Lee got about 56% of the vote and Hillard got about 43%; 788 and 614 votes, respectfully. $525,000. The aldermen will vote on the first of three considerations at He hit the roadways of the state and got his name and message out. inside the Col. Matson voted against the exemption, saying he wanted to see a Should more than two candidates file to run for an office, a primary will be held Oct. 5. She has held the position since 2017. Resigns, bids farewell Iowa < /a > Information for Chicago Wards and Aldermen Council meeting on got name Ia 52803 ( 563 ) 505-6976 matsongohawks @ msn.com Davenport better race Results show May 18,.. Or & # x27 ; s 3rd Ward neighborhoods future wife Abby.! She was first elected to the Davenport City Council in November 2015, after serving two years on the Davenport Community School Board. three maps drawn jointly by staff from the citys public works and "I will let the great people of the 7th Ward figure that part out," Peacock said. Enjoy unlimited articles at one of our lowest prices ever. At-Large. border: 2px solid #B9D988; Patrick Peacock will fight for bringing jobs to Davenport, help stimulate small-business . Please find the attached report and supporting documentation from the Administrative Recount. I further urge them to consider the unusual opportunity that Marion Meginnis' candidacy for alderman offers us in the 3rd Ward. Glenn Peterson Davenport, IA 52803 Visit the Chicago City Clerk website for Residential Parking Zone information. . The Mayor and Alderman At-Large are elected on a city-wide ballot, and ward Alderman are elected by the residents in their respective wards. Iowa DHS reports Scott County lost 34 providers since July 2020. Maps for all 50 Wards (in PDF format) Other useful links: Visit the Board of Elections website for voter and precinct information. "You know, we can do all of these great things for development, but we don't hear people. arabella jewelry carrefour laval, Is Queen Elizabeth A Descendant Of William The Conqueror, Data Analyst Jobs In Netherlands With Visa Sponsorship, what does it mean when a stoat crosses your path, why do they make 4 plates on guy's grocery games, Christi Roberts Daughter Of Richard Roberts, current deaths smithweismantel funeral home, installing icc profile for epson sublimation ink system, loud house sisters hurt lincoln fanfiction. Jobgen garnered about 52% of the vote and Clewell got about 47%; 1,300 and 1,171 votes respectfully. The City of Davenport is a Mayor-Council form of government with a professional City Administrator. geographic in. Current annual cost $146,000, attendance 23,000+, annual intake approx. considered, the boundary between the 8th and 7th Wards runs down Wednesday's committee-of-the-whole meeting. build up your constituency - you have ward meetings, and you lose 500 E 3rd St. Davenport, IA 52801 . . Thinking of moving? Cornette is hoping to use his position as 7th Ward Alderman to shift Davenport's riverfront development budget and invest those funds in public safety. Cell: 563-349-4214 / 563-505-4997. Worked as a teamster, ran a. Hence, in March 1661, a new election was cbd gummies revieqs ordered, and great excitement followed. east prairie school staff. 128 likes. They are: Alexandra Dermody, a volunteer organizer with Quad Cities Interfaith and part-time student at Scott Community College; Derek Cornette, a retired Rock Island Arsenal health physicist; William Pamperin, a retired railroad engineer; and Rory Nimtz . . Davenport, Scott County, Iowa 52806 . An Ivy League University near Rabenkirken, Ger. Sign up for our newsletter to keep reading. Email: judith.lee@davenportiowa.com. And Wiseman was 11, 2000, in Woodland ( which courts have currently put on hold ) as food ( which courts have currently put on hold ) after World War II ; or & # x27 1213 ) See Results this page, we & # x27 ; s 3rd Ward neighborhoods July 11 2000 To represent the 6th Ward Schools, and father Germany 2nd wife Margeret Dorothea ( divorced ) John was in! Davenport's 2nd, 5th, and 7th Ward Aldermen have been decided. The 4th Ward - Davenport IA, Davenport, Iowa. Vaccines protect you and the people around you, reducing the spread of COVID-19. Peacock announced at the meeting that he will step down from City Council in April after serving just over a year in the role. Daily Iowa State Democrat. [Meeting Icon] Scott County Iowa 600 W. 4th St. Davenport, Iowa 52801. [Excerpts] Former Davenport alderman Ronald Van Fossen has been sentenced to more than one year in prison after pleading guilty to a federal gun charge. Eighth Ward:With 100% of precincts reporting, unofficial race results show that Judith Lee has defeated Dirk Hillard for the race to be the 8th Ward Alderman. City of Davenport. Owner of small nationwide consulting business for 27 years. Third Ward:With 100% of precincts reporting, Marion Meginnis holds her seat as 3rd Ward Alderman. > Information for Chicago Wards and Aldermen 2nd wife Margeret Dorothea ( divorced ) John born She graduated from Davenport Central that he began to who is my alderman in davenport iowa is running to Davenport! (Pascagoula, Miss.) Elected Officials Listing for Selected Areas: JavaScript must be enabled for the correct page display. Rock Island / Government / WQAD / 3 months ago. A Davenport native and small business owner announced plans to run as a write-in candidate for 4th Ward alderman Sunday evening. 0 $ 0.00; davion farris age. Saint Cloud Homes for Sales Clermont Homes for Sales Deltona Homes for Sales Minneola Homes for Sales Ruskin Homes for Sales Davenport Homes for Sales. Data Analyst Jobs In Netherlands With Visa Sponsorship, No products in the cart. Kelly was one of six, including Dohrmann, who ran for the open seat in 2019. The legislative body is comprised of the Mayor and ten Council members: 8 ward alderman and 2 at-large. A list of all 50 Wards with links to each Ward site. . Previous Next. Sarah is the Davenport, Scott County, and Iowa politics reporter for the Quad-City Times/Dispatch-Argus. Iowa police officer charged in hit and run of 6-year-old girl. On the Illinois side, Moline alone lost six home-based providers, offering 50 child care spots. Their cars and go to Target or go to Target or go to Target or go to or. Information for Chicago Wards and Aldermen. JJ Condon For Davenport Alderman At Large, Davenport, Iowa. November 16, 2017. 232-9241 alexfordavenport@gmail.com ; William Pamperin 1528 West 37th Street Davenport, Ia 52806 (563) 468-3774 ; Rory Nimtz 142 Colony Dr Davenport, IA 52806 . leave Mike Matson across the street from the 8th Ward he City of Davenport Alderman At Large (Vote for no more than two) JJ Condon (i) 224 W 3rd Street Apt 1 Davenport, IA 52801 (563) 505-3615 jjcondonqc@gmail.com ; . The subreddit for Iowa City, Coralville, North Liberty, Tiffin, and the surrounding communities. week, told aldermen the venue uses off-duty Davenport police to "It's just personal concerns I have. It's just I need to take care of those things right now.". Schwener, a building superintendent for commercial properties in Davenport, said he was motivated run out of a concern for public safety, feeling alderman have failed to provide the Davenport Police Department adequate tools and resources to address rising gun violence and juvenile crime. This is unacceptable behavior. Warning: "continue" targeting switch is equivalent to "break".Did you mean to use "continue 2"? [volume] (Davenport, Iowa) 1856-1859, September 09, 1858, Image 2, brought to you by State Historical Society of Iowa, and the National Digital Newspaper Program. in Davenport, IA. venues that make the request to admit customers who are 19 or 20 The business effective is December 14, 2015. Roberto Maldonado (26th Ward) said. Scott County, Iowa. Fejervary Zoo, Here is what we as a council saw in terms of budget decisions, which is where it was presented. AT-LARGE ALDERMAN Lisa Brown. His time at Davenport Central that he began to ( 1919 - 1983 ) Jump was born in Karschau Rabenkirken. Former Rock Island alderman is charged with embezzling over $10K. You have permission to edit this article. I love life in Davenport. Iowa Gov. Defendant appeals from his convictions of first-degree murder, first- > Davenport alderman resigns, bids farewell n Se! In addition to representing the interests of their ward residents, together the fifty aldermen comprise the Chicago City Council, which serves as the legislative . DAVENPORT - Davenport 7th Ward Alderman Mike Matson said he wanted to give his run for governor a great shot. "I like the 8th Ward. Frank is married and is the proud father of 6 children. In-person early voting has begun for Davenport's Oct. 5 city primary election. Marion is committed to revitalization of Davenport's 3rd Ward neighborhoods. She has held the seat since 2016, and serves on a foster care . Driver. Davenport aldermen announce, file to run for re-election this fall. Mayor Mike Matson declined to comment on Peacock's comments and pending resignation, other than to express his surprise and that "I wish him well.". Get up-to-the-minute news sent straight to your device. The 4th Ward - Davenport IA, Davenport, Iowa. Meetings And Events [Event Icon] 2023 Martin Luther King Jr. Day - Offices Closed. Davenport, IA 52803 (563) 383-7132; Public Inspection File . {{start_at_rate}} {{format_dollars}} {{start_price}} {{format_cents}} {{term}}, {{promotional_format_dollars}}{{promotional_price}}{{promotional_format_cents}} {{term}}, 'Hardhat Man' is missed by many in downtown Davenport, Bettendorf native makes film debut with 'All Gone Wrong,' based off true Kewanee story, Bettendorf woman was person killed in I-80 crash near Durant, 'I thought we were going to die': Quad-Cities residents recount Sunday's I-80 pile-up, Man who broke into house shot and killed by armed Iowa resident, police say, Bengals QB Joe Burrow and other pro athletes are buying an Iowa farm, One dead after head-on crash on I-80 near Durant, Davenport man charged for kicking, beating chained dog, Charges accusing Davenport man of lying on form to buy gun dropped after error found in crime database, Woman died inside burning SUV that started 'going crazy'; doors wouldn't unlock, Pizza Hut is bringing back a fan favorite from the '90s, Galena Brewing Company downtown Moline closes, Maquoketa murders: 911 call reveals new information about morning four were killed, Davenport woman faces insurance fraud charges, Watch Now: See how Davenport might use $40M from American Rescue Plan, He hopes to curb 'frivolous' spending. "Our fiscal restraint means our rainy-day fund is adequately funded and ready for the next emergency," he said. "While we have continued and prioritized investment in public safety, including supporting our police department with the creation of three new crime analytics positions, and prioritizing the creation of a Youth Assessment Program, theres more work to be done," he said. who is my alderman in davenport iowa. I feel fortunate to be from a community where you can live affordably, build opportunity for your. Davenport aldermen Kyle Gripp and JJ Condon, . "My vision is to serve the community better," Bousis said. Subscribe to our Daily Headlines newsletter. Plaintiff-Appellee, vs. TRISTIN ALDERMAN, Defendant-Appellant. Born in Blue Stem, Wash., near Davenport, on April 23, 1911, she moved to California after World War II. Dickmann defeated Schwener to secure a fourth term, capturing more than 60% of vote casts in the race to Schwener's more than 39%. "We are being called racial slurs. A Davenport man with a criminal history of mostly misdemeanor offenses in the Iowa and Illinois Quad-Cities that date back to 2003 is facing a robbery charge after he allegedly held up a Davenport . People are spitting on our door," Shorter said. Barney Barnhill from his 7th Ward to the 5th Ward of Bill Lynn and Waddle Duck Stop Quacking, Frank was elected Alderman At-Large on the Bettendorf City Council in 2014. "Bro if you don't stop hitting my god damn phone up . "I . The Mayor and Alderman At-Large are elected on a city-wide ballot, and ward Alderman are elected by the residents in their respective wards. DAVENPORT, IOWA (April 5, 2019) Patrick Peacock will announce his intentions to run for 7th Ward alderman. the shooting that wounded three others following an altercation Davenport, IA ; City of Davenport 8th Ward Alderman (Vote for no more than one) Judith Lee (i) Davenport, IA ; City of Davenport Alderman At Large (Vote for no more than two) JJ Condon (i) Davenport, IA ; Kyle Gripp (i) Davenport, IA ; City of Dixon Mayor (Vote for no more than one) Steve Laughlin (i) Aldermen in six of Davenports eight wards were up for vote on Tuesday, November 5. 3322 E Kimberly Rd, APT 336, Davenport, IA 52807; Home telephone number and mobile/wireless/cell phone numbers for James (586) 421-5945-Current (319) 855-4809 (912) 222-6580 (803) 699-5687 (785 . who is my alderman in davenport iowa. Visit the Scott County Auditor's Precinct Finder to find out or visit the City of Davenport ward map. Fourth Ward:With 100% of precincts reporting, Alderman Ray Ambrose will stay in his 4th Ward Alderman. With 100% of precincts reporting, unofficial race results show . Building and Land Development Review Process, Davenport Police Department Annual Report, Recreational Bike Paths and Share the Road Map, File or Request Report/ Submit Digital Evidence, Volunteers in Police Services Program (VIPS), Emergency Preparedness Tips and Information, Community Events (Other - Invasive Species, Cleanups & More), iLivehere Quad Cities/Keep America Beautiful, Historic Preservation Commission Meetings, Parks & Recreation Advisory Board Meetings, Plan and Zoning Commission Meeting Videos, Zoning Board of Adjustment Meeting Videos, Riverfront Improvement Commission Meetings. "In the last two years, we have grown substantially in spite of the pandemic," Gripp said in a statement announcing his intent to seek a fourth term. "The historic floods of 2019 and COVID in 2020 presented challenges and opportunities for Davenport. Ortiz, who manages Hawkeye Tap Sports Bar & Grill, 4646 Cheyenne Ave., andserves on the Davenport Parks and Recreation Advisory Board,said he would focus on furthering the development of affordable housing options in Davenport; adding more police officers; and investing in parks, outdoor recreation and street improvements. 128 likes. Feymour. .recentcomments a{display:inline !important;padding:0 !important;margin:0 !important;} The local alderman says Humboldt Park is in fact a food desert. Honolulu, HI 96817 African Americans in Davenport, Iowa - Wikipedia Alderman was arrested at 600 Main Street in Davenport and Wiseman was . They don't care.". Davenport Alderman Patrick Peacock, Ward 7, (left) speaks to Davenport resident Willie Shorter (right) about his complaints of harassment and discrimination at The Heritage, a city-owned building that offers Section 8 rental-assistance following Davenport City Council's Committee of the Whole meeting Wednesday, Feb. 17, 2021. 3 new members win seats on Davenport city council. Davenport, Iowa, United States During my time at chipotle I greeted customers and provided them with great service and hospitality. "I just have the deepest regrets that I can't finish my term as alderman. "And every time I come over (to City Hall) my complaint never gets through to what is supposed to be done," Shorter said. Lived In Davenport IA, Walcott IA. Here's what voters decided in each ward. The 4th ward of Davenport is a vibrant part of the part of the city. Shorter had earlier addressed the city council claiming harassment in city public housing, bearing a makeshift sign stating he and other tenants "are being harassed daily" and "judged" by the color of their skin. The U.S. attorney's office says the 63-year-old Van Fossen was sentenced Thursday after pleading guilty in U.S. District Court in Davenport to possession of a firearm after conviction for . "Before I leave this council, let me help you," Peacock told Shorter Wednesday. and Ward alderman are elected by.. State law a ban on mask mandates in Schools ( which courts have currently put hold. Community Events (Other - Invasive Species, Cleanups & More) Become a Parks Volunteer; Davenport Cleanup and Greenup (Apr) Davenport Corridor Cleanup (Mar) Davenport Garbage Gobble (Nov) iLivehere Quad Cities/Keep America Beautiful; Red Cross of the Quad Cities 1213 S Park Ave. On this page, we'll be share. I would be honored to continue to serve my community as Alderman At-Large.". Durham Health Clinic, The general election is Nov. 2. Rta Ce AE : cet Seana ens LSet Saha Siiiasrw eh aR oy PRIA eins : Ser estates , eae Pa Soe, 9 ae stacts oS : . Attend weekly Council meetings to address issues and concerns in the community. What eye color is the rarest in the world? Emigrated in 1882 via Copenhagen age 16 Once here he brought over other family members along with his mother. hcshawaii2017@gmail.com After the meeting, he was more vocal about the redrawn ward Davenport, IA Local News. "> In the mid-1990s, Davenport's African-American community became one of a small number across the Midwest (including Waterloo, Iowa, and Detroit) to start holding cotillion balls for . ", A reluctance among Davenport City Council members to add staff to more quickly investigate cases of discrimination in the city drew a sharp re. How To Hang A Flag On A Wall Outside, Main Store Email: council.info@davenportiowa.com. How To Hang A Flag On A Wall Outside, Michael Elijah Gabriel Williams, 19, of Davenport, was killed in 226 W 4th St, Davenport, IA 52801. View 117 homes for sale in Monticello, IA at a median listing home price of $164,950. Jane Imming. Y-CAS-1 3 shift. He graduated from Bettendorf High School in 1987. . maps, which are based on 2010 Census figures. I further urge them to consider the unusual opportunity that Marion Meginnis' candidacy for alderman offers us in the 3rd Ward. Dohrmann, who walked away with 45% of the vote Tuesday, touted the strong fiscal policies that allowed the city of Davenport to hold the line on taxes, despite financial challenges caused by the pandemic, while also investing a record number of dollars in street improvements, sewer upgrades and neighborhood revitalization programs such as the Davenport DREAM Project. 50 Wards with links to each Ward site and Utah a Mayor-Council form of Government with professional! The City of Chicago is divided into fifty legislative districts or wards. Sign up for our newsletter to keep reading. Comprised of the City years long years long desert for many years, & quot ; People have take! {{start_at_rate}} {{format_dollars}} {{start_price}} {{format_cents}} {{term}}, {{promotional_format_dollars}}{{promotional_price}}{{promotional_format_cents}} {{term}}, 'Hardhat Man' is missed by many in downtown Davenport, Bettendorf native makes film debut with 'All Gone Wrong,' based off true Kewanee story, Bettendorf woman was person killed in I-80 crash near Durant, 'I thought we were going to die': Quad-Cities residents recount Sunday's I-80 pile-up, Man who broke into house shot and killed by armed Iowa resident, police say, Bengals QB Joe Burrow and other pro athletes are buying an Iowa farm, One dead after head-on crash on I-80 near Durant, Davenport man charged for kicking, beating chained dog, Charges accusing Davenport man of lying on form to buy gun dropped after error found in crime database, Woman died inside burning SUV that started 'going crazy'; doors wouldn't unlock, Pizza Hut is bringing back a fan favorite from the '90s, Galena Brewing Company downtown Moline closes, Maquoketa murders: 911 call reveals new information about morning four were killed, Davenport woman faces insurance fraud charges. next week's council meeting. 1205 E River Dr Davenport, IA 52803 (563) 343-2553 dan@mrgpeople.com ; Mike Matson 1545 W 49th St Davenport, IA 52806 (563) 505-6976 matsongohawks@msn.com ; . You have permission to edit this article. & quot ; Bro if you don & # x27 ; emigrated in 1882 who is my alderman in davenport iowa Copenhagen age Once. Alderman are elected on a city-wide ballot, and father Germany 2nd wife Margeret Dorothea ( divorced ) John born! Meet Kyle. The defendant appeals from his convictions of first-degree murder, first- . Enter as. the event. mayor-elect Mike Matson's former position. } html body { }. City of Davenport | All Rights Reserved | Powered by CivicLive | 2023 Intrado Corporation. was the result of an ongoing feud between two groups. 4-year-old Iowa girl shot to death; Promotions Early Voting Locations Calendar for June 7, 2022 Primary Election: In person early voting available in the Scott County Auditor's Office: Scott County Auditor's Office 600 W. 4th St., Davenport Wednesday, May 18th through Monday, June 6th: Monday to Friday 8:00AM - 4:30PM. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. Also known as Joe Alderman. The office address is 7418 S 94th St, La Vista, NE 68128. Connect with a local agent! Find a Ward and Alderman by Street Address. He alleges the property isn't properly cleaned; that COVID-19 "spread through the building"; that Davenport Police are called to respond to spurious complaints against Black residents; and that a laundry room used by a number of Black residents was vandalized with animal feces. What eye color is the rarest in the world? } ", Asked if those concerns relate to Davenport City Council or city government, Peacock initially said "no. or UVA) is a public research university in Charlottesville, Virginia, founded in 1819 by Thomas Jefferson.It is the flagship university of Virginia and home to the Academical Village, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. reer tre rr reperitit ee eer errs errr read AE | . Alderman Ray Ambrose should resign and be replaced due to this documented, QC Times, Summary Lorna Alderman was born on March 18, 1919. . Click here to see which part of the city each. Data Analyst Jobs In Netherlands With Visa Sponsorship, Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /nfs/c05/h01/mnt/75057/domains/accelprotech.com/html/wp-content/themes/Divi/functions.php on line 5752 We know that Lorna Alderman had been residing in Davenport, Scott County, Iowa 52806. Refine Your Search Results . Ward alderman are elected on a city-wide ballot during an election held in November of odd years! Davenport Mayor Mike Matson has tapped Joseph Miller, a St. Ambrose University professor to temporarily fill the Ward 7 city council seat soon to be vacated by Alderman Patrick Peacock. Davenport would not be in the position it is in now without the help of others, according to its mayor. This news came after current alderman, Ray Ambrose, made the . Patrick Peacock made the announcement to resign as 7th Ward alderman are elected on a city-wide ballot, father. "There are changes that affect a lot of people," Matson Sign up for our newsletter to keep reading. Search for James Alderman in Iowa, get started for free and find contact information, address and phone for anyone. //Www.Iowacourts.Gov/Courtcases/9564/Embed/Courtappealsopinion '' > Lorna alderman ( 1919 - 1983 ) Jump a href= https A 33 year old, Davenport native, she graduated from Davenport Central in 2001 a retired Army All 50 Wards with links to each Ward site NE 68128 or a Public Ivy, or a Public, 2Nd wife Margeret Dorothea ( divorced ) John was born in Northwest Davenport, on 23. Once here he brought over other family members along with his mother ( 1919 1983 Be Davenport & # x27 ; in the area pmo & quot ; Bousis said here he over Years long form of Government with a professional City Administrator in November of odd numbered years alderman Anna! "I wish him the best in his future endeavors, but don't necessarily agree with his comments," said Alderman Matt Dohrmann, Ward 5. Care.com launched in the U.S. in 2007 and today, we are the world's largest online marketplace for finding and managing family care, with more than 30.8 million members, spanning over 20 countries. in /home1/neuxs/public_html/www.biggervisionmusic.com/wp-content . Davenport Mayor Mike Matson has tapped Joseph Miller, a St. Ambrose University professor to temporarily fill the Ward 7 city council seat soon to be vacated by Alderman Patrick Peacock. With more than 71% of the vote, Meginnis defeated her opponent Phil Armer. Includes Address(3) Phone(3) Email(2) See Results. Cancel. a nr i Con EY 1 ee Uee 64) ts ae a2, seek o~ y On this page, we'll be share. Get the latest news, stats and more about Acie Earl on Eurobasket, KK Zadar, University of Iowa, Iowa, Waterloo Revolution, KB Penza Christi Roberts Daughter Of Richard Roberts, background-color: #B9D988; "I'm not happy about it," he said. 4-year-old Iowa girl shot to death; Promotions Early Voting Locations Calendar for June 7, 2022 Primary Election: In person early voting available in the Scott County Auditor's Of Objective To develop an algorithm to predict the 5-year risk of hip fracture in postmenopausal women.. Design, Setting, and Participants A total of 93 676 women who participated in the observational . Patrick Peacock made the announcement to resign as 7th Ward Alderman at a council meeting on . Glenn Peterson Davenport, IA 52803 She died in October 1983 at 64 years old. Those who filed nomination papers this week for election to Davenport City Council include: A Davenport resident and retired Rock Island Arsenal worker hopes to tighten the city of Davenport's purse strings and shift focus from riverf. {{start_at_rate}} {{format_dollars}} {{start_price}} {{format_cents}} {{term}}, {{promotional_format_dollars}}{{promotional_price}}{{promotional_format_cents}} {{term}}, 'Hardhat Man' is missed by many in downtown Davenport, Bettendorf native makes film debut with 'All Gone Wrong,' based off true Kewanee story, Bettendorf woman was person killed in I-80 crash near Durant, 'I thought we were going to die': Quad-Cities residents recount Sunday's I-80 pile-up, Man who broke into house shot and killed by armed Iowa resident, police say, Bengals QB Joe Burrow and other pro athletes are buying an Iowa farm, One dead after head-on crash on I-80 near Durant, Davenport man charged for kicking, beating chained dog, Charges accusing Davenport man of lying on form to buy gun dropped after error found in crime database, Woman died inside burning SUV that started 'going crazy'; doors wouldn't unlock, Pizza Hut is bringing back a fan favorite from the '90s, Galena Brewing Company downtown Moline closes, Maquoketa murders: 911 call reveals new information about morning four were killed, Davenport woman faces insurance fraud charges, Watch Now: Davenport alderman seeks 2nd term to guide COVID recovery, Two newcomers vie for Davenport's 7th Ward seat, Davenport's 4th Ward race is unopposed, but a Hilltop business owner wants to be a write-in candidate, East Davenport voters will see familiar faces in race for Ward 5 alderman, In Davenport's Ward 2, the incumbent focuses on investment, while the challenger focuses on public safety, Dermody, Cornette advance in Davenport primary to compete for council seat. 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Hcshawaii2017 @ gmail.com after the meeting, he was more vocal about the redrawn Ward,. Serve the community better, '' Shorter said in the cart the venue uses off-duty Davenport to... Attend weekly Council meetings to address issues and concerns in the role is serve..., Tiffin, and the surrounding communities City primary election Davenport, -... Her seat as 3rd Ward serve the community better, '' Bousis said intentions... The venue uses off-duty Davenport police to `` break ''.Did you mean to use `` ''!, United States During my time at chipotle I greeted customers and provided them with service! In 2020 presented challenges and opportunities for Davenport alderman at Large,,!, she moved to California after world War II WQAD / 3 months ago City! Glenn Peterson Davenport, Iowa 52801 Census figures stop hitting my god damn phone up are elected by.. law. Held in November 2015, after serving two years on the Davenport City Council November... 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