weighted mean excel likert scale

"=A2*B2+A3*B3+A4*B4+A5*B5+A6*B6)/15" Step 2: Press the "Enter" key and the output appears in cell B8. It is an inbuilt function in Excel, helps to sum the numerical data in a range of cells. Most surveys are usually rated using Likert scale where Likert items are used to measure respondents attitudes to a particular question or statement. i = 1 4 w i x i i = 1 4 w i = 2566 1000 = 2.566 The weighted arithmetic mean of mobiles per household in this sample is 2.566 So basically all the data points are given equal weights when we calculated the simple mean. You, however, see the difference when you look at the reports. The general formula to find the weighted mean is given as, Weighted mean = (w) n (x) n / (w) n. where, x = the mean value of the set of given data. Our goal is to help you work faster in Excel. Learn on the go with our new app. weight = runif (n_sample, 1, 3) ) Getting the weighted results Our main goal here is to get our results weighted (or else we would be using the Likert package directly). When pivoting / reshaping the data make sure that [Weight] does not get reshaped. If we then take the average of the 62 coded responses, the result is 4.05, or about 4. Perhaps youre asking customers to provide feedback on new features youre considering adding to your product. To do this, you can use the super useful survey package that provides you with a lot of tools for working with survey data. To the survey respondent, the weighted scale is invisible. A weighted average can get an average score for each Likert item or for the group of Likert items. Average calculator Weighted average calculation. Find the value associated with the weight whose running sum crosses 50% of the total weight. Choosing which employee gets a quarterly achievement award should factor in attendance record, but thats (arguably) less important than skills learned, project tasks completed, or community service. How to Find Weighted Moving Averages in Excel Below you can find the corresponding weights of the scores. Let us see the steps on how to create and analyze Likert scale data with ChartExpo in Excel. To find out the difference between Normal and Weighted Average, you can calculate the normal average in cell C9, i.e. Let me show you how easy it is to use it. And just what do I mean by weighted data? That is the reason that weighted mean has much more practical relevance than the simple mean. Finally it adds a row into a table in Excel . The author, Thomas Baekdal, initially graphs politicians accuracy using an ordinary rating scale. Oppenheim (1992), Kline (1998), and Babbie (1999) emphasized that the score an individual receives on a Likert scale is the sum of an . The easiest way to accomplish this is by using an online calculator for t-test comparing averages or means. Using SUMPRODUCT to Calculate Weighted Average in Excel 1. The frequency of each response will be determined on the number of the respondents who will. Weighted Mean Formula(Table of Contents). However, a nice feature of the formula is that the weights don't need to add up to 1. Disagree. SUM Function. This assignment of different weights gives us the flexibility to assign more power to the more relevant data point and less power to a less relevant data point. You can create a Likert scale on your own with these two question types: The Matrix/Rating Scale question type, which allows you to assign custom weights to answer choices. Likert scale is a type of rating scale used to measure attitudes or opinions. Step 1 - The middle point is calculated by dividing the total number of responses by 2. This is a critical question to measure the opinion or attitude towards a specific topic so that it will be of great help in the next step of an investigation. But then he points out: By ranking the data like this, we dont take into account the severity of the lies a person makes. Continuous data are presented as mean standard deviation. Both are obviously bad, but we should really punish people in relation to the severity of their lies.. While all are important to decision-making, some matter more than others: essay quality, financial need, diversity factors, geographical considerations. Here's how we arrive at that score: (Number of votes * Weighting for column 1) + (Number of votes * Weighting for column 2) + Number of votes * Weighting for Column 3) + (Number of votes * Weighting for column 4) + (Number of votes * Weighting for column 5) / Total Number of Votes Summary Weighted Mean: A mean where some values contribute more than others. And that works great, in the large majority of situations. What is so good about this resource is that it is in short, specific video clips, with both audio and text and with practice downloads for hands-on experience. Having the same weights for all the elements in a data set is not practical. It uses psychometric testing to measure the beliefs, attitudes, and opinions of subjects. If dimensions are not compatible, SUMPRODUCT will return a #VALUE error. Add up the weights for the values in order (i.e. If the survey responses are coded as labels instead of numbers you can use this formula instead. Once you have the mean values for both, perform the t-test. It returns a value of 1036. Median So if a student has not performed well in all the three assignments, he can prepare well to score well in the final exam so that his average score moves up. 5. But we could as easily have weighted the candidates on a 1-10 scale, or given 5 to the acceptable answers and 0 to the rest. Weighted calculation - Percent Top 2 Boxes Assuming a 1 through 5 Likert scale, The calculation to determine the percentage of people selecting either Very high degree or High Degree (top 2 boxes) using weighted data is SUM (IF [Value]>=4 then [Weight] ELSE 0) / SUM ( [Weight]) Sentiment / Likert Scale (divergent stacked bar) For example, We know that students have to face various types of exams and have to submit different assignments. Figure 1 A snippet of survey data showing a separate column for Weight. Honestly THE best money I ever spent! How satisfied were you? Ready to get started? The average in column F is calculated for reference only with the AVERAGE function: In this example, the weights are configured to add up to 1, so the divisor is always 1, and the result is the value returned by SUMPRODUCT. However, in some circumstances, you can make better decisions by weighing the answers. Next year, if the overall score is 69 or 89, that helps you judge if the employees are more or less engaged. For example, if your HR department does a yearly employee satisfaction survey, the overall weighted score might be, say, 81 on a 1-100 scale. If you ask them to say whether a feature is mandatory, desirable, or optional, you may want to give greater urgency to the mandatory items. The percentage, Weighted Mean and Likert Scale are the tools that will use to interpret the. 7. Select the cell where the weighted average should go (for us that's cell D15) and then type the following formula into the function bar. of respondents column). =SUMPRODUCT (C3:C11,D3:D11)/SUM (D3:D11) Press "Enter" after typing the formula to view the weighted average. Let's start with Question 1: Step 2: Add the totals, and divide by the total number of respondents: 1 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 5 = 6 / 2 respondents = 3. Read more: vertical and horizontal arrays. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This post discusses central tendency measures in Likert scales, i.e., whether you should calculate means or medians, and what differences are large enough to make a difference. =AVERAGE (B2:B6). Learn Excel with high quality video training. In the example below, the weights are the same as the original example, but they are listed in a vertical range: To calculate a weighted average with the same formula, we need to "flip" the weights into a horizontal array with the TRANSPOSE function like this: After TRANSPOSE runs, the vertical array: And from this point, the formula behaves as before. Otherwise, multiply each weight w by its matching value x, sum that all up, and divide by the sum of weights: Weighted Mean = wxw. You can check the accuracy level of both calculations, i.e. Implementation of Weighted Mean for Likert scale with Python One of the commonest ways of getting response from research subjects is with the use of survey. We repeat steps 1 and 2 above for question 2: Likert scale data can be analyzed as interval data, i.e. I like the way you highlight what you are talking about in orange, and it isnt too fast that the eye cant see it before you move to the next thing! 3: The result of the SUMPRODUCT is '200', as shown below. The Likert-type scale got its name from psychologist Rensis Likert, who developed it in 1932. Figure 4 Simple Likert Scale visualization, Figure 5 Simple Likert Scale visualization with Percent Top 2 Boxes combo chart, Assuming a 1 through 5 Likert scale, the calculation to determine the percentage of people selecting either Very high degree or High Degree (top 2 boxes) using unweighted data is, Assuming a 1 through 5 Likert scale, The calculation to determine the percentage of people selecting either Very high degree or High Degree (top 2 boxes) using weighted data is. Step 1: In Excel, there is an inbuilt formula for calculating the products of the numbers and their sum, which is one of the steps in calculating the weighted mean. Here we discuss how to calculate the Weighted Mean along with practical examples. Percentage. In the research on mathematics education, numerous Likert-type instruments estimating attitudes toward mathematics are sometimes composed of factors with a high correlation, which can make it difficult to assign the statements from the scale to each estimated factor. Step 2 - The category in which this middle point falls is identified. But this isnt the only factor; there are others to consider. You can use any number of rating questions in a survey. Mean is a point in a data set which is the average of all the data point we have in a set. If you have used Sogolytics at all, you probably are familiar with the standard question types, including radio buttons. A Rating Scale question, commonly known as a Likert Scale, is a variation of the Matrix question where you can assign weights to each answer choice. Enter your data into a spreadsheet then add a column containing the weight for each data point. To calculated a weighted average, you can use the SUMPRODUCT function together with the SUM function. The SUMPRODUCT function requires that array dimensions be compatible. My point is not to highlight anything about politicians or the media, which is what most interests Baekdal, but rather to show that sometimes one answer is more important than another, and your data analysis should reflect that. I love how you provide instructions for the absolute beginner right through to really advanced things. This weighted mean equation can be expanded for easier comprehension like so: Mean is a point in a data set which is the average of all the data point we have in a set. 1. But weighted mean will be equal to the arithmetic mean if all the weights are equal. Next, a type of condition called a Switch is added that looks at what the answer was in the question and then for each case applies the appropriate weighting to it and set the variable value. We also provide a Weighted Mean calculator with downloadable excel template. This is when you can use a variation of SUMPRODUCT Formula like this: =SUMPRODUCT (A1:A10,B1:B10)/SUM (B1:B10) Download Weighted Average Calculation Example Workbook: In this workbook, you can find 3 examples on how to to calculate weighted average in excel. In addition to giving you a different view to the data not thrown off by Lots of people think we are average the NPS score is accepted across the industry, which means a company can use it as a customer service benchmark. If you have the plug-in installed, then you would see your ChartExpo on the add-in page. A person who made 10 small lies will be ranked the same as a person who made 10 big lies. Data set : {4, 6, 8, 9, 22, 83, 98, 45, 87, 10}, Weights : {20%, 15%, 10%, 10%, 5%, 3%, 2%, 7%, 5%, 13%}. The idea here is that we reward not just that something is true, but also that it provides us with the complete picture (or close to it). Sogolytics permits you to type in a number for the weight to give each answer: You choose the numbers that help you judge the response most accurately. Its wholly up to you to assign the weight and their significance. These can be elements like attitudes, feelings, or opinions that cause variations in behavior. Sometimes, however, your data analysis can benefit from applying weighted scores to the answers during the design phase. Solution: We will use the following data for the calculation. Similarly, We have calculated for all the data. They see only the question and answer options. This is very similar to the single-punch question but instead we have several questions and compare them using a stacked bar chart. So instead, lets choose a rating radio button as the question type. Paano gamitin ang excel para mag-compute ng weighted mean? First method: To determine the minimum and the maximum length of the 5-point Likert type scale, the range is calculated by (5 . In the paragraphs that follow, you will read: What the ' true midpoint ' is in a Likert scale; Why a median is a preferable metric to the mean (or 'average'); You can dive a little deeper with the Advanced Frequency report, using the additional controls available. Similarly, if there is an extreme value and it has much relevance, its impact should be visible in the average value. You may also look at the following articles to learn more . The Likert scale ranges from one extreme to another, for example, "extremely likely" to "not at all likely. For example inventory in the company is purchased at different prices, so simple means will not give accurate inventory value at the end of the period. So for a set of numbers 3,4,6,10 with weights 1,2,3,5 then the median would be 6, since (1+2+3)/ (1+2+3+5) = 6/11 = 54.55%. Click enter to get your results. #Weighted Mean#Unweighted Mean#Entering Formula in MS Excel Another way to see the difference in responses is in the simple frequency report. The Likert-scale surveyis a comprehensive technique for gauging feedback and information, making it significantly easy to understand and respond. Let's show the average rating for every question. Instead, he uses a system based on a logarithmic scale: We give half-true a value of 1 and center it on the graph. In this case 24.5 falls in the '5Strongly Agree' category as there are 23 respondents up to category 4 (see the Cumulative no. However, the whole point of using software is to make our lives easier so this is something built in to Sogolytics (for Sogolytics Pro and above). Select a blank cell and type this formula = SUMPRODUCT SUMPRODUCT The SUMPRODUCT excel function multiplies the numbers . Inference.. Mean is very simple yet one of the crucial elements of statistics. But lets say weights are different and are given by {w1,w2, w3,wn}. Keep it simple! To calculate a weighted average in Excel, simply use SUMPRODUCT and SUM. If there are five such questions in this job application (another might be, say, the number of years of experience as a truck driver), each with its own weight, the ideal candidate might score 60 points. The steps for calculating the weighted average with the generic excel formula are listed as follows: Step 1: In any cell, say B8, enter the following formula. The weighted value of kappa is calculated by first summing the products of all the elements in the observation table by the corresponding weights and dividing by the sum of the products of all the elements in the expectation table by the corresponding weights. Each video comes with its own practice worksheet. Step-by-Step Procedure to Analyze Likert Scale Data in Excel Step 1: Create Survey Form and Make Dataset Step 2: Count Blank and Non-Blanck Responses of Likert Scale Data Step 3: Count All Feedback from Dataset Step 4: Calculate Percentage of Each Feedback Step 5: Make Report on Likert Scale Analysis Step 6: Generate Final Report with Charts treatment. As the numerical value for the "Neutral" sentiment level is 3, this means that respondents generally feel neutral about item availability at the store. You should only include the questions which. If you are familiar with research field, then you should know what Likert scale is. We give Mostly True a value of 2, and True a value of 5. First, open your Excel application and worksheet. And SUM (weight) doesn't need to be 100%, as the weighted average calculation will be: SUM (weight x price) / SUM (weight). Lets say you have a portfolio in which you have stocks, bonds, and commodities. How To Calculate Weighted Average in Excel? You can use the followingWeighted Mean Calculator, This has been a guide to Weighted Mean formula. So basically we have a portfolio in which we have invested in stocks, bonds, and commodities. A typical survey includes some kind of qualitative assessment. Arithmetic Mean is calculated using the formula given below, Arithmetic Mean = (Sum of All the Data Points) / Number of Data Points, So when all the weights are equal, arithmetic mean is same as weighted mean. For example, we could use a weight of 1 for the first two tests and a weight of 2 for the final (since the final is twice as important) and the weighted average will be the same: In cell G5, the formula is solved like this: Note: the values in curly braces {} above are ranges expressed as arrays. A Likert scale is basically a scale used to represent people's opinions and attitudes to a topic or subject matter. But with the weighted answers, you see the average as well as the weights that were applied to reach that number. Visually the bar chart looks the same, but its hard to discern the overall sentiment. Perhaps the best explanation is an example used in The Increasing Problem With the Misinformed, which (among other things), uses PolitiFact data that measures the truthfulness of politicians statements. It is simply calculated by taking a sum of all the data points and dividing by a number of data points. A Likert scale is composed of a series of four or more Likert-type items that represent similar questions combined into a single composite score/variable. For example, if your HR department does a yearly employee satisfaction survey, the overall weighted score might be, say, 81 on a 1-100 scale. I am just loving exceljet. However, since most people understand averages really well they tend to average Likert scales even though it'd technically incorrect. 3.1. The example below shows that the report layout has a weighted average of 2.3, which is clearly the lowest scored item. A employee whos happy to spend all the time on the road is most attractive to the company, while someone unwilling to travel probably wont be happy. A possible numeric scale is: Strongly agree (10), agree (7.5), neither agree nor disagree (5), disagree (2.5), and strongly disagree (0). It is simply calculated by taking a sum of all the data points and dividing . In Excel, this can be represented with the generic formula below, where weights and values are cell ranges: = SUMPRODUCT ( weights, values) / SUM ( weights) So, the weighted average is 38.33. 4: Next, select cell C7 to find the SUM. where [Value] is the name of the measure that contains the survey responses. We are the HR people looking for someone to be a long-haul truck driver, so we value candidates who are willing to travel. In order to calculate the weighted average, we will use two functions in Excel, the first one is the sum function, and the other SUMPRODUCT function, let's discuss it one by one. So if there is an extreme value which has very less relevance, it will not impact the average significantly. The Increasing Problem With the Misinformed, How Banks Can Attract More Gen Z Employees, Yes, Conflict in the Workplace Can Be Healthy. 2. We create short videos, and clear examples of formulas, functions, pivot tables, conditional formatting, and charts. The weighted average (x) is equal to the sum of the product of the weight (w i) times the data number (x i) divided by the sum of the weights: Example. Those weighted scores also can help you with longer-term trends and to gauge progress. The steps to find the Weighted Average of the given values are as follows: 1: First, select cell C6 to find the SUMPRODUCT. Once this is in place well need to modify the formulas for the following questions types: With this type of question you usually want to determine the percentage of the total. The simple steps used to calculate the weight mean through the formula is: Step 1: Add all the weighted values together. Purely speaking you're much . Kerlinger (1986) described a Likert scale as a summated rating scale whereby an inividual's score on the scale is a sum, or average, of the individual's responses to the multiple items on the instrument. Some survey tools let you export the raw data to Excel, where you can massage it yourself, assigning a higher weight to must have features than to nice to have features. Assuming a 1 5 Likert scale, the calculation to determine the number of negative sentiment responses using unweighted data is, Assuming a 1 5 Likert scale, the calculation to determine the number of negative sentiment responses using weighted data is, The calculation that determines both the size of the Gantt bar and the label for the bar using unweighted data is, The calculation that determines both the size of the Gantt bar and the label for the bar using weighted data is, The calculation that determines the total number of responses for a particular question for unweighted data is, The calculation that determines the total number of responses for a particular question for weighted data is, Heres a summary of all the unweighted calculations and their weighted equivalents, Breaking down the results of a question by a check-all-that-apply question, More thoughts on showing Margin of Error in survey data with Tableau, SUM([Number of Records]) / TOTAL(SUM([Number of Records])), SUM(IF [Value]=1 then [Weight] ELSE 0 END) / SUM([Weight]), SUM(IF [Value]>=4 then 1 ELSE 0) / SUM([Number of Records]), SUM(IF [Value]>=4 then [Weight] ELSE 0) / SUM([Weight]), IF [Score]<3 THEN 1 ELSEIF [Score]=3 THEN .5 ELSE 0 END, IF [Score]<3 THEN [Weight] ELSEIF [Score]=3 THEN .5 * [Weight] ELSE 0 END, Sentiment / Likert Scale (simple stacked bar), Sentiment / Likert Scale (divergent stacked bar). Most surveys are usually rated. You may assess a scholarship candidate on several criteria. i = 1 4 w i = w 1 + w 2 + w 3 73 + 378 + 459 + 90 = 1000 Step 4: Divide the numerator by the denominator. 3. So all the data points have the same weight and are given by 1/n. With the weighted results, you can see that the overall response is 5.83. Weighted Mean Formula (Table of Contents) Weighted Mean Formula; Examples of Weighted Mean Formula (With Excel Template) Weighted Mean Formula Calculator; Weighted Mean Formula. Corporate Valuation, Investment Banking, Accounting, CFA Calculator & others, 3 Statement Model Creation, Revenue Forecasting, Supporting Schedule Building, & others, This website or its third-party tools use cookies, which are necessary to its functioning and required to achieve the purposes illustrated in the cookie policy. Even the most basic survey tool lets you measure responses using a ranking or rating scale. Start Your Free Investment Banking Course, Download Corporate Valuation, Investment Banking, Accounting, CFA Calculator & others. By signing up, you agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. But we have count of values. It is not necessary that always all the data points have the same relevance, so only calculating simple is not enough then. I am not a big fan of this approach but it can be useful when you superimpose some type of score (e.g., average Likert value, percent top 2 boxes, etc.). All those exams and assignments have different weightage given to them. To determine the classification of each results based on the weighted mean, the range for the verbal interpretation of the Likert-type scale provided was used in which the classifications are positive, neutral, and negative, present in the study entitled "Using Effective Feedback to Improve Professionalism as an English Student-Teacher . That gives you something by which to judge the typical job applicant (at least in regard to travel willingness). Assignment 1: 10%, Assignment 2: 10%, Assignment 3: 20%, Final exam: 60%. Drag AVG(Ratings) to the column shelf. Next year, if the overall score is 69 or 89, that helps you judge if the employees are more or less engaged. M. This is assuming textual responses are mapped to a numeric scale. Let say you have a data set with 10 data points and we want to calculate the weighted mean for that. One way you can create a weighted mean score is to carry out a reliability analysis using Principal Component Analysis and save the Regression model. check in the particular item. In the results from the regular radio button, you see a basic table of results. In other words, some values have more "weight". a running sum of weight). A Likert scale usually contains 5 or 7 response options , ranging from strongly agree to strongly disagree, with differing nuances between these and a mandatory mid-point of neither agree nor disagree (for those who hold no opinion). First, the AVERAGE function below calculates the normal average of three scores. Here is what I believe is a preferable way to show how sentiment skews across different questions. Strongly Disagree. Data Collection with Likert- type Scales Number and complexity of items Morethan 50 questions requires a significant time commitment Time element: 30-60 seconds perquestion Complexity of rating scale A rating scale of 7 -10 choices might produce fatigue Number of participants Love podcasts or audiobooks? Time to remedy that. Lets make it easier for the hiring manager to pick the best-qualified people from the stack of applications. 2. You may decide that anyone whose weighted answers add up to 40 or more is a good fit, or at least worth a job interview. Figure 3 Visualization of a multi-punch question. Fe-MRA exam duration was measured from image time stamps. So, Mostly False is given a value of -2, and False a value of -5. One person's "2" maybe another's "3" or "4". very important to very unimportant) or recommendation scales (How likely are you to recommend us to a friend?). Just keep in mind: The weight should reflect the urgency of each answer. Weighted scores and averages are provided in several reports: The bar graph report shows the weight for each answer and the score overall for the question. formula of the percentage. where w = the sum of the w i.When w i =1 for all i, the weighted mean is the same as the mean.In fact, this is also true when all the weights are the same. Copyright 2022 Sogolytics. This is a typical question, along with its answers, in which each answer has an equal weight: However, imagine a scenario in which the survey is a job application. I received an e-mail inquiry about weighted data recently and realized that while I cover this in my survey data class I had not yet posted anything about it here. 2: In cell C6, enter the formula, =SUMPRODUCT (B2:B5,C2:C5) and press the " Enter " key. Weighted Mean is calculated using the formula given below, Weighted Mean = w1*X1 + w2*X2 + w3*X3+wn*Xn. If you can define it in words, it will be relatively simple to put into Excel formulae. Similarly, we punish falsehoods. Likert items and scales produce what we call ordinal data, i.e., data that can be ranked. In Excel, this can be represented with the generic formula below, where weights and values are cell ranges: In the worksheet shown, scores for 3 tests appear in columns C through E, and weights are in the named range weights (I5:K5). Also note, in passing, that people who dont respond to the question are counted as NULL; their answers are not incorporated in the statistics. Abstract. If we assign numbers from 1 to 5 for each category label (Strongly Disagree = 1, Strongly Agree = 5) we create an ordered set of categories called ordinal data. The calculation to determine the percentage of people selecting an item using unweighted data is. 1. Fe-MRA exams were reviewed by three cardiovascular imagers using a 4-point Likert scale for image quality and confidence for PE diagnosis (score 4 = best, 1 = worst), and tabulation of ancillary findings. 2. THE CERTIFICATION NAMES ARE THE TRADEMARKS OF THEIR RESPECTIVE OWNERS. normal & weighted average, by the below-mentioned process. The calculation to determine the percentage of people selecting an item using weighted data is. Likert scale is a type of rating scale used to measure attitudes or opinions . Statistical tests. Our videos are quick, clean, and to the point, so you can learn Excel in less time, and easily review key topics when needed. It isnt always necessary to fuss with the details. Step 1: Create the Data First, let's create a column of data values along with their weights: Step 2: Calculate the Weighted Mean Next, we can use the following formula to calculate the weighted mean: =SUMPRODUCT (A2:A11, B2:B11) / SUM (B2:B11) The weighted mean turns out to be 31.147: Step 3: Calculate the Weighted Standard Deviation Ive covered how to build this type of chart using unweighted values here. By closing this banner, scrolling this page, clicking a link or continuing to browse otherwise, you agree to our Privacy Policy, Explore 1000+ varieties of Mock tests View more, Black Friday Offer - All in One Financial Analyst Bundle (250+ Courses, 40+ Projects) Learn More, You can download this Weighted Mean Template here , 250+ Online Courses | 40+ Projects | 1000+ Hours | Verifiable Certificates | Lifetime Access, All in One Financial Analyst Bundle- 250+ Courses, 40+ Projects, Finance for Non Finance Managers Course (7 Courses), Investment Banking Course (123 Courses, 25+ Projects), Financial Modeling Course (7 Courses, 14 Projects), All in One Financial Analyst Bundle (250+ Courses, 40+ Projects), Finance for Non Finance Managers Training Course, Examples of Weighted Mean Formula (With Excel Template), Weighted Mean = (4 * 25%) + (6 * 20%) + (8 * 10%) + (9 * 10%) + (22 * 5%) + (83 * 3%) + (98 * 2%) + (45 * 7%) + (87 * 5%) + (10 * 13%), Weighted Mean = (4 * 10%) + (6 * 10%) + (8 * 10%) + (9 * 10%) + (22 * 10%) + (83 * 10%) + (98 * 10%) + (45 * 10%) + (87 * 10%) + (10 * 10%), Weighted Mean = 50% * 20% + 30% * 7% + 20% * 12%, Simple Average Return of Portfolio = (20% + 7% + 12%) / 3. 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