teenage pregnancy effects

However, being a teen mom comes with a greater risk of being diagnosed with depression during pregnancy and post-partum depression after giving birth. Youll want to learn about how to budget as well, and this can save you a lot of money. There can be feelings of denial, guilt and anger and depending on religious beliefs there can be a fear of rejection. Sulaiman, S; Othman, S; Razali, N; Hassan, J. Obstetric and Perinatal Outcome in Teenage Pregnancies: Research. Introduction II. Right now, you may have to miss school here and there for doctors appointments and check-ups. This lack of emotional maturity makes a teen mom, and their baby, more susceptible to other health risks. Teen mothers also gain very less weight during pregnancy and are also at a higher risk for premature birth, which can also affect in low birth weight of the baby. Given that there are not much pros to give teenage pregnancy, teenagers should be more aware of the cons of getting pregnant in an early age. The same goes for her child. A new life, a new joy, a new hope and just another. Why teenage pregnancy is a serious problem? A pregnant teen must make preparations to exercise during pregnancy, however, if she experiences tiredness, it is only a part of pregnancy that doesn't require much worry. This will give both of you a better time to adjust to things and think through all the teen pregnancy and personal challenges you might experience. I was depressed when I was pregnant because I was alone, says a Reddit user, talking about their journey with teenage pregnancy. This will take a lot of communication between you, your parents, your school leadership, your teachers, and your doctor. The consumption of drinking and smoking exaggerates such depression. Teenage Pregnancy Prevention. If your pregnancy is high-risk or you do not feel that you can handle schoolwork, you may want to look into classes towards earning your GED on your own time. Teenage pregnancy may be linked to things such as lack of education and information about reproduction, peer pressure and early engagement of sexual activity . Perhaps youre scared that you might have to drop your favorite sport or activity. Teenage pregnancy and birth often raise the concerns of higher risks of single parenthood, economic deprivation, being dependent on social assistance, interrupted schooling, and difficulties . If your due date is during the school year, you may need to make up time in summer school or do extra work ahead of time. Teenage pregnancy is defined as the occurrence of pregnancy among young girls aged 10 to 19 years old. Journal of Maternal Fetal Medicine. However, in most situations, it can seem like the biggest consequence of a teenage pregnancy is the social stigma that comes attached to it. At this time, teenage pregnancies were seen as obstetric problems per se, which are associated with an increased risk of anemia, preterm labor, urinary tract infections, hypertension, preeclampsia, a high rate of cesarean sections but also preterm birth, low birth weight, and intrauterine growth restriction [ 5, 15, 29 - 35 ]. Teen pregnancy may impact the baby's growth and development over time. Prompt guidance is essential to aid your teen in leading a successful life and not being prone to commit mistakes in their impressionable years. A study has revealed that nearly fifteen million teenage pregnancies occur every year. Having a child at a young age, does not stop either of the young parents from fulfilling their dreams or attaining success in life. After getting pregnancy at an early age, the teen mother may suffer from huge emotional crisis due to lack of social support from family. All these consequences of teenage pregnancy on society make life more difficult for the mother and her baby. Tiredness tiredness is a ordinary effect of pregnancy. These worries and concerns can increase if a pregnant teen is also struggling with conflicting emotions of not wanting the baby. Trends a. Teenage parents often have to face negative judgment from their family and friends and have to face discrimination from society. Getting pregnant as a teen comes with physical and emotional challenges that some kids are not ready to face. Experts cite delays in intellectual and motor development, and more ongoing medical and behavioral issues in babies born to teen mothers. Over a quarter of pregnant teens choose abortion to get rid of their hardships and socialimplications of teenage pregnancy on society. Teenage pregnancy increases the risks of medical complications in both the mother and her baby. Smoking and drug use may be problematic during a teen pregnancy. For those of you who think parenting is a task, imagine having to do it all alone, with no support and no one to talk with! Sadiya is a writer and editor with a passion for writing about parenthood and children. MomJunction believes in providing reliable, research-backed information to you. South African Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. If a friend, boyfriend, or family member can come with you or drive you to doctors appointments, youll have someone to lean on for support. Then I experienced a miscarriage, and the pain was unbelievable. Exhaustion may arise during a pregnancy. And you shouldn't. For a mom who has been through so much, you deserve to be excited for at least bringing your baby girl into this world. If you plan to stay with your partner, he will need to figure out some earning possibilities too. Women like you do it every day! The effect of pregnancy to the teenager: High blood pressure. Causes 1. Hopefully, your job will work with you. Or if you do have sex, to always use contraception. The effects of teenage pregnancy can be physiological, psychological, emotional and mental. Society, as progressive as it wants to be, cannot embrace the concept of a pregnant teen mother. A teen may not have the willpower to stop using substances that can harm the developing baby. Lets be honest going through a teen pregnancy is probably not going to be easy. Being a single parent can have financial and emotional stressors and a stressed parent puts a baby at risk. but my excitement just burst. Getting the standard eight hours of sleep (or more) every night is important. If you dont already have a job, you will want to find something that can work with your schedule (around your doctors appointments and/or school) and does not involve any heavy lifting or chemical exposure, as these are not safe during pregnancy. Grover, N, and Sandhu, K. Teenage Pregnancy: Too Much Too Soon. While there are most definitely many negative aspects of teen pregnancy, some rays of positive light can also be found. Though women are able to give birth as soon as they begin menstruating, there are some possible risks when you have a child early on in your teen years. The other signs and symptoms of pregnancy may include (2): Light vaginal bleeding from implantation of a fertilized ovum (egg) into the uterine wall Swollen and tender breasts and nipples due to hormonal changes Fatigue caused by increased progesterone hormone Headaches due to rising hormone levels Morning sickness, namely nausea and vomiting. When it comes to the health effects of teenage pregnancy, one of the most important aspects to think about is prenatal care. Almost all teen pregnancies, around 80%, are unplanned and unexpected. These traits are necessary for the safe keeping of a new born child. These things are not guaranteed to happen, but it is a good idea to talk to your doctor about your reproductive health to know about any concerning signs or symptoms for your body. Millions of children return from school to an empty house because both parents are of the working class, which exposes many teenagers to lack of parental care. Put your paychecks toward the most important things first: rent, utilities, medical care, food, and your babys needs. Uncertainty about the future may arise when a teen is pregnant. This creates a very special bond between mother and child. Altogether, it is the equal responsibility of the parents and the society to teach and guide teenagers towards the right paths, rather than merely passing negative comments and demotivating them. Teens who are pregnant or raising a baby have a hard time finishing school. Often, the high cost of raising a child becomes more apparent after delivery and continues as the teen mom tries to figure out how to make ends meet. A teenage mother has to face several social obligations like not getting a good job, not getting respect from friends and family members. Teen moms suffer their whole life due to a lack of information about safe sex and reproductive health. Weak relationship b. The consequences of teenage pregnancy include a higher risk of anemia, complications with childbirth, an increased risk of premature birth, and social challenges, to name a few. The pros most definitely do not out weight the cons that are associated with teenage pregnancy. According to studies, it is estimated that around 15% of women suffer from depression either during pregnancy or postpartum. You can learn more about the authenticity of the information we present in our. The reasons teen moms are at-risk of developing depression vary. The Social Issues That Come With Teenage Pregnancy, Tackling Side Effects Of Pregnancy As A Couple Commonly Asked Questions, Body Shaming Post Pregnancy Weight Gain Being A Supportive Husband, 13 Signs You Could Be In A Forced Relationship And What Should You Do, 14 Signs Of A Tumultuous Relationship And 5 Tips To Fix It, How To Get Over A Breakup Fast? Teen mothers do not have to pay the taxes, and the government has to face a huge loss of revenue. Pregnancy during teenage years is also associated with a higher risk of health problems such as preeclampsia, anemia, contracting STDs (sexually transmitted diseases), premature delivery, postpartum hemorrhage, and poor mental health outcomes. It is not safe for both the child and the girl. Although the female teen is biologically more affected, as she has to carry the pregnancy, we must be careful not to neglect its effect on the male counterpart especially if he is a teenager. For MomJunction, she writes on kids health and nutrition. Keep yourself close to positive, supportive people, and you will be able to push through and become a part of the growing community of teen moms. The consequences of teenage pregnancy include a higher risk of anemia, complications with childbirth, an increased risk of premature birth, and social challenges, to name a few. Christine W. Musyimi et al. Once thats there, half the battle is already won, says Nishmin. How will you pay for classes/will your parents continue to pay for your schooling? Sept 2009. The national Campaign to prevent teen and planned pregnancy (NCPTP) reports that 3 out of every 10 children under the age of 20 become pregnant at least once, and 67% of those new families are in poverty, of which 52% are on welfare ("the national", n.d). What kind of childcare does the college offer? Talk to your counselor, your principal, and then your teachers. It is not surprising that such women turn to substances to quell the ongoing negativity. The tread in most schools as soon as the children hit puberty is towards having a relationship with the opposite sex and losing virginity. During this entire ordeal, the teenage mother is always on tenterhooks, finding it very hard to be healthy, says Nishmin. The hurtful jibes and remarks along the lines of, Youve committed a sin, you defamed our family, can really shake a person out. Do what you can to earn their trust back in little ways during your pregnancy. Studies conclude that teenage pregnancy directly affects teenage drug addiction rates. As a result, 80% of teen mothers have to rely on social welfare schemes planned by the nation. Example 2: All over the world, teenage pregnancy is becoming a serious problem. The Negative Effects of Teen Pregnancy. Additionally, some teens may grow annoyed at the lack of freedom to interact with their peer group due to the baby. Following are some other teenage pregnancy causes that can not be ignored. Society can be cruel, and it often drives teen moms over the edge. Here are more causes that may lead to teenage pregnancy; lack of affection and attention from the family, as teens transit from childhood to adolescent stage they experience emotional, physical and psychological changes. Even though the number of pregnant teens is on the decline, teenage pregnancy continues to be a significant issue facing families, schools and the medical community 1. Adolescent mothers (ages 10 to 19 years) face higher risks of eclampsia, puerperal endometritis, and systemic infections than women aged 20 to 24 years, and babies born to adolescent mothers face higher risks of low birth weight, preterm delivery, and severe neonatal conditions than those born to women aged 20 to 24 . Related Reading: Body Shaming Post Pregnancy Weight Gain Being A Supportive Husband. If you are in college already, you will want to plan ahead. These traits are necessary for the safe keeping of a new born child. It is also stated that depression symptoms among younger mothers are more likely to persist long after the birth of the child. Psychology stress is associated with such harmful results as preterm births. The inevitable distance between two people in love, the restless neediness of love. 4. The surest way to avoid pregnancy is not to have sex. As both teens and parents are exploring bringing a new member of the family into the world, many families will become closer to provide and take care of the new child. It is continually increasing the population growth rate in the society. STIs during pregnancy can cause serious and permanent defects in a developing baby and can be passed on to the baby during birth, causing infection. The teenage mother needs approximately about eight hours of sleep each night. This is because the study involves collecting data from a Kontagora Local government Area portion as of a population and generalizing For example, you may be more tired during your pregnancy, meaning that you spend more time sleeping than seeing friends, family, or your boyfriend. She has to face extreme difficulty to buy basic items for her newborn baby like, clothing and baby care products. Many pregnant girls easily drop out of school. References. See a medical professional for personalized consultation. Rebellion is also another reason why some teens will become pregnant. This way the curriculum and timing are made just for you and you can still finish high school. Finding a job during pregnancy or as a mom may be difficult, but definitely not impossible. Nishmin points out the importance and the benefits of therapy. On an estimate, around 12 million girls aged 15-19 give birth each year in developing regions. Though its easier said than done, the most important thing to do is to try and relax as much as you can. Money and time are two necessary things for children. April 2016. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpag.2015.08.006, https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1083318815003071. [10] [11] Teenage pregnancies are related to social issues, including lower educational levels and poverty. Young women like you push through the trials of teen pregnancy every day. Family bonds tend to strengthen when a child is born, and this can be especially true with teenage pregnancy. The next person who is affected a lot from teen pregnancy is the baby. No matter how young or old you are, relationships are always extremely important, and most people find it necessary to stay active socially. Most times, the teenager would have to stop school or drop out . While some risky behaviors such as teen overdoses are on the rise, others, like teen pregnancy, are actually declining. High rates of teen pregnancy also affect a community's welfare by increasing unemployment and decreasing high school graduation rates (The Urban Child Institute, 2014). Drug And Alcohol Addiction All teenage pregnancies are the result of sexual activity - whether voluntary or not. If youve made the decision to go through this whole thing, you must be brave in dealing with the challenges emotional, physical or societal at every step of the way. Ongoing medical care is crucial to prevent these complications from threatening the pregnancy and the mother's well being. I feel good now about having her young because I have plenty of energy for her. How the partner is helping, how theyre reacting, if theyre with that girl at that time or not also has a great impact on the situation.. A good support system is extremely crucial for the young mother, to help rid her of suicidal thoughts. If they dont get it or if they see that they are judged, its incredibly difficult to go through. It is reported that teen pregnancies in the country have been declining since 1991. If youre still learning basic things about each other, pregnancy can make all of that more confusing. Responsibility and Maturity Lets look at some of the most common challenging areas for someone experiencing a teen pregnancy and ways to help overcome those challenges. The most effective birth control for teenagers is long . all about love and couple relationships in their varied forms. These teen pregnancy patterns are more common in developing countries. Teenage pregnancy is most of the time linked to the lower annual income of the mother. Its possible that your school already has a plan for those with teen pregnancy, so the first thing to do is ask. Teenage pregnancy is not good. ND finally. Only 3% of teens who have a baby receive their college diploma before the age of 30. Most teens get pregnant due to unprotected sexual intercourse, a lack of maturity and a lack of personal responsibility. In most cases, the biological father abandons the teen mom, and the baby becomes her sole responsibility. Its easier to lose trust than to build it back up. have a higher risk for low birth weight and infant mortality; have lower levels of emotional support and cognitive stimulation; have fewer skills and be less prepared to learn when they enter kindergarten; have behavioral problems and chronic medical conditions; rely more heavily on publicly funded health care; A pregnant teenager must get a smallest amount of 8 hours of sleep during the pregnancy term. If you have questions or need someone to talk to about your options or struggles during a teen pregnancy, please feel free to call our helpline at 1-800-672-2296. Prostitution is also one of the effects of this canker. It makes life more miserable for the teen, as she cannot handle society. However, the reality is that they have to work harder than others. Adverse Maternal and Neonatal Outcomes in Adolescent Pregnancy. What are the effects of teenage pregnancy? Remember that in many states it is illegal to fire or lay off an employee due to pregnancy or medical leave. When talking to your boyfriend, try not to sound like youre accusing him of anything; that will just put him on defense! Effects Of Teenage Pregnancy On Education: A Teenage Mom's Story. Elaborating on the emotional effects of teenage pregnancy, Nishmin says, Teenage pregnancy takes a huge toll on a persons mental health. Copyright 2022 Leaf Group Ltd., all rights reserved. Remember that in many states it is illegal to fire or When your due date approaches, youll want to communicate a plan for time off. Maybe a mentor can help you find a budget or connect you with parenting classes and resources. However, the debilitating depression that accompanies them may seem like the toughest mountain to climb. Journal of Pediatric and Adolescent Pregnancy. Body A. Read for more information. Teens should speak to their physicians about sex and pregnancy. Methods This study used linkable administrative databases housed at the Manitoba Centre for Health Policy (MCHP). Lack of communication between the parents and teens a. Hopefully, your job will work with you. While others will develop post-partum depression as a result of the significant emotional and physical demands of caring for a new baby. If this person can open up to a counselor or a psychologist or even just a friend who can hear them, itll help a lot. She may also have fears about how having a baby will impact her own life and dreams for the future. The more common medical complications that may occur during a teen pregnancy include anemia, toxemia, high blood pressure, placenta previa and premature birth of the baby. 6. Yes, it may be true but there are certain positive things people can consider thinking about such issue. Teen pregnancy is challenging whether you work together or not. This information is for educational purposes only and not a substitution for professional health services. Related Reading: Tackling Side Effects Of Pregnancy As A Couple Commonly Asked Questions, The mental effects of teenage pregnancy also depend a lot on the partner of that young girl. Illiteracy: Save Image: Shutterstock Teenagers getting pregnant at an early age cannot pursue their higher education due to extra responsibility, which increases the rate of literacy in society. This situation may lead to rash behavior such as attempting to self-abort the baby or a suicide attempt. Teenage mothers are more likely to get addicted to drinking, smoking and drugs due to the post pregnancy stress. A 2016 study published in The American Journal of Maternal/Child Nursing indicated symptoms of depression were 2 to 4 times higher in teen mothers when compared to their childless peers. After venting it out, it might feel like your burden has literally been halved, she explains. It will be helpful to plan on multiple conversations. Grow Together Teen pregnancy can cause a lot of changes, such as mood swings, fatigue, and a change in what you can or cannot do. Its a weird experience, another Reddit User says. *This has been claimed by some studies, while also showing disproven in others. Researchers conclude that most teenage pregnancies end with education dropouts because of the fear of embarrassment, humiliation, and harassment from the fellow friends and college mates. On the flip side, your parents may feel overbearing because they want to make sure you and the baby are okay. D. Thesis: In my opinion, the problem of teenage pregnancy should be prevented rather than glorified. At this time, they want and need all the support they can get. Teen pregnancy and childbearing are associated with increased social and economic costs through immediate and long-term effects on teen parents and their children. When your due date approaches, youll want to communicate a plan for time off. Her body has not been fully developed. Sa more. E. Preview: To further understand why teenage pregnancy is such an issue, ill first discuss some of the biggest causes of teenage pregnancy, then, the effects that media has on a teenager's view of teenage pregnancy. Although there is no solid evidence on why this came about, it is assumed that teenagers choose to abstain from . Keep track of your vitamins, doctors appointments, and parenting classes so that your parents dont have to remind you. Its the best way to balance out being a good parent. Background Risk factors for teenage pregnancy are linked to many factors, including a family history of teenage pregnancy. Teenage pregnancy increases high school drop-out rate. Effects of Teen Pregnancy. To help with this, try to plan things ahead of time and budget your time. Responsibility and Maturity. If you are looking for information on finding out if youre actually pregnant, how to tell your parent(s) or boyfriend the news, your three pregnancy options, or teen pregnancy prevention, visit our Pregnant Teen article. If and when people come to know, especially in a country like ours, they may shame the person going through teen pregnancy. The following reasons play a large role in teen pregnancies:-. Lack of sexual education 2. Were your one-stop destination for unraveling the mystery that is love. Though the teenage birth rate has declined steadily since 2009, the young women who go through it experience an incredibly tumultuous period, riddled with mental and physical health complications. This result is in line with studies conducted among adolescents in Mechakal District, Ethiopia, a study from USA and a WHO report which showed that living with both biological parents has a protective effect on the occurrence of teenage pregnancy (17, 28-29). This show encourages teens to become pregnant. However, there are ways that you can stay in college classes and graduate. Parents often need resources to help them . Regular prenatal visits, pursuing a healthy lifestyle (see our article Healthy Teen Pregnancy), and taking childbirth and parenting classes can help to reduce these risks and prepare a young mother (and/or father) for a great pregnancy, birth, and postpartum period. Teenagers often go through a number of emotions because of their own transition from childhood and peer pressure. You may need doctors notes to excuse you from class or to have special bathroom privileges. Our references consist of resources established by authorities in their respective fields. Known as adolescence pregnancy. You may not be able to spend as much time with each person as before, but at least you will have some time with everyone. Teenage pregnancy rates in Manitoba exceed the national; in 2010 teenage pregnancy rates in Canada were 28.2 per 1000, in Manitoba the rate was 48.7 per 1000 . Teenagers face issues that require them to make costly decisions each and every day. If you choose adoption, you will be relatively back to normal again after 9 months and able to continue, perhaps, as planned. The education of the teen mother remains on hold during pregnancy, and some teens even decide to drop out of their high school and find a job to supplement themselves. The following two tabs change content below. Substances are a good way to adjust reality and soften the blow. Or are we going to get married? Follow us at: This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. It is important to garner information from a reliable source, and not blindly follow the internet or Reddit. Some teenage females become pregnant just so they are able to drop out of high school. As compared to other developed nations, the United States has the highest rate of teenage pregnancy, parenthood, and abortion. However, it can be mentally stressful due to finances and trying to get ahead, they add. And unfortunately, teenage pregnancy is viewed as taboo. A teen may not have all the tools necessary to be an adequate mother, which can lead to feeling overwhelmed by the constant needs of the baby. Because Im young, it is important that I make time to still be young. The World Health Organization (WHO) assert that early pregnancies among teenagers have "major health consequences for adolescent mothers and their babies. Pregnancy can takes place in pubertal females. If you are in high school, you probably have a lot of questions about how your life will look now and after you have the baby. Teen pregnancy is defined as pregnancy among girls and young women age 19 years and younger. Taking the right steps during pregnancy to ensure proper care for a baby and continuing on with those ch oices after the baby is born, may require a teen to ask for help beyond themselves. Hence, the mother ends up living in poverty and running the risk of imminent destitution. Lost Social Life Many teens typically lack the skills needed to handle a pregnancy and motherhood. It is best that these pros and cons are discussed to show teens about the possible things that they may encounter once they enter early parenthood, especially when they are still in their young ages. The . Teens may also be in danger of not receiving the right amount of nutrients (such as in prenatal vitamins) during pregnancy. If you are struggling, know that there are temporary assistance programs out there like housing assistance, financial assistance, food stamps, WIC, Medicaid for you/your baby, and many other programs to support citizens in times of need. 8 Tips To Bounce Back Quickly, He Blocked Me On Everything! What Does It Mean And What To Do About It, How To Stop Feeling Empty And Fill The Void, Lovesickness What Is It, Signs, And How To Cope, Your Guide To Dealing With An Angry Person In A Relationship. Call us at 1-800-672-2296 to find a local pregnancy center or maternity home for assistance. Lets talk about your pregnancy Its, Establishing Paternity with Paternity Tests, Can I get pregnant ifand other questions about conception, Products & Tests to Support Your Pregnancy, Supplements and Medications for a Healthy Pregnancy, high blood pressure/pregnancy-induced hypertension, PIH (can lead to preeclampsia), a higher rate of infant mortality (death), Figure out how much things such as baby formula/food and diapers/wipes cost per week and month, and. And instead, the new mom may decide to focus on the baby or getting married rather than pursuing further education. Get your dose of relationship advice from Bonobology right in your inbox. I was sick and in pain for 3 weeks. In Louisiana alone there were 54 per thousand teen births as of 2006. Education may be put on hold when a teen becomes pregnant. This research work is to look into the causes of teenage pregnancy among female students and its effects on academics. 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teenage pregnancy effects