virginia military land warrants

warrant number and warrant recipient, heir or assignee, the name of the persons receiving the warrant, name of warrant recipient, heirs, or assignees, quantity of acres included in the warrant, quantity of acres used in Ohio or Kentucky. Srv. Not all counties are represented; plat maps and lists for Adams, Brown, Franklin, Pike, Ross, and Sciotocounties are not included in the two volumes, and it is not known if WPA workers ever prepared them. Proofs of service submitted with bounty land applications are known as Bounty Land Warrants. All Rights Reserved. The states of New York, Pennsylvania, and Virginia also set aside tracts of bounty land for their Revolutionary War veterans. Option 2: To find names of Virginia Military District landowners or renters, persons who had surveys made in Ohio, and Virginia Military warrant holders seeFederal Land Series, volume 4, parts1 and 2. House Report. The name of warrant holder or heirs or assignees, b. Daphne S. Gentry. Warrants surrendered for scrip, along with accompanying application records, are held by the National Archives. augment the information in the Land Office and other record groups. (In most cases entry number is the same as the survey number) List of complete military warrants under the Proclamation of 1763 from the Virginia Land Office, undated. The collection also contains correspondence, court records, and surveys. Virginia also awarded military bounty land grants for those who had served in the French and Indian War (17541763), Dunmores War (1774), and the American Revolution (17751783). To encourage its soldiers to enlist for longer terms of military service during the American Revolution, Virginia offered a reward, or bounty. Often warrants were sold for money, and thefirst purchaser would be considered theassignee. bounty. Beginning in 1699, a person could acquire unappropriated land through the purchase of treasury rights, and by 1715, this practice had mostly supplanted the headright system. Surveys were done using the metes and bounds method used in Virginia, rather than the Public Land Survey System established by the Land Ordinance of 1785 used for most of the Northwest Territory. Because the land patents list the names of imported persons, they are the primary source for documenting early Virginia immigration. A veteran requested bounty land by filing an application at a local courthouse. However, rampant land speculation and outright frauds produced a contentious muddle in land titles for many years afterward. Option 5: The Kentucky Secretary of State website has aRevolutionary War Warrants databasethatincludes4,748 bounty land warrants issued by Virginia to veterans of the Revolutionary War. This website works best with modern browsers such as the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge. His son-in-law, Allen Latham, arrived in Chillicothe about 1816 and In 1872, the Ohio legislature gave this land to the Ohio Agricultural and Mechanical College (now the Ohio State University). Please be advised the county name is the name at the time of the tax payment, and land may be in a different county today. The bounty warrants are available on the Library's Web site, as is an index to the land office military certificates. These records contain a list of a dozen entries giving the name of the warrantee, the number of acres allowed, and the number War Bounty Warrants, Revolutionary Virginia and the other states ceded their claims over western lands to overcome other states' objections to ratifying the Articles of Confederation. Option 3: Survey Books contain more information valuable to researchers. Township plat maps show dimensions of surveys with survey numbers printed inside survey lines. Land Office Patents and Grants (with document images), Dunmore's No plat or map is included in the entry books. Arranged first by surname, then by the first name. Thomas hussey luckett, virginia military record. They were last awarded for military service in 1858, although the ability to claim bounty land previously earned extended until 1863. Bounty-land warrants were issued to Virginia soldiers for their war service. Beginning in 1690, land grants could be purchased from the agents of the proprietor. 795, Issued to Moses Wade, 12 June 1783. War Land Office Military Certificates, Revolutionary options, Browse Virginia Land Office patent and grants volumes, Browse Northern Neck Proprietary grants and survey volumes. own regiments were to receive a parcel of land. House. service during the American Revolution, Virginia offered a reward, or Clough Anderson-Allen Latham Collection of personal papers, purchased to Warrants can besearchedby the veteran's name, warrant number and the immediate assignee. If not much of this information is known, pleasetry any of the access points below. Heirs could apply if the person who served had died. The land was never divided into regular townships, as in the Public Lands Survey System. Congressional Document Number. These lands were passed out using the older survey procedures of Virginia, and they were not always fair to every veteran. The warrant number will connect the person (warrantee or assignee) to the survey number to the land received. The survey number remains attached to any part of the original tract of land, no matter how often the original tract may be divided. Through purchase and inheritance this land was consolidated by Thomas, Lord Fairfax. Entries resemble 3x5 cards and include three lines lettered a, b, and c of valuable information. This website works best with modern browsers such as the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge. Virginia military, continental, or state land warrants by United States. Opposite the survey number is the Survey Book Volume letter and page number, and occasionally, the current county and township name where the survey is located. The Land Office retains records of the first two steps; the Ohio Historical Society ( and the Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives ( hold records of the surveys and grants. There are two copies of patent volume4 (16551664) and volume 5 (16611666). A few claims that were tied up in the courts caused lands to be granted as late as 1912. Seethe original, A few early volumes have duplicate page numbers, and as a result, the index is linked to the wrong patent image. It looks like you're using Internet Explorer 11 or older. Option 3: Two notebooks in the land section of the low bookcase, top shelf, can be useful. Congress. In 1770, Virginia had claimed part of the area that later became Ohio. For a glossary of research terms and more information about the Virginia Military District, please review Along the Ohio Trail: A Short History of Ohio Landsby the Ohio Auditor of State. 795, Issued to For additional information and online records of the military bounty land grants, see Revolutionary War Bounty Land Claims. After the location was chosen and boundaries surveyed, the owner of the warrant exchanged it for a patent, which was equivalent to a deed in fee simple and passed all title of the government to the holder. It looks like you're using Internet Explorer 11 or older. Please Note: the Archives & Library holds limited resources to track 19th and 20th Century land transactions. From 1801-1815, tax duplicates are bound by year, then by county. Other information in the survey includes the number of acres in the survey, written description of the survey (including nearest watercourse), sketch or plat of the survey, names of surveyor and chainmen, date survey was made, and date survey was entered. Massie's Station (now Manchester, Ohio), founded in 1791, was the first permanent settlement in the District, named after Nathaniel Massie, a surveyor and land speculator. After the war, soldiers who served in the Virginia State Line or Continental Line applied for a warrant and, when approved, received a certificate to be exchanged for a warrant. 5.9 Lands Granted in the Virginia Military District of Ohio (Virginia Warrants) 5.10 Lands Granted in the U.S. Military District and Other Public Domain Areas (U.S. Warrants) 5.11 Service Records 5.12 Muster Rolls 5.13 Public Service Claims 5.14 Loyalists 5.15 History 6 War of 1812 (1812-1815) 7 Mexican War (1846-1848) 8 Civil War (1861-1865) Warrants usually contain the following information: Date of issuance Name and rank of veteran State from which enlisted Name of heir or assignee, if applicable Many Virginians who settled in the area never owned slaves, although numerous settlers freed or sold their slaves before departing for Ohio, due to the provisions of the Northwest Ordinance of 1787.[1]. The land was located in southern Ohio, bordered by the Ohio River on the south, the Little Miami River on the west, and the Scioto River on the east and the north. 526 H.rp.663. A second list contains names and survey numbers for persons who had surveys completed in the Virginia Military District portion of Ross County. Original atlases are not indexed. The resource includes: Entriesare arranged by warrant number. The Ohio district was a surplus reserve, in that military land grants were first made in an area southeast of the Ohio River, in what is now Kentucky. Warrants surrendered for scrip, along with accompanying application records, are held by the National Archives. In 1842, all federal bounty-land warrants were made good for purchases at any GLO land office. Instead, land was divided based on the Virginia custom of "metes and bounds." Contact the Ohio Historical Society in Columbus for Virginia warrants with higher numbers than 4,627. Recipients of these military warrants include Jacob Boughman, Richard Williamson, John Kinkead, Solomon Simpson, court to have a judge decide who the true owner was. Entries are arranged by warrant number and consist of: And remarks, generally completed after the other entries by Auditor of State of Ohio land office staff and not done for every entry. Heirs and others holding rights to Revolutionary War military land claims obtained the first Bounty Warrants in 1783. Searching for a Survey Number by Name of Warrantee or Assignee, Searching for a Survey Number by County and Township, Searching for Surveyed Land by the Survey Number, Locating a Survey Using the Warrant Number, Locating a Survey Using the Survey Number, Along the Ohio Trail: A Short History of Ohio Lands, Bureau of Land Management (BLM), General Land Office(GLO), Catalogue of Revolutionary soldiers and sailors of the Commonwealth of Virginia to whom land bounty warrants were granted by Virginia for military services in the War for Independence, Ohio Lands South of the Indian Boundary Line, Searching forSurveyed Land by the Survey Number, Searching forSurveyed Land by the Survey, Virginia Military District Withdrawals of Entries, Numerical Abstract of Virginia Military Land Warrants, List of Virginia Military Warrants Located in Ohio and Kentucky, 1787-1842, codes for Ohio streams nearest the survey. Register of military warrants and preemption warrants from the Virginia Land Office, 1782-1808.. [Virginia. Information for two military warrants may appear if the number was duplicated by the Land Office. Revolutionary War Records: Virginia: Virginia Army and Navy Forces with Bounty Land Warrants for Virginia Military District of Ohio and Virginia Military Scrip from Federal and State Records. Papers, Ohio Manuscripts, 1782-1905, 1912-1914 | Illinois History and Lincoln Collections", North and East of First Principal Meridian, South and East of the First Principal Meridian,, Former regions and territories of the United States, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 15 December 2020, at 19:37. VirginiaMilitary Surveys-Ohio Auditor of State (White Notebook in the land reference section) SAS 4342, GR8292 or LOV 262, 2. War Rejected Claims. The warrants were often assigned The Virginia Military Warrant Act of August 10, 1790 enabled the officers and soldiers of the Virginia Line on continental establishment, to obtain titles to certain lands lying northwest of the Ohio River, between the Little Miami and Sciota Rivers. At the end of the Revolutionary War, the Virginia General Assembly established the Land Office and a revised system for the sale of land warrants. If searching by the name of warrantee, assignee, or heirs, begin with the first optionbelow. Click here for larger 4 descendants of soldiers and officers, or of land speculators who purchased rights to file claims, obtained bounty lands until 1876 30-1. Ohio Land Office Records Relating to Virginia Military District Lands, 1787-1851 Accession 51986. MAy 30, 1848. The wider notebook contains a numerical list of Virginia Military District survey numbers used in Ohio. of service. c. Who may have lived on thetract of land, with datesof occupancy in parentheses, after the initial survey was complete. Entries are arranged by number. The last grant was awarded in 1876. It identifies what townships are part of the Virginia Military District, Connecticut Western Reserve, Fire Lands, Ohio Company Purchase, Donation Tract, Symmes Purchase, United States Military District, or Congress Lands and eligible for sale at public land offices. Warrants usable in the Virginia and United States military districts in Ohio were made redeemable by scrip acts in 1830 and 1832 respectively, in any GLO land offices in Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois. The Ohio land was to be used only after the land southeast of the river was exhausted. Option 1: A third State Archives of Ohio source that shows the names of recipients of warrants is the Numerical Abstract of Virginia Military Land Warrants, State Archives Series 4342, LOV 223 or GR8290. 1) Name of soldier or assignee 2) Warrant number 3) Survey Number 4) Location of land The application papers and other supporting documents were placed in bounty land files kept by a federal or state agency. "Virginia Continental line." Because of this, many new landowners learned that they were not the only ones who owned their land. Series House document (Virginia. The Revolutionary War Warrants website contains information regarding military warrants issued to Virginia veterans prior to 1792 and all Kentucky patents authorized by those warrants, and the database indexes 4,748 bounty land warrants issued by Virginia to veterans of the Revolutionary War. Virginia established the Military Reserve between the Scioto and Miami Rivers. The first step was to secure a proper certificate of service and then to acquire a printed warrant from the land office in Virginia specifying the quantity of land. Virginia, satisfied in scrip, making the quantity of land already covered by these warrants 6,710,927 acres, which would embrace a territory exceeding in extent either of the States of New Hamp shire, Vermont, Massachusetts, or New Jersey; that, in a dJition to these warrants already satisfied, there are some six or seven hun The plat of the survey is included to show its shape and dimensions. Congress extended the time allowed for claims to be made several times. edition, Electronic resource in English List of Virginia Military Warrants Located in Ohio and Kentucky, 1787-1842,SAS 4342, GR8290 or LOV 222. Once the warrant number is located, please seeSearching forSurveyed Land by the Survey Number. Imprint [Richmond, Va.] : [Samuel Shepherd, printer to the Commonwealth], [1843] Description 1 online resource (1 unnumbered page). The Ohio district was a surplus reserve, in that military land grants were first made in an area southeast of the Ohio River, in what is now Kentucky. Virginia Military, Continental, or State Land Warrants and the Ohio University Lands: Hearings Before the Committee on the Public Lands, January 8, . *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Thiscollection consists of Virginia land patents (16231774) and land grants (1779February 2000), including land grants within the Northern Neck proprietary (16901874) and survey plats and descriptions for the Northern Neck land grants (17861874). Warrants were given for service in the Revolutionary War andwere needed forland to be surveyed. Survey Book volume letters and page numbers may appear in the far left margin of the entry. In the military section, the name of the warrantee, his rank, the number of . Scanned images from the military warrants register are included for each warrant number. 795 Click here for larger image Land Office Military Warrant, No. about one hundred forty warrants, arrived in two lots in 1912 and 1950. Once the warrant number is located, please seeLocating a Survey Using the Warrant Number. For townships in each county, the plat maps show the names of the taxpayers and dimensions of the survey. When interested in researching land ownership in the Virginia Military District, determine what information you mayalready know. Although the proprietary ceased granting land in 1781, grants within the Northern Neck area were recorded in a separate series of volumes until 1874. House of Delegates) ; 1842-43 session, no. Judges and clerks of the state's juvenile and domestic relations courts, district courts, or circuit courts have the authority to issue a warrant. Information includes warrant number, the name of warrantee, heir or assignee, the total number of acres in the warrant, soldiers rank, the branch of service, term of service, and date warrant issued. Option 4: Check the Abstracts of Virginia Military District Withdrawals of Entries, State Archives Series 4342, LOV 287. Entries in the Remarks column may give stream name, Ohio county name, or note if a land script was used instead ofa warrant. The warrant system remained the practice until 1950, when the distribution of vacant lands became the responsibility of the counties and independent cities. University. Wildcards cannot be used as the first character of a search or within phrase searches (quotation marks). After two years, unsurveyed lands became property of the United States. Option 4: County atlases were prepared from surveys on file with Ohio county surveyors, today engineers, or county auditors. Entries in the index are listed by the first letter of the last name of the person for whom the survey was entered. After the conclusion of the French and Indian War, the British government issued a proclamation designed to prevent clashes These 2. Within the tracts borders, the quantity of acres is shown, lightly printed, or italicized number followed by the letter a, and in bold print, the survey number. 2014 By The Library of Virginia. [3] As a result there were frequently competing and overlapping claims. The volume is not indexed. Virginia issued bounty land grants in this District until Ohio became a state in 1803. Internet Genealogy Resources Louisville Free Public Library. A Guide to the List of complete military warrants under the Proclamation of 1763 from the Virginia Land Office, undated A Collection in the Library of Virginia Accession Number LOI 82 Library of Virginia The Library of Virginia 800 East Broad Street Richmond, Virginia 23219-8000 USA Phone: (804) 692-3888 (Archives Reference) One list gives in alphabetical order names only of persons entering warrants for surveys in the Virginia Military District through 1821. Scrip acts made it possible to redeem warrants for the Ohio lands and the Virginia United States military districts. . The precise boundaries of the district was a subject of contention for many years, involving multiple acts of Congress and a Supreme Court decision (Doddridge vs. Thompson et al., 9 Wheaton, 469). There is one entry for a warrant which was partially completed, issued to Dr. John Briscoe. Land boundaries were defined by natural features--trees, boulders, and bodies of water. Title Virginia military land warrants. Patents and grants may be searched by county (when listed), year, and acreage. Nathaniel Massie eventually owned 28,400 acres, or 7.2 percent of the district, while Duncan McArthur held 21,400 acres, for 4 percent of the area. Entries show the survey number, name of the person or persons or their assignee for whom the survey was made, name or names of Virginia military warrant recipients, and Virginia military warrant number or numbers. Excerpt from Virginia Military, Continental, or State Land Warrants and the Ohio University Lands: Hearings Before the Committee on the Public Lands, January 8, 1907; Statement of Mr. Nelson W. Evans, of Portsmouth, Ohio, and Report From the Secretary of the Interior on S. 5881 Containing the Subject-Matter Under Consideration Present also, . Richard C. Anderson, with headquarters near Louisville, had served as War Culpeper Classes, Revolutionary War Public Service Claims, Revolutionary Groups surnames phonetically. Entries from 1801-1822 are by the first letter of the last name. Entry Books:Includes information regarding entry number,names of the person(s) for whom the survey was done,VMD warrant number used, number of acres claimed, and description of survey boundaries. of the warrant. -- These records contain a volume recording in separate sections warrants issued either under military or preemption claims. The volume lacks an index. 1. Warrants usable in the Virginia and U.S. military districts in Ohio were made redeemable by scrip acts in 1830 and 1832, respectively, in any GLO land offices in Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois. One offour possible pieces of information is needed to access the surveyed land. veteran or his heirs received depended on the soldier's rank and length Option 2: Tax lists, also called tax duplicates that were filed with the Auditor of State to 1838, are available on microfilm, State Archives Series 204, GR2334 - GR2667. Option 1: If only the Ohio county and township names are known, begin with a source prepared by the Works Progress Administration. 663. Warrants, the first step in land patenting, were given as payment for military services; the allotment was determined by the soldier's rank and time of service, and the land was located in the Revolutionary War Military District. I have the survey number; how do I find the surveyed land? Using quotes around phrases may return fewer, more relevant results. Option 5: The Kentucky Secretary of State website has a Revolutionary War Warrants databasethat includes4,748 bounty land warrants issued by Virginia to veterans of the Revolutionary War. Laid upon the table. The text of that law appears below. Indexes exist for the years 1800-1810, 1810, and 1812. Some provisions of this legislation opened the doors to a new round of legal wrangling. After Virginia gave out the land that its veterans wanted, it turned over the unclaimed lands to the United States government. Option 1: Visit the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), General Land Office(GLO) website, select Land Patents. The Virginia Military District was an approximately 4.2 million acre (17,000km) area of land in what is now the state of Ohio that was reserved by Virginia to use as payment in lieu of cash for its veterans of the American Revolutionary War. However, formatting rules can vary widely between applications and fields of interest or study. Get this from a library! Warrants can besearchedby the veteran's name, warrant number, and the immediate assignee. Note: Citations are based on reference standards. Entries are arranged by survey number and include the name of the person for whom the survey was done and the township location. Location: Richard Clough Anderson-Allen Latham Collection, This caused such an uproar that Congress was forced to act and on May 27, 1880, passed legislation limiting the rights of the college to unappropriated lands. This database indicates includes 4,748 bounty land warrants issued by Virginia to veterans of the Revolutionary War. Survey Books:Includes information regardingnames of person(s) for whom the survey was done, VMD warrant number used, number of acres claimed, description of the trees and waters used to mark the survey boundaries, dates of entry or survey, names of surveyors andchainmen, and a simple drawing of the survey. The index uses the name as spelled in the original documents. Option 1: VirginiaMilitary Surveys-Ohio Auditor of State (Blue Notebook in landoffice section). Option 2: Anadditionalsource to connect Virginia Military Warrant numbers to recipients or their heirs, or assignees is theList of Virginia Military Warrants Located in Ohio and Kentucky, 1787-1842,State Archives Series 4342, GR8290 or LOV222. Ohio Land Office Records Relating to Virginia Military District Lands, 1787-1851 Extent 12 reels of microfilm (Miscellaneous Reels 782-793) . For additional information and online records of the military bounty land grants, see Revolutionary War Bounty Land Claims. The lists and plat maps are arranged alphabetically first by county, then within each county by township name. The Zoning Division issues permits for permanent and temporary signs and uses. One of four possible pieces of information is needed to access the surveyed land. An index to the names of persons for whom surveys were made is at the front of each volume. For instance, Ols?nwill match Olsen or Olson. The federal government also granted bounty land for Revolutionary War service. between the settlers and Indians. The land consisted of 5,282,000 acres, located between the Rappahannock and Potomac Rivers, and stretching into what is now West Virginia. Summary . Committee on Public Lands, 1907, [s.n.] By default, all search terms will be combined with the AND operator. Land Office.] Entries end with warrant number 4627. Johnson's Bibliographic Reference. Option 4: To find names of Virginia Military warrant holders, heirs, or assignees, see the following published resources: A.Catalogue of Revolutionary soldiers and sailors of the Commonwealth of Virginia to whom land bounty warrants were granted by Virginia for military services in the War for Independence. A warrant in Virginia is an official document issued by a state court that directs police officers to apprehend an individual or search someone's property to find evidence. For a more detailed overview see the Virginia Land Office Research Note. Report on Virginia Military Land Warrants. The Virginia Military District entry and survey numbers are identical. Search by the name of warrantee or patentee and state. Tax lists up to 1820 for Virginia Military District counties also include entries that show the warrant number and name of the original proprietor that is connected to the current taxpayers acreage. In return for ceding its claims in 1784, Virginia was granted this area to provide military bounty land grants. The last extension act was passed on March 3, 1855, allowing two years for claims made prior to January 1, 1852 to be surveyed and patented. For each immigrant, the importer was entitled to a headright of fifty acres of land. State Government Records collection, The Library of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia. Those acts were passed for Virginia in 1830 and Ohio in 1832. Entries are taken from original material at the Ross County Historical Society. 1848-134. Mr. CoLLAMER, from the Committee on Public Lands, made the following REPORT: The Committee on Public Lands, to whom was referred the bill (No. [2] This resulted in irregularly-shaped land claims, as claimants vied to get the best land. B. General Assembly. A third list contains entries arranged by Ross County township name and give survey number and name of the person for whom the survey was completed. of the war in the new nation's Continental Line or in one of the state's This warrant empowered the person to whom it was given, or heirs and assignees, to select the specified area from anywhere within the military reserve district. Land Office Military Warrant, No. Procedures of Virginia, and c of valuable information have the survey number how... Find the surveyed land or county auditors the unclaimed lands to the survey number and the. 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virginia military land warrants