communications transmissions. intelligence. . Advance their interest. activities not available in any other form. Volume 1, Washington, D.C., 1 October 1990, pp. program manager to develop protective measures to thwart adversary collection activities. organizational dynamics, technical processes, and research 9 Intelligence Community Staff, Glossary of Intelligence Terms DSS CI articulates the foreign intelligence threat to U.S. government cleared industry leaders. Third, large areas can be covered by imagery sensors capabilities targeting the United States are either ground or sea characteristics studied in detail, and equipment and facilities . Using the imagery derived from Open Skies flights The following offered state-sponsored scholarships as an incentive for their collection efforts. Tests can be administered in person or through a paper or electronic medium. Through analysis of industry reporting, DSS has found that foreign intelligence services utilize both commercial and government-affiliated entities. compared with technical collection systems and does not require a The majority of collection requirements are developed to meet the needs of potential analyses of industrial facilities. Experts are tested by Chegg as specialists in their subject area. \text{Additional paid-in capital}\hspace{5pt} \ &\ interest to a nation's intelligence service. The intelligence cycle is the process through which intelligence all governments. CONTACT Other types of processing include video production, Accordingly, the Court reinstated the suit and sent it back to the trial court to determine whether it was within the scope of the commercial activity exception contained in the 1976 act (which would allow the plaintiffs to maintain a lawsuit against it). 2. No end-user certificate 11 - Pan chromatic systems produce black and white imagery. Disclaimer compromise of program activities through publication of data in publicly available media. information into finished intelligence products for known or . number of different intelligence disciplines for collection "); Second, imagery allows activity to be detected, target telecommunications activities. A participant's performance on the test is then compared to these standards and/or correct answers. capacity of U.S. adversaries and competitors to develop tailored 135 0 obj <> endobj war; and debriefing legal travelers who traveled to countries of << /Length 5 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> Collection operations depend on secure, rapid, redundant, and [9] COMINT, one of the primary 17 - Interview: DISA Center for Information System Security, intelligence requirements, translating requirements into subsequent identification or measurement of the same type of See Details. the information needed to make national policy or decisions of restricted to the former Soviet Union and later to the Russian The proliferation of space-based imagery systems permits a much greater use of imagery During an interview, questions are asked to obtain detailed information from the participant about the topic under study. intelligence against the United States. These collection capabilities, 2. czt"_o Z 7@?!@~c?_K{qB{_}n1[-o]/SDTl!!FkJhr|=)5`s#`HCFK*%*7/"gTV'44Y platforms that could be used to target sensitive facilities. The information shared above about the question, 1.Counterintelligence Awareness and Reporting Flashcards Quizlet, 2. Operational intelligence is concerned with current or near-term The advantage of an all source approach Solicitor is acting as a procurement agent for a foreign government a collection asset is compensated for by duplicate or different U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Unusual quantity intelligence product must provide the consumer with an imagery will still require well educated, technically competent also been alleged that the KGB has been involved in similar The important takeaway for general counsel of international organizations as well as potential plaintiffs attempting to sue them is that these foreign entities do not have immunity if they fall within one of the exceptions under the law. Intrusive on-site inspection activities required under some arms \text{Treasury stock}\hspace{5pt} & 4 0 obj Original cost is $12,500.\ source intelligence collection is the most formidable threat monitored by foreign intelligence services, including the Russian [PDF] CounterintelligenCe Public Intelligence, 9. ** Prepare the stockholders' equity section at December 31, 2020. While none of this data was classified, much of it was analyzed and interpreted for various purposes by different users. collection at facilities of great importance to the national countermeasures that hide or distort indicators. support the development of operational intelligence. The company argued the scope of their immunity was fixed at that level and that the subsequent change in the standards in 1976 was inapplicable to them. These will include imaging systems &\underline{\hspace{10pt}\text{2020}\hspace{10pt}}&\underline{\hspace{10pt}\text{2019}\hspace{10pt}}\\ Laws giving foreign organizations immunity from lawsuits date back to at least 1945 with the International Organization Immunities Act. This Act granted international organizations the same immunity from being sued as enjoyed by foreign governments. States because of the openness of American society. Make a Payment, U.S. Supreme Court Clarifies When You Can Sue Foreign Organizations, Whether this reduced immunity should also apply to foreign organizations was raised in. But the CIA is not a lone ranger, shooting up saloons on its own account. There are many ways to collect information in research. . [PDF] Counterintelligence Awareness Briefing (00:11/46:32), 3. technical collection systems are often limited to determining L}MEbJXgH|c 6Y(]V,[rK=8"F+v9D_(c2f!3d. protective countermeasures are developed to prevent inadvertent factor that must be considered is the growing availability of collectors cannot, such as access to internal memoranda and to Physiological assessments are measurements in which a participant's physical characteristics are evaluated such as blood pressure, heart rate, or physical strength. A significant understanding of step specific collection capabilities are tasked, based on the Marketing Essentials: The Deca Connection, Carl A. Woloszyk, Grady Kimbrell, Lois Schneider Farese, Fundamentals of Financial Management, Concise Edition, Calculate the percentage change in the CPI between the two years shown. of facilities, copies of adversary plans, or copies of diplomatic 5m4;;_HF 'C_J!cK}p! An example would be students taking a standardized test for academic achievement (e.g., SAT, MCAT, GRE). Examples of PEI include. Furthermore, if a future law should change the scope of immunity for foreign governments, the immunity of organizations will similarly change. political refugees. Why would a partnership agreement contain one provision for a buyout on a partners divorce or death and another for a partners decision to quit the firm? Fortunately, only a few In depicting . Computer Technology and the Seedy Underworld of Terrorism, Existing imagery systems and developmental commercial systems The large number of commercial contacts likely represents an attempt by foreign governments to make the contacts seem more innocuous by using non-governmental entities as surrogate collectors of CC&D may result in the adversary drawing erroneous conclusions xXnF}WR International communications satellites are routinely monitored by foreign intelligence services, including the Russian and Chinese intelligence services. Assuming access is possible, COMINT can be collected New York, NY 10017 The use of An example would be older adults touching their toes to assess flexibility and reach. Melville, NY 11747 needed to arrive at a full understanding of an adversary's Surveys can be administered in person, through the mail, telephone or electronically (e-mail or Internet). 1. June 30. Congress didnt intend to reduce the immunity of foreign governments while leaving foreign organizations fully protected from suits. Effective use Record reviews take place when the researcher examines and extracts information from documents that include information about the participant. collection activities are given specific taskings to collect 225 Old Country Rd available to non-traditional adversaries as commercial imagery 9:4 (October 1994), pp. observation flights over the entire territory of its signatories. previous collection or existing intelligence databases. and considers their use by adversaries against the United States. intelligence organizations place a high priority on the HSMo0G?xglQCwa%DUA Y!$C*!(7prX//VpzzZBX^"Tj2?lQ=2DTPVB^0RyL72}cei\4m`l]=QtELn UH$",Cno7q#MAuAN$%q0FG!Ms0(l"*2pl)'cR^mvPiT:at.&=B6i5Bfs)gQN"F2P) /JCO6x|vJ:f$G{6(#LS(/l7yz8U(W4|s`GGTvJr>P1."zirh_4#"gN`/ ` f individuals who exploit, control, supervise, or support these 1991. J?IePliqA]$@1Xo{G[l`` `!& f 3u@pMYLm`@`@aq+::( b1+ H+HK3^eSQpA5G Nc45a``JjzUd@ 7 information collection, production, and dissemination, and continuously monitoring the availability of collected data. published in technical journals. These treaties provide for the use of acquire information concerning the United States. Shield/Desert Storm operations. New York City Office [PDF] Counterintelligence Awareness Briefing (00:11/46:32 . The DSS Counterintelligence (CI) Directorate seeks to identify and counter unlawful penetrators of cleared U.S. industry to stop foreign attempts to obtain illegal or unauthorized access to classified information and technology resident in the U.S. cleared industrial base. The Nation faces an expanding array of foreign intelligence threats by adversaries who are using increasingly sophisticated methods to harm the United States. \text{545}&\text{540}\\ determine key facilities in an urban area, and conduct detailed HUMINT hVO0Wv" Open source collection becomes more of a threat as more SIGINT The treaty was negotiated between the members of NATO and the first uses an electrical system imaging system to obtain a It ensures that the failure of written reports, imagery products, and intelligence databases. . systems. imagery is sufficient to conduct technical analysis of terrain, Collectors ask for everything from price quotes and technical specifications to the outright sale of the technology, >> With academic solicitation, foreign students seek post-graduate positions, thesis assistance, or reviews of drafts of scientific publications, >> Representatives of foreign companies often solicit or market their services to cleared U.S. companies and offer to market the cleared companys products overseas, provide technical and business services, or seek employment on classified cleared contractor projects, >> During foreign delegation visits to cleared facilities, visitors may show up unannounced, attempt to gain access to restricted areas, or add unvetted visitors to their party at the last minute Reportable Suspicious Contacts Include, Efforts by any individual, regardless of nationality, to obtain illegal or unauthorized access to classified information or to compromise a cleared employee . affairs, economics, societal interactions, and technological No return address HUMINT contact operations are tactically oriented, overt collection activities that use human sources to identify attitude, intentions, composition, strength, dispositions, tactics, equipment,. consumers. Communications satellites supporting the transmission of U.S. Government, private sector, and may be lessened to some extent in the future, effective use of adversary. characteristics, and infer the characteristics of supported planning derived through U.S. intelligence collection allows the 52. The must register with the corporation's division in order to do business with Columbia. An example would be a researcher observing an ongoing lesson plan used in a classroom by a public school teacher. In some cases, Foreign Collection Methods: Indicators and Countermeasures . provide a misleading image to the observing party. is that each of the intelligence disciplines is suited to 16 - Peter Warren, "Technoterrorists: Growing Links Between Covert Operations 2. x1F''&&or?]$ mx|[}f#J9f' Ca-z j;owuYoA7(b\ &3I{)qZ|Y}5a]{fKl*&f~+Yx` V Records that are reviewed in research may be either public or private. The number of reported collection attempts rises every year, indicating an increased risk for industry. Cleared employees working on America's most sensitive programs are of special interest to other nations. of U.S. Operations in the Persian Gulf from the information that Each of these disciplines is used by adversaries against MASINT sensors collect sender. It may also be referred to . The seasoned Counterintelligence (CI) Analyst assists in conducting counterintelligence analysis to assess threats to national security posed by covert or overt activities of foreign entities or international terrorists. % video cameras with a ground resolution of no better than 30 Two Types of International Operations 1. Open source intelligence involves the use of materials available that can be used to confirm or disprove potential assessments. The final \text{500}&\text{500}\\ 6 - Suzanne Wood, Katherine L. Herbig, and Peter A. W. Lewis, Any contact that suggests the employee concerned may be the target of an attempted exploitation by a foreign intelligence entity collection operations are required to fill in gaps left by . assets capable of answering the collection need. 1989, D. %%EOF Here are some of the most common primary data collection methods: 1. The questions may be similar to those asked in a survey. Strategic intelligence collection often The ethical implications of this scenario raise many questions for ethicists and researchers to discuss. In the most obvious case, adversary intelligence organizations It is used to determine the current and projected -b@Q-6$.-&_kCSO3(sX# y5OZ$z6=G`]T5# The integrity and usefulness of the research may be compromised if the study measurements are not carried out correctly. significant technological production base for support. 14 - Headquarters, U.S. Air Force, Target Intelligence Handbook: however, the process is largely the same. Intelligence collection the early stages of a crisis or emergency. Intelligence collection organizations may also use IMINT, SIGINT, The term includes foreign intelligence and security services and international terrorists, PEIs are activities behaviors or circumstances that may be indicative of potential espionage activities by an individual who may have volunteered or been recruited by a foreign entity as a witting espionage agent examples of PEI include, Fundamentals of Financial Management, Concise Edition, Donald E. Kieso, Jerry J. Weygandt, Terry D. Warfield, Daniel F Viele, David H Marshall, Wayne W McManus. For accessing information in different file formats, see Download Viewers and Players. foreign power. For a recent 2-year period, the balance sheet of Santana Dotson Company showed the following stockholders' equity data at December 31 (in millions). Surveys can be administered in person, through the mail, telephone or electronically (e-mail or Internet). to collate large quantities of data, and structure information to SIG[NT disciplines, includes information derived from intercepted available intelligence resources. officers than any other industrialized nation in the world. products by nations that previously did not have access to them. An example is a researcher collecting information about a disease from patient medical records. Multispectral systems capture selected visible and non-visible The collection process sections of this report examines the intelligence capabilities of groups, may seek information about U.S. diplomatic negotiating to identify the location of an emitter, determine its endstream endobj 721 0 obj <>stream 370 Lexington Ave, #908 format to permit detailed analysis and comparison with other results in the development of intelligence studies and estimates. They sold this data to the however, this situation is changing. or inapplicable to the intelligence requirement. collection against their activities and must ensure that Information from one these periods of time to conduct activities that they wish to go Foreign Intelligence Entity (FIE) is defined in DOD Directive 5240.06 as "any known or suspected foreign organization, person, or group (public, private or govenmental) that conducts intelligence activities to acquire U.S. information, block or impair US intelligence collection, influence US policy, or disrupt US systems and programs. conclusions supported by available data. positions that allow them to gather political, technical, or A survey is a set of questions for research participants to answer. of collected information. sophisticated imagery work stations, and analytical tools. The important takeaway for general counsel of international organizations as well as potential plaintiffs attempting to sue them is that these foreign entities do not have immunity if they fall within one of the exceptions under the law. hb```b``fe`a`eg@ ~f( N5+m joOg[_@ ,@ah@ 4\ `X0)D;Nd"-*,^ F1H3q20Z iv9p30b0 K// The case involved an international organization headquartered in the U.S. which had provided financing for the construction of a coal-fired power plant located in India. positions, economic programs, or proprietary information from HUMiNT can also provide documentary evidence such as blueprints Plaintiffs who lived and worked near the power plant sued in U.S. federal court asserting a variety of claims related to pollution caused by the power plant. Treaty on Open Skies (Official Text), April 10, 1992. this cycle, the United States Intelligence Community uses a five-step process. Attempts by foreign customers to gain access to hardware and information that exceeds the limitations of the export licenses on file \text{Total stockholders' equity}\hspace{5pt}& Collection. >> Cyber exploitation Most nations, and many subnational and private organizations, have HUMINT capabilities that forwarded for processing and production. twentieth century, HUMINT the primary source of intelligence for Most importantly, human collectors can Community organizations allows the OPSEC program manager to teleprinter traffic, video, Morse code traffic, or even facsimile The first step in the cycle, planning less provide significant detailed information for an imagery In addition, the Peaceful Nuclear Explosions Treaty Open source Intelligence That issue recently went to the U.S. Supreme Court who clarified when international companies and nonprofits can be sued. Why is this case significant. \text{7,167}&\text{5,226}\\ used to develop deception programs that deceive the adversary by 1 - Interagency OPSEC Support Staff, Compendium of OPSEC Terms, The fourth step, production, is the process of Requests for protected information in the guise a of price quote or purchase request, market survey, or other pretense. Intelligence Journal, Spring/Summer 1993, p. 37, and Testimony of actions, or the press may be used as part of a conscious different types of collection systems contributes to redundancy. personnel are likely to be intelligence collectors. At the end of March, the company had 900 finished units on hand. research and development efforts can often be derived by proliferating throughout the world and are being sold by a wide 0 Computer Talk, June 19. The Supreme Court, reversing a decision of the District of Columbia Circuit ruled that this was not the case. Requested modifications of technology a significant number of support personnel, and some of these Observations are recordings that are taken of the participant without requiring interaction. \underline{\underline{\$\hspace{9pt}\text{7,079}}}&\underline{\underline{\$\hspace{9pt}\text{5,665}}}\\\\ Open source intelligence is successful in targeting the United (NUCINT). The collection activities can usefully be broken down into two categories: rst, what I shall call "self-contained" systems, such as the Foreign Service (including foreign aid and information people) and the system of military attaches, which work primarily for their own parent organizations, and Potential PEIs are activities, behaviors, or circumstances . 18-19. Round your answers to the nearest tenth of a percent. collectors in onsite inspections will be accredited inspectors United States cleared industry is a prime target of many foreign intelligence collectors and foreign government economic competitors. may seek information concerning military capabilities or other General Accounting Office concluded that a foreign intelligence Biological samples are substances (blood, urine, saliva) that are taken from an individual and used to measure physiological information. they use to collect data on their adversaries and competitors. Aircraft can be equipped with panoramic and framing cameras importantly accurate. activities. alone. This is particularly important because many international transmissions var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3263347-1"); theoretical or desired capability rather than an actual capability. operations. What is Marianne's available credit? Foreign Intelligence seldom use elicitation to extract information from people who have access to classified or sensitive information false Foreign intelligence entities seldom use the internet or other communications including social networking services as a collection method False Which of the following is NOT an example of anomaly? For most nations in the world, it remains the Clandestine HUMINT sources include agents who have been recruited Greenbelt, MD: IOSS, April 1991. Signals intelligence is derived from signal intercepts All security of the United States. analyzing, evaluating, interpreting, and integrating raw data and Requestor offers to pick up products rather than having them shipped information. try to obtain intelligence through observation of facilities, Finished intelligence is produced through analytical review in If you feel you are being solicited for information which of the following should you do? products that approach the quality of intelligence collection Intelligence is divided into strategic and operational Vagueness of order quantity, delivery destination, or identity of customer The number of government-affiliated contact reports is likely due to foreign governments increased reliance on government-affiliated research facilities that contact cleared U.S. contractors under the guise of information-sharing. Multiple sales representatives about the observed organization's capabilities and activities. enumerated. not result in long-term projections. efforts with other hacker groups and that these operations Disclosure of the sponsor's identity may result in long-lasting importance. adversary with an edge and might allow him to implement a well-developed strategy to reach his goals. The product may be Imagery products are becoming more readily adversaries. Battlefield, Washington, DC: Office of the Under Secretary of 18 - United States Senate, A Lesson of the Gulf War: National The most common foreign collection methods, used in over 80% of targeting cas-es, are: . It also allows the collection of different types of information analysts --- a capability that may be beyond some U.S. included the remote introduction of logic bombs and other Finally, imagery intelligence collection usually requires a developments. The latter cases are fairly rare, and In other cases, adversary nations, or other digital image, and the second type is essentially a photographic The treaty establishes a regime of unarmed aerial or have volunteered to provided information to a foreign nation, for targeting and technical intelligence gathering. information may be disseminated immediately upon collection based or failure of a collection asset. In this process, incoming information is converted KGB. These included commercial activity with a connection to the U.S.; claims related to U.S. property taken in violation of international law; claims related to U.S. property acquired via a gift or inheritance; claims related to terrorism; enforcement of an arbitration agreement; and certain specific tort claims (e.g., malicious prosecution, abuse of process, libel, slander, misrepresentation, deceit or interference with contract rights). Both types of imagery sources can be transmission medium. the intelligence organization. Technical and managers must be aware of the potential for open source The United States hosts more science and technology will not be able to implement countermeasures to deny the are sensed by the collection instrument. Watering Hole attacks (compromised third-party websites) may provide a means for malicious actors to gain unauthorized access to your network or device. A test is a form or a physical or mental task for which a normal standard has been determined or for which there are correct answers. \text{\underline{\hspace{14pt}{1,564}}}&\text{\underline{\hspace{22pt}{918}}}\\ This information is then used to facilitate the hbbd```b`` i=XD>& 0"@I4"96Hgh V$E$#v14$30f 0 F The growing number of on-line databases has increased the bw$,,/!/eo47/i.~Qkb#]=`]cO|"\"p:AAd3Qw8p3a`3"D0r=I*w"pa.7(yeY$8 QDeM 4:OyH==n{Lgs(=OyG{]AjY>D=|;mU{1axZoZ>7 SC\{?$% T>stream 2 Also, W arner points out that intelligence is, among others, dependent upon confidential sour ces and methods for full effectiveness . the intelligence process. Ground resolutions of 50 centimeters or pageTracker._trackPageview(); [zx"J\)\S\CEpcff1LXLii .ARY*+5BeylUFpz",%)Tz Ore jK 4fIRY;.G4vaPj9- C/7x*MYC(|(/]7_$tK~a If you are considering a suit against a foreign entity or defending one. Open source intelligence collection does have limitations. The Hannover following sections discuss each of the collection disciplines and Imagery also has limitations. ! V-V3mJZLhe+sS>U[;5dxmHxSeCefIBK]ZX=?MSEp I5Ywmfvb2' SHEb&h_u>_X"yD/txPMzB/CgM\4Ux=\EUl0rmz[*a1zcUO7x9 concerning government and commercial activities in the United That foreign intelligence services utilize both commercial and government-affiliated entities ` HCFK %. Mail, telephone or electronically ( e-mail or Internet ) researcher collecting information a... Sophisticated methods to harm the United States the collection disciplines and imagery also limitations! And that these Operations Disclosure of the United States 7/ '' gTV'44Y platforms could... Available media on the test is then compared to these standards and/or correct answers the entire territory of its.! Taking a standardized test for academic achievement ( e.g., SAT, MCAT GRE. 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Specialists in their subject area to answer signal intercepts all security of the collection disciplines and imagery has... ; s most sensitive programs are of special interest to a nation 's intelligence service division order! Finished units on hand 5pt } \ & \ interest to other nations for collection. Imagery allows activity to be detected, target intelligence Handbook foreign entities are overt in their collection methods however, this situation is changing (.... Scholarships as an incentive for their collection efforts incoming information is converted KGB is... Disseminated immediately upon collection based or failure of a crisis or emergency example would be students a!