Returns the number of times that the passage with the given title occurred within the story history. To resolve instances where you do, however, you'll want to use either a temporary variable or a backquote expression. Note: At most one case will execute. To enable test mode from the Stories screen, click on the story's gear menu and select the Test Play menu item. The default foreground and background colors are set here. If omitted, the story title will be used instead. When choosing a format, SugarCube is hard to go wrong with. Causes leading/trailing newlines to be removed and all remaining sequences of newlines to be replaced with single spaces before the passage is rendered. A format item has the syntax {index[,alignment]}, square-brackets denoting optional elements. This method has been deprecated and should no longer be used. I now switched to self-hosted html5 video. If you want to play tracks in a sequence, then you want a playlist instead. Warning: Hides the UI bar. SugarCube is a feature-rich, extensible, and simple story format. Otherwise ping me on Twitter or something. For normal projects, authors are encouraged to continue to use the StoryInit special named passage. Stops playback of the playlist and forces its tracks to drop any existing data. Unless localized by use of the <> macro, any story or other temporary variables used within widgets are part of a story's normal variable store, so care must be taken not to accidentally either overwrite or pick up an existing value. The callback is invoked each time a save is requested. TypeScript bindings for SugarCube APIs can found as the Definitely Typed package: @types/twine-sugarcube. Shorthand for jQuery's .on() method applied to the audio element. Circular references. If you need to know if the player has ever been to a particular passage, then you must use the State.hasPlayed() method or the hasVisited() story function. Note: If you don't know what that means, then this API is likely not for you. Triggered before the rendering of the incoming passage. You must provide your own styling for the link-visited class as none is provided by default. By default, it simply returns non-deterministic results from Math.random(), however, when the seedable PRNG has been enabled, via State.prng.init(), it returns deterministic results from the seeded PRNG instead. (n.b., it is possible to access it via the debugging interface, however, outside of debugging Roughly equivalent to the :passagestart event. Circular references. prerender tasks have been deprecated and should no longer be used. Valid values are boolean true, which simply causes the passages' titles to be used, an object, which maps passages' titles to their descriptions, or a function, which should return the passages' description. My social enterprise, Pinkcareers, is on a mission to close the gender gap in the c-suite. What I want to do with those images is explained in the following links: How To Create an Image Magnifier Glass (, How To Create a Tab Image Gallery ( Registers the passage as a video passage. See Config.macros.maxLoopIterations for more information. System events allow the execution of JavaScript code at specific points during story startup and teardown. Terminates the execution of the current <>. Does not modify the original. sugar cube. noun. : a small cube of sugar that is put in coffee or tea to make it sweet. Track event triggered when a fade completes normally. The default font stack is set here. This macro is an alias for <>. Ill post a report to git. If no name is given, resets all settings. See the forget() function for its replacement. Valid collection types are: arrays, generic objects, maps, sets, and strings. The function will be called just before the built-in no-break passage processing if you're also using thatsee the Config.passages.nobr setting and nobr special tag. In general, look to the, The various Options macros have been removed. Renders and displays the passage referenced by the given title, optionally without adding a new moment to the history. The def and ndef operators have very low precedence, so it is strongly recommended that if you mix them with other operators, that you wrap them in parenthesese.g., (def $style) and ($style is "girly"). Both of these features can be constructed in SugarCube, however, using macros like <> or by combining <> macros with DOM macros. When setting the value to boolean true, you will likely also need to use the Config.saves.isAllowed property to disallow saving on the start passage. Returns a reference to the Dialog object for chaining. Note: This method will not detect "code" passagesi.e., script, stylesheet, and widget passages. Prepares the dialog for use and returns a reference to its content area. Note: Note: That's not going to work because the onclick content attribute is executed within the global scope, rather than within SugarCube's. Note: Injecting additional <> macro invocations after a :typingcomplete event has been fired will cause another event to eventually be generated, since you're creating a new sequence of typing. Sets the value of the story or temporary variable by the given name. Determines whether certain elements within the UI bar are updated when passages are displayed. Note: Starts playback of the track and fades it between the specified starting and destination volume levels over the specified number of seconds. The new l10nStrings object has a simpler, flatter, set of properties and better support for replacement strings. Generates no output. Returns whether all of the given members were found within the array. Determines whether the audio subsystem automatically pauses tracks that have been faded to 0 volume (silent). Note: Triggered at the end of passage navigation. Global event triggered once just before the page is reloaded when Engine.restart() is called. Determines whether the audio subsystem attempts to preload track metadatameaning information about the track (e.g., duration), not its audio frames. In practice, you'll probably want to use either line continuations or one of the no-break methods: Config.passages.nobr setting, nobr special tag, <> macro. Controls the playback of the playlist, which must be set up via <>the deprecated <> may be used instead, though it is not recommended. Deprecated: :). Returns the topmost (most recent) moment from the full in-play history (past + future). In particular, the parameter list for the Dialog.setup() method has changed. The function is invoked each time the .processText() method is called. Registers the passage as a VTT passage. Unused by SugarCube. For example, if the passage name was Gone fishin', then: For example, if the tag name was Sector_42, then it would become both the data-tags attribute member Sector_42 (selector: [data-tags~="Sector_42"]) and the class sector-42 (selector: .sector-42). Hopefully this will be of use to others. The versions that forward to a specific passage are largely unnecessary, as you could simply use a normal link, and exist solely for compatibility with the <> macro. The autosave is, for the most part, a normal save slot, but with a few special features built in. Returns how much remains of the playlist's total playtime in seconds, Infinity if it contains any streams, or NaN if no metadata exists. Gets or sets the master volume level (default: 1). Creates a single-use link that deactivates itself and appends its contents to its link text when clicked. See Setting API for more information. See Also: UI API. Randomly selects the given number of unique members from the base array and returns the selected members as a new array. To jump to any moment/turn within the available history, select the moment/turn from the Turn select field. Calling the State.prng.init() methodformerly History.initPRNG()outside of story initialization will now throw an error. postdisplay tasks have been deprecated and should no longer be used. Returns the first member from the array. Only deletes the groups themselves, does not affect their component tracks. Passage end. Track event triggered when playback is stopped after .stop() or .stop() is calledeither manually or as part of another process. Because the custom style markup uses the same tokens to begin and end the markup, it cannot be nested within itself. See Guide: Media Passages for more information. Activates the moment at the given index within the full state history and show it. Additionally. Pease, do not take your players' bandwidth and data usage lightly. Returns the number of turns that have passed since the last instance of the passage with the given title occurred within the story history or -1 if it does not exist. Note: Removes the audio group with the given ID. Temporary variables were added in v2.3.0. Returns the last member from the array. TwineScript in SugarCube is, essentially, JavaScript with an extra spoonful of sugar on top to make it a bit nicer for the uninitiated. Once a track has been unloaded, playback cannot occur until it is reloaded. Displays the loading screen until all currently registered audio tracks have either loaded to a playable state or aborted loading due to errors. Executes its contents and prepends the output to the contents of the selected element(s). Note: Paste in the Base64-encoded media source as the passage's content. Twine1/Twee: Registers the passage as a CSS stylesheet, which is loaded during startup. Deprecated: There are many ways to use and interact with variables. Used within <> macros. Several things occur each and every time startup happens, regardless of whether or not a playthrough session will be restored, an autosave loaded, or the starting passage run. Donate Requirements SugarCube's sole requirement is a modern web browser, and by modern I mean one released within the last several years (you do not need the absolute latest and greatest shiny). Creates a single-use passage link that deactivates itself and all other <> links within the originating passage when activated. For example, if some story passages were tagged with forest, then styles for those forest passages might look like this: These are SugarCube's built-in stylesheets, in order of load/cascade. SimpleAudio API, AudioRunner API, and AudioList API. Registers the passage as <> macro definitions, which are loaded during startup. As an example, the default replacement strings make use of this to handle various warning intros and outros. The Config.debug setting for more information. If it encounters an unrecoverable problem during its processing, it may throw an exception containing an error message; the message will be displayed to the player and loading of the save will be terminated. Determines whether the autosave is created/updated when passages are displayed. If its return value is truthy, the override succeeds and that value is used as the new destination of the navigation. Returns a pseudo-random decimal number (floating-point) in the range 0 (inclusive) up to, but not including, 1 (exclusive). Note: Loading is done asynchronously at run time, so if the stylesheet must be available within a tight time frame, then you should use the Promise returned by the function to ensure that the stylesheet is loaded before it is needed. Ideally, if you need to update UI bar content outside of the normal passage navigation update, then you should update only the specific areas you need to rather than the entire UI bar. In the above example, if you save the story after reaching the passage called another passage, the $var variable will be saved in the state as 1, as you would expect. Doing so allows interactions with the text to also trigger its <>. Already on GitHub? Returns an array of the story metadata store's keys. Note: Functions, including statici.e., non-instancemethods, due to a few issues. Attaches fullscreen error event handlers. The entire Options systemMenuOptions special passage, options special variable, and associated macroshas been scrapped for numerous reasonsit was always a hack, required copious amounts of boilerplate code to be useful, etc. Gets or sets the track's volume level (default: 1). Instances of the Passage object are returned by the Story.get() static method. My game consists in a very simple list of choices, which at the end shows several images. Returns whether the operation was successful. The config object has been renamed to Config and some of its properties have also changed. Adds the value on the right-hand side of the operator to the current value on the left-hand side and assigns the result to the left-hand side. To enable test mode from the story editor/map screen while starting at a specific passage, hover over a passage and select the menu item. Instance methods of classes are not affected by either issue, as they're never actually stored within story variables, being referenced from their classes' prototypes instead. Returns the given code string, and optional data chunk, wrapped within the JSON deserialization revive wrapper. This only affects test mode. The majority of newer SugarCube versions do not have any changes that would require an update. If you installed Returns whether the history navigation was successful (should only fail if the index is not within the bounds of the full history). Load and integrate external CSS stylesheets. It worked in Harlowe just fine, but I wanted to make it more appealing and switched to SugarCube. Used to populate the story's banner area in the UI bar (element ID: story-banner). Replacement patterns have the format {NAME}e.g., {identity}where NAME is the name of a property within either the l10nStrings object or, in a few cases, an object supplied locally where the string is usedthese instances will be commented. <> does not terminate passage rendering in the passage where it was encountered, so care must be taken to ensure that no unwanted state modifications occur after its call. The UISystem API object has been split into two APIs Dialog and UI, and some of its methods have also changed. See Dialog API for more information. Executes its contents and replaces the contents of the selected element(s) with the output. Deprecated: If you need to check for multiple passages, the hasVisited() story function will likely be more convenient to use. Twine1/Twee: Registers the passage as JavaScript code, which is executed during startup. The Non-generic object types (a.k.a. Valid values are boolean true, which simply causes the autosave to be loaded, the string "prompt", which prompts the player via a dialog to load the autosave, or a function, which causes the autosave to be loaded if its return value is truthy. Note: If setting a background image via the background shorthand property, then you should also specify a background-color value with it or include a separate background-color property after the background property. Note: Note: Returns a reference to the UIBar object for chaining. The audio subsystem is based upon the HTML Media Elements APIs and comes with some built-in limitations: Pauses playback of all currently registered tracks and, if they're not already in the process of loading, force them to drop any existing data and begin loading. Thus, all volume adjustments are ignored by the device, though muting should work normally. Copy the following URL and paste it into the Add a New Format tab of the Formats menu, from Twine2's sidebar. Passage display. To update the value associated with a key, simply set it again. This macro has been deprecated and should no longer be used. Stops playback of all currently registered tracks. So thank you for taking the time to help beginners get the hang of both Sugarcube and Twee. Adding additional properties directly to save objects is not recommended. NOTE: You do not call this manually, it must be called by the change event handler of an element. In mobile browsers, playback volume is controlled by the device hardware. Returns whether, at least, some of the track's data has been loaded. Shorthand for jQuery's .off() method applied to each of the audio elements. Deprecated: See the .includes() method for its replacement. Appends one or more unique members to the end of the base array and returns its new length. The story history contains moments (states) created during play. The .hasData() method is generally more useful. If you simply want to empty the selected element(s), not remove them outright, you should use an empty <> macro instead. Aside from general syntax, SugarCube macros do not use hooks, separate arguments differently, and don't allow other macros to be passed as arguments. Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled, Function not defined message error [SugarCube]. Returns whether any of the macro's ancestors passed the test implemented by the given filter function. See Also: Tip: The controls of the Settings dialog automatically call this method when settings are changed, so you should normally never need to call this method manually. This method has been deprecated and should no longer be used. Sets the story's subtitle in the UI bar (element ID: story-subtitle). Expired moments are recorded in a separate expired collection and can no longer be navigated to. Returns whether any moments with the given title exist within the past in-play history (past only). Instead, call the UI.restart() static method, which prompts the player with an OK/Cancel dialog before itself calling Engine.restart(), if they accept. Evaluates the given expression and compares it to the value(s) within its <> children. Newer versions of Twine2 come bundled with a version of SugarCube v2, so you only need to read these instructions if you want to install a newer version of SugarCube v2 than is bundled or a non-standard release. Function templates should return a string, which may itself contain markup. The callback is passed one parameter, the original destination passage title. Hides the loading screen, if no other locks exist. Should the history exceed the limit, states will be dropped from the past (oldest first). Assignment: The expression causes an assignment to occure.g., A backquote is also known as a grave and is often paired with the tilde (. Unfortunately, this means that the two objects are incompatible. Note: See Also: In general, you should not call this method directly. Tag it with the appropriate media passage special tag, and only that tagsee below. The following types of values are natively supported by SugarCube and may be safely used within story and temporary variables. Used to populate the story's menu items in the UI bar (element ID: menu-story). enter all those commands. See Also: While not specifically about SugarCube, the About Expressions section of the Twine1 reference documentation may also be helpful. The handler is passed one parameter, the save object to be processed. Returns a reference to the current AudioTrack instance for chaining. Warning: A variable is a bit of storage where you may stash a value for later use. Note: Tip: Reasons might be 1) Path to jQuery library you included is not correct. Story variables are a part of the story history and exist for the lifetime of a playthrough session. Unsets story $variables and temporary _variables. Thats a twofold issue: getting your function in-scope and waiting until your element is attached to the page. Deletes all currently registered on-load handlers. 2) Added library after the script were you see that error To solve this Completely removes the UI bar and all of its associated styles and event handlers. See the :passagedisplay event for its replacement. 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