why western culture is bad

There is, and we should keep our wits about us, have compassion for all, and care about helping to develop more effective systems and a sense of global solidarity. Its okay for them to make money from blogging, but if you make money from blogging, they are a SJW and try to get your advertisers to boycott you. We will fuck up, but we will also do generous, loving things. Then instagram, tumblr, facebook and the selfie stick comes along and we reach peak narcissism. He had seen the damage that some missionaries had done in a Native American setting. I will also touch on all your points in my own way. This allowed a delicate balance of individual enterprise and creativity, whilst at the same time asserting the church's prosocial dutyto be fighting for the good of all in terms of social projects such as the abolition of slavery, child-labour and many other welfare improvements. The anti-diet movement is, in part, working to debunk the diet culture myth that thinness equals health and raising awareness of and helping to end fat phobia and discrimination against people in . But I digress. But its not a Christian term. Boyfriend and girlfriend culture We invent endless differences in an ongoing game of human drama when, at root, we are all members of the same species living on a tiny rock in a mysterious void. The book has other gems such as, The most curious sexism is womens belief that only one sex is sexist and There are two possible reasons why we keep hearing that we live in a patriarchy. The rise of . For this reason and others, we in the Western world endlessly divide ourselves into in-groups and out-groups. Some have criticised Henrich for saying that Christianity is purely individualistic and anti-communal. Subscribe to know more about how your genes, gut bacteria and lifestyle affect your health, Check out these articles you might be interested in. There are of course lots of nuances and cautions about the data and how to interpret it, but yes there does seem to be a correlation between those who are kin/family focussed and those who are more individualistic, yet more likely to join associations, do volunteering and join and actively take part in church. Adopting western culture includes . Here are 5 more reasons why we love Sam Elliott. I could go where even mules could not go. But being, as I am, a Western historian, I am inevitably annoyed by the contemporary West. Anyone can read what you share. God forbid, we might not get the result we want or be laughed at by other people. The alphabet was first developed by the Phoenicians, who. Dominator vs. Partnership Cultures: A Profound Re-Telling of Human History, Kierkegaard + Batman: Bodacious Comic Re-Imagines Father of Existentialism as Dark Knight. Democratic- only late nineteenth century and then only for men. Also a distinction between the various colonial powers a British colony was very different from a Portuguese colony and both were difference from a French, Spanish or Dutch colony and possibly seeing whether the prosocialness of a colonial powers treatment of its colonies varied according to the kin-index of its home society? youre quite welcome. 4. Westernization has been a pervasive and accelerating influence across the world in the last few centuries, with some thinkers assuming westernization to be the equivalent of modernization. It has made a fine art out of taking advantage of human silliness. Furthermore, as many a thinker has argued, our pain can be an essential catalyst toward resilience, self-knowledge, and compassion. Liberalism (authoritarian liberal, not a classical liberal), turns everything it touches into cancer. i still think many/most prisons could be much more rehabilitative though. Furthermore, WEIRD and non-WEIRD people define themselves in totally different ways. While we are lowering the age of sexual awareness and frequently the age of sexual experience, too to a veritably Hindu degree, we are at the same time prolonging the length of education. On consanguinity, I can find only one article from forty years ago which discusses the consanguinity laws and that only for nobles. Anything that thousands or millions of other people arent already doing is likely to be met with unease from our parents, counselors, coaches, and advisors. I have never met one of my cousins at the airport. I think they often are. War Invasion Attack and loot High Drug addiction high sexism They don't care that much about old parents White supreme ideology and Hating who isn't look like them Over naked over sexism Full of LGBT Promoting ultra toxic feminism and hating Male 47 More answers below Ian Raper Ironically, if it werent for all of the people that are different from you or I, we would be rendered indistinguishable from one another, retain no shape to call our own, and the whole game of human identity would be kaput. And women dying, female cancer and International Womens Day is given more sympathy and recognition than men (or the mens day). Its not that you want to have kids, but that you increase your chances of having kids. He is an anthropologist and his book is brim full of data, charts and statistical analysis. War Invasion Attack and loot High Drug addiction high sexism They don't care that much about old parents White supreme ideology and Hating who isn't look like them Over naked over sexism Full of LGBT Promoting ultra toxic feminism and hating Male 50 More answers below Fernando Lanzer Not that it eclipses the local culture but it is present in most cities in music food and how people dress also a lot of the upper class tend to be westernized and of course most of the world wears European clothes. These sites have no dislike button so attention seeking, narcissism, degenerates and low intelligence proliferate the site without being curbed (and nobody can express they disagree), concepts such as honour, discourse and only speaking when you have something of value to say, falls by the wayside, which in turn, teaches them that its acceptable to think that way. TOP TIP: Take an Atlas Microbiome Test to discover the inflammatory potential of your gut microbiome, including your protection score against five gastrointestinal disorders. IN ancient Greece, the navel of the earth was marked by a monolith at Delphi. Technically awareness 6. Western culture began in Sumer, in modern-day southern Iraq. He cites countless studies which show that WEIRD societies are more pro-socialin other words, more likely to do things that benefit wider society such as donating blood, not parking illegally, being willing to report your own family to the police if theyve committed a crime, to name a few. There are strong incentives, for both individuals and institutions, to claim to hold or to genuinely believe they hold a monopoly on the Truth. One of those incentives is to protect themselves, their fellow citizens, and their loved ones from the unknown, or the unknowable. My own view is that WEIRDness is a comparatively recent phenomenon not a medieval one. If you have valued this post, you can make a single or repeat donation through PayPal: Comments policy: Good comments that engage with the content of the post, and share in respectful debate, can add real value. However, in emphasizing a specific set of values, most cultures (particularly dominator cultures) seem to become dogmatici.e. A human being has roots, like a tree, and these roots tether him though, unlike a tree's roots, they are emotional and intellectual roots. Culture is like an operating system that provides default answers to all of lifes questions to protect us from the inevitable insecurity and anxiety that arise when we admit that we know very little about what is actually going onabout what we are, why were here, what we should do, etc. The Reformation pushed people to see themselves as sinners standing before God alone, rather than being defined as part of any group membership. This is, in itself, a deplorable impoverishment of the material side of human culture, and it brings spiritual standardization with it, which is still worse. Seek first to understand, then to be understood. Before scholars compare the relative value of cultures, Castillo concluded, we need to fix the historical record so that it includes all cultural perspectives. In the 16th century the Reformation came along and supercharged the whole process. By hurling yourself into the abyss and discovering its a feather bed.. I used to play around its steps when I was a tiny child. One method is by embracing it, as honestly as I can. When I was about 16 years old, I stayed with an uncle who was a specialist on Dante, while his wife was a specialist on Horace Walpole. This definition operates on a widely held belief that we need to make our bodies smaller to achieve optimal "health.". Possibly greater wariness of strangers also contributes to the low vaccine take up amongst ethnic minorities. Very good. Its frieze taught me the names of the great poets, artists and thinkers of the past; the group of figures at the four corners put the four continents on the map for me. The history of the West is usually said to have begun with the. Until 1800 the vast majority of Europeans were tied to the land and married within their local communities. And everyone wants an audience, wants to propagate their worldview for its own sake or for other ends. I could debate this all day, but Ill keep it short. Second was ICT (hard science) but it was too easy for me. The Potential Health Benefits Of Sourdough Bread. Determined to upend the existing tenets of society and install a new world order in their place, these progressive activists have demanded that Western nations open their borders, curtail the rights of their citizens to free speech, give minorities special treatment, and allow children to be influenced by alternative sexual lifestyles. In response, Monteiro formulated the NOVA classification table, a system grading food on its level of processing from 1 (minimally processed) to 4 (ultra-processed). Key Difference: Indian Culture refers to the customs, traditions, religions and set of rules that are followed in India, while the Western Culture most commonly refers to culture that is followed in America and Europe. please link me to any books or articles that you know of that are specifically related to any of the points i tried to make here. I will write another article red pilling the world about how evil liberalism really is later on, but when you break it down, people have had enough about PC politics. I dont want to be famous. From Oysters To Chocolate: Can Aphrodisiac Foods Get You In The Mood? Ill have to print this out and put it on my mirror for the dailyRead more . By the time were 15 or 16, were well-aware of a traditional life-path narrative in which people go to college, find a nice job, work their way up in the world, get married, have kids, buy a house, settle down, retire, die. and find the others. Your email address will not be published. I meet new people all the time. I could see the world as I pleased. No they do not. thanks, jamesbrown, for that distinction. If you take the components of WEIRD, then Western is self evident but Henrich includes the US, Australia and new Zealand as WEIRD cultures despite their many ethnic minorities. The ethical dilemma of countries having borders whilst the world has millions of refugees and migrants, Having a Certain Value Gives You Other Types of Value, Britains mass surveillance law Investigative Powers Act, Reject nanny state busybodies and reject killjoy cobbers, My Education Has Been a Complete Waste of Time. But the history of Islam, the history of Buddhism these opened up fascinating new worlds. 12, 13 the result is not so much a collapse of personal morality, but a loss of moral clarity: a heightened moral ambivalence and ambiguity, a tension or dissonance between our professed values and lifestyles, and a deepening cynicism about social Educated- well: Britain only had universal education in 1870, at which point fifty per cent of children did not go to school at all. I have two jobs and one job offer waiting I can start any time. To make a one-off or repeat donation to support the blog, use PayPal with the button below: We promise not to spam you. What might we not go on to do after that? The other possibility is that we live under a different kind of rule that is so strong and pervasive that it keeps us from seeing it for what it is and How come men never say its a mans world. Quoted in the book is a quote from Esther Vilar, Women invent rules, manipulate men to obey them, and in this way dominate men but in no way apply the rules to themselves from a book titled The Manipulated Man, of which she received death threats for. But beneath the glamorous, ever-grinning archetype is a serpentine subtextual message, a message that can quite literally make you feel as if something is terribly wrong with you. Western culture. In the one, the kin or tribe becomes the idol which controls its members, excludes others, and restricts innovation and creativity; in the Western model, the idol is the notion of individual liberty, which results in dangerous conflicts between competing identities, rejects any idea of obligation to ones fellow human beings and leaves many suffering loneliness. I did learn to ride a bicycle. In western culture we look up to famous people so much. A growing body of evidence suggests that following the diet can protect against age-related cognitive decline and neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's as well, though further RCTs are needed to confirm a causative relationship. I would like to read more of your essays. Another thing which occurs: we use the word individualism all the time to describe western culture, which is accurate. I think this book needs much further discussion. You may have recognized the above ad-copy as that of Enzyte, Natural Male Enhancement, and were unwittingly prompted to imagine Bob, that disturbingly perky boner-boosting poster boy and his eerily exaggerated inhuman perma-smile. So what use is the popularity their fame gives them? If you were famous and you put one of your fans in your twitch stream, youtube video or podcast, dont be surprised once they blow up due to the increased exposure and views, how they badmouth you and stop having anything to do with you in future. The Western diet is characterised by a high intake of ultra-processed foods, refined carbohydrates, saturated fats and free sugar. Please check your inbox and click the link to confirm your subscription. This education served me as a magic carpet on which I wafted myself from the 20th century of the Christian era to the third century B.C., and from the North Atlantic to the Eastern Mediterranean. It (as much as it means something) can behave with kinship as a group. We would be given a fruit like an apple or orange, just one, and when the person had finished speaking, they passed it to the person next to them, and they passed it to the person next to them, and so on and so on. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Ian Paul: theologian, author, speaker, academic consultant. It will eventually return to engulf, torment, and cripple us if we have long suppressed it. But its also problematic. Family solidarity trumped any concept of individualism. Sometimes we would even play games in circle time like one day i went to the shop and brought a. Is there another way? Its okay for them to dress sexually and be sultry or flirt with you, but if you give them a compliment you are sexually harrassing them [one] [two]. The film Schooling the World seeks to open a dialogue about this by showing the world the ways our education system is failing to make the world a better place, and people moving to slums is only one of the many negative effects Western education is having. One glance at the syllabus of the Oxford school of medieval and modern history was enough to put me off reading for that. The 20thcentury West is now imitating the nonWestern habitsthat the 19thcentury West rightlythough perhaps selfrighteouslycondemned. And women hold all the privilege in society. I mean, look around you. Conservatism and populism is rising in response to liberalism, political correctness, communism and globalism rising and trying to take a even greater stranglehold on us. Liking thin or curvy women is against PC because glamour modelling (Page 3, booth babes, F1 grid girls, miss world, protein world) hot girls in bikinis in advertising is banned in London and Britain due to feminist outrage, London major Sadiq Khan and the Advertising Standards Authority, liking fat women is PC. I run my own startups, and I do web development, app development, editing writing, songwriting, music producing as a freelancer, so I dont need to worry about poverty. The main book on medieval sex and the Church is by James Brundage and he records the frustration of the Church that people disregarded its rules. The diet is also low in saturated fats, reducing LDL or "bad" cholesterol alongside your risk of circulatory diseases. It has split up the human race into a host of sovereign independent national states.It has split up knowledge and understanding into a host of separate watertight disciplines. I dislike nationalism and I dislike specialization, and both are characteristically Western aberrations. Ill leave you with this passagewhich echoes my introductory sentiments and distills the crux of this piecefrom the philosopher Robert Anton Wilson: Its important to abolish the unconscious dogmatism that makes people think their way of looking at reality is the only sane way of viewing the world. 1. 1. When i was researching my local Suffolk villages at the outbreak of World War One, many lads had never left their villages before they were called up. [Edit: Since writing this post a couple years ago, Ive refactored my views on this point. The culture, widespread in the western countries is known as Western Culture. If I had happened to be born in 1889 in China instead of England, no doubt I should be annoyed today with the China of Pu Yi and Chiang Kaishek and Chou Enlai. The bond between white and black people is getting worse. In the US, at least, criminals are typically viewed not as fallible humans who made a mistake, but as irrevocably evil men who deserve decades-long prison sentences or capital punishment, rather than a second chance or rehabilitation. I have my fair share of fears and anxieties, but I refuse to be reduced and controlled by themI let them be and try always to do the personally meaningful things that arise organically within me. For many decades psychologists have assumed that everyone in the world acts like an undergraduate from the USA in terms of motivations and behaviours. The word for the number 4 sounds much like the word for death. document.getElementById( "ak_js_3" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Previous: Dominator vs. Partnership Cultures: A Profound Re-Telling of Human History, Next: Kierkegaard + Batman: Bodacious Comic Re-Imagines Father of Existentialism as Dark Knight. really appreciate the recommendation. There were always communists, in little fringe movements, but everyone laughed at them. Make the most charitable construal of the views of others and seek to learn from their perspectives. I can't locate the white collective unconscious. Western culture represents knowledge developed from the reason that has been made possible because of a vast accumulation of understanding related to human nature, including nature and reality, happiness, rights, individualism and science and technology. An American friend did give me an electric razor. Henrich says it started with Christianity and, in particular, the Catholic church. i agree that some people are unfit to be integrated into society. Today I read Jordan Bates and thought, this too will pass. We did murder some thousands of defenseless civilians at Port Said in 1956. Which is okay, because its fun and interesting to lose oneself in the game of human identity and social existence, wherein distinctions between people are indispensable for order and civil behavior. DISCLAIMERThis article is for informational purposes only. For all intents and purposes, the majority of people who are just trying to live out their lives in peace and pursue their particular vision of happiness are good people. I approach the uncertainty conundrum in different ways. Apart from contemporary Western crimes, there are other blemishes on contemporary Western life that I find repulsive. I had the good fortune to be educated in Greek and Latin. But I enjoyed finding my way among the Ptolemies and the Seleucuses. Now that communist Jeremy Corbyn was democratically elected as Labour Party leader with 59.5% of the vote out of four people, and Bernie Sanders came second place in the Democrat Party leadership with 43.1% of the vote, the threat of communism is no longer seen as a joke. 1. Perhaps some of these latter people could be reformed, but I do believe some people are too far gone or devoid of empathy to become decent human beings. Required fields are marked *. My inescapable Westernness makes it impossible for me to. thanks, Dan. Disrespect of our cultural activities 4. Westernization, or the adoption of Western cultures within societies that do not traditionally practice Western tradtions, threatens longstanding practices and traditions worldwide. Opposition to Jesus from every direction in Mark 3, model of a diverse fellowship of believers, The startling authority of Jesus in Mark 1, The startling authority of Jesus in Mark 1 video, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hajnal_line. interesting to hear that you think #1 is the most difficult to capture creatively in a compelling way. Celebrity Culture Is Burning. I mean, when feminists talk about men being privileged, they are focusing on only a stark minority of men and assuming that all men have those privileges, when they dont. But, as you are hopefully aware, the Truth changes, depending on who you ask. Yes, this came with a heavy dose of individualism, but for hundreds of years this was kept in check by the corporate nature of Christian fellowship. He was right. Moreover, refined grains are metabolised far more quickly than natural whole grains, leading to blood sugar spikes and crashes. and i liked the latest post on your blog a lot. They want/demand/.expect a more structured, rigid, permanent (comforting) (conventional) environment. Having lived in Britain for my life and been born there, Ive noticed that western culture or the 14 eyes countries, isnt as good as it seems, the way the people from asia make it sound. Also you dont need to be famous to be popular. All life has it, including plants. Do we need to take Jesus to our urban areas? How could I know about volts and ohms and transformers? I see this as tragic. So I would argue that it is only in the last 150 years that you can talk of WEIRDness being a feature of western societies. Be with those feelings; see what they might mean to you and know that theyre temporary. What should we make, then, of Jesus calling his first disciples and their willingness to leave their father and kinship groups? Starry,starry night, The Road of Light, Red Dust 1 and 2, All Our Mother. From our earliest years, we are surrounded by the worldviews of our parents, our education systems, our economic systems, our governments, our media, our religious institutions, and myriad other sources of foundational values and ideas. It holds me fast entangled in its coils. In The Weirdest People in the World, Joseph Henrich says that western people are WEIRDWestern, educated, industrialized, rich and democratic. When it comes to men, most (or all) of them are worse off than women, as when it comes to blanket power, not collective power, if you put 50 men and 50 women in a room, more often than not, the women will be privileged. And the people who live in the west, always say that asia is better than the west, even though asia doesnt really have socialist countries. Including mine, so dont take me too seriously. So what is so bad about individualism? But when fear dictates our lives, we almost inevitably avoid things that beckon to us. Search though I might in his footnotes, i could find no evidence for the Church having such control over marriages from 400. Even controlling for the poor micro and macronutrient content of ultra-processed foods (typically high in salt, sugar and saturated fat), the associations remain significant. Processed meats contain two carcinogenic preservatives; nitrites and nitrates. In Chinese culture, the reason behind the superstition surrounding the number 4 lies in the way it sounds. Refined grains, such as pastries, white bread and commercial crisps, are stripped of the bran and germ during processing, leaving only the nutritionally inferior endosperm. For some time, Ive aimed to adopt an attitude I dub dancing with uncertainty. Rather than feeling that I need to know anything, I have aimed to embrace that I am immersed in and inseparable from a colossal, mysterious unfolding of being and dont really know what will occur tomorrow, let alone in five years. This entails conservation, but also population reduction (i.e., education and opportunities for women), and immediate, drastic action on climate change. To be human is to experience a vast spectrum of emotion, and there will always be an ebb and flow. Now here is the biggie that to me completely undermines the arguments that Substitutionary atonement is immoral. Its as if these people want to take kaleidoscopic, inscrutable, inarticulable existence and put it in some kind of hermetically sealed canister in order to feel proud that its been contained and dissected thoroughly. Themselves in totally different ways supercharged the whole process aware, the reason the. Famous to be educated in Greek and Latin more reasons why we Sam! An ebb and flow when i was a tiny child blood sugar and! ) environment white and black people is getting worse we not go on to do that. Inevitably annoyed by the contemporary West, as honestly as i am, a historian. 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why western culture is bad