athletes should determine which width maximizes triceps engagement and minimizes stress on the wrist and shoulder joints. Simply changing the position of your hands turns it into an excellent triceps builder (1). Bench dips are easier to perform than the close grip bench press because you can do them virtually anywhere. 2017, Lockie RG, Callaghan SJ, Orjalo AJ, Moreno MR. Loading Range for the Development of Peak Power in the Close-Grip Bench Press versus the Traditional Bench Press. But this reduced range of motion may actually be a good thing because it encourages you to keep the tension on your triceps. The triceps (tri three, cep head) or triceps brachii is a three-headed muscle at the back of your arm spanning almost the entire length of the humerus. Close grip bench presses are one of the most movement-specific ways to strengthen your triceps. Many people hold their breath during the hardest part of the movement causing internal body pressure. Lower the bar towards your forehead while keeping your elbows pinned in position. When used in conjunction with the other pressing exercises, the close-grip bench press can complete a balances pressing program that targets the shoulders, chest, and triceps. The narrow hand position makes the movement much more triceps-taxing than regular push-ups, and you can even wear a weighted vest to make the exercise feel just as heavy as a bench press. In this way, the floor press is basically like a close grip bench press, except that it has slightly less range of motion. 2018, Olav Gomo & Roland Van Den Tillaar. Close-Grip Push Up. A close grip bench press is often referred to as any bench press where the hands are placed closer together than what you would typically use to bench press. Take a look below at some of our featured articles! Since every individual is unique, they will have a slightly different grip while performing the Smith machine close grip bench press. Close grip dumbbell bench press: Using dumbbells in the close grip dumbbell press will work your stabilizer muscles more as you have to control each dumbbell instead of a barbell. If youre looking for a close grip bench alternative because you dont have much equipment, then you might be rolling your eyes right now, but hear me out. A close grip bench press is often referred to as any bench press where the hands are placed closer together than what you would typically use to bench press. You may be new to weight lifting or seasoned lifter wanting to improve an upper body routine. Dumbbell/cable bench press combo; Close Grip Dumbbell Press Tips; Close Grip Dumbbell Press Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. The Smith machine close grip bench press is great for people recovering from injuries. The close-grip floor press is a triceps and lockout strength-focused combination pressing technique. 3 Unrack the bar, bend your arms and lower the weight down until your triceps lightly touch the floor. Start by lying supine on a bench (face up) with a dumbbell tightly grasped in each hand. Your arms should be vertical and parallel to one another. How to Close Grip Bench Press: Proper Form, Variations, and Common Mistakes. Tricep transformation case studies (before and after results), The best back and tricep workout routine for mass. Keep your butt on the bench. Learn how moving your hands closer together turns the best chest exercise into an even better arm exercise. Decline close grip dumbbell press; 3. and overhead lifters (weightlifters, strongman, etc.) Whether you want bigger, stronger triceps, or just want a break from regular bench presses, the close grip bench press is a worthy addition to your workouts. No free benches at the gym? Close grip bench press is a fantastic upper body movement. 39: 1. doi:10.1519/SSC.0000000000000307. Utilizing momentum reduces the tension on your triceps and puts you at a greater risk of injury. The close-grip bench press is an assistance lift for the bench press that puts more emphasis on the shoulders, upper chest, and triceps. Because the chest and shoulders assist the movement, the close grip press has the potential for heavier lift loads and maximum strength gains. Using more moderate hypertrophy ranges after heavier pressing movements can further stimulate growth of the triceps and chest. Tip: To make the most of the exercise, set the bench decline angle at 45 degrees. Improving triceps strength and lockout performance is a key training outcome for many strength sport athletes. BarBend is an independent website. Plus, using a narrow grip is a great way to increase upper body pushing strength relatively safely. BarBend is the Official Media Partner of USA Weightlifting. Explained, Some of the most common mistakes while performing the Smith machine close grip bench press include . Avoid it: Research has shown that the optimal grip for a close-grip bench press is the the same as the distance between the acromion (outer edge) of your shoulder blades. Since the long head makes up most of your triceps mass, its not a muscle that you should overlook. With the back and hips engaged, squeeze the dumbbell handle and pull the weights down to the sides of the chest, keeping the shoulders away from the ears and the elbows slightly tucked inwards towards the body. Maintain a standard grip with your thumb and fingers wrapped around the bar during the exercise. Pause and contract your triceps at the top of the movement. Although most people love to work their biceps, only a fraction of them lay equal emphasis on their triceps. Explained, 9 Best Leg Extension Machines in 2022 (Review & Ranked), 10 Best Electrolyte Supplements of 2022 (Review & Ranked). Because that is arguably the best way to activate your chest muscles. Your email address will not be published. Our team of experts include a board-certified physician, nutritionists, dietitians, certified personal trainers, strength training experts, and exercise specialists. The triceps consists of three heads medial, lateral, and long. You can do skull crushers either on a bench or lying on the floor, and theyre really great for working the long head of your triceps (the biggest head), which is the one triceps muscle that the close grip bench press neglects. Coachs Tip: Remember to consistently grip the floor and be mindful of where youre shifting force to! If you find that you want additional lighter volume for the triceps with a movement that is very similar to the close-grip bench press, then close-grip push-ups are a great option. Some lifters may find certain rep schemes and training volumes to be more effective than others. Once you have gently made contact with the back of the elbows to the floor, remain in tension and reverse the movement so that you go into the concentric pressing phase of the floor press. The close-grip bench is perhaps the most common assistance exercise for the bench press an assistance exercise being defined as a variation of the basic exercise. ( 2 ) During the setup phase of the exercise, place your hands shoulder-distance apart with your wrists, elbows, and shoulders in a straight line . 1 Kneel down and place your hands flat on the floor. While breathing in and keeping your elbows close to your sides, slowly lower the bar until it touches your chest. Once youve established your grip and push-up position, begin the descent by gripping the floor and keeping the elbows tucked. [Adapted from Starting Strength: Basic Barbell Training, The Aasgaard Company]. Return to the starting position explosively while exhaling sharply. Weight training requires attention to body position, form, and function. It also improves your range of motion and triceps and chest recruitment. Pause at the bottom for a couple of seconds. 2 Reach up and grab the bar with your usual close grip bench press hand position. Vidur is a writer and editor at Below are a few groups of athletes that can benefit from including close-grip bench press within training programs. Avoid it: Research has shown that the optimal grip for a close-grip bench press is the the same as the distance between the acromion (outer edge) of your shoulder blades. Your email address will not be published. By clicking Accept All Cookies, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist in our marketing efforts. Some lifters may find that switching to a narrower grip takes stress off the shoulder joint, allowing for pain-free pressing. Reviewers confirm the content is thorough and accurate, reflecting the latest evidence-based research. Coaches and athletes can target triceps strength and hypertrophy by combining the floor press with the close-grip bench press. The trick to getting the most from this close grip bench press alternative is to lock your elbows out on every single pushdown rep that you perform. Close grip bench press is a fantastic upper body movement. This is ideal if youre working out at home with minimal or no equipment. To keep the focus of the movement on your triceps, tuck your elbows into your sides as you press the weight up. The Sticking Region in Three Chest-Press Exercises with Increasing Degrees of Freedom. Coachs Tip: Using a diamond push-up setup works fine, but often times, this grip can be uncomfortable. Incline close grip dumbbell press; 2. Questions? Lie back on the bench and use your legs to help boost the weights up to arms length. In addition, Patrick is a freelance writer who has authored three fitness and exercise books, dozens of e-books, thousands of articles, and several fitness videos. Hes not just an armchair fitness expert; Patrick practices what he preaches! Step 2: Unrack the bar and bring it directly over shoulders with straight arms (this is the starting position). The close-grip dumbbell bench press is a unilateral variation of the standard close-grip barbell bench press. You can do close grip push-ups anywhere and anytime, even at home or in a hotel room. Diamond push-ups; 7. This severely limits the amount of weight you can lift, and therefore may restrict how much strength and muscle size you can build. Grasp the barbell to narrower-than-shoulder-width apart. For strength: 3-5 reps using 85%+ of your one-repetition maximum (1RM). Coachs Tip: Think about pressing yourself deeper into the bench as you press the weight upwards. Reach up and grab the bar with an overhand, slightly narrower than shoulder-width grip. Lifting too heavy increases your risk of injury and doesnt allow you to complete the movement in good form. There is an increased risk of dropping the bar and injury using a false grip (fingers and thumb on the same side of the bar). If you are serious about getting results from this exercise, you need to be serious about doing it properly too. Pull your shoulders down and back, arch your lower back, and plant your feet firmly on the floor. The secondary muscles involved are your chest and shoulders. [1] [2]. If youve mastered the close grip bench press, or simply want to add some diversity to your triceps workouts, here are three variations and alternatives to try. Lockie, Robert; Moreno, Matthew (July 1, 2017). By retracing your scapula, you give your shoulder muscles more breathing room by increasing the subacromial space. Lift loads should be appropriate to your fitness level for proper execution and safety of the exercise. However, our reviews are based on well research backed analysis. slightly increase the ROM, and 2.) Lowering it toward your upper chest could lead to elbow and wrists pain. It does feel different to regular bench presses, but different is good. The close-grip bench press is one of the best bench variations for improving tricep strength, and its often a variation that gets performed incorrectly. Breathing properly is an important part of effective weight lifting. Copyright 2022 - Critical Body All Rights Reserved, The 7 best close grip bench press alternatives. Best of luck! He is passionate about all things strength sports and dedicated to sharing his hard-earned knowledge. We create in-depth strength training tutorials so that fitness enthusiasts like you can make gains faster and avoid injury by lifting with the proper form. Below are three (3) close-grip bench press variations to build strength, hypertrophy, and improve pressing performance. Smith machine decline press is quite similar to the close grip bench press, with the only difference being that youll be performing the exercise on a decline bench. Is 53 short for a girl and a good height for a woman? Instead, focus on keeping your elbows directly below your hands. Since triceps consist of fast-twitch muscle fibers, they react the best to heavier weights for fewer repetitions. By using dumbbells, you can address any asymmetries and muscular imbalances that may go unnoticed with barbells. Using a narrow grip is shown to be a great alternative method to increase upper body pushing strength. But just because close-grip push-ups are a bodyweight exercise doesnt mean that they cant build mass. The secondary muscles involved are your chest and shoulders. This exercise is basically the bodyweight version of the close grip bench press because it works your triceps in the exact same way. Take a breath and hold it, and unrack the bar. The pin press is a bench press variation that can be done to isolate weaknesses in lockout strength and triceps performance. Individuals with shoulder issues, previous surgeries, and/or impingements may find that the close-grip bench press allows them to train a pressing movement without negatively impacting shoulder health/recovery. Extend your arms straight. Make sure you get the most from this exercise by avoiding these common mistakes: Hands too close together: some old-school bodybuilders used to do this exercise with their hands so close together that their fingers touch. We like it in a back and chest workout. Like any exercise, youll get better results from the close grip bench press if you do it correctly. If you are having trouble accessing this website, please call 800-460-6276 or email [emailprotected] and we will provide you with assistance. Keep your elbows close to your sides. The close-grip bench press offers immense benefits for beginners and athletes alike. 1984 Aug;16(4):376-81. Use proper hand placement (about shoulder width) on the bar to reduce risk of injury and effectively activate the triceps muscles. The close grip bench press differs from the traditional bench press in that you perform the press with a narrower grip. Reduce the weight as needed and pay attention to good body mechanics. Anyway, pushdowns really enable you to isolate your triceps, especially the lateral head. Another variation of the close-grip bench press is the close-grip push-up. The only difference is that, rather than pushing your hands into the barbell, youre pushing your hands into the floor, meaning that you can perform this excellent close grip bench press replacement anywhere. 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Best way to increase upper body compound exercise that can build mass and,. Bench with your feet flat on the close grip bench press and use your legs to help boost weights... Moreno, Matthew ( July 1, 2017 ) is good and could be a substitute for medical... Different is good can build mass your sides as you press the weight resistance as you gain in and... A look below at some of the close-grip bench presses are one of the exercise repetitions... ( face up ) with a dumbbell tightly grasped in each hand ). Press within training programs than shoulder-width grip training volumes to be a useful variation for athletes! Most lifters do bench presses they want bigger pecs their hands at least apart! Width, grasp the barbell making sure to have the bar to your fitness level for proper and... And training volumes to be a great way to increase upper body movement mean that they cant build and! Complete the movement, its not for everyone motion and puts you at a greater risk injury! 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( before and after results ), the latter improves muscle conditioning and definition training programs button please... 7 best close grip bench press will ensure youre not giving your posterior arm a treatment... Experiment with various repetition schemes and training volumes to be serious about getting results from this exercise youll. And tricep workout routine for mass breathing in and keeping your elbows into your sides as you in...: What is the best chest exercise into an even better arm exercise, allowing for pressing! But this exercise is basically the bodyweight version of the exercise, youll get better results the...: Unrack the bar off their chest while lifting heavier weights for fewer repetitions for. These areas the most common Mistakes while performing the Smith machine close grip dumbbell press Tips ; close grip presses. Muscle failure elbows pinned in position keep your core tight and keep the joint! Training programs grip dumbbell press ; 3. and overhead lifters ( weightlifters, strongman etc... Narrower grip takes stress off the body during the movement, the 7 best close grip push-ups anywhere and,. They want bigger pecs ( baseball, football, etc., diagnosis, or treatment include!

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close grip bench press