In addition, please answer the following: Do you feel that you adequatelyfeared for your characters life while having a firearm pointed at you at close range and getting on your bike to drive off? Additionally, doyou feel you properly valued your character's life in the given situation? is that allowed? I believe that ID 69 thinks that because he claimed to have a bomb, he was exempt to the fear rp rules of the server. Hello ID 76 Here for the first reason that i ran out of the store : when he entered the store he didnt have a gun in his hand in my eye so i didnt see the gun on himi just saw that he is telling us get out of store even i realized it when he came into the store cause he was just saying get out of store before coming to store and i didnt understand that he was meaningus . while being chased my passenger ID 84 was shooting at SDs tires that were pursuing us at multiple times in the pursuit. My character was not ICly intimidated by OTF, while attempting to spray their block. Our voice chat based server will provide you the best playing experience! 12. This is a case of desync not fear RP. once again if ID 98 had not script abused / typed while injured without using /low he would not have figured out i was an imposter. Powered by Invision Community. *Video evidence URL* The first turn is completely unintentional and in no way am I attempting to hit ID 161 nor did I even really hit him, the Alamo is ass and turns like a freighter. While often hosting about 200 players at a time, the player count can reach up to 300 and over during the weekends. How did the player break the rule(s)? If the reporting party suffered a loss greater than $25,000 in value, feel free to file arefund requestfollowing therefund request guidelines and format. Meatshop is not their official HQ. Ruleplaying | Taunting a player in a populated area in an attempt to bait a reaction for a potential shootout. Be honest and do not liein yourreply. If you have received a punishment that you disagree with, feel free to file a punishment appeal following the punishment appeal guidelines and format. While surrounded by police officers with multiple heavy weapons aimed at him, ID 69 decided to just run away to a house, take a vehicle from a garage, and attempt to evade. The following people will be tagged/notified to give their side of the story within the next24 hours: What happens if the person does not respond? 5) ID 92 comes to our HQ which is known, hits me a first time, doesnt deny the accusation words are exchanged they drive off and then intentionally hits me a second time.6) This is another example of their continued OOC toxicity and attitude through out the entire Roleplay situation, which they have already been warned for. There are "freelance jobs" which are the basic minimum wage jobs that players can get without applying. When you are in a car which engine is not stalled. @Scrapperadd my discord mills#0999 and send me the footage. @Billy ValentineFear RP is not just about "up-close and personal" with a weapon against your character; it is any situation where your character's safety is threatened and is subject to be ended in matter of moments. Your characters name: Jesus Reyes Additionally, after the player failed to comply with demands, the reporting player decidedto open fire on him due to their non-compliancewith the "demands", which in this context, it was a breach of the DM rules. Date of interaction reported: 17/Dec/2022 Fear Roleplay (FRP) Fear roleplay is the concept of roleplaying fear for your character's safety and life. By using this site, you agree to our Terms of Use and our Privacy Policy. When I confronted ID 161 about this he attempts to punch me to where we do a diceroll and I RP'ly dodged the attempt. Additionally, doyou feel you properly valued your character's life in the given situation? Additionally, I would like to remind the reported party of FRP as it is not promising from their answer. If you feel they are only there to bait shootouts and not engage in roleplay, gather evidence and report it or alert faction handlers for that specific gang. We have placed cookies on your device to help make this website better. A player is not showing proper fear if they run while on foot/bike or in an unpowered vehicle and a weapon is aimed at them at close range. Otherwise, the conclusion of this report is final. Other player(s) involved: -. I could not see you typing from my pov at the time I decided to run. The final rule regarding any plotline is that it cannot be shoved into the way of an existing plotline. Vehicle Deathmatching | Intentionally hitting another player off their bike when NOT in an active shootout. Just replying to the question above, which looks like it was posted at the same time I replied. Game mechanics: the rules of the roleplay. Due to the above explanation, these punishments will be issued. But I digress. Administrator MarcoD& Senior Support thrax. i've had encounters with this person frequently and evetimehe looses or dies he pm me to save POV and his friends show up. If an attacker lowers their weapon to type, victims which were under fear RP remain as so. In addition, there was escalation as to why my gang and I were there which is noted in my first reply. Overview. This concept is most commonly used in DarkRP, but it is also used in other gamemodes such as HL2RP. 1) Nick Valentine a member of OTF shot and killed my friend at Public Parking, in which OTF shows up to back him up 2) Me and my gang go looking for them at a known public spot they like to hang out (which is not their HQ) 3) I attempt to RP and look for Nick Valentine 4) they tell me to leave or they will kill me, words are exchanged where me and my gang ultimately leave. ((OTF LEADER in Ballas actual HQ being very aggressive. Specific rule(s) broken: Fear RP is showing appropriate care and concern to preserve your character's safety and life. hours, this report will be concluded based on the evidence that has already been provided, to the best of our ability. he takes off towards popular street hitting one our members elegy who accidently pulled in front of the exit not realizing the guy was rushing out like that. As a victim, whose life is in direct danger: You must display reasonable value for your life and comply with the demands of your attacker. I have notified the player in game. During the "typing", you must act as if the other party had not stopped whatever they were doing before hand; whether it is aiming a gun at you, frisking you, talking to you.. etc, and you must allow them time to finish whatever they are typing then you're free to resume progressing your RP scenario. Date of interaction reported: 24/03/2020 Lets remember that as we interact with each other on not only the game but on the forums. The fact that Im not nitpicking and issuing punishments over any of this means Im willing to allow those involved to learn from it and hopefully not do it again. Hector2Fingers, October 20, 2022 in Archive, Player(s) being reported: Billy_Valentine [ID 69] turning his wheel into our elegy who was trying to get ahead of the chase. Thats when my fellow gang members came to back me up. This whole situation could have been played out much better whilst abiding by the rules. Unix time stamp from HUD: 1671663784. Additionally, I would like to remind the reported party of FRP as it is not promising from their answer. No active shootout, and 2. Links - Link to my Roleplay G. Fear Roleplay (FRP) Fear Roleplay is the concept of showing appropriate care and concern to prese. Fear Roleplay (FRP). Player(s) being reported:ID 44, - Part 1 ID161 Tagging ainsi How do you join GTA Roleplay? GTSDeathClutch, December 21, 2022 in Archive, Player(s) being reported: ID 93 Eclipse Rp Gta V Roleplaying Server. You will meet all sorts of new people from all around Los Santos. Adventure: the game, but limited to a single story or plot set by the GM. By using this site, you agree to our Terms of Use and our Privacy Policy. For example, being uninjured after crashing a motor vehicle or telling a player he is knocked out after punching him once. Fear Roleplay is the concept of showing appropriate care and concern to preserve your character's safety and life. As stated above, no further inquiry is needed at this time. [@Scrapper] Jordan_Moore [37] - Please explain your side of the story and provide any additional evidence that you may have. Date of interaction reported: 25/01/2023 Within the evidence provided, it can be seen that a member of the niners gang Domonic_Banks [161] approaches OTFs HQ and plants himself by a wall. Examples (but not limited to), where your characters life is NOT considered to be in direct danger: When you are in a car which engine is not stalled. A gun is being pointed at you, so you have to surrender. Specific rule (s) broken: FEAR RP. Valve Corporation. Any and all footage is appreciated! We aim for balanced gameplay through this rule, and it may not be representative of real life at times. With over Senior Support PopTarts. Powered by Invision Community. How did the player break the rule(s)? Once you find . Mafia City Roleplay. It is common for gang members to mix over radio to either troll or to try and reference a rule IC - this should not be occurring. Direct danger could mean, for example, a gun aimed at your head or at you from close vicinity, by any player. Fear roleplay, commonly abbreviated 'FearRP', is the concept that your character is afraid to die. Did the reporting party lose any items worth above 25.000 dollars as a result of this report? I decided to go to the store get a spray can and come back to meat shop to tag it. After reviewing this report and evidence attached to it, we've decided to accept this report and issue these punishments to the following player(s): Antonio_Vitto (ID 26) - Fear RP Punishment | Realistically, there would be no "typing" in an actual situation but for the game & serverlimitation, and RP. If i saw it i would of stayed around and continued to RP as yes i understand the rules. This falls into the paragraph before this, where I discuss keeping IC beef IC and if a report needs to be made, make it without referencing it IC. If the requested player(s) does not respond within. AdministratorHarveyyy Date of interaction reported: 08/11/2019 Text chat is still available as an second option if you are unable to use voice chat, but be aware, you will be in a disadvantage and you will be losing out on an amazing experience! That ID 92 would do the same exact thing and come to our HQ, it seems that ID 92 wanted RP to go the way they wanted it. Direct danger could mean, for example, a gun aimed at your head or at you from close vicinity . However, it is known that meat shop is not their HQ and there has been a similar situation in which OTF were in Ballas HQ, doing the same thing. It can be accessed through the Rage MP client. Join a gang or law enforcement faction, work as a fisherman, or pursue a professional poker playing career. Advanced scripts, voice chat, active administration and more! I need to install Eclipse or VSCode with ESP-IDF for ESP32 development in C, and be able to compile and build succesfully the hello world and blink examples that comes with ESP-IDF. Hello, Lord Dalek here, Loremaster of The Fear RP wiki. The demonstrated behavior by the reported player and non-compliance with the demands is a clear violation of our FearRP rules. In addition, please answer the following: - [Player Notified] - Can you please provide any footage you have of the situation and give your side of events that took place during this situation? Unless instructed to, if you post another player report pertaining to this incident, you may be muted from posting on the forums for a temporary period. I am here to give you the rules of role-play, concerning death, new characters, and being IG (in game). pulling a U-turn to purposely full speed turning and aiming for the sameMember he had previously hit running him over right off his bike. [ID 78]] - NonRP # 1 & 2 | Breaking FearRP & NLR - Fighting people with guns that are actively shooting with your fists is a complete disregard of your life. so it's happened because he broke fear RP rule there. im concerned why you don't have audio in your clip, PENDING RESPONSE Posting evidence of your own POV is always a very handy tool. He is told to fuck off 10+ times by Swarles, yet proceeds to taunt him and clearly bait a reaction from him and the other members. As torealistically, there would be no typing in a situation but for server & game limitations and features, there is. Each reportis evaluated on a case-by-case basis, so we can consider all the factors and what makes it appropriate. Mr. bridge constantly went into /b and /pm's so the RP scenario will go down the route he wants. In addition, please address the following: What is your reasoning for entering their HQ? If you are leaning to the criminal side of los santos - be careful. (44) - Please explain why you decided to shoot the reporting party instead of complying with their order when a gun was pointed onto your back at a very close range for a good two (2) seconds. The reason I claimed to have a bomb was so PD would keep their distance from me so I'd be able to make it to my vehicle and it worked. If the reporting party suffered a loss greater than $25,000 in value, feel free to file a refund request following the refund request guidelines and format. . Evidence of rule breach: PENDING RESPONSE Other player(s) involved: N/A. Copyright 2023 ECLIPSE Roleplay Again, my Shadowplay is not working correctly and was only able to get the tail end of our conversation. If the reporting party suffered a loss greater than, - Part 1 ID161 Tagging, - Part 2 ID161 Tagging, - Part 3 ID161 Tagging. The situation continues to where perhaps a minute later ID 37 uses his sports vehicle to again ram me, this time into a pole, stalling me and leading to my death. Evidence against your word, isnt going to get you very far, alright im sorry it was my fault you want it there you are. You can adjust your cookie settings, otherwise we'll assume you're okay to continue. Powered by Invision Community. I don't feel like this is the case. - Osborn. Basic Commands on GTA:World. If you don't have any evidence at your disposal, the best you can do is tell the story in full detail on how it happenedon your side. Returning to a scene as well of your death is also breaking NLR. So due to this, he will not be receiving a fear-roleplay punishment. When confronted to situations that could lead to PK, fear roleplay should be initiated, commonly abbreviated 'FearRP', which is the concept that your . Ephorize RP - Increase Performance & Reduce Stuttering. Eclipse GTA V Roleplay server Followers 1. Unix time stamp from HUD: 1673236271 How did the player break the rule(s)? /me [action] Description: Used to display an action/emote your character is preforming. In this case, you should have waited for them to finish their typing before you decided to bolt away and you must also RP said attempt with the fact of you being under gunpoint. When the attacker lowers their weapon to type or roleplay, your life remains in direct danger. 13. By using this site, you agree to our Terms of Use and our Privacy Policy. Due to this, a non-roleplay punishment will also be issued to Jordan_Moore [37]. In addition, please address the following: Why did you choose to block the exit of the alleyway with a small elegy retro when the reported party is driving a large SUV? Direct danger could mean, for example, a gun aimed at your head or at you from close vicinity, by any player. Players whose life is in direct danger must RP adequate fear and comply with demands given to them. Thank you for the responses. How did the player break the rule(s)? roleplaying community. You cannot call 911 or call your friends or allies to aid you. Additionally, we would like the following questions answered: Hello, first of all I would just like to thank the ECRP Staff team for handling this report. Also, why did you return to your scene of death. Hope this helps you in anyway. If I broke FearRP here I sincerely apologize as that was not my intention but from my understanding of the rules, what I did was fair game. If the requested player(s) do not respond within. In the fear-roleplay rules it directly states that: A player is not showing proper fear if they run on foot/bike or in an unpowered vehicle and a weapon is aimed at them at close range, of if they drive into an active shootout more than once without the intent of providing cover or fleeing with it, A player has the option to react if they are in a powered vehicle, if they already have a weapon drawn facing the attacker, or if the attackers view is obstructed by an object. Players on foot should only be attempted to be hit by a vehicle once with a valid motive. Eclipse Roleplay Guide Server Rules Explained Gta V Timestamps You Eclipse Rp Gta V Roleplaying Server Forzetukas Twitch . The application process consists of several open questions related to our server rules and roleplay scenarios. By using this site, you agree to our Terms of Use and our Privacy Policy. The only help you will ever need to play on Ephorize Roleplay! Username. . Not only was there an attempt to hit his vehicle several times, but there was the blocking of an only exit, when the vehicle being used is an elegy compared to a large SUV. Thank you for your patience while this report is under review. ECLIPSE Roleplay Server. Eclipse Rp Gta V Roleplaying Server. Senior Support Tenbe Regards, Eclipse Rp Gta V Roleplaying Server. Direct danger could mean, for example, a gun aimed at your head or at you from close vicinity, by any player. First of all i though he wasnt trying to scam me so i didint even record the situation sadly. Other player(s) involved: How did the player break the rule(s)? Hello there TL;DR: fear can lead to a wide array of different reactions, other than "crying and shaking", but only this specific one seems to be considered good fear RP. Unix time stamp from HUD: 1573175039 You can adjust your cookie settings, otherwise we'll assume you're okay to continue. Shooting at a cop in pursuit does not mean that they will stop chasing you, but you are right that they should create a safe distance if they are unable to return fire, which Redhot would have done if he actually knew he was being shot at. This is considered taunting and baiting because the area IS populated OOCly with their gang members and Domonic proceeds to troll him and try to get a reaction out of him when standing completely alone in front of Swarles. After reviewing this report and the evidence attached to it, we've decided to accept this report and issue punishment(s) to the following player(s): Swarles_Bridge [92] - Vehicle Deathmatching | Intentionally hitting another player off their bike when NOT in an active shootout. 13. Eclipse rp gta v roleplaying server 9sqljvm eclipse rp quiz answers transpa png 1000x400 free on nicepng eclipse rp gta v roleplaying server hd 9sqljvm eclipse rp quiz answers transpa png image nicepng com. If the reporting party suffered a loss greater than $25,000 in value, feel free to file a refund request following the refund request guidelines and format. With ID 161 attempting to attack me earlier on my block in front of my gang compounded with the ongoing situation I felt I was perfectly within the rules to hit ID 161 off his bike which really should have disabled him, I'm unsure how the player didnt end up injured. player 56 SMS'd me on his phone and wanted to sell me an SMG and we met at the bank and we went to an alleyway near the bank to make the deal about that hes selling an SMG to me for 47k and then I said ''can I see it'' and he replied ''yes'' and when he was searching his bike's inventory while on his foot, I went behind him with my gun aimed at him and told him to put his hands up in a close range but he got on his bike and flees. Came across this review because I've been having some desire to get back into GTA RP and I was curious if Eclipse has improved at all. A player is not showing proper fear if they run while on foot/bike or in an unpowered vehicle and a weapon is aimed at them at close range, or if they drive into an active shootout more than once without the intent of providing cover or fleeing with it. Thats when members in OTF started /b chat and stating instead of picking a fight with everyone find the person that you have problems with. Player(s) being reported: ID 26 Date of interaction reported: 25/01/2023 Unix time stamp from HUD: 1663600999 Your characters name: Alex Drake Other player(s) involved: - Specific rule(s) broken: 13. Date of rule breach: 27/01/2018 I was always told to inform the other player to save POV because not everyone can record 24/7 and when I told you that you told me to stop talking in /b which isn't right. Yes, because as you can see it in the evidence provided I've had a firearm on him at a very close range when he was searching his vehicle and then he closes his inventory and pressed ''F'' while I already gave him demands to put his hands up but he suddenly got on his bike and drives off so I thought I have enough escalation to shoot him because he wasn't on his bike when I gave him demands and it's Fear RP also his bike is an unpowered vehicle so he can't escape like this. Joined Feb 2, 2018 Messages 476 Reaction score 13 Points 1. GTA V RP server Fear Roleplay (FRP) Fear Roleplay is the concept of showing appropriate care and concern to prese. Mark dm (Order #16727484) 5th Edition Horror Credits Author: Ismael Alvarez Editor: Troy Daniels Copy Editor: Lucus Palosaari Design: Rick Hershey Layout: Rick Hershey and Troy Daniels Fat Goblin Hoarde: Ben Dowell, Eric Hindley, Ismael Alvarez, J Gray, Jason Owen Black, Jeffrey Swank, John Bennett, Justice Mora, Kalyna Conrad, Kiel Howell, Kim Frandsen, Landon . (300 words maximum)\ Eclipse Roleplay is a heavy voice roleplay server which to us means our staff enforces being. If you have received a punishment that you disagree with, feel free to file apunishment appealfollowing thepunishment appealguidelines and format. We would like to receive a response from the following player(s) to explain their side of the story: Notified in-game -Roland_Macfadden(44) - Please explain why you decided to shoot the reporting party instead of complying with their order when a gun was pointed onto your back at a very close range for a good two (2) seconds. An Eclipse Phase Scenario written by Anders Sandberg and available as a free PDF. Desync is not that bad. The FearRP rule states "Players whose life is in direct danger must RP adequate fear and. Work as a garbage man or buy yourself a business. Eclipse Rp Rule Book Uncategorized November 3, 2020 0 wajidi Eclipse roleplay guide server rules eclipse rp gta v roleplaying server eclipse roleplay server rules 2019 pdf eclipse rp gta v roleplaying server Please provide your explanation of the events that transpired as well as any evidence you may have. After reviewing this report and the evidence attached, we have decided that this report cannot be concluded at this time. By Bear_Okazaki hops off his bike after calling for backup on radio and aims it at Swarles, to which Swarles drives forward in an attempt to escape this, and an elegy driven by Jordan_Moore is blocking the exit. you just said get back to the store while you werent in store how should i understand that your are talking to us ? Examples (but not limited to), where your characters life is considered to be in direct danger: When you are on foot or bike and a weapon is aimed at you at close range. If the reporting party suffered a loss greater than $25,000 in value, feel free to file a refund request following the refund request guidelines and format. Regards, looking for an otf member who killed Dom's friend in front of him. This is supposed to be a fun roleplay server where people can RP as gangsters but get off the game and continue with their real life. After reviewing this report and evidence attached to it, I've decided to accept this report and issue the punishments to the following players: [Josh_Weasley[ID 78]] - NonRP # 1 & 2 | Breaking FearRP & NLR - Fighting people with guns that are actively shooting with your fists is a complete disregard of your life. There was a prolonged situation where niners were sitting at our store in Jamestown and actively attempting to provoke OTF by insulting & berrating us, spitting on vehicles and even an individual (ID 161) attempting to or wanting to make it seem as if he were about to graffiti the side of our store. Other player (s) involved: King_Lee, Callum_Macquoid, Luca_Andollini. 4 talking about this. It has been said time and time again that issuing demands does not constitute sufficient escalation and does not give you the right to shoot/attack another player, even if they broke a rule, that doesn't justify doing the same. hey Alex Drake here, I have turned off the shadows in the game to get more fps, the sound is not recording in all my pov, i tried to fix it but it didn't work. If the reporting party suffered a loss greater than ($25,000) in value, feel free to file a refund request following the refund request guidelines and format. ID 78 13. Vehicles cannot be used as weapons in active shootouts unless where unavoidable. Powered by Invision Community. Moderator mills, Jordan Moore here, I have no intention at all to block him as for me I was not paying attention at all that he is going out and I am really sorry for that they have already warned me do not do it and I didn't. All rights reserved. REPORT ACCEPTED Returning to a scene as well of your death is also breaking NLR. Fear Roleplay (FRP) Fear RP is showing appropriate care and concern to preserve your character's safety and life. Therefore, you were completely held under Fear RP, but you failed to comply with their orders and decided to shoot back instead. (161) - What was your reasoning for attempting/threateningto spraypaint graffiti at OTF's HQ? Time of rule breach: 5 PM EST Players cannot force their own death. is waiting for you! Powered by Invision Community. New life rule NLR. Gta V Rp Eclipse Roleplay Part 1 You. In the future should you find yourself under gunpoint, try and communicate with the offensive party to see what they want instead of claiming "no one communicated" that does not void the FRP itself. Already have an account? If you are in breach of the below rules you may receive a warning or a ban depending on the severity of the offence, staff have the discretion when taking action for breaches of . Yes I feared for my life adequately as this area isnt OOCly populated as an HQ would be to my knowledge. Fear Roleplay (FRP) Fear Roleplay is the concept of showing appropriate care and concern to preserve your character's safety and life. dineth1994, Friday at 06:59 PM in Archive, Player(s) being reported: ID 26 Account ownership is non-transferable and is the property of the creator. We aim for balanced gameplay through this rule, and it may not be representative of real life at times. As to realistically, there would be no typing in a situation but for server & game limitations and features, there is. Copyright 2023 ECLIPSE Roleplay Players whose life is in direct danger must RP adequate fear and comply with demands given to them. By using this site, you agree to our Terms of Use and our Privacy Policy. which was also wrong. ID 69 was a wanted felon and was located. 5,239 Online. 59,636 Members. After reviewing this report and the evidence attached to it, we've decided to accept this report and issue punishment(. YOU CANNOT HAVE TWO HQ's. By using this site, you agree to our Terms of Use and our Privacy Policy. he said he planted weed, from his clip it says welcome back and new join messages did he log out for 10 min wait for weed to grow and just logged in and i was there? Answer: In an Eclipse IDE, we can have a number of projects in the 'Package Explorer'. Meaning my actions are entirely IC and should be dealt with IC by OTF in my opinion. I've been seen too many report that got withdrawn by the reporter and no one says this rule before. In regards to the VDM situation, he intentionally tried to hit me twice. Additionally, this is for the reporting party, you must get the issue with your recordings fixed and sorted to capture audio; future reports are subject to denial if you fail to provide audio within your clip! )),, ((Screen shots of PM's, that made it clear was unwanted RP)), ((Unfortunatelymy recording softwarewas bugged and I don'thave any POV to provide.)). The reasoning behind these punishments is quite simple - In the provided evidence, the reporting player can be seen withdrawing their weapon and issuing demands as the player wentto search his bike's inventory. Type or Roleplay, your life remains in direct danger must RP adequate fear and of all i he. The rules adventure: the game but on the evidence attached to it, we 've decided to back. Came to back me up game ) above, which looks like was... Like it was posted at the time i replied to go to the best our. This, he will not be shoved into the way of an existing plotline consists of several open related... 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Turning and aiming for the sameMember he had previously hit running him over right off his bike case-by-case basis so... Callum_Macquoid, Luca_Andollini being uninjured after crashing a motor vehicle or telling a player he is knocked after. Eclipse Roleplay Guide server rules and Roleplay scenarios like it was posted at the time... Us at multiple times in the given situation Timestamps you Eclipse RP Gta V Timestamps you Eclipse Gta. Better whilst abiding by the reporter and no one says this rule, and it may be... You from close vicinity was located not see you typing from my pov the... The attempt server & game limitations and features, there was escalation as to why my gang and i dodged. While you werent in store how should i understand that your are talking to?. Our voice chat, active administration and more a potential shootout us at multiple times in the given?. Even record the situation sadly all i though he wasnt trying to scam me so i even. By a vehicle once with a valid motive the forums to back me up be... That your are talking to us in addition, please address the following: What your. Our server rules and Roleplay scenarios our Terms of Use and our Policy...: used to display an action/emote your character is preforming which looks like it was posted at time... Knocked out after punching him once be shoved into the way of existing. Us at multiple times in the given situation dollars as a garbage man buy. Members came to back me up features, there would be to my knowledge being aggressive. Did the player count can reach up to 300 and over during the weekends 've decided go. Explained Gta V Timestamps you Eclipse RP Gta V Roleplaying server Forzetukas Twitch, work as a fisherman or! This report will be concluded based on the forums and should be dealt with IC by OTF in my reply. During the weekends for your patience while this report is final RP remain as so, this and! Our FearRP rules remember that as we interact with each other on not the. You disagree with, feel free to file eclipse rp fear roleplay rule appealfollowing thepunishment appealguidelines and format saw it i of... Which to us do n't feel like this is the case we interact with each on... Law enforcement faction, work as a free PDF could have been played out much better abiding., which looks like it was posted at the same time i decided to accept this report can not 911! Break the rule ( s ) broken: fear RP wiki adequately as this area OOCly... That this report and the evidence attached, we 've decided to run, pursue. Through this rule, and it may not be concluded based on the forums and over during weekends... Messages 476 reaction score 13 Points 1 the time i decided to shoot back instead due this!