how would you handle a difficult student

(2008). Training new counselors involves an examination of how the new counselors feel about themselves and culturally different clients. The final step in being proactive when dealing with difficult behaviors is the most important: monitor, adapt, and celebrate. Teachers testimonies), the students are seen as opponents. Unfortunately in education, empathy is a concept largely misunderstood and even trivialized as a form of affection or caring. 5. Student misbehavior has been particularly agonizing for teachers this year, but there are proactive steps educators can take to remedy it. Be Consistent. Another way to get the student to stop misbehaving and disrupting class is by having them present to the class. Prevention First. 229242). In actual practice, empathy on the part of the teacher results in the student feeling understood. Try implementing games that match the topics youre teaching, or ones that simply help to make the classroom an enjoyable place to be. Let the most compliant pick the center they want to play at. For example, if Tom, a seventh grade student, erupts in class one day because he is being teased for being a suck-up, a very typical teacher response is, Just try to ignore what the other kids are saying. However, if a teacher or counselor tells a student to ignore the taunts or insults of another and then reacts angrily to being disrespected, the student, like most of us, will have little respect for what amounts to hypocrisy. At this point, the student will likely look at the teacher somewhat suspiciously and smile, saying, Well thats true sometimes, I guess. The teacher can then respond, saying, You have a valuable skill there. . Hes failing the class and I dont want to give up :/, You cant really make him do it is the thing. Such a response also would have encouraged the student to communicate with the teacher so that the teacher and student could brainstorm ways to keep the student on task with her various assignments. 4. Rule #1: Don't question. This is another practice best done at the outset of a school year but, as with getting to know students, its never too late to either begin or strengthen expectations. Set a timer for 10 minutes, then have the children sing a song; and repeat the process. Nieto, S. (2008). These cookies do not store any personal information. Rather than giving in to frustration and drifting further apart from the difficult student, you should try to double down on figuring out the real issue. Individual rewards will also benefit a trickier student. It also opens the floodgates: everybody will be arguing with you. Sexton, T. L., & Whiston, S. C. (1994). Photo credit: Mohamed Abdelgaffar / Whatever happens there is your responsibility. Marginalization refers to the historic and systemic ways in which people are adversely affected by racism, poverty, and other forms of oppression (Green, Conley, & Barnett, 2005). Together, students and teachers struggle to form judgments about human behaviors. Rule #6: Don't lose your cool. Don't let yourself be obligated to that, emphasize effort from the other party. To walk the talk, the next step in being proactive, here are some practices to connect with students. For example, teachers may need to show students visually what they must do and use simple instructions. This will have them engage with the material and being called on will cause them to pay closer attention. The strategies that will be described for dealing with the most difficult of students are in many ways just thatunconventional. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. It is, therefore, vital for the teacher to be aware of his or her cultural and personal biases and the connections between the two. Garfield, S. L. (1994). It seems no one knows this better than some young adolescents, who may be quite aware of the effects they have on adults. Relationship-driven teaching. ),Handbook of psychotherapy and behavior change(4th ed.) There will always be those students who seem more challenging to connect with, those who just dont seem to listen, or those who are perpetually unengaged and a few who check off all of the above boxes. When students know that good behavior means rewards and perks, it encourages and motivates them to clean up their act. The teacher could have easily encouraged the student with an empathetic response such as, It must be really difficult trying to study while listening to your parents fighting and wondering what is going to happen with your family. Such a response would have communicated understanding to the student that she would have found valuable and that would have enhanced the level of respect she had for the teacher. It is equally important for teachers to be aware of their negative and positive emotional reactions to CLD students. Sure enough, you won't just let them disrupt the lesson and make everyone else's life difficult. Snchez, A. According to Wolk (2003), Teacher-student relationships permeate the classroom, with relationships both helping and hindering learning and affecting everything from curriculum to choice of teaching methods. Wolk asserted that for most teachers, their relationships are their teaching (p. 14). If not, she may want to be available if the issue can't be resolved between you and the parents. This approach looks upon negative student behavior as a skill he or she has been practicing and refining for many years. And that makes it all worthwhile. How would you handle a student who is a consistent behavioral problem? Additionally, the scenarios can be used to discuss appropriate vs. inappropriate responses, actions, behaviors, and attitudes when handling customers in these situations. Many teachers simply assume they understand the students problems and dilemmas, and mistakenly try to communicate their understanding in ways that only distance the student. Managing difficult students does not need to be quite so difficult. Urban Education, 43, 723749. Programs such asFacing History and Ourselves( andRethinking Schools( provide curricular materials that are designed to provide these kinds of shared self-examination experiences in the classroom. Although many difficult students attitudes are a reflection of their own problems at home, you need to keep control of any situation youre in. What follows are specific strategies from the fields of counseling and psychology that teachers can apply in classroom settings when dealing with difficult students. Some of my favorite memories are when students who struggled during their first year in high school come up to me a few years later to joke about, Remember when? Being proactive, even when were tired, allows for these moments of connection and joy. Here are some common types of difficult students: They think theyre right, when theyre not. The bullying can be very intense at first. Thus, it is a good idea for a teacher to learn to suspend his or her own issues as they ariseto place them on the shelf, so to speak, to be addressed later. Exploring your mind Blog about psychology and philosophy. New York: Crossroad Publishing. And more often than not, they can manifest repeatedly. How would you handle a difficult child in the classroom? For example, it could make a world of difference to dedicate even a minute or two of undivided attention to listen to your student on a regular basis for whatever reason, circumstances at home may make a student feel unheard or unappreciated. Pay attention to whats working and whats not working. It seems particularly important to provide specific strategies for dealing with what can often be the problems that prevent us from persevering in the important work of helping students learn. It is often these very students who create the most daunting challenges for teachers. (pp. For both of these strategies, it is critical that the teacher participate by completing the assignments and sharing them as well. Sometimes we teachers address each other as Mr., Ms., or Mrs., but I suggest we approach parents or guardians as peers. Use breathing techniques, counting, and calm down in any suitable way. Introduce yourself by your first name. Survey students with academic and nonacademic questions: Use the surveys for one-on-one conversations, fun class trivia games, grouping and seating arrangements, sport and club attendance, etc. The first step in being proactive might be the easiest: identify challenging behaviors and their effects on the classroom. Make sure they feel intellectually, creatively, emotionally, and physically 'safe' Be very clear about the details you expect your students to follow for a safe and smooth functioning classroom. Professional School Counseling, 5, 277284. ),A guidebook: Practices of multicultural competencies(pp. Counseling the defiant child. Photo credit: Pixabay. Home-to-School Communication. Keep the goal reasonably small and attainable, and build up goals from there. Most people, of any age, are not just inherently bad or difficult there is generally a cause, and figuring out what it is will equip you to better manage the situation. Observe more, and talk less: Notice where students demonstrate different behaviors than they do in your class. In G. Roysircar, D. S. Sandhu, & V. B. Bibbins (Eds. Most of these skills have their beginning in the students family life. 5. Why dont you have a good job? The unexamined response that a teacher might give is this: You have no right speaking to me like this. Your student may have simply abandoned all attempts at changing their behavior because of this reinforcement, so they may repeat old patterns and continue on in that prescribed role. Garca-Rangel, E. G., Garca Rangel, A. K., & Reyes Angulo, J. Disruptive Students This is the hardest group kind of student to control. Try to take challenging situations with fun and a smile on your face. Keke has as many pressures as p. Smith in 100 fewer rushes. Hall, P. S., & Hall, N. D. (2003). The individual psychology of Alfred Adler: A systematic presentation in selections from his writings. 270376). Relacin maestro alumno y sus implicaciones en el aprendizaje. Hearts and minds. 1. It is important for teachers to establish . For teachers to engage in successful intercultural interactions, they must maintain an astute approach to learning relationships and be aware of the ways schooling helps to reinforce social class differences (Hipolito-Delgado & Lee, 2007). At any grade level, its always a good idea to have a short set of important class rules on display., Alan Greenis an associate professor of clinical education and school counseling program lead at the Rossier School of Education, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA. . You must know your place, make them respect you, and not fall for the bullying. Young adolescents closely watch the reactions of adults to see if they practice what they preach. Im not a teacher, but Im tutoring someone (21 M). Review of Educational Research, 63(3), 249294. Rule #2: Don't argue. Marzano, R. J., Marzano, J. S., & Pickering, D. J. This means I approach students with curiosity and humility. You mustnt lose your cool with these types of students. Articles and opinions on happiness, fear and other aspects of human psychology. 2012 2022 . Students of all ages will find comfort in knowing the rules and boundaries. In these situations, you have to manage your emotions. Does your difficult student have a knack for history, a certain math skill, or a love of science experiments? You can't talk about learning without talking about the educational system. Educational Leadership, 61(1), 613. Here's how to answer this interview question using the STAR method: Describe the situation. Adler (1956) defined empathy as seeing with the eyes of another, hearing with the ears of another, and feeling with heart of another (p. 135). But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Types of evidence include skills, examples and quantitative and qualitative outcomes. Make sure disruptive students sit close to you so you can see what they are doing and keep them motivated by changing the tasks often. This can help students feel in control, especially when they know what to expect throughout the day. Behaviorally at-risk African-American students: The importance of student-teacher relationships for student outcomes. What would you say to that educator about building relationships with students? This skill could be valuable in certain careers, such as corporate management, sales, or even counseling. The young adolescent is usually quite surprised to hear something that she has previously been criticized for now being admired and looked upon as something potentially valuable. Have an exit strategy. Instead, the relationships are characterized by specific behaviors, strategies, and fundamental attitudes demonstrated by the teacher (Bender, 2003) This approach involves taking personal interest in students; establishing clear learning goals; and modeling assertive, equitable, and positive behaviors (Hall & Hall, 2003; Rogers & Renard, 1999). Research indicates that these declines can be linked to the classroom, and particularly to teacher-student relationships (Furrer & Skinner, 2003). Teachers with effective classroom management skills are aware of high needs students and have a repertoire of specific techniques for meeting some of their needs (Marzano & Marzano, 2003). Were writing an essay for one of his classes but hes being difficult. Wait until they finish, and don't interrupt unless you're asking for clarification. (pp. Suspending ones own reactions is a skill, to be sure, and it is a skill that can be improved with practice. These manifestations are exhaustingfor you, for them, and for their peers. Don't get into arguments. I agree with what BoozySlushPops said. If they allow you to, try to determine if theyre trying to pull pranks on you, make you nervous or, on the other hand, gain your respect. Teachers who truly understand young adolescent learners are best able to build strong relationships with students. I feel like I handled it poorly and since Im considering on taking on more students, I want to prepared next time. Compliment students: Sometimes a light comment about cool new shoes is the only positive message that a student receives in a day. Young adolescents are highly skilled at reading teachers and identifying the things that make them impatient, rigid, angry, and upset. Empathetic relationships are especially important for difficult adolescents (Bernstein, 1996; Mordock, 1991). They can manifest socially: side conversations, defiance. Teachers must take steps to learn and understand the unique qualities of middle grades students, who are at a crucial time in their development. Day one and beyond: Practical matters for middle-level teachers. GET THE SELF-LOVE TOOLKIT: today's podcast episode, we're going to talk about how to handle stressful situations. We'll help you with any burning questions you have, Learn from real teachers and administrators using Classcraft. This is something that goes without saying and for that very reason, some teachers forget to put it into practice! For example, a teacher who knows he is sensitive to students questioning his authority can anticipate that middle grades students will, in fact, question his authority. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Affirming diversity: The sociopolitical context of multicultural education. More often than not, I realize: Behaviors that challenge me mirror me. Marzano, R. J. What does my response communicate about me? Declining motivation after the transition to middle school: Schools can make a difference. New York: Guilford. Elevate students: Often, students act out in order to earn attention. Thank you. Am I the only one or this Press J to jump to the feed. It is important that this skill be applied with sincerity. Haberman, M. (1995). Give them information about resources they can use in case they want to reach out to someone else. Mordock, J. Get to know them. Readiness to serve students with disabilities: A survey of elementary school counselors. In a study calledLos alumnos: adversarios en las relaciones de poder dentro del aula. Let us extend the example of a manipulative, young adolescent girl. Also, be sure to make an individual reward something thats important to the student and that will also benefit them educationally. Careful observation and using the documentation to create anecdotal records will give you a firsthand look at any patterns that may emerge that will shed some light on a difficult student. Difficult students might respond well to having some of the pressure taken off by using games and applications as a non-confrontational and exciting way to learn. Elementary School Journal, 93(1), 6368. Figure out where they can shine, and let them do so! If fostering a relationship with your students parents is also difficult, that may give you a better idea of what your student is going through and could let you know what the student might be lacking at home that you can help to provide, at least to some degree, at school. Your student can lead a group with their special expertise and gain loads of confidence and positive feelings about school at the same time. While it can be easy to remain stuck in the first step of identification, to be proactive we must move to the second step of reflection. Praise Good Behavior Behavior management should involve praising good behavior just as much asif not moreit involves reprimanding students that are out of line. You will have to do something -- not too harsh, not too soft, just right. Dunn, N. A., & Baker, S. B. The purpose of this article is to suggest specific strategies that integrate knowledge and skills from education, counseling, and psychotherapy to help teachers develop a strong management system based on the development of personal relationships with students. (2009). You might lose control and start making unsuitable gestures, which can trigger bullying and mockery in other students and leave you unable to diffuse the tension. Rule #3: Don't lecture, scold, or yell. Think of an educator from your past with whom you did not connect. Probably the most important aspect of a positive helping relationship is empathy on the part of the helper (Garfield, 1994; Goldfried, Greenberg, & Marmar, 1990; Luborsky, Crits-Christoph, Mintz, & Auerbach, 1988; Orlinsky, Grawe, & Parks, 1994; Sexton & Whiston, 1994). What Should You Do When Someone Treats You Badly? First and foremost, it provides incentive to improve behavior. Prevention is the best way to handle a disruptive student. . Where Im from: Inviting student lives into the classroom. Remember: never shame or humiliate a student, and don't take student remarks personallyalthough an attack may seem personal, it may be directed at authority figures in general rather than at you in particular. Bloomington, IN: Kappa Delta Pi. (2003). They set the tone for the whole school year. Different people may advise different approaches, ranging from "Read that person the riot act" to "Get to know the student better" to "Reassert the terms of the syllabus.". Students are encouraged to include information in the poem by studying items found in their homes, in their yards, and in their neighborhoods and the names of relatives, foods, and places they keep in their childhood memories. Dr. Eric Jensen has researched this phenomenon, studying what makes one Title I school a place where students are as successful as their high-income peers, whereas others continue to be low-performing. You can handle bad student behavior if you create clear and easy-to-follow daily schedules. In the best of times, disruptive student behaviors are challenging to effectively act on. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. This reflection is twofold: examining the student and ourselves. We are published by the George Lucas Educational Foundation, a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization. (1988). 1. Identify three obstacles that interfere with your ability to make meaningful connections with your students. How can teachers engage students through enhanced personal interactions while simultaneously managing classroom climate and instruction? It is readily apparent that to follow this relationship approach, a teacher or school administrator must have the capacity to suspend the flaring up of his or her own impulses, issues, and negative reactions. Rule #2: Don't argue. (Bradfield-Kreider, 2001). They are expected to know content and pedagogy, develop engaging lessons that meet the needs of diverse learners, and use a variety of instructional strategies that will boost student achievement while they simultaneously develop positive relationships with, on average, 125 students each day who are experiencing the personal, social, and cognitive challenges and opportunities of early adolescence (Carnegie Council on Adolescent Development, 1995; Schmakel, 2008). Develop a Relationship. Commit to the long haul and trust the process. At first glance, this approach would seem to violate all that we know about behavior modification, but it is based on a well established area of research called positive psychology (Seligman, 1999). You can even start very simply: maybe that student can be in charge of a task in the classroom, such as attendance, or can be a source of help for other students in some way. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. He keeps getting frustrated and gets annoyed when I try to explain his mistakes, and it's obvious he doesn't want to write it all. How do you handle difficult classroom situations? All four steps of the classroom management for difficult students game plan have a common thread: Help students feel at home and integral to your classroom. There are many reasons that a child may be difficult. Instead, make the student understand that it is his or her misbehavior you dislike, not him or her. Division of Student Development and Enrollment Services Handling Difficult Tutoring Situations & Difficult Students Working with high school students presents its own challenges, many that are different than those you encounter while working with college students. When you argue with difficult students, it puts them on equal footing with you, creating a "your word against theirs" situation. Explicitly partnering with students to do the repair work, the relationship work, is where the magic happens. He thought he was hiring a ghost writer. Classroom management and relationship building. In counseling, multicultural competence consists of being acutely aware of cultural attitudes, beliefs, knowledge, and skills of both the counselor and the client (Arredondo, 2003). They can manifest socially: side conversations, defiance. Adler, A. there could be several reasons that the student is refusing to complete the work: 1) he or she is having a bad day and just can't deal with any more; 2) he or she feels unable to complete the work and therefore simply is refusing to even try; 3) he or she is angry with you or another teacher about something completely different and is choosing How do you handle difficult students? Speaking of communication, you should also put effort into connecting with your students parents or guardians on a regular basis. Success can also be set up for students by implementing a reward system. Northvale, NJ: Jason Aronson. The end result of having been shown empathy is that the person feels understood. This is crucial to reaching and relating to young adolescents (Hanna, Hanna, & Keys, 1999). I have been teaching for a long time, and there isnt any excuse I havent heard. The student, of course, had no indication that the teacher understood at all and was actually discouraged by the teachers unempathetic response. Journal of Research and Development in Education, 32(3), 131147. . If you go in like you have to win the right . If you would like to disable cookies on this device, please review the section on 'Managing cookies' in our privacy policy. Edutopia and Lucas Education Research are trademarks or registered trademarks of the George Lucas Educational Foundation in the U.S. and other countries. Such self-examination helps teachers leave their egos at the door and ultimately develop empathy for those they teach. The good news is that there are strategies that you can put into action to get all your students on the right track. Instead of fighting the attitude, punishing it, or even ridiculing it, try admiring it, putting aside any disgust or exasperation. These strategies, though helpful, may still leave teachers struggling with the most difficult students. No matter what grade level youre teaching, its critical your students learn and grow despite any obstacles they face. Often times, there is a reason behind a student's behavior or apathy. Early adolescents perspectives on motivation and achievement. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. It is to be entirely expected that she would bring these same skills to school in an effort to meet her needs there as well. When the disruptive adolescent repeatedly insults or disobeys the teacher, the teachers ego takes over, demanding respect. Figure out what your student brings to the class thats positive and unique, and use that as a beacon to draw them in and help them thrive. Have a Plan and Stick to It Every teacher should have a plan for dealing with students when behaviors are chronic or continue to escalate. Be supportive and respectful. When a difficult student is surrounded by their friends, they might have the extra courage to do certain things they wouldnt do if they were alone. To borrow the words of Rogers and Renard (1999), when we enter into understanding human needs and relationship-driven teaching, amazing things can happen (p. 34). But you won't explode emotionally, you won't let them get into your head. You can ask them to repeat what you have been going through or ask them to answer a question relating to the material. This significant statistic justifies further investigation into developing relationships. Facilitate a stronger relationship with your student to make this detective work easier. Effective managers employed different strategies with different types of students (Brophy, 1996; Brophy & McCaslin, 1992). This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Thank you! Class rewards are a great way to draw in the more challenging students as they work to accomplish something as a part of the classroom team. It is also an assessment of truly effective relationship-based teaching. They cant stand it if you make a mistake, are slow to solve a problem, or have to think too much to find a solution. One of the hidden advantages of working with young adolescents is that they have much to teach us about our own reactions and habitual ways of interacting. Of counseling and psychology that teachers can apply in classroom settings when dealing with difficult.! Security features of the keyboard shortcuts as p. Smith in 100 fewer rushes particularly agonizing for teachers be... As Mr., Ms., or a love of science experiments were how would you handle a difficult student, allows these! You, for them, and build up goals from there benefit educationally... G. Roysircar, D. S. Sandhu, & Whiston, S. B should involve praising good behavior means and... 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how would you handle a difficult student