The written treaty ceded roughly 130,000 km of land from the Rocky Mountains to the west, the Cypress Hills to the east, the Red Deer River to the north, and the US border to the south. [33] They also wanted the government to be held accountable for the depleted food supplies within the indigenous territories. Chief Beardy, a spiritual leader known to possess, Little Pine and Big Bear were opposed to Treaty negotiations because they believed that the buffalo could still be preserved and that there was a need to regulate the hunting of the buffalo from non-First Nations. In Morris address he described the governments genuine concern for the welfare of their Indian brothers and sisters and asked them to take his words with much thought and to look to the future, what I will promise, and what I believe and hope you will take, is to last as long as the sun shines and yonder rivers flow. (Stonechild and Waiser 15). He died January 17, 1888 and is buried in the Poundmaker cemetery. Although, the Chiefs were waiting for the government for some years now to address them, they were still uneasy of what the future held for their people as they were about to embark on a new way of living. When Canada acquired the lands of the Hudsons Bay Company (HBC) in 1869 (see Ruperts Land), the Plains Indigenous peoples of present-day central Saskatchewan, including the Cree, Ojibweand Assiniboine, became concerned about the federal governments intentions with this land and with the Indigenous peoples who lived on it. The event was organized to commemorate the signing of Treaty No. It belonged to no one man and could not be sold (Christensen 146). This became one of many classic misinterpretations of the Treaty process as viewed in history. What were the main terms of Treaty 6? Not all Plains Cree would sign the treaty at first, and many would become disillusioned after signing. The father of the child would ask Cree Shamans with spiritual powers to help with the naming process. Chief Mistawasis and Chief Ahtahkakoop represented the Carlton Cree. (, A few months after the Pitt meeting, Chief Sweetgrass was shot and killed by accident with the gun presented to him as a treaty gift, at the hands of his best friend. We Send these words by our Master Mr.Christie, in whom we have every confidence that is all., "Great Father, Let us be friendly. What was the outcome of Chief Sweetgrass signing Treaty 6? On 27 July 1876, Morris left for Fort Carlton to negotiate a treaty with the Plains Indigenous peoples of Saskatchewan. If more than themselves was frustrated and treaties when trust have worked among . They hunted in the same territory and would often hunt and camp together. Commemorate the historic ties between the Confederacy of Treaty Six First Nations and the City of Edmonton. For the first three years after the signing of the treaty, Indigenous peoples farming on reserves were entitled to $1,000 in agricultural provisions. When Treaty 6 was negotiated in 1876 between the Cree Nation and the Dominion of Canada on behalf of the British Crown, Big Bear was not summoned by Canada and arrived after the Treaty was concluded. The rest of the Cree assembled there three days later. The peak of the conflict came in 1861 when the Blackfoot had threatened to kill any Cree, Metis, or white man whom they stumbled upon. The City of Edmonton acknowledges the traditional land on which we reside, is in Treaty Six Territory. [30] Another was that the government should stop supplying weapons to the Blackfeet who were his tribe's enemy. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. He was succeeded by his son, Apseenes (Young Sweet Grass); he was unable to hold the band together, which began to splinter. Schools were to be established on reserves. (Christensen 234), Once everyone was assembled at the Council tent, the pipe stem ceremony began with all the Chiefs, headmen, singers, and drummers. The First Nations assembled near the Chiefs tents, to the sound of beating drums and the discharge of small arms, singing, dancing, and loud speaking going on at the same time, as told by A.G. Jackes secretary to the Treaty Commisoner. They believed that their people would suffer if they did not negotiate a treaty with the federal government. However, this likely happened because he was born in a Cree Camp. In 1870 Sweetgrass allowed himself to be baptized and was given the name Abraham.[28]. One of the main questions is whether the signatories truly understood the concept of land cession. Interpreter, Peter Erasmus, now employed with the government and travelling with the Treaty party translated the terms of the Treaty signed. He was unable to hold the band together, which began to splinter. His goal was to spread the Roman Catholic faith to the Western parts of Canada. Under the leadership of Young Sweet Grass, the band began to fall apart due to internal conflict. The iconography on the commemorative medals for Treaty 6 symbolizes: A.Two sovereign nations making peace and sharing the land forever B.The equality of all peoples under God C.The transfer of land and resources for material goods D.The dominance of the British Crown in negotiations and afterward A [52] In Cree cultural the chiefs do not always hold the legal right to make choices for the entire band. On the afternoon of July 27, 1876, the Honourable Alexander Morris and his treaty party left Fort Garry (present day Winnipeg) and headed northwest along Carlton trail to the Hudsons Bay Company trading post Fort Carlton (Stonechild and Waiser 10). 3 What happened when Chief Sweetgrass signed Treaty 6? Commemorate the historic ties between the Confederacy of Treaty Six First Nations and the City of Edmonton. He agreed that in the first three years of settlement on their reserves, the government would help in the sum of one thousand dollars to assist in planting their farms. In addition, a medicine chest was to be stored at the house of the Indian agent on the reserves, and rations were to be awarded in times of famine and pestilence.. He was unable to hold the band together, which began to splinter. The negotiations began at a traditional camping area the Crees called pehonanik or the waiting place, located a mile and half from the Fort (, Once everyone was assembled at the Council tent, the pipe stem ceremony began with all the Chiefs, headmen, singers, and drummers. Michael Asch, On Being Here to Stay: Treaties and Aboriginal Rights in Canada (2014). [12] The name Cree represents a general ethnic group, however, there are several different tribes based on region and dialect. Gov. Aboriginal has been an umbrella term used by Canadians and Canadian institutions for convenience. John A. Macdonald had to protect the west from American expansion after they bought Alaska in 1867 (Natural Resources Canada). Chief Sweetgrass (Weekaskookwasayin) signed Treaty 6 on September 9, 1876, with the Fort Pitt Indians but was killed about six months later. He also agreed to give agricultural implements. He was succeeded by his son, Apseenes (Young Sweet Grass). (Dodson 19), Honourable Alexander Morris, Lieutenent -Governor of Manitoba, North-WestTerritories (later Saskatchewan and Alberta) and Keewatin. The government had two interpreters; Reverend McKay, who knew Swampy Cree and Saulteaux, and Peter Ballenden, who was a good interpreter in small groups but did not do so well in large group settings. The overall goal that Sweet Grass wanted to achieve was an end to factionalism that had been plaguing the Plains Cree for years. Although Treaty 6 was significant in advancing the settlement of the lands, First Nations faced difficult times ahead and the promises of Treaty were never fully realized to present day. Later that year, Sweet Grass was converted to Roman Catholicism by Father Albert Lacombe and was baptized with the Christian name Abraham. A messenger was sent for Sweetgrass, but it is unknown why Big Bear and Little Pine didnt receive the message. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. Signing up enhances your TCE experience with the ability to save items to your personal reading list, and access the interactive map. They wanted assurance of their spiritual and physical survival (Price 20). The Chiefs that were present waited for other Chiefs and their followers to arrive, but Big Bear, Sweetgrass, and Little Pine were hunting on the prairies at the time. As a well respected Cree leader during a time of strife, Sweet Grass attempted to lead his people as best as he could. The two messengers, Rev. By 1870 chief Sweet Grass would begin to become more integrated into Canadian society. It was due to both Lacombe's understanding of Cree culture and the growing desperation of the Cree, he would be able to convert many of the Cree to the Roman Catholic faith. Thank you to the University of Regina Press for providing these resources to share with the community. When Treaty 6 was put forward by the Canadian government in 1876, Sweetgrass was profoundly influential in bringing the Plains Cree into the agreement. [9] Children did not spend much time with their parents growing up, rather with their grandparents. At the beginning of 1870, buffalo were plentiful within the plains. Medals, flags, and uniforms were presented as well as treaty payments. What is the difference between Treaty 6 and Treaty 7? Treaty 6 was signed by Crown representatives and Cree, Assiniboine and Ojibwe leaders on 23 August 1876 at Fort Carlton, Saskatchewan, and on 9 September 1876 at Fort Pitt, Saskatchewan. Michael Asch, Aboriginal and Treaty Rights in Canada (2011). It remained to be seen whether it was a bad omen. Treaties are the law of the land in the relationship between First Nations and the rest of Canada. , Saskatchewan, and on 9 September 1876 at, , Saskatchewan. They believed that the land was sacred. Wah-wee-kah-oo-tah-mah-hote was chief from 1876 to 1883: but he was deposed in 1884 and Young Sweet Grass became chief. Chief Sweet Grass' legacy remains as the prime negotiator in the meetings for the signing of Treaty 6 before being integrated into Canadian society. It is ours and we will take what we want. The Cree resoundingly approved of Pitikwahanapiwiyins statements, waving their hands and cheering. [1] The exact date and place of his birth is unrecorded. [22] Days of fighting ensued however, both chiefs managed to survive.[23]. We invite you to come and see us and to speak with us. [29] Naturally, this angered many indigenous communities who were more inclined to fight back than work with the government. While the signing of the treaty can be seen as selling away indigenous rights, it did bring much-needed medication and food to the Cree who had insufficient options. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. In order to attract the governments attention, in July 1875, the Cree stopped members of the Geological Survey in North Saskatchewan from moving any farther through their territory. Included would be a medicine chest kept at the Indian Agents homes for the use of the First Nations but at the discretion of the Indian Agent. . [24] Additionally, as the Hudson's Bay Company moved into the prairies, the fur trade offered an extremely important source of income and goods for the Cree. We heard our lands were sold and we did not like it; we don't want to sell our lands; it is our property, and no one has the right to sell them. Until recent memory, the Plains Cree were masters of their territory, which included much of present-day central Saskatchewan and Alberta. [27] During the 1860s he moved farther west and would come into contact with Sweet Grass and his band. Much reserve land was lost to dishonest deals by the Indian agents. [54] There was limited understanding on the level of Canadian settlement that was going to happen, and limited knowledge on how indigenous people would be restricted from the land. Chief Sweetgrass and Ki-he-win sent this letter to Lieutenant-Governor Archibald: Great Father, I shake hands with you, and bid you welcome. [2] Due to this, Sweet Grass was not Cree and was Crow. However, he was too late; the treaty had already been signed. Chief Sweet Grass (Weekaskookwasayin) signed. As a result of Big Bears words and stance in opposition to Treaty, the government began to see him as a threat. Chief Sweetgrass (Weekaskookwasayin) signed Treaty 6 on September 9, 1876, with the Fort Pitt Indians but was killed about six months later. Morris did not understand that Chief Beardy and the Willow Cree declined to negotiate Treaty because it did not follow Beardy's vision, not because of the treaty itself. The pipe stem was presented to the Governor and Treaty Commissioners where they stroked the stem. Children typically lived a carefree and adventurous childhood. He reminded them that the buffalo were disappearing and that they would have to learn to farm to feed themselves. He reminded them that the buffalo were disappearing and that they would have to learn to farm to feed themselves. Young men would attach themselves to a hunter or warrior that they admired and followed or shadowed them in performing tasks. It does not store any personal data. A few months after the Pitt meeting, Chief Sweetgrass was shot and killed by accident with the gun presented to him as a treaty gift, at the hands of his best friend. "Big Bear, Ahtahkakoop, and Mistawasis were the most vocal leaders to stop the developments on their lands. Our Legacy Treaties: Negotiations and Rights, Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada Typed Transcript of Treaty 6 Text, Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada Map of Canada in 1876, The Confederacy of Treaty Six First Nations Learn More About Treaty 6 Indigenous Peoples, The Encyclopedia of Saskatchewan Treaty 6. Our country is getting ruined of fur-bearing animals, hitherto or sole support, and now we are poor and want help we want you to pity us. To cede land (the act of cession) is to give up or surrender the authority to control and own that land. If they were convinced of guilt the council would pass sentence, normally either execution or compensation in goods and land. Rather than promising schools on reserve, the only guarantee was that the government would pay the salary of teachers. They believed that the land was sacred. [54] Those who signed Treaty Six argue that understanding the treaty can only be understood when put into a context of the discussions that occurred during the treaty-making process. Chief Sweet Grass (Weekaskookwasayin) signed Treaty 6 on . Big Bear and Little Pine also believed in the sovereignty of their own Nations and were opposed to the idea of another Nation governing and applying their laws to them. That is all.. He worked with other chiefs and bands to participate in raids with enemy tribes. By participating, the leaders also took an oath to be truthful during the proceedings. As the treaty process never included women in the discussion it ignored an important cultural pressure. After explaining the treaty terms, the Duck Lake chiefs and headmen also signed the treaty. Claiming lands for the sake of the tribe b. The bearer of the sacred stem Wah-wee-kah-nich-ka-oh-tah-mah-hote (the man you strike on the back) carried the decorated pipe stem, and walked slowly along the semi circle of people to the front. In August 1876, among the first to arrive at Fort Carlton were Chiefs Ahatahkakoop, Mistawasis and their followers (, Gov. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". Morris said little to ease the concerns of Beardy and promised that they too would receive the same as the other bands including agricultural assistance for a new way of life. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. [50] The primary goal of the raid was to get supplies, but it after some pushback from the settlers it quickly became violent. The days of bison hunting were coming to an end, and the Cree needed help adjusting to new modes of life; the treaty provided them with that opportunity. Released early due to a health breakdown, Big Bear sought sanctuary amongst the remnants of his tribe of the Poundmakers and Little Pine Reserve. In 1860, a member of the Plains Cree had killed a Blackfoot chief, which had sparked a war against them. James Rodger Miller, Compact, Contract, Covenant: Aboriginal Treaty-making in Canada (2009). There typically was a large number of warriors within a band and these men held extremely high prestige. In achieving this, the government had to get permission from the First Nations in the area to surrender their lands and in doing so had to negotiate a Treaty with them. The aim of peace and friendship treaties (1725-1779) to stabilize trade and relations. [53] Many of the Cree who participated in the treaty were unable to understand legal English. According to the notes of the commissions secretary, M.G. [4] Warriors consistently taunted him due to his stature within the village. Mistawasis further said, The prairies have not been darkened by the blood of our white brothers in our time, let this always be so. Chief Sweet Grass (Weekaskookwasayin) signed Treaty 6 on September 9, 1876, with the Fort Pitt Indians, but was killed about six months later. Chief Sweet Grass (Weekaskookwasayin) signed Treaty 6 on September 9, 1876, with the Fort Pitt Indians, but was killed about six months later. The legacy of Treaty 6 continues to affect the Cree till the modern day. He said that the land set aside for their reserves would be held in trust by the Queen, one square mile for every family of five. Poundmaker, a Councilor from Red Pheasants band, stood up and protested, This is our land, not a piece of pemmican to be cut off and given in little pieces. The Sweetgrass Nation was settled into the land West of the township Battleford, Saskatchewan in 1884. On January 11, 1877, Sweet Grass had an argument with his brother after the signing of treaty six. Governor Morris stated that there would be strong laws enforced through the North West Mounted Police. Who signed treaty 11? John A. Macdonald had to protect the west from American expansion after they bought Alaska in 1867 (Natural Resources Canada). Baptized with the naming process, flags, and Mistawasis were the vocal! During the proceedings Roman Catholic faith to the notes of the Treaty signed,! Would what was the outcome of chief sweetgrass signing treaty 6 strong laws enforced through the North west Mounted Police plentiful within the village, Contract, Covenant Aboriginal... 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