who had an encounter with god in the bible

One notable one is where Paul in confronted by Christ. Having sent his flocks and family ahead, Jacob now stood alone. James W. Goll is the president of God Encounters Ministries and has traveled around the world sharing the love of Jesus, imparting the power of intercession, prophetic ministry, and life in the Spirit. God is not some sort of indulgent father who caters to your every whim. The disciples have returned to fishing for fish, instead of men, and Jesus shows up. When we come face to face with God, we are reminded of our limits and His lack of limits leading us to trust Him to supply what we cannot. These supernatural encounters are just scratching the surface of the numerous stories of Gods presence touching, saving, and healing lives. This Moses whom they rejected, saying, Who made you a ruler and a judge? is the one God sent to be a ruler and a deliverer by the hand of the Angel who appeared to him in the bush (Acts 7:35). Walking on water is amazing in and of itself. Dont miss the application: If you ever are treated unfairly, you are probably being given a major opportunity for witness. Now Im going to use you. 2:15) but Moses fled for his life to the land of Midian, where he married Jethros daughter (Ex. As far as he was concerned the God he had given up everything to serve had effectively ceased to exist. Charles Spurgeon tells of a man who once went to a chapel to listen to the singing, but he didnt want to hear the preaching. She would sit on the outside, next to the aisle. How do the changes experienced by Jacob compare to the changes that come when we encountering Jesus? But the story does not say any such thing, and it specifically states that those who got baptized had believed in God (16:34). 4:18, 19). You are a child of God and you have been given access by the blood of the Lamb. Finally, through the vision of the Macedonian man calling for help, Paul and the missionary team went to Europe. So as soon as the pastor began speaking, the man put his fingers in his ears. Lord, help me! she said. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. Israeli Triathlete Competes In Saudi EventSigns Of Normalization? The mans curiosity was so aroused that he decided to follow the dog. This is holy ground! God chose to keep His name concealed from Jacob. How did it happen? Luke does not tell us if this girl got saved, but we can hope that since her owners had no further use for her, the church would have taken her in and that she did meet the Lord Jesus. Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all. {Open your Bibles to Revelation 2, and we'll be . Sometimes, like Samuel, we hear a voice but dont recognize it as Gods. He has recorded numerous classes with corresponding study guides and is the author of more than forty books, including The Seer, The Lost Art of Intercession, The . Remember that in an encounter with God, He meets you where you are (in ordinary activities and places) and He attracts you to himself. Or that just another bunch of nomads had camped there the night before and failed to extinguish their camp fire properly. Jim "Bubba" Bay from Pine Plains, New York was in danger. The Cross And Christs Substitution (Gal. Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture Quotations are from the New American Standard Bible, Updated Edition The Lockman Foundation, Related Topics: Character of God, Evangelism, Predestination, Soteriology (Salvation), Steve served as the pastor of Flagstaff Christian Fellowship from May, 1992 through his retirement in December, 2018. By using our website, you accept our use of cookies as described in our. Having sent his flocks and family ahead, Jacob now stood alone. She truly believes that one moment in God's presence can change everything! 2 When Jacob saw them, he said, "This is the camp of God!" So he named that place Mahanaim. People in the Old Testament Who Saw God 1. Then God orchestrated another coincidence. As the team was going to this place of prayer, probably to give further teaching to these new believers, a slave girl with a spirit of divination met them. 2:2). What happened to Peter over the course of three years? He didnt say, Where were you when I needed you back in Egypt? He just stopped what he was doing to listen. Secondly, Enoch's walk with God was vocal. The God who revealed to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob that He is faithful is the God who now reveals to Moses that He is faithful - steadfast in love, perfectly trustworthy. And even though these three people were very different, it was the same gospel that saved them all. This holy God is present with us, identifies with us, delights in us. Gods presence cannot be defiled. When Protestants publicly confirm that they are one with Roman Catholics, the world mistakenly thinks that both groups are just different flavors of Christianity. Again, he does not tell us if any of the prisoners trusted in Christ, although it is not unreasonable to assume that some did. At that time, she received her sneakers second-hand from Indiana Pacers basketball star Rick Smits. December 31, 2018by Dwayne McCrary Jacob was preparing to meet his brother, the same brother he cheated some 20 years prior. Remember our thesis: God is the God who appears to ordinary people in ordinary circumstances and reveals to them the extraordinary. Second, God attracts you to himself, and third. Your request is granted. And her daughter was healed at that moment.. Abraham also had a long conversation with God. So a Python spirit referred to a spirit that enabled someone to predict the future. I think when Moses got home that day the first thing he said was, Youll never guess what happened to me! How many supernatural encounters did he get to witness firsthand in following Jesus. The Cross And Christs Incarnation (Gal. During Moses' last 40 years, he had three encounters with God. So God used a dog to lead a hardened sinner to repentance! But as he lay on the ground, gravely injured and awaiting the end, a figure bathed in bright light brought him new hope. In your hardness of heart, will you cling to your greed and sin and respond in anger to the message, as the slave owners in the story did? 2:21) and tended his sheep in the wilderness (Ex. and M.Th., Grace Theological Seminary) is senior pastor at Parkside Community Church in Sterling Heights, Michigan. He reveals himself through his Word when you stop and think and look. When did God last get your attention? As a result, Jacob would now be known as Israel. Thats what shoes do. And going to a church or reading the Bible is not knowing him but knowing Him means knowing his heartbeat. He meets you in the ordinary activities of life and. Dont let offense rob you of your breakthrough. The jailer was a hardened military man. And. Tools. Copyright, Steven J. Cole, 2000, All Rights Reserved. This 30 day series highlights the many different encounters people of the New Testament had with Jesus as recorded in all four gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Jennifer Skiff shared an encounter she had that caused her to write her book, God Stories. 7 of 7/ Bubba's Miraculous Encounter. If their focus had been on their own well-being, as soon as the prison doors flew open they would have said, All right! Our text shows us three very different people who had different encounters with God. Jacob Wrestles with God - Bible Story Genesis 32 1 Jacob also went on his way, and the angels of God met him. Or that lightning had struck again. Moses was not focused on personal success, but on the God who could be known. YouVersion uses cookies to personalize your experience. While the Israelites were seeing the miracles of God daily, Moses was experiencing encounters. Claudius had more important matters to attend to than this! Her published request did help to bring about a reversal of fortunes for the Indiana secretary. Psalm 34:17-19 ESV / 8 helpful votesNot Helpful. On the Sabbath, Paul said, Lets find out where the Jews gather for worship. Philippi lacked the ten Jewish men in a town that it took to form a synagogue. When God calls you, stop what youre doing! I heard him. The city magistrates could have listened to Pauls defense, which surely would have included the gospel. But take courage, for in an encounter with God, God not only reveals that He is a holy and a faithful God, but also He reveals that He is a redeeming God (3:7-10). There must not have been any law enforcement in that part of Africa then, because the man was not arrested. Balaam had an encounter with God through a donkey in the book of Numbers, and the donkey spoke to him. by I Gordon. That is always the order in the Book of Acts: belief first, then baptism as a public confession of faith. He breaks into our lives on just ordinary days doing ordinary things in ordinary places, just when we least expect it. They landed at the port city of Neapolis, walked the ten miles to Philippi, and no doubt wondered when God would introduce them to this Macedonian man who was ready to receive Christ. Take your sandals off your feet, for the place where you stand is holy ground (3:5). The Lord visited Abraham at noon time in his tent, in the form of an angel along with two other angels and Abraham prepared and served them a meal which they ate. Not Jacob. The Lost Books Of The Bible: Should We Accept Or Reject? It was on glorifying God and seeing other people, no matter how undeserving, experience Gods saving grace. God does not owe them salvation. Perhaps youre wondering where God is and what He is doing. ABRAM/ABRAHAM'S ENCOUNTERS WITH GOD. Its interesting that the first time Jesus told Peter to throw the net on the other side of the boat (Luke 5:4), Peter explains why it wont work (Luke 5:6). This is so totally extraordinary that Moses stops to look. 55:8-9) is the One who enters our lives in the person of Jesus Christ. To encounter him whatever you are doing working, playing, or going to sleep. 3 Jacob sent messengers ahead of him to his brother Esau in the land of Seir, the country of Edom. God meets you in ordinary activities. The God who revealed to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob that He keeps his promises is the God who now reveals to Moses that He keeps his promises. As Paul put it (2 Cor. So the Lord brought Lydia from western Turkey to Philippi and Paul from wanting to go into western Turkey to Philippi, and brought them together here so that she could get saved! When the righteous cry for help, the Lord hears and delivers them out of all their troubles. We read of this encounter in Exodus 3:1-6. 24b-34), and sequel (vv. Most of the Bible characters God used to do extraordinary feats also committed some terrible deeds: Jacob was a deceiver (Genesis 27:35-36). By using our website, you accept our use of cookies as described in our Privacy Policy. You wanted to serve the Lord and then He seemed to abandon you. The Bible is full of supernatural encounters that transformed lives in a moment. Sarah Crockett is an activator, equipper, speaker, and teacher. 25The woman came and knelt before him. So God called to him from the midst of the bush and said, Moses, Moses! And he said, Here I am. (3:4). There were some in this story who could have met God, but they missed Him. God is engaged and involved with His creation. There are supernatural encounters available for you todayand you can initiate them too, like Peter, by faith. 3:24). No matter how much face-to-face time we may have with God, there is still a part of Him that we cannot understand. If you rejoice in the Lord and keep your focus on the salvation of those who are mistreating you, your life and words can lead them to the Savior. Jesus interacted with all kinds of people. GENESIS ACCOUNT OF ABRAHAM'S LIFE 11:29 - 25:8. Are you on fire for God? )9 The Samaritan woman said to Him, "How is it that you, a Jew, ask for a drink from me, a woman of Samaria?" (For Jews have no dealings with Samaritans.) Further, God used her testimony to draw many other people from Samaria, but they never really entrusted their lives to Jesus until they had an encounter themselves. But we can hope that she was saved, since God delivered her from demonic forces. One of the supernatural encounters that we can glean from is Peters miraculous experience walking on water. In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. So his disciples came to him and urged him, Send her away, for she keeps crying out after us., 24He answered,I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel.. the Angel of the Lord appeared to him in a flame of fire from the midst of a bush. 11:44-45), whose bodies are washed with pure water and whose hearts are sprinkled from an evil conscience (Heb. Further, God used her testimony to draw many other people from Samaria, but they never really entrusted their lives to Jesus until they had an encounter themselves. Thats the most head-turning event in all of human history. Notice how different these three individuals were. While there were many who received their miracles from Jesus, but only those who encountered Him, became God-chasers. The Lord opened Lydias heart, along with the hearts of those in her household, to respond to the gospel (16:14), and they got saved. Perhaps its the birth of a baby that generated a sense of awe and wonder in you. You see, someone else's encounter with God cannot change you, but it should motivate you to encounter Him, too. Jesus said to her, "Give me a drink." 8 (For His disciples had gone away into the city to buy food. The dog sat down near the aisle, in his usual place. Characters). Not knowing Gods name did not devalue Jacobs understanding of God, but instead elevated his understanding. It is because God graciously opened our hearts to respond. The Bible For A New Generation. If youre not a Christian, you can be delivered by this redeeming God too! The slave girl was a piece of property to be used and discarded by her masters. We will have a nee identity when we encounter Jesus. Perhaps, he had bad thoughts about God - questioning where God had been all these years; questioned Gods faithfulness and his promises; wondering why God had bothered to save him from the bulrushes. At that moment his life unravelled. They are responsible for their own sin. The Jesus Christ that Paul proclaimed is clearly eternal God in human flesh, who came to bear on the cross the just penalty that God requires for our sins. It was Peters idea to go out on the waterand Jesus honored it! Let me encourage you to be ready to say: Lord, here I am! Saul on route to Damascus had an encounter with Jesus which changed his life from that point onwards. He taught that we are justified as a gift by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus (Rom. An Encounter With God-Ezekiel 1. The God who revealed to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob that He would redeem Israel someday is the God who now reveals to Moses that He will redeem his people. Instead of being the ruler of a dominion, he was a roamer in a desert. Obedience can usher in supernatural encounters. All of the above have to lead you to your moment of encounter with Jesus. Acts 26:16. Jesus demonstrated what it means to love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you (Matthew 5:44) and we are called to be like Jesus. There are some in evangelical circles who say that since salvation is by faith alone, that to tell people that they must accept Jesus not only as Savior, but also as Lord, is to mix faith and works. Big idea: An unforgettable encounter with the very real visceral presence of the living God. He is beyond our ability to fully know and understand and we need to embrace that reality. Jacob was preparing to meet his brother, the same brother he cheated some 20 years prior. The Cross And The Flesh (Gal. So he was left alone with the dog. Ive been watching you. The Impact Of The Blessing By Kari Jobe, A Practical Guide To Kingdom Living: Unlocking Everyday Encounters, Encounter Jesus: Cultivating Intimacy & Awareness - A Practical Guide, 10 Declarations For Releasing Hope & Building Faith, Gods Word For You Today: Jesus Is Your Friend, Eminem Praises Jesus & Denounces Satan In New Song, Gods Word For You Today: He Has Made You Free, Justin Bieber Utters Powerful Prayer & Worships God Amidst Concert In Front Of Thousands. Gods normal means of saving people is to use His servants to proclaim the way of salvation (16:17) to those He intends to save. All rights reserved. 1 One day as Jesus was standing by the Lake of Gennesaret, the people were crowding around him and listening to the word of God. -1 Kings 19:3-9. Undoubtedly, he felt so unworthy and useless that the very thought of being in the presence of God struck terror into his heart so that he hid his face. Thats what happens when you encounter God. The Samaritan woman's life got radically transformed when she had an encounter with Jesus (John 4: 4-42). I think so! God meets you in ordinary places. These three encounters should encourage us to be faithful to share our faith as we see how God uses the gospel to save different people. Take your sandals off your feet, for the place where you stand is holy ground'" (3:5). A man was healed in one encounter with Jesus after years of waiting at the pool of Bethesda. He was suddenly awakened by this powerful earthquake, and when he saw the prison door opened, he was ready to fall on his sword and die, since he would be tortured and executed if any of the prisoners had escaped. 3 He got into one of the boats, the one belonging to Simon, and asked him to put . The Cross And Boasting (Galatians 6:12-15), 6. 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who had an encounter with god in the bible