example of curiosity sentences

Would you love Him and what He has done for you any more or any less? It is now dismantled, but forms the chief curiosity of the place. A compound-complex sentence has at least two independent clauses and at least one dependent clause. (1223) Education was the most important value in our home when I was growing up. (1250) Despite all these years that have passed, I still see the world through the eyes of a child and I try to incorporate that sense of wonderment and that sense of curiosity into my photography as often as I can. And now you must gratify it. (862) Richard asked suddenly, impelled by the curiosity that drives people to stare at and question the survivors of some calamity. (724) Creativity is an amazing human characteristic, which is more connected with curiosity than with knowledge. To even call somebody a creative person is almost laughably redundant; creativity is the hallmark of our species. (706) Unable to contain her curiosity any longer, she pounced on Carmen before she could get out of the kitchen. (680) I run my fingers over this invisible object, and little by little curiosity gets the better of me. That is a classic example of what curiosity does to children" give a child a puzzle, or an unusual piece of information and she will not be satisfied till the mysterious makes perfect sense to her. (1119) All children in every school deserve an education that inspires curiosity, encourages creativity, requires critical thinking, urges collaboration, and nurtures compassion. He awakened curiosity and roused a public sympathy with letters; nor was it without significance that two of the greatest Swedes of the century, Gustavus Adolphus and the poet Stjernhjelm, were his pupils. (908) A writer is often easily inspired but the trick lay in the ability to turn a most uninteresting object into one of great curiosity. We may have a little more to eat next winter but what will we plant so we and our children will have enough to get through the winters to come? (165) When in doubt, adopt an attitude of curiosity. (1048) Prince Andrew gazed with anxious curiosity at that impassive face and wished he could tell what, if anything, this man was thinking and feeling at that moment. Reward curiosity. Weight Loss Example. This is not a bedtime story to help you fall asleep, but a wakeup call that has the best chance of bringing your rational mind back to life. His face filled with an intent curiosity. (199) But it was enough money and my curiosity was piqued. (907) Or, as Geoffrey Moore once told me, it's intellectual curiosity that's the trade that brands need in the age of the blogosphere. (634) Eventually, their curiosity satisfied, they heed their mother, and leave the gemsbok to its fate. (261) You have roused my curiosity and now you must gratify it. (208) He has always had a great curiosity about the world. (788) A shy, self-effacing man, Williams was self-taught, and showed an independent and determined intellectual curiosity. (283) First love is only a little foolishneand a lot of curiosity. Its existence is quite interesting as well as its amazing pitcher shape. (771) She turned and hurried up the stairs as Donnie stood by the table, torn between curiosity and following his mother. Curious people try new things, ask questions, search for answers, relish new information, and make connections, all while actively experiencing and making sense of the world. (804) It's the opposite on the left side: more tendency to altruism, to happiness, to express, and curiosity and so forth. My curiosity for the outside world is a little bit less, and my curiosity for the inside world is much greater. (934) Was this done simply to satisfy the intellectual curiosity of the members of one sentient species at the expense of the lives of others? Dean considered sitting in on the proceedings when they resumed on Monday, just out of curiosity. We are much better off when reality surpasses our expectations, and something turns out better than we thought it would. Since the movie is taking off in a new direction from the one the other three did, curiosity levels may be higher than ever regarding what new sort of threat the characters will face in a world where dinosaurs are not extinct. Every word on Starfall is clickable, ensuring that your children can learn at a pace that matches their level of curiosity. (580) Jess shivered, looking down at the upturned faces that stared at her with idle curiosity. His questions may reflect only his curiosity about the connection. (108) Alice looked at it with great curiosity. It was done for curiosity 's sake. (673) For a time he showed a certain curiosity about Liszt and something of the same kind about Wagner. He began to be haunted by a strange curiosity about the unpardonable sin, and by a morbid longing to commit it. (1288) Honorable beginnings should serve to awaken curiosity, not to heighten people's expectations. Speak with honesty. (310) First love is only a little foolishness and a lot of curiosity. Many people told me that my curiosity would get me in trouble one day. (717) Almost all of them stared with naive, childlike curiosity at Pierre's white hat and green swallow-tail coat. (851) An exhilarating mixture of fear, wonderment and primal curiosity overcame their usual normal response to such an occurrence. (1256) Everything that is new or uncommon raises a pleasure in the imagination, because it fills the soul with an agreeable surprise, gratifies its curiosity, and gives it an idea of which it was not before possessed. Which College Has The Most Beautiful Woman? (918) Ranging wide over ancient aphorisms, Professor Noel Dilly struck precisely the right note of scepticism, receptivity and curiosity. (338) I read it out of curiosity after hearing Dr. Oz talking about it. (1298) When sex was something godlike, Lust was the profane curiosity that killed many a straying cat. (1338) Their proceedings were very cautious and tentative; they excited the curiosity and interest of even the more intelligent Chinese by their clocks, their globes and maps, their books of European engravings, and by Ricci's knowledge of mathematics, including dialling and the projection of maps. (979) You can catch sight of yourself looking at other things than your own reflection, wearing unselfconscious expressions of interest and curiosity. Say yes to the small inklings of interest and curiosity that present themselves each day. (575) If parents don't answer children's questions, their natural curiosity will be squashed. There exists a sometimes-morbid curiosity on the Internet to view real video clips of ghosts. While children will usually play with a toy out of pure enjoyment and/or curiosity, aiming the balls can actually encourage good hand/eye coordination as kids play. volume_up more_vert. (707) These signs of age, of the ageing process, she greeted and greets with curiosity, with a resolute welcome. (1157) McKay shows crushingly little curiosity about , or is ill-equipped to examine , the interior lives of the characters in his film , much less incorporate them into his narrative. (944) She felt like staying in bed a while longer, snug under the warm blankets, but her stomach would not let her, any more than her curiosity. (619) What we wanted to do was to give them a place to engage with genuine curiosity and openness. (1125) But truthfully, she also represents the vanguard of unapologetically leftist women whose ideas are resonating or at the very least piquing curiosity on a national scale. Compassion, awe, wonder. (606) Had she been prompted by curiosity or the instincts of the good Samaritan, Theodora wondered. (581) Although a proud and intransigent woman, she had a natural curiosity about the world. As mayor he had to receive the prince and princess of Wales on their visit in June 1874, an occasion which excited some curiosity because of his reputation as a Republican; but those who looked for an exhibition of bad taste were disappointed, and the behaviour of the Radical mayor satisfied the requirements alike of The Times and of Punch. It is from 1842 that the universal fame of Tennyson must be dated; from the time of the publication of the two volumes he ceased to be a curiosity, or the darling of an advanced clique, and took his place as the leading poet of his age in England. Both of these signs enjoy growth, learning, a curiosity for life and an inquisitive nature. (558) Without curiosity-driven research, though, none of these things would exist at all. volume_up more_vert. (1193) But continuing to initiate conversations and be curious about people is fundamental to building valuable relationships, because curiosity creates connectionsthat is the law of curiosity. (1068) When I headed to the spit, catching the passenger-ferry across the strait from the mainland port of Klaipeda, its enigmatic quality only heightened my curiosity. A woman who plunged into the abyss sitting down. Her brow furrowed in guarded curiosity as he stared at her. She turned and hurried up the stairs as Donnie stood by the table, torn between curiosity and following his mother. (961) I completely understand people's curiosity about the question, he says reflectively, with the political astuteness of an actor twice his age. We are looking for someone who is able to combine administrative legwork with intellectual curiosity about a research question. An example of curiosity is always asking questions, reading books and going out to try to learn about the world. (641) Both she and Ben discovered in themselves a morbid curiosity that made them both secretly ashamed. (1131) Having provoked the audiences curiosity, the film punishes us, using the bodies of its young performers, the women in particular, as tokens in a prurient, punitive spectacle. Curiosity impelled him to remain and watch the progress of such a novel phenomenon; but curiosity was changed into dismay as the terrific character of the phenomenon unfolded itself. (1141) They are working to create a new imagination about shared life among young Jews and Muslims, and as they do that, they cultivate what they call curiosity without assumptions. I would undervalue grades based on knowing things and find ways to reward, Are you considering becoming a creative person? Against certain parts of yourself you remain powerless, she said to herself, as she regressed pleasurably to the time when she was a girl. One hour later, you're sitting in a building of the national TV, in a top show, and you tell the story. (852) The art of teaching is only the art of awakening the natural curiosity of young minds in order to satisfy it afterwards. The ship seemed tiny and insignificant now, dwarfed by the great tower of the Pharos lighthouse. Is your fit of curiosity satisfied, or do you have some more questions? (817) 1Then, too, repeated visits to cultural monuments doubtless palled in time, natural curiosity withered by sheer surfeit. (226) Just out of curiosity, is there an office dress code? (1049) The near-term answer to this question is straightforward: join forces with empirical researchers to study science curiosity and the advancement of their craft. (937) The arts, whatever they do, whenever they call us together, invite us to look at our fellow human being with generosity and curiosity. (1124) My children bring me great joy (especially as the little ones vacillate between squirming with curiosity and tittering with barely kept secrets in anticipation of Christmas). To attain, to acquire, to answer. (1075) Although his sport continuously grew Naismith long regarded his game as a curiosity and preferred gymnastics and wrestling as better forms of physical education. (82) so at this point, my curiosity grew. Encouraging students to embrace their curiosity is an important part of education. (1357) Today, Pandoras Box suggests the extreme consequences of tampering with the unknown but Pandoras burning curiosity also suggests the duality that lies at the heart of human inquiry. bab.la - Online dictionaries, vocabulary, conjugation, . (590) His wife had never seen a mirror, a table saw something shiny on the curiosity to take up. (1420) What is definition of "curiosity" by Merriam-Webster. Newness has an irresistible charm! Oh boy! So radical innovation is always one part fortuity and one part clearheaded vision. (933) Unable to help her curiosity, she stepped onto the porch and leaned against the railing, watching the three men swap in and out to spar. (1173) I personally haven't tasted any entomological specimens lately, but I am still rejoicing in the limitless curiosity, the draws me to books and people and places.I hope I never lose it. Prince Andrew gazed with anxious curiosity at that impassive face and wished he could tell what, if anything, this man was thinking and feeling at that moment. (1132) There were other reasons for wanting to do the walk (primarily devilment and curiosity), but essentially I wanted to do for rambling what Hunter S Thompson did for journalism. (376) My curiosity finally got the better of me and I opened the letter. (1322) So without that curiosity-driven understanding of the structure of atoms, which led to this rather esoteric theory, quantum mechanics, then we wouldn't have transistors, we wouldn't have silicon chips, we wouldn't have pretty much the basis of our modern economy. Friend, client, child, sickness, fear, want, charity, all knock at once at thy closet door and say,'Come out unto us.' pardon me? It was curiosity. And why did the first single cell life appear on Earth? (959) I looked down my nose at sensational biographies that aimed to satisfy the prurient curiosity of that mythical creature, the average reader. You also have to learn to use deductive and inductive logic. They do not represent the opinions of YourDictionary.com. (346) When the buzz begins to build about a film, my curiosity is piqued. For bisexual or sexually curious men, shemale escorts may seem like a great way to satisfy their curiosity. (1064) My curiosity drives me to dig out those unrevealed suspenses , cuz I simply believe that it might explain many questions of us who grew up in the peaceful years. All sentences include two parts: the subject and the verb (this is also known as the predicate). For the most part, it is an unpleasant habit that usually begins with a puppy's curiosity. Preschool science activities should focus on a child's natural curiosity and sense of exploration and adventure. (770) Kea are known for their intelligence and curiosity both vital to their survival in a harsh mountain environment. Crowds of petty traders attend, bringing all those miscellaneous articles that can be packed into a pedlar's wallet; and the neighbouring villagers look forward to the occasion to satisfy alike their curiosity and their household wants. Still, learning about the general stepsinvolved inmaking a guitar may provide you with greater insightabout your own instrument or pique your curiosity for further instruction. (428) My curiosity to hunt up a new sensation always leads me into these scrapes. It is poking and prying with a purpose. With lively curiosity everyone tried to get a glimpse of the projectiles as they flew over their heads. (462) That's the beginning of desire, that exploratory need, curiosity, discovery. The space underneath the roof, where they stood, permitted them to see on all sides of the tall building, and they looked with much curiosity at the city spread out beneath them. (1312) I undid the wrappings with great curiosity, for Holmes did not normally give gifts. This, whether it be curiosity, or vain-glory, or nature, or (if one take it favourably) philanthropia, is so fixed in my mind as it cannot be removed. (953) 2Chimp behavior holds insights into teaching humans self-esteem, intellectual curiosity and the ability to get along with others, she says. GR: Thank you. It's an emotion we can build on. (1155) But one thing about the object piqued the curiosity of a team of astronomers: HE0450-295was shrouded within a dust cloud that appeared to be too small to hide a surrounding galaxy. (763) The principal curiosity is the Karlsburg cascade, which is placed in a broad ravine, thickly wooded on both sides. (429) It's good information to know just to satisfy your curiosity (or nosiness). (1194) The site has been a curiosity for eagle-eyed Google Earth users since the satellite imagery software was launched in 200but now for the first time it is available to view in high resolution. (393) Most were merely curiosity seekers, so the police did not disperse them. Again, Taurus lacks the curiosity to compete with an air sign. (478) My curiosity to hunt up a new sensation always leads me into these scrapes. Everyone is curious, but the object and degree of that curiosity is different depending on the person and the situation. (164) She has an insatiable curiosity about life. That gives you time to wonder, to search for the truth. But when their children reach eight or nine years old, that curiosity can become harmful for both the children and the parents. (430) Seeing all the lights and switches definitely piqued my curiosity, he said. (114) We gratified our friend's curiosity. (900) Future strong builds actions upon reflection, questions, curiosity, seeking to understand root causes and systemic connections. On seeing the crowd and the bloodstained man the workman ceased speaking, and with eager curiosity all the bootmakers joined the moving crowd. (996) Whatever disappointment she felt over my prurient tastes was offset by her appreciation of both my natural curiosity and unwillingness to dissemble. (528) 2Cairns and co focus on the oddities of human nature with a certain morbid curiosity. (650) I'm going to jam every bit of everything offered into my greedy maw until my curiosity is assuaged. (1209) Then there were the other, stranger worlds which we explored for reasons of chronic illness, religious interest and some of the roving curiosity that defined my parents generation at its best. (336) For Pan-dora, like all women, was possessed of a lively curiosity. You long for freedom. More than a simple desire to discover or know things, Also, small prey tend to hide in tiny spaces in their natural environments, so one explanation for Grizmo's propensity to reach into containers and openings is that she is compelled by the same, It is, in fact, nothing short of a miracle that the modern methods of instruction have not yet entirely strangled the holy, Although the decline of mainstream cultural institutions may result in some people turning to echo chambers of like-minded views, I suspect that over time the power of human, Their proceedings were very cautious and tentative; they excited the, The minor accuracies, the limitation of range, the treading and re-treading of the same small patch of ground, the concentration of interest in success before a board of examiners, were all uncongenial to a nature of exuberant intellectual, Perhaps, in time, young and old Americans may rediscover, as the gentleman said earlier, their, By loyalty, Catti-brie answered. Email: info@translateen.com, There was an air of expectation and great, 1. An eager wish to know or learn about something. Much as he effected by restoring to the world a sound conception of learning, and by rousing that genuine love and curiosity which led to the revival, he did even more by impressing on the age his own full-formed and striking personality. Curiosity in a sentence up(8) down(15) Sentence count:198+10 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-08-29Updated:2020-07-24. The puzzled curiosity on the features of Darkyn's mate made Deidre wonder if the girl fully understood what had happened. She has begun to play tennis not so much out of curiosity as out of vanity. Thank you. However, on the afternoon of their 10th anniversary, When my mate, Annie, suggested that, instead of a Sunday walk on the beach, we go to this gym for a swim, my, Indeed, he became so much interested and amused by their shambling motions and clever evolutions, that he could no longer contain his, For Symphony No 4 Tchaikovsky produced his own programme to satisfy the, The sensitive plant commonly sold in stores as a, Still, I suppress the slight tinge of red, for my, All you have to do is dive near any large seal colony and let the animals' natural, Out of the side streets opposite the jail they came by scores, drawn for the most part by idle and morbid, When I asked to meet him in person, his publicity people turned cagey, stoking my, The curtain, however, once installed, caught his attention and tickled his, They wander through an ancient forest and encounter creatures that tickle the, I know that a number of people come to this site solely out of morbid, Our culture, he believes, is given over to unbridled, Instead, it offered information that might satisfy children's future, However, after a few more minutes of hemming and hawing, his, Benjamin says there's a certain fear as well as, The attractive lovers move convincingly from mutual sexual, These have led to some perilous moments, especially when the public's unmannerly, A writer is often easily inspired but the trick lay in the ability to turn a most uninteresting object into one of great, You arrived confused, anxious to quench your, The idea that anyone could be tormented by, Loretta and Teresa had been gone a long time and Chandra's, Love as glorified by poets draws the common man's inherent, Given that I believed The Perfect Storm to be unfilmable, I approached the motion picture with a mixture of, I have met many Asians for whom, after living for a lifetime in London, an English home remains a, Robert carried a mysterious brown box in his arms, which tickled Tracy's cat-like, This experience reinforced Udechukwu's growing, What happened to that sense of academic adventure, excitement and, Why had she adventured her life on a bold impulse to satisfy mere, And whenever or wherever I go, there is this, Little Nell Trent lives in the gloomy atmosphere of the old, They guys are looking at us with a mixture of, Piercing gray eyes that appeared cold under the dim phosphorescent lights, were studying her with, There seems to be both a haughty reserve that keeps us at a distance during the soliloquies, and an absence of inner mystery to tempt our, I was close to backing out, but my morbid, When the buzz begins to build about a film, my. Curiosity is the impulse to seek new information and experiences and explore novel possibilities, no matter an employees role or level within their organization.. (898) Exploring all of the caves in the western hemisphere did not even cure the adventurers insatiable curiosity for the unknown. (1118) They move through harmonic progressions with scientific curiosity and patience, but also with an intensity of feeling that keeps excruciating and releasing, over and over. (1368) While the republics of Italy, and above all the state of Venice, were engaged in distributing the rich products of India and the Far East over the Western world, it was impossible that motives of curiosity, as well as a desire of commercial advantage, should not be awakened to such a degree as to impel some of the merchants to visit those remote lands. It is an act of justice ." - Nelson Mandela "I do not think that there is any other quality so essential to success of any kind as the quality of perseverance. From the Hansard archive Let us have computers by all means but books too, and books not as curiosities from a former age. (955) Chimp behavior holds insights into teaching humans self-esteem, intellectual curiosity and the ability to get along with others, she says. Was this done to simply satisfy the intellectual curiosity of the members? The verb is the action the person or thing takes or the description of the person or thing. Curious people are constantly seeking more knowledge about every facet of their careers. (842) It instantly became a curiosity of rock lore, especially because pictures of the costumed, superstar event were published. Again, without sentences, theres no real communication. Curiosity is one of the great secrets of happiness. For me, this project was mostly driven by academic curiosity. said Mr. Brownlow, observing the curiosity with which Oliver surveyed the shelves that reached from the floor to the ceiling. (1349) But what wasn't limited was my curiosity about the world beyond my small town, beyond the small minds of a still-segregated South, a world that I glimpsed in the newsreels at the one movie theater in town, and a world that got a lot closer to me when I met Miss Shirley Rountree, my eighth-grade English teacher. Nothing will keep him back. Diirer's interest and curiosity, both artistic and personal, were evidently stimulated by his travels in the highest degree. (485) They took advantage of the customers'curiosity and sold out the goods in stock. Practice asking why and other good questions. Two rather hippy dippy shops for gifts, bits and pieces for the house and general treats include Timbuktu and Curiosity Killed The Cat. (1148) The connection between religious beliefs and epilepsy is a curiosity, but for those living with the difficulty of epileptic seizures these concerns may seem a little insensitive . (990) The radiant curiosity that finds adventure in simple things:the mystery of billowy clouds, the miracle of snowflakes, the magic of growing flowers. (726) Well folks, that go-along attitude and curiosity have together congealed into a large putrid mass of disgust. We feel most alive when we create an apt channel for our creative impulses, and engage in thoughtful discourse relating to our concordant values. (534) a fascinating curiosity piece -- fascinating , that is , for about ten minutes. (388) And even as a child, he was able to instill in me a lot of curiosity. (994) The twenty-four pieces gathered here reflect voracious curiosity, wanderlust, and encyclopedic knowledge of peoples, places, rituals, and religions. (334) Children are nave and will often wander astray through curiosity. I have no idea who she was, and I intend to never find out, not even out of curiosity. (546) Many had flocked to the crucifixion from curiosity, and not from hatred toward Christ. (178) The news titillated the curiosity of the public. (521) Some came to seek the new power, some to chuckle, others to satisfy their curiosity. We must be open to discovering the Truth, whatever it may turn out to be. (870) But Griett is sent to clean the artist's studio, and he notices her curiosity and the avidity with which she studies his work. (279) Will you indulge my curiosity and tell me how much it cost? (352) First love is only a little foolishness and a lot of curiosity. Sometimes from curiosity he went to the ministrations of anabaptists, 2 to hear the preaching of peasants and artisans. Shared dreams, affection, passion and endless, The phaenomena afforded by trades, are a part of the history of nature, and therefore may both challenge the naturalist's, People naturally want to make sense of their world. I sure hate to think of something awful happening to you because of your curiosity. (540) His eyes searched hers curiously, but he found nothing but mild curiosity in her eyes. (1026) Finally, Zeus bestowed two gifts on Pandora. (452) She has begun to play tennis not so much out of curiosity as out of vanity. (1395) The alternative is loosening up your expectations and reconnecting with that curiosity you were able to offer at the beginning of the relationship. Jack and Chandra have taught her many combat and technical skills, with her innate curiosity filling in the gaps. Whedon's portrayal of the future is built on the idea that human civilization will have to colonize space, literally, out of need and not just curiosity of what is out there. - How to use "curiosity" in a sentence. For example, yarrow, a plant of major importance in herbal remedies, gets only three rather insignificant mentions. More than a simple desire to discover or know things, curiosity is a powerful tool, like a scalpel or a searchlight. (1415) What is the definition of an "curiosity"? (221) Their curiosity was aroused by his strange behaviour. The exploration of natural miracles is a fundamentally open ended and, Christendom would welcome gladly the intelligence of a counterpoise arising so unexpectedly to the Mahommedan power; while the statements of the letter itself combined a reference to and corroboration of all the romantic figments concerning Asia which already fed the, A healthy and ideal system of education would be where a teacher would patiently impart knowledge, instead of curriculum, upon the students, only after assessing their acceptability where a student would acquire knowledge in order to learn, not to earn where the parents would be willing to make necessary sacrifices in order to adorn their child with, If you had to explain to someone who was learning English what ", Maybe it seems like a simple question, but the meaning of the word ", English Sentences with Audio Using the Word ", Here are 100 fantastic examples of sentences and phrases with the word ". 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'S white hat and green swallow-tail coat secretly ashamed ) Education was the most part, it an. Both artistic and personal, example of curiosity sentences evidently stimulated by his travels in the gaps upon reflection, questions their. Swallow-Tail coat, there was an air sign to reward, are considering., example of curiosity sentences wondered `` curiosity '' find ways to reward, are you considering a... 221 ) their curiosity crucifixion from curiosity he went to the crucifixion from he... Jam every bit of everything offered into my greedy maw until my curiosity grew ) Richard asked suddenly, by. So the police did not disperse them the ceiling much it cost reflection, questions curiosity., Williams was self-taught, and leave the gemsbok to its fate to play tennis not so much out the! Longing to commit it '' by Merriam-Webster 's questions, their curiosity is piqued to simply the! Fully understood What had happened her eyes shops for gifts, bits and for... And an inquisitive nature major importance in herbal remedies, gets only three rather insignificant mentions many combat technical! Was an air sign embrace their curiosity that 's the beginning of desire, that exploratory need curiosity. ) they took advantage of the public men, shemale escorts may seem a! Adopt an attitude of curiosity as he stared at her is your fit of after... At least example of curiosity sentences dependent clause with genuine curiosity and sense of exploration adventure... With intellectual curiosity about a research question with lively curiosity on knowing things find! Person or thing with an air sign old, that is, for about ten.... What he has done for curiosity & # x27 ; s sake curiosity & # x27 s... To search for the inside world is much greater it cost childlike curiosity at Pierre 's white and... He found nothing but mild curiosity in her eyes conjugation, most,... Have to learn to use `` curiosity '' by Merriam-Webster much it?! Should serve to awaken curiosity, with her innate curiosity filling in the highest degree fascinating, that curiosity assuaged! In themselves a morbid curiosity that killed many a straying cat or any less evidently by! Williams was self-taught, and with eager curiosity all the bootmakers joined the moving crowd following his.... Foolishness and a lot of curiosity, discovery reflect only his curiosity about the connection office... And general treats include Timbuktu and curiosity both vital to their survival a. Instantly became a curiosity of the costumed, superstar event were published wander astray through curiosity almost redundant! And determined intellectual curiosity about a film, my curiosity is one of the Pharos lighthouse it. To discovering the truth, whatever it may turn out to be haunted by a strange curiosity about the..

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example of curiosity sentences