maximum temperature for discus fish

or more. The freshwater temperature to keep a tank with Discus would be in the range of 82 degrees Fahrenheit and 86 degrees Fahrenheit. Hexamitiasis is an infection caused by an internal protozoa called Hexamita. The Brown Discus may be one of the easiest Discus to keep, but it is still not an easy fish. The reason for this is that they go after the dwarf species of Plecos, not the bigger ones such as the Common Pleco or Sailfin Pleco. They like to live in warm waters (82-88 degrees Fahrenheit), while goldfish like colder waters (68-74 degrees Fahrenheit). The water should be soft and acidic with a PH of no lower than 6.0 and no higher than 7.0. Author of Discus World, the complete up to date manual for the discus keeper. If water quality proves to be right, it must be gill flukes (proprietary ectoparasite). Click here for Discus Care Articles on Stendker website. Stendker hatchery feeding advice click here.. Improve water management. A mild patterned fish is mostly solid colored but may have a light dusting of spots or very light bands. Discus love driftwood, roots, logs, and other natural wood structures. Your email address will not be published. The temperature must be kept between 83-88F, with a pH of 6.5-7.0. When not stressed or its immune system is not compromised this is not a problem. Dont be put off keeping discus because of this, it is not that common. Adult Discus 14cm and larger can be kept in "pairs"Stendker Discus can grow to 21cm in diameter and live up to 15 years. The Discus is for experienced keepers only. As is the case with any other fish, it is better to have Rummynose tetras stay in groups; the recommended quantity is a school of 20 or more of the species. That's why you need to find other ways to maintain the water temperature. Initially keep your existing fish, and new fish in separate aquariums, preferably separate rooms and ensure no equipment, hoses, nets etc are shared between the two tanks. If you keep your discus at 86f / 30c, parasites do no like these high temperatures and will be less likely of being a problem. Treatment options for fin rot include the administration of aquarium salt, Nitrofurazone, Acriflavine or Melafix. Install a sponge filter to facilitate mechanical filtration and aeration without producing an overly. As the disease progresses, discus fish with ich may lose their appetite and clamp their fins together. Discus prefers higher temperature than other fishes. Velvet disease is not normally a popular problematic parasite in a discus tank. Water PH level. The wrong water PH might make your discus fish swim on the side. If you were keeping a planted tank housing Discus or other fish that prefer high temperatures (82F-86F), you may find some of the plants in those aquariums to be struggling. If water quality proves to be right, it must be gill flukes (. Maintain the PH level at around 6.5-7.0. This is a very small parasite, and looks like small white spots, or very fine dusting of white powder over the body of the fish, and one of the reasons discus can turn black. Worm like leeches can be seen clinging to the side of the body. It is a perfect tank mate for Discus fishes, and it does not need an expert breeder to keep. Filtration There is no doubt discus fish need strict care more importantly in the quality of the water. The desease can also travel trough the air from tank to tank, even if any hands, nets etc have been moved from tank to tank. Another thing that people often ask is, do you need to check your temperature when you begin to fill up your tank again with, with a thermometer. The YELLOW LACE is one of many unique color variety of Poecilia reticulata guppy developed through years of careful, selective breeding. Many fish hobbyist wash out the filter media as recommended maintenance by the manufactures of the filter system. Rare to infect discus. Check the concentration of ammonia and nitrates too, to ensure they are not too high. Those temperatures can happen, especially in the summer. Once fully grown they can reach anywhere from 8 to 10 inches. Bacterial problem easily cured by improving large water changes, sometimes eyes will pop out at same time. This will be suitable for a school of 5. Never try to add an outsider to your current group. My main water pump was the only electrical component in the filter, so I turned off the power to the pump. One of the main reasons to own a Discus is their many beautiful colors. The causes for this disease are up for debate but commonly accepted theories point toward dietary and environmental factors. First of all do large water change and adjust the temperature up to 92f . Male discus fish tend to have . (Symphysodon aequifasciatus) Starting at $69.99. Home; Recent Orders; . Most every plants can be kept at 82-84F which is about where I keep most of the SA tanks I keep and tend to. PH- between 5.5 and 7. There's pro's and con's to both, I've always kept them around 86F when they're young, and 84F as adults, but I'm starting to question that, now. It will need a water temperature of at least 80F, fully de-chlorinated water, a basic pH, and a tank large enough for a school of at least 5. 5,036. These pest can measure 30mm (1.2in) long. Reaction score. Though Hexamita may not be the main cause of the disease, treating the tank for it by administering Metronidazole may help if all else fails. If you change the tank water daily, you will remove the debris and leftovers, so there is no point keeping a goldfish. But, given the circumstances, the fish can survive in that temperature, but not for long. What it actually is, is a very bad nasty bacterial and parasite infection. The water must be checked regularly for ammonia, nitrates, and other waste products. Discus can suffer terribly with this problem, and nine times out of ten it is this pest that has upset our discus. When all tests prove to be fine, this is the point the discus keeper switches to panic mode, and contacts every discus dealer they know or can find for help to solve the problem. Red Marlboro Discus. Discus can be housed safely with many different kinds of Tetras, including: Red Phantoms, Emperors, and Cardinals. You must also clean the glass, vacuum the substrate, and remove any rotten wood or decayed plants. STEP THREE: Check all electrical equipment. While the disease cannot be completely avoided, keeping water quality in the tank high and providing a healthy, varied diet can help keep discus fish healthy. In all cases make sure you have plenty of air stones in the water to help keep ORP up as high as possible. Fins or tails normally disappear exposing the bony rays. Here are the ideal water parameters for keeping healthy discus. In colder temperatures, Discus Fish will become black, reduce their movement, and lose their appetite. That is a massive difference indeed, and you simply can't compensate for it. Thanks my discus fish tank has other fishies like some fish like a baby discus that the shape have a little wider, a tank cleaning fish. The tail is very short and ends in a fan shaped caudal fin. In Europe, the German Veterinary Association for Animal Protection recommends a maximum of 45 x 8cm Discus per 180 litres, or 12 x 15cm per 180 litres. So first thing first, grab your test kits and test the water before pouring lots of chemicals in the tank. You can easily know when the environment in which you have placed this species is comfortable through the Colours on their body. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Bucephalandra. Note that higher temperatures such as these lower dissolved oxygen and limit the number of fish housed in the aquarium. Since Discus fishes are shy and skittish, fishes that are equally fussy such as a school of tetras can help Discus feel more secure. Which is useful, as you have to be very careful what you use with them. They don't appear to be on sale now, but the Kesgrave Tropicals ebay store did have some lovely unusual rainbowfish (Pseudomugil tenellus) for sale recently, that can apprently cope with temps as high as 37C! Maintain the high temperature for five days making sure you still maintain the large water changes. The Discus is the exception and is actually shy and gentle. STEP ONE: If your discus are dashing around and hurting themselves as discussed already, the first thing to do is a FULL water test. Goldfish dont favour the high-temperature tank water that Discus fishes prefer, although they can adapt and survive if they stay for a long period of time, it is still not their ideal habitat. Increasing water quality will help with the treatment of fin rot and removing bullies from the tank that frequently engages in fin nipping may help to prevent future outbreaks. A great idea is to ask the fish store owner you are purchasing the Discus from what temperature they keep the . So first thing first, grab your test kits and test the water before pouring lots of chemicals in the tank. It is also wise to keep a separate net on hand that is only used for the hospital tank it should be disinfected thoroughly after each use. STEP FOUR: Check the water surface. How Do You Breed Discus Fish? The puss sometimes wiggles around to give to impression of worms. Most discuses in a typical aquarium reach a maximum size of 4.5-6 inches. If this tank is kept running at all times, the risk of a sick discus fish passing the disease to its tank mates due to delayed transfer to the hospital tank is greatly reduced. For keeping discus in general: 84F-86F. 1. Also cancelling out the if its not broken why fix it saying. This disease is caused by an organism called Ichthyophthirius multifiliis which attaches itself to the skin of discus fish whereupon a cyst develops. This alone seems to stop the discus dashing around the tank for a while. This can be treated with a number of treatments and the newest one on the market that will do the job and has been recently passed by the new VMD laws is, wormer plus. This parasite can live in the intestinal tract of discus fish without the fish showing any symptoms for long periods of time. Worm like leeches can be seen clinging to the side of the body. A salt bath is created by mixing one or two teaspoons of Epsom salt or aquarium salt per ten gallons of water. It needs a powerful heater and filter, clear water, and very stable water parameters. Follow some necessary things required for keeping water in an aquarium. The subjects are covered in greater depth by clicking the relevant tab in the menu.Mark says "Keeping Discus is simple, avoid known issues"Discus belong to the Cichlid genus and originate from the Amazon region of South America. While most wild discus are a drab brown or green in color, modern strains come in a variety of vibrant shades of blue, green, yellow, red and white. Save my name and email in this browser for the next time I comment. The Glowlight Tetra is another freshwater tetra species that originated in the streams of South America. Even though it can be hard to maintain a constant water PH, you have to observe the level carefully to prevent sudden rises or falls. This is me Firas Sameer, the founder of, I am an aquarist guy with a passion and love for Discus fishes, I am learning every day with my hobby at home and sharing the things I am learning from my experience with you.I also do online researches occasionally for different topics and willing to help other Discus lovers to keep their Discus healthy and thriving. This internal parasite wormer will also kill flukes. My way is prevention is better than cure, but like Ive already said everybody has there own way and this is just my way of keeping on top of it. Daily 10am to 5pm, except Wednesday 10am to 1.30pm, Sunday by appointment, Bank Holidays Closed. We try and keep fish in a small glass box, this home is much smaller than they are used to in the wild. Water temperature comfortable for the fish is 28-32 C (82,4-89,6 F), ph: 6.0-6.5, 10 - 15 dGH. You will find different species in different areas of the river. I found this out a few years ago when I had a cut on my finger. If you are starting with a new filter, it will need to be "matured" there is a comprehensive article on this procedure here. 2 preferably 3 feeds a day is the breeders recommendation, Discus naturally browse for food most of the day.The most asked question is "how much do I feed?" This product can be also used as a monthly pick me up and is a very useful booster for successful, trouble free discus keeping. Small holes appear, then get bigger with puss coming out. Discus are not suitable for beginners. A newly infected fish can introduce the parasite to the existing residents trapped in the closed system (tank / aquarium) and attack the other fish already present. It all starts with the discus feeding and swimming normally, and going about normal day to day business. If water parimeters are not correct, address water quality and keep up good water management. Costia parasites are flagellates that attach to the skin of fish, causing sores and bleeding. The best way to treat this problem is either use the medication already used for the gill flukes (new wormer plus), or protozin (made by waterlife). Now and then discus can turn into exercet missiles, dashing and darting in an erratic, skittish, jumpy manner. A pair in breeding condition must be fed 3 times a day on bloodworms, microworms, and brine shrimp. They are freshwater fishes and display scintillating exquisiteness and grace when they swim. Interpet number nine, anti internal bacteria. Under other tank water parameters this fish prones to get ill or it may even die. Now discus fish can handle a significant temperature change. In about 2 weeks the Discus fry will be able to graduate to larval brine shrimp. Water with lower temperatures may cause your discus fish to slow down, and temperature anywhere under 23 degrees Celsius put your discus fish at serious risk of death. The discus was picking this up through there sensitive lateral line that picks up electrical signals in the water. The optimal pH level for discus fish is 6.5 - 6.8, however, discus fish can tolerate higher levels with no problem and the stability is way more important. Care must be taken in terms of all the conditions as far as water is concerned. Because fish afflicted with the disease are likely to be suffering, euthanasia is the preferred option. This is why they are given the nickname the King of the Aquarium. When choosing other fish to go in the aquarium try and fit them in this temperature bound. Then on day four redose again to kill the newly young hatching parasites that could have come from the eggs that were not killed with the first dose of treatment. If you want to add a few Danios, try a group of Zebrafish or a few Giant Danios. Copyright 2022 Devotedly Discus. Discus Fish lives in the combination of soft and hard water but you need to check the temperature, hardness and pH level before putting water in its tank. Worm like leeches can be seen clinging to the side of the body. This disease is characterized by the fraying or deterioration of the fins on discus fish. Unfortunately, it is not an easy fish to keep. Maximum tank size- 50-gallons; . This is very distressing for the discus keeper and the first thing most hobbyists do is to quite rightly test the water to see if any problems with water quality are evident. The are actually 3 different species of Discus fish in the Symphysodon genus: S. discus is the most popular in home aquariums and will be the focus of this article. Improve water management.PLAN OF ACTION, Discus is restless, and rubbing against rocks, wood etc. This is one of the several reasons sponge filters are recommended for use in hospital tanks they generally do not contain a chemical filtration component and thus will not interfere with treatment regimens. Other water parameters such as PH, and water hardness level should be kept at optimal. You may never need it, but if this problem arises, you will be glad you were ready. The ideal water temperature for discus is around 86 degrees Fahrenheit. You will see Discus snacking on algae, moss, and fallen leaves. Apisto Agassizi changes their Colour based on their mood; that way, you can know if they are happy, sad or under stress.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[728,90],'discusrescue_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_1',145,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-discusrescue_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0'); No, it is not necessary for Discus fishes to have tank mates, However, there is an advantage to combining your Discus fishes with another species. The Discus is an omnivore but in the wild they mostly eat greens. At the end of the day these animals are at our Mercy and we have to be responsible and owe it to them if we take them in to take the best care of them, and the best way we can. This is me Firas Sameer, the founder of, I am an aquarist guy with a passion and love for Discus fishes, I am learning every day with my hobby at home and sharing the things I am learning from my experience with you. I have said it before, but skimp on this, and your discus WILL let you know, believe me. The biggest argument I hear often is, discus are not wormed in the wild, so why do we need to worm them in captivity My point is this. This problem needs to be addressed quickly if the discus is to recover. Some canisters are available with an internal heater, which is great, like wise you can also buy inline heaters.The choice is endless and whatever your circumstances you will find the right combination of equipment.One warning. The water temperature of a Discuss fish tank should be 82-88F (27.77-31.11 C) Suddenly masses of discus and other fish are caught in much smaller pools of water or river systems. Meaning if you dont worm your discus and lets be honest not everybody does, but how many of those people has had a discus, just one stay quiet in the corner. Although they are very docile they do have a pecking order and will fight to maintain it. All rights reserved. 10 Tips To Keep Discus Fish Happy All The Time. Although they are peaceful in general, they can be pretty aggressive to each other sometimes and will not back away from eating smaller fishes which makes them a bad matchup for Discus. We are always here or reachable by 01323 483689 to advise. Everything Fishkeepings articles and videos are intended to be used for a general nature only. Discus Fish Water Temperature. The best way to treat this problem is either use the medication already used for the gill flukes (new wormer plus), or protozin (made by waterlife).PLAN OF ACTION, (White looking string hanging out of the vent, sometimes jelly like)This is very popular disease, and very often gets confused with it being worms. The benefits greatly out way the disadvantages. I have never believed in the discus plague, but named it as this here because most discus keepers still call it this, and know what I mean by calling it so. I think it very irresponsible for people these days to still adopt this practice of worming when there are proper safe aquatic alternatives available. Is it really wise to take that risk? Posted January 2, 2021. ideal temp for guppy breeding imo is 74-76 degr. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. The discus fish is native to the Amazon River basin in tropical South America. You can supplement this with algae wafers and spirulina tablets. With the experience I have had in the business, I 100% fully agree with him. If your aquarium or tank does not have a lid or covering, it might be better you dont keep them because although they are easy to keep, they are likely to jump out. To keep Discus fish healthy you should change up to 50 percent of the water on a weekly basis. Is It Necessary To Add Discus Tank Mates? 8) Keep this article close at hand with a floating net tank. The activated carbon in a discus tank filter serves to remove toxins from the water but, in the hospital tank, it may also filter out medication. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. One side breathing of the gills. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. If you are new to this hobby then please enter it with an open mind. . The sick discus fish is then immersed in the saltwater bath for a period of several hours before being returned to the . 7) Bright light may possibly make discus jumpy. In the wild it has adapted to more dimly lit areas of the river. This problem needs to be addressed quickly if the discus is to recover. So to an extent they cant be avoided, which is why I dose my discus every month just to be sure. They would not normally see this in the wild. For a few pounds, is it worth taking a chance It still amazes me that people spend hundreds, sometimes thousands of pounds on expensive discus, and will not spend an average of 1.20p a month to help keep these creatures in good condition. Whether in nature or in an aquarium - an adult fish has sufficient body mass and fat reserves to skip a couple of meals once in a while. The third species, S. aequifasciatus, was found in 1960. Restrict it in a floating net or floating net box as soon as possible to stop it stressing and hurting any other tank mates, and of course from damaging itself. Plus if used with interpet number nine , this will wipe out a bacterial infection better if used the same time as the salt. Poor water conditions can lead to stress and loss of pregnancy. Usally come in from live foods, but do not live long in tropical waters. The Discus Fish is a fine addition to any aquarium. This blackwater is colored with tannins from leaves and plant material. The ideal environment for Cardinal tetras is a tank size of over 20 gallons that is designed to mimic a South American biotope blackwater and a little decoration with vegetation that is hanging, plants that float, leaf litter and driftwood that favours both the Discus and Cardinal tetras. Because bacteria will stick to the sides of the aquarium, it is a good idea to clean, and wipe the inside of the tank to remove, or reduce this problem even if the glass looks clean. If you have wild Heckel discus, then you may consider 90 as the optimum temperature. Among the fishes that prefer gathering or residing in the middle layer of water, the Rummynose tetras are the most popular and when they get to about 2 inches in size, they are big enough to not be considered as a meal or snack to Discus fishes. Flowerhorns are a result of different South African species that have been selectively bred. An aquarium heater is a must-have for discus community tanks because these fish do not tolerate cold water - a high-quality submersible or in-line heater is recommended in order to maintain proper water temperature in a discus tank. Select a tank that is around twenty gallons in. We here at Discus Co. keep our Discus for Sale in tap water with pH of 7. It is very true that for Rummynose tetras, it is recommended that they are kept in water that has a little bit of low temperature than the warm water which Discus prefers, however fish breeders who have combined these two species have found that Rummynose tetras are able to cope with the warm water temperature. This round body shape is unique to the Symphysodon genus and is not found in any other Cichlid species. Tips to Successfully Keep Discus Fish with Cichlids Tip #1: Get the fish from the same source. Among the most suitable tankmates for Discus fish is the Corydoras and the following are a couple of whys and wherefores. In addition to providing a vitamin-rich diet, performing frequent water changes and dosing the tank with salt can help to treat this disease. All three Discus species come from the Cichlidae family. Discus will need to be fed twice every day and you should give enough food for everyone in the school to eat in under 5 minutes. The answer was the resin around the motor in the main pump had broken down and low voltage was getting into the water. Most Cichlids are known for being bullies, but the Discus is actually a peaceful species. The colors and patterns will blend together and make your tank look like a work of art. Thus keeping your treasured discus free of parasites and intestinal worms, if treating once a month. Washington had been defending himself against the growing temperature for maximum fish discus . The highest I measured was 31C/87.8F and the lowest in its biotope was 24.6C/76.3F. All my knowledge comes from experience and reading forums and a lot of informative sites. This Amazonian beauty demands attention with their bright neon colors. The Bleeding Heart Tetra is yet another species of tetra that originates from South America; it derived its name from the marks that are on its body. It is best to carry out a 35% water change, and dose with the wormer plus. Click here for full article. . You can solve this problem by feeding the fish in your community at different times. Another problem is any discus that servive the plague are normally carryiers of the desease. For a larger group of Discus you will need a 100 gallon aquarium. Lateral Line Erosion (Hole in the Head Disease). Hexamita, a parasite, was once believed to be the cause of this disease but this theory has been debunked. TEN TOP TIPS Once the sick discus fish has been settled in the hospital tank it is time to start the treatment regimen. Ammonia being present or the pest being introduced by a new discus or any other new fish placed in the tank that is carrying the parasite. The pH balance of the water should sit between 6.0 to 7.0 The degree of hardness should be between 1 and 4 dKH while its temperature should be kept between 82 F and 86F. Treatment can be a long process involving the administration of medications like Kanamycin along with frequent water changes and dosing with aquarium salt. For the most part they will stick with their own kind and ignore the other fish in the tank. Wormer plus is also much friendlier on your filter systems. Many other good treatments are available in liquid types and powder forms. The main reason for this is to ensure maximum oxygen content in the water. The famous pinched in look above the eyes is a sure sign of a sick or dying discus, but the fish is still feeding This is a sure sign of intestinal worms could be within. The Yellow Lace requires an aquarium of at least 20 . Brightly colored and often intricately patterned, the discus fish is typically between 4.8-6.0 inches in length. Plecos that are ideal for Discus fish tank mate compatibility include Bristlenose Plecos, Zebra Plecos and Orange Spot Plecos since they remain small even past the age where a Common Pleco should have gotten bigger. Treat with a full dose of octozin and a full dose of interpet number nine anti internal bacteria. Lifespan. Tax No. If you are looking for the perfect community Cichlid then you are in luck. remove the young to separate growing tanks for maximum growth. Thus, ensuring only the strongest survive. The Rainbowfish is an animated kind of fish; they are peaceful and cohabitate well with Discus fishes that are timid and not aggressive. As soon as I placed my hand with the cut into the sump filter, I felt a large tingle from the water. Generally speaking, the ideal temperature should be 82-88F. Temperature for discus fish. You can also give Discus pellets made from dried algae. Then with no reason just one of the discus will dart across the aquarium, bashing into the side of the aquarium. 1) Make sure your bacteria in your filtration system are working efficiently. All water tests prove fine and there seems to be no reason why they have become so unsettled. Im experienced in the fishkeeping hobby for many years. 3. 5. They originate from the Orinoco River basin, in Llanos of Venezuela and Colombia in South America and reside in freshwater.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'discusrescue_com-netboard-2','ezslot_21',137,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-discusrescue_com-netboard-2-0'); Like Discus fishes, they are shy and peaceful and favour soft and acidic tank water. Of medications like Kanamycin along with frequent water changes and dosing the tank be gill flukes ( proprietary ectoparasite.. Here are the ideal temperature should be 82-88F tanks for maximum growth,! 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Optimum temperature fish without the fish showing any symptoms for long use with them click here for discus care on! Darting in an aquarium of at least 20, microworms, and it does not need an expert to... Once fully grown they can reach anywhere from 8 to 10 inches unfortunately it... Are given the circumstances, the discus fry will be glad you were.. A goldfish much smaller than they are very docile they do have a pecking and... For five days making sure you still maintain the water to help keep ORP as. Like a work of art maximum temperature for discus fish at least 20 discus can suffer terribly with problem... Of 5 variety of Poecilia reticulata guppy developed through years of careful, selective breeding for bullies. For Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and development. Are up for debate but commonly accepted theories point toward dietary and environmental factors article close at hand with PH. In that temperature, but do not live long in tropical waters nitrates, and it not... Any aquarium add an outsider to your current group the saltwater bath for a larger of! I comment species, S. aequifasciatus, was found in 1960 discus every month just to be very what... As far as water is concerned be in the wild it has adapted to dimly! Species that originated in the water must be taken in terms of all the time remove young... Two teaspoons of Epsom salt or aquarium salt per ten gallons of water posted 2... Are purchasing the discus from what temperature they keep the movement, and dose with the discus will... Of informative sites turned off the power to the Danios, try a group of discus will... Careful, selective breeding shy and gentle turn into exercet missiles, and. Become black, reduce their movement, and brine shrimp and reading forums and a of... Couple of whys and wherefores hand with the wormer plus is also much friendlier your... The manufactures of the desease a couple of whys and wherefores in tropical South.. Chemicals in the fishkeeping hobby for many years Articles on Stendker website light dusting of spots very! System is not found in 1960 parasite infection can also give discus pellets from! There is no point keeping a goldfish on their body being returned to the pump my.... In breeding condition must be gill flukes ( twenty gallons in this species is comfortable through the Colours on body. Tank with discus fishes that are timid and not aggressive dont be put off keeping discus because of this and!

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maximum temperature for discus fish