what caused the civil war in mozambique

[47] Prominent among the latter group were the gnocidaires themselves, such as elements of the former Rwandan Army, Forces armes rwandaises[fr] (FAR), and independent Hutu extremist groups known as Interahamwe. Ed. [45], Tutsi who emigrated to Zaire before Congolese independence in 1960 are known as Banyamulenge, meaning "from Mulenge", and had the right to citizenship under Zairian law. [158] This was done in defiance of the IG. [184][183] The civilian cost of the offensive is unclear; according to Andr Guichaoua several thousand were killed,[184] while Prunier labelled the RPF killing as "small-scale". They declined to join the ranks of ELAS. [52] The inyenzi label resurfaced in the 1990s as a highly derogatory term for the Tutsi, used by Hutu hardliners to dehumanise them. [139] Museveni later said that "faced with [a] fait accompli situation by our Rwandan brothers", Uganda went "to help the RPF, materially, so that they are not defeated because that would have been detrimental to the Tutsi people of Rwanda and would not have been good for Uganda's stability". [239] The RPF finally defeated the Rwandan Army in Kigali on 4July[240] and on 18 July took Gisenyi and the rest of the north-west, forcing the interim government into Zaire. [39] Following the end of the Cold War in 1992, the United States stopped supporting Mobutu in favour of what it called a "new generation of African leaders",[40] including Rwanda's Paul Kagame and Uganda's Yoweri Museveni. [137], On 31 December, the presidents of Cameroon and Ambazonia addressed the ongoing conflict in their end of year speeches. Later on, through political screening of the officers, the Cairo government created the III Greek Mountain Brigade, composed of staunchly anti-communist personnel, under the command of Brigadier Thrasyvoulos Tsakalotos. [22] The talks were held between Sisiku Julius Ayuk Tabe and other imprisoned leaders and representatives of the Cameroonian government. [307] A month later, the same militia killed five soldiers in an attack on an outpost in Bui,[308] two weeks into a separatist offensive against Cameroon in the area. [289][287] These attacks caused hundreds of thousands of refugees to flee;[290] many returned to Rwanda despite the presence of the RPF, while others ventured further west into Zaire. [197] According to Prunier this support was more symbolic than genuine. The new Congolese state under Kabila's rule proved to be disappointingly similar to Zaire under Mobutu. [16] Greece in the end was funded by the United States (through the Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Plan) and joined NATO (1952), while the insurgents were demoralized by the bitter split between the Soviet Union's Joseph Stalin, who wanted to end the war, and Yugoslavia's Josip Broz Tito, who wanted it to continue.[17]. A military assault on the separatists in Ekona failed to lift the blockade. 600, p. 2, 26 December 1996. [241] Four days later, Cameroonian soldiers killed four unarmed men in Buea. [302] Rwanda fell out with the new Congolese regime in 1998 and Kagame supported a fresh rebellion, leading to the Second Congo War. [70] However, Uganda did not support Rwanda in all aspects of the war. The task of re-equipping and training the army had been carried out by its fellow Western Allies. Former Uganda People's Democratic Army commander Odong Latek convinced Kony to adopt conventional guerrilla warfare tactics, primarily surprise attacks on civilian targets, such as villages. [65] Fighting in the agricultural heartland in the south of the country caused the number of people facing starvation to soar to 6 million,[66] causing famine in 2017 in some areas. The talks were again mediated by the Government of Southern Sudan, but with the support of the United Nations and logistic facilitation from the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA). [110] This followed the deaths of 16 such workers, five workers at a field in Unity State on 18 December and another 11 at the Thar Jath field the next day. Following Stalin's instructions, the KKE's leadership tried to avoid a confrontation with the Papandreou government. [342], Both sides have used WhatsApp to spread propaganda. A wave of democratisation swept across Africa during the 1990s. All were eventually released. [298] The Rwandan and Ugandan governments supported an alliance of four rebel groups headed by Laurent-Dsir Kabila, which began waging the First Congo War. The separatists had lost around 1,000 fighters. Cross-border tensions eased as support to proxy forces fell. 470471, Reyntjens, Filip. [239] In Bamenda, the Cameroonian Army claimed to have discovered and disarmed several improvised explosive devices. [38], SCNC activities were routinely disrupted by police. The genocide ended when the Hutu government in Kigali was overthrown by the Tutsi-dominated Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF). [94] They were followed by hundreds more rebels, dressed in the uniforms of the Ugandan national army and carrying stolen Ugandan weaponry, including machine guns, autocannons, mortars, and Soviet BM-21 multiple rocket launchers. [26] In 1884, the area became the British Ambas Bay Protectorate, with Victoria as its capital. ", "South Sudan peace talks suspended indefinitely", "South Sudan peace talks break up, mediator berates leaders", "South Sudan Troops, Rebel Fighters Clash After Peace Talks Fail", "South Sudan ivory seizure highlights Africa's 'ongoing poaching crisis', "South Sudan Wildlife Surviving Civil War, but Poaching and Trafficking Threats Increase", "South Sudan's next civil war is starting", "S Sudan rebels: Johnson Olony is on our side", "Machar backs away from claim to loyalty of 'independent' Shilluk forces", "Will South Sudan peace deal be worth the wait? [56] Machar returned to Juba in 2016 and was appointed vice president. [97], On 2 October the RPF leader Fred Rwigyema was shot in the head and killed. [48] The strikes were supported by peaceful protests in the cities of Bamenda, Buea and Limbe. 23. [54] Fighting broke out between the Sudan People's Liberation Movement (SPLM) and SPLM-IO, igniting the civil war. [173] MRND national secretary Mathieu Ngirumpatse announced that the party would not respect the agreement, contradicting the president and the party's negotiators in Arusha. Unconfirmed videos released over social media showed various violent scenes, including the beating of protesters by policemen. [153] These attacks continued until June 1991, when the government introduced measures to allow potential victims to move to safer areas such as Kigali. In addition, recruiting by both sides was controversial, as the case of Stefanos Sarafis indicates. The South Sudanese Civil War was a multi-sided civil war in South Sudan between forces of the government and opposition forces. Mutilations became commonplace (especially cutting off ears, lips, and nose), and 1994 saw the first mass abduction of children and youth. It failed because the EAM/ELAS demands were considered excessive and so rejected. [369] By 2019, annual tax revenues in the Anglophone regions had dropped from US$800,000 to US$1,000, and by 2020 almost all tax officials had fled their crossing posts on the Nigerian border. [60] On 22 September, Cameroonian soldiers opened fire on protesters, killing at least five and injuring many more. By the end of 2017, SSPA had claimed to have captured territory around Aweil[61] and was seen as one of the biggest threats to Juba. This stance would eventually change. [190] At the same time other members of the same parties issued a statement, in conjunction with the RPF, in which they condemned French involvement in the country and called for the Arusha process to be respected in full. [11][12], The population coalesced, first into clans (ubwoko)[13] and into around eight kingdoms by 1700. Diamonds & War in the DRC. Review of African Political Economy. [346] Separatists began opening their own schools in September 2019, but these were insufficient to cover the educational needs in the areas they controlled. It caused much protest in the British press and the House of Commons. Rethinking the Economics of War. [236], Since the July clashes, the fighting spread from the Greater Upper Nile to include the previously safe haven of Equatoria, where the bulk of SPLM-IO forces went for shelter from the clashes in Juba, located in Equatoria. On December 1, Scobie issued a proclamation calling for the dissolution of ELAS. The switch was the result of tensions between China and the Soviet Union for dominance of the communist bloc, which almost led to war. However, it maintained close ties with the Soviet Union and the Communist bloc, establishing socialist economic policies and a one-party state[citation needed]. [176] Kagame told journalist and author Stephen Kinzer such a victory would have ended international goodwill towards the RPF and led to charges that the war had simply been a bid to replace the Hutu state with a Tutsi one. 2002: 65,00075,000[9]2010: 46,800[10]2014: 1,500[11], The Lord's Resistance Army insurgency is an ongoing guerrilla campaign waged by the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) insurgent group since 1987. However, UNITA forces fought alongside FAZ forces in at least several instances. [243] Towards the end of the month, separatists drew condemnation from Human Rights Watch for abducting and maltreating a humanitarian worker and members of a non-profit organization. [113] Despite government offensives in September, the separatists remained in control of many rural and urban areas. Western anti-Communist governments allied to Greece saw the end of the Greek Civil War as a victory in the Cold War against the Soviet Union. [165] On 24 April, gunmen burned down the house of the mayor of Fundong. [205] A new rebel faction calling itself the South Sudan Federal Democratic Party (different from but related to the larger similarly named rebel faction led by Peter Gadet, Gabriel Chang and Gathoth Gatkuoth), made up mostly of Lotuko people formed during this time due to growing perceptions of mistreatment by the "Dinka" government and took over a SPLA outpost in Eastern Equatoria. In 19741976, South Africa and Zaire intervened militarily in favor of FNLA and UNITA, and the United States heavily aided the two groups. On October 13, British troops entered Athens, the only area still occupied by the Germans, and Papandreou and his ministers followed six days later. Ofcansky, T. "Warfare and Instability Along the Sudan-Uganda Border: A Look at the Twentieth Century" in Spaulding, J. and S. Beswick, eds. "Citizenship, Identity Formation & Conflict in South Kivu: The Case of the Banyamulenge." [82] Kabila, by this point in control of roughly one-quarter of the country, dismissed this as irrelevant and warned Tshisekedi that he would have no part in a new government if he accepted the post. The minister also announced a plan to rebuild infrastructure that had been destroyed due to the conflict. The Great African War: Congo and Regional Geopolitics, 19962006. New York: IUniverse, 2005. [221] In the same month, the Cobra Faction of the South Sudan Democratic Movement, now led by Khalid Boutros declared war against the government. [185] A further 250 French soldiers were sent on 20 February. "Cold War Dilemmas, Superpower Influence, and Regional Interests: Greece and the Palestinian Question, 19471949. A similar protest and crackdown took place at Buea Central Prison a few days later. One person later died in captivity. Hutu activists killed up to 1,000 Tutsi in attacks authorised by local officials, starting with the slaughter[fr] of 3060 Bagogwe Tutsi pastoralists near Kinigi and then moving south and west to Ruhengeri and Gisenyi. Separatists condemned the blockade and denied having anything to do with it. The Algerian Civil War (Arabic: , romanized: al-arb al-Ahlyah al-Jaziryah) was a civil war in Algeria fought between the Algerian government and various Islamist rebel groups from 26 December 1991 (following a coup negating an Islamist electoral victory) to 8 February 2002. The rebels quickly seized much of the settlement. Three people were killed and one wounded, aside from looting the rebels also set fire to several houses. The survivors fled to Juba. In a study of casualties up to April 2018, the deaths from violence peaked during this time between 2016 and 2017. Kingdom of Greece, Third phase (19461949) Armenia (/ r m i n i / ()), officially the Republic of Armenia, is a landlocked country in the Armenian Highlands of Western Asia. In 1996 the RPF-led Rwandan Government launched an offensive against refugee camps in Zaire, home to exiled leaders of the former regime and millions of Hutu refugees. [citation needed] However, the units of the ELAS in Central Greece and Epirus attacked Napoleon Zervas's units of the EDES forcing them to flee to the Ionian islands. Four others were injured. Slavery in Brazil began long before the first Portuguese settlement was established in 1516, with members of one tribe enslaving captured members of another. [66] US officials doubted that Kony genuinely wanted to surrender. The Great African War: Congo and Regional Geopolitics, 19962006. [55] In March 2010, news emerged about a December 2009 massacre in DR Congo perpetrated by the LRA. [35], A new government was installed, and Zaire was renamed Democratic Republic of the Congo, but the termination of the Mobutu regime brought little political change, and Kabila found himself uneasy in the position of a proxy of his former benefactors. In the plebiscite, 60% of voters in the Northern Cameroons voted for union with Nigeria, while 70% of voters in the Southern Cameroons opted for union with Cameroon. The People's Movement for the Liberation of Angola (Portuguese: Movimento Popular de Libertao de Angola, abbr. [65] Separatists killed two gendarmes in Bamenda in the first week of the month. Conflict of Interests or Interests in Conflict? [219] Yohanis Okiech, who led the largely Shilluk Tiger Faction New Forces, which split from Uliny's Agwelek forces, joined the predominantly Shilluk NDM[220] as deputy chief of general staff. [313] [62] It formed in response to persecution and discrimination against the Tutsi refugees by the regime of Ugandan President Milton Obote. Casualty statistics for World War I vary to a great extent; estimates of total deaths range from 9 million to over 15 million. According to UN estimates, the war has directly caused the death of over 3,000 children as of December 2020; while indirect causes of the war (lack of food, health and infrastructure) have led to additional deaths. The war was fought between Mozambique's This effort was only partially successful; akazu affiliates Augustin Ndindiliyimana and Thoneste Bagosora remained in influential posts, providing them with a link to power. The majority (including the commander of the Division, Vangelis Rogakos) were killed in battle with nearly 80,000 National Army troops. [1], The MPLA emerged victorious in Angola's 1992 general election, but eight opposition parties rejected the election as rigged. The Lord's Resistance Army insurgency is an ongoing guerrilla campaign waged by the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) insurgent group since 1987. In response, separatists declared a three-day lockdown all across the Anglophone regions. Tens of thousands of UNITA and FNLA sympathizers were subsequently killed nationwide by MPLA forces, in what is known as the Halloween Massacre, and the civil war resumed. [233], Among regional powers, Kiir met, in January 2017, with Egyptian president Abdel Fattah el-Sisi who also met with Kiir's ally Ugandan President Museveni. [370] The separatists aim to prevent the Cameroonian state from getting any income from the Anglophone regions, in order to make cost of controlling the region surpass the benefits. 10: The Rwandan genocide and its aftermath", ECOWAS military intervention in the Gambia, Sudanese conflict in South Kordofan and Blue Nile, Faceted Application of Subject Terminology, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Rwandan_Civil_War&oldid=1114125762, Civil wars involving the states and peoples of Africa, Wars involving the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Articles containing potentially dated statements from 2022, All articles containing potentially dated statements, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 4 October 2022, at 23:18. [106] Two Indian peacekeepers were killed helping to protect 36 civilians in Akobo, Jonglei, when they were attacked by about 2,000 armed Nuer youths. Currently, there is low-level LRA activity in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo and the Central African Republic.The movement is led by Joseph Kony, who proclaims himself the "spokesperson" of God and a spirit medium. "Civil War and Foreign Intervention in Greece: 194649. This plan was put into action following the assassination of President Habyarimana on 6April 1994. The LRA also occasionally carried out large-scale attacks to underline the inability of the government to protect the populace. [39] The talks, which resulted in a ceasefire by September 2006, were described as the best chance for a negotiated settlement since the peace initiative of Betty Bigombe in 1994. The National Army's strategic plan, codenamed "Peristera" (the Greek word for "dove (bird)"), was successful. [297] The next day, suspected separatists burned a beer truck in Likomba, Fako Division. The first phase of the Roads and Bridges Management and Maintenance Program restored road connectivity between the various affected areas, covering 632.5 km of roads. [citation needed]. This culminated in the expulsion of all foreign forces from the DRC on 26 July 1998. EAM-ELAS, EDES and EKKA were mutually suspicious and tensions were exacerbated as the end of the war became nearer and the question of the country's political future arose. The RPF began a guerrilla war, which continued until mid-1992 with neither side able to gain the upper hand. [185] A series of shadowy networks emerged to sell weapons with the principal sources of arms being Egypt, Uganda, Ukraine, Israel and China. Armenia (/ r m i n i / ()), officially the Republic of Armenia, is a landlocked country in the Armenian Highlands of Western Asia. The LRA was alleged to have killed at least 400 people in attacks on a number of villages in the DR Congo on and after Christmas Day, 2008. [244] Efforts by General Dallaire to broker peace were unsuccessful,[245] and most of UNAMIR's Rwandan staff were killed in the early days of the genocide, severely limiting its ability to operate. [110] On 11 September, separatists took control of two neighborhoods of Buea, blocking the main entrances to the city and killing a soldier from the Rapid Intervention Battalion (BIR). While federalist movements claimed that the conflict had taken 3,0005,000 lives as of the summer of 2019, separatists claimed that between 5,000 and 10,000 people had been killed. By early 1944, after a British-negotiated ceasefire (the Plaka Agreement), ELAS had destroyed EKKA and confined EDES to a small part of Epirus, where it could only play a marginal role in the rest of the war. The column of about 4,000 fighters and their families was ambushed by the SPLA during Operation Thunderbolt on 12 March, and mostly destroyed; 2,000 were killed, and over 1,000 captured. [88] A similar operation freed seven Swiss, six Cameroonian and five Italian hostages on 4 April, prompting the ADF to declare that it did not take hostages nor target foreigners. Separatists killed a police officer on 1 September,[268] Police forces responded by destroying shops and shooting indiscriminately, forcing people to stay indoors. [206], The cease-fire ended abruptly on 6April 1994 when President Habyarimana's plane was shot down near Kigali Airport, killing both Habyarimana and the new President of Burundi, Cyprien Ntaryamira. After the mutiny, allied economic aid to the National Liberation Front almost stopped. [33][20], The situation finally escalated when Rwanda invaded Zaire in 1996 to defeat a number of rebel groups which had found refuge in the country. [230] There were also civilian casualties; one person was killed by soldiers on the first day of the operation. Armed bands of ELAS' veterans were then infiltrating Greece through mountainous regions near the Yugoslav and Albanian borders; they were now organized as the Democratic Army of Greece (Dimokratikos Stratos Elladas, DSE) under the command of ELAS veteran Markos Vafiadis (known as "General Markos"), operating from a base in Yugoslavia and sent by the KKE to organize already existing troops. [95] Both President Yoweri Museveni of Uganda and President Habyarimana of Rwanda were in New York City attending the United Nations World Summit for Children. [361] Uganda, which took more refugees in 2016 than all of those who crossed the Mediterranean into Europe,[362] has had a notably generous policy. : " " Dimitri Servou "Once upon a timein Piraeus", Organization for the Protection of the People's Struggle, Political Committee of National Liberation, Political refugees of the Greek Civil War, Air operations during the Greek Civil War, , , , , 12.08.2012, "George F. Kennan and the Birth of Containment: The Greek Test Case", http://nar4.wordpress.com/2008/12/03/-44-----/, Speech presented by Nikos Zachariadis at the Second Congress of the National Liberation Front (NOF) of the ethnic Macedonians from Greek Macedonia, The Paidomazoma: Tough Times for the Children of Greece, "Greece Civil War Flags, Maps, Economy, Geography, Climate, Natural Resources, Current Issues, International Agreements, Population, Social Statistics, Political System", "60 , | | ", Andartikos a short history of the Greek Resistance, 19415, Aggravation of class struggle under socialism, The History of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (Bolsheviks), Economic Problems of Socialism in the USSR, Communist Party of Argentina (Extraordinary Congress), Communist Party of the Russian Federation, Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Crimes against humanity under MarxistLeninist regimes, Greece and the International Monetary Fund, Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople, 19471948 civil war in Mandatory Palestine, North Yemen-South Yemen Border conflict of 1972, Struggle against political abuse of psychiatry in the Soviet Union, 1989 Tiananmen Square protests and massacre, List of Eastern Bloc agents in the United States, American espionage in the Soviet Union and Russian Federation, United States involvement in regime change, Allied intervention in the Russian Civil War, Hellenic Socialist Patriotic Organisation (ESPO), Political Committee of National Liberation (PEEA), United Panhellenic Organization of Youth (EPON), Organization for the Protection of the People's Struggle (OPLA), Slavic-Macedonian National Liberation Front (SNOF), National Bands of Greek Guerrillas (EOEA), Defenders of Northern Greece (YVE)/Panhellenic Liberation Organization (PAO), Panhellenic Union of Fighting Youths (PEAN), Gorgopotamos Bridge (Operation "Harling"), Museum of the Battle of Crete and the National Resistance, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Greek_Civil_War&oldid=1119408544, Articles with dead external links from July 2018, Articles with permanently dead external links, Articles with dead external links from February 2014, Articles with dead external links from October 2017, Articles with unsourced statements from September 2010, Articles with unsourced statements from March 2011, Articles with unsourced statements from February 2013, Articles with unsourced statements from February 2010, Articles with unsourced statements from June 2012, Articles with unsourced statements from December 2021, Articles with unsourced statements from September 2020, Articles with unsourced statements from December 2012, Articles with unsourced statements from May 2012, Articles with unsourced statements from May 2010, Articles with unsourced statements from January 2013, Articles lacking reliable references from August 2019, Articles with unsourced statements from September 2011, Articles with unsourced statements from March 2013, Articles with unsourced statements from August 2022, Articles with dead external links from July 2022, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, KKE guerillas' local groups (March 1946 December 1946). On 18 April, UN said that at least 58 people were killed and more than 100 others wounded in an attack against one of its bases in South Sudan sheltering thousands of civilians. [170] The 2014 Bentiu massacre occurred on 15 April in Bentiu when more than 200 civilians, all said to have been Dinkas,[171] were massacred by Nuer rebels. [citation needed] That might explain the simultaneous struggle against the British, the largescale ELAS operations against Trotskyists and other political dissidents in Athens and the many contradictory decisions of EAM leaders. The report itself stated that "at least 45 children have been killed and maimed" during this time period and at least "591 children, including 268 girls have been abducted". The blockade the majority ( including the commander of the government to protect the populace few days.! Army troops the strikes were supported by peaceful protests in the expulsion of all Foreign forces from the on. 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what caused the civil war in mozambique