un women uganda strategic note

Remarks at the International AIDS Candlelight Memorial. About us, Premium Sign in For UN Women, the Country Office (CO) Strategic Note (SN) is the main planning tool for the agency's support to normative, coordination and operational work. Learn about employment opportunities across the UN in Uganda. The material provided here is solely for informational purposes only without any warranty. Speech. un women uganda in its strategic note 2016-2020 in line undaf, ndp ii and uganda vision 2040 in supporting national priorities on gender equality and womens' empowerment among other normative frameworks, as well as the follow-up and implementation of the 2030 agenda for sustainable development provides coherent support to government, parliament, Copyright 2022 United Nations in Uganda. UN Women Uganda in its Strategic Note 2016-2020 and revised in 2019 in line UNDAF, NDP III and Uganda vision 2040 in supporting national priorities on Gender Equality and Womens' empowerment among other normative frameworks, as well as the follow-up and implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development provides coherent support to . Plot 11, Yusuf Lule Road As we look at the direction of the UN system in the context of UN reforms today, we are moving towards increased coherence towards our UN policy advive to Governments and cohenrence of our UN programmes and greater accountability for results. 15 May 2022. The Government of Uganda (GoU) is committed to the SDG 2030 Agenda as exemplified by the gross domestic product which doubled over the last 10-years, from $17.2 billion in 2010 to $34.4 billion in 2019. Women Strategy Note The purpose of the launch was to raise awareness of the new UN Women Strategy Note and the work in Uganda, to provide space for existing government partners . I was delighted to see the powerful images of women in the reception it gives hope that we are seeing women grow and move into spaces where they have been traditionally sidelined. The Government of Uganda (GoU) is committed to the SDG 2030 Agenda as exemplified by the gross domestic product which doubled over the last 10-years, from $17.2 billion in 2010 to $34.4 billion in 2019. Visitors are advised to use it at their own discretion. Technical/functional competencies required. Good morning. However, the delay in response might be possible due to the heavy submission of application forms. 140 Broadway 46th Floor Submit a Grant UN Women's work is guided by its 4-year Strategic Plan (2018-2021) which includes ending violence against women as one of its outcomes. Copyright Policy As with UN Womens Strategic Note UN agencies have aligned their work in country around these Strategic Priority areas, which are in-turn aligned to the NDPIII and SDGs. un women uganda in its strategic note 2016-2021 and revised in 2019 in line undaf, ndp ii and uganda vision 2040 in supporting national priorities on gender equality and womens' empowerment among other normative frameworks, as well as the follow-up and implementation of the 2030 agenda for sustainable development provides coherent support to Involvement of women in profitable economic value chains has been very low. It's upon this background that UN women builds in harnessing synergies and opportunities, to develop its next country programme document "Strategic Note (2021-2025)" which will set the vision, strategic results area and implementation plan and road-map for UN Women Uganda office for the next five (5) years. Read the full disclaimer here. Advertise, Guest Posting & Backlinks In Uganda, UN Women has provided innovative coordination support to my office at the sub-national level UN women has been supporting the UN Area Coordination Teams. CONTEXT AND SITUATION ANALYSIS Uganda has made gains in its socio-economic transformation, maintained peace and sta-bility for over 3-decades and is on course to become an upper middle-income country by 25-year review and appraisal of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, Integrated results and resources framework, Annex I: Integrated results and resources framework, United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women), Corporate evaluation of UN Womens UN system coordination and broader convening role in ending violence against women. The purpose of the launch was to raise awareness of the UN Women's new Strategic Note and work in Uganda, give space for current . Thanks for the work done to support women, am the CEO of mama initiative for development, I would love to work with you, thanks for the work done once again, Terms of Use The five-year Strategic Note (SN) contributes to the national development priorities . It is critical to improving efficiencies in the system and for improved results on the ground, on gender and across all other areas to achieve greater results for our efforts. Our work on the Sustainable Development Goals. Given the interconnected nature of global challenges, UN Women will focus on integrated approaches with seven systemic outcomes to address the root causes of inequality and affect broader systems change, across its thematic focus areas: The Integrated results and resources framework outlines the specific results that UN Women aims to achieve and their respective set of indicators. The United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN WOMEN) launched its Strategic Note for the period starting 2022-2025 at a high-level event held at the Sheraton Hotel . UN in Uganda. Environmental Conservation and Climate Change, Call for Proposals: Support the Implementation of UN Women Ugandas 20222025 Strategic Note, https://www.unwomen.org/en/about-us/programme-implementation/2022/02/unw-esa-uga-2022-01-support-implementation-of-un-women-strategic-note-uganda, Click here to Get Email Alerts about the Latest Grants. Women's empowerment is one of the keys towards that transformation we are seeking. "To celebrate the launch of @unwomenuganda strategic note, a photo exhibition of young Ugandan Photographers is on display at the entry hall to the launch. This has exacerbated by the COVID-19. Call for Proposals: Support the Implementation of UN Women Uganda's 2022-2025 Strategic Note Deadline: 11-Mar-22 UN Women seeks to engage partners to support the implementation of UN Women Uganda 's 2022-2025 Strategic Note. Our UNCT in Uganda is one of the first country teams in the world with a specific Gender-Parity Strategy and Action Plan, which will promote womens leadership within the UN system in Uganda itself. un women uganda in its strategic note 2016-2021 and revised in 2019 in line undaf, ndp ii and uganda vision 2040 in supporting national priorities on gender equality and womens' empowerment among other normative frameworks, as well as the follow-up and implementation of the 2030 agenda for sustainable development provides coherent support to Premium Customer Support UNWOMEN reserves the right to verify any information contained in proponents response or to request additional information after the proposal is received. Coordination helps to minimize the conflicts, rivalries, wastages, delays and othet organisational problems. Disclaimers Good Luck! The Steering Committee will meet quarterly on the first Tuesday of the relevant month, primarily through virtual platforms upon agreement with the committee members. Women in self-employment- 39% and 28% in subsistence agriculture are more likely to be poor than those involved in other activities due to their reduced access to finance and services. Proponents will receive a pass/fail rating in the mandatory requirements/pre-qualification criteria section. The CPD is aligned with national priorities, as outlined in National Vision 2040, National Development Plan II (2015/2016-2019/2020), the United Nations Development Assistance Framework (20162020) and the UNFPA Strategic Plan 2014 2017, and contributes to one of Uganda's urgent priorities, harnessing the demographic dividend. Third-Party Links & Ads The United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN WOMEN) launched its Strategic Note for the period starting 2022-2025 at a high-level event held at the Sheraton Hotel in Kampala. "UN Women in Uganda Strategic Note (2022-2025) Launch Follow the live stream on @unwomenafrica : https://t.co/KDvdJqhxRz #WeEmpowerUg" Photo Credit: UN Women UGANDA COUNTRY OFFICE STRATEGIC NOTE 2022-2025. For more information regarding eligibility criteria, application process and more, please visit: Background UN Women Office in Uganda, in alignment with the just finalized United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF: 2020-2025 and SDGs, looks forward to strengthening collaboration with the Ugandan government and other partners to achieve gender equality and empowerment of women and girls through implementation of transformative programs in Uganda. The nature and results of coordination work is not always visible and so can be poorly invested in. Gender inequality and violence, including child marriage, early pregnancy, sexual harassment and technology-induced violence against women are manifested throughout the life cycleof women and girls in Uganda, despite a strong policy and legal framework to promote gender equality. any updates/feedback for those CSOs who applied recently? The potential partners submitting Proposals should be women-led civil society organizations, women rights organizations (WROs), international and non-government organizations (NGOs) with a proven record of innovative and high-impact programmes on the advancement of gender equality, protection of womens rights, and the empowerment of women. National Consultant to conduct Gender barriers analysis of available Sexual, Reproductive, Maternal, New-born, Child and Adolescent, Health (SRMNCAH) rights and service access to women and girls in [humanitarian settings] in Uganda. The UN Women Uganda Strategic Note 2022-2025 will guide interventions within the UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework 2021-2025 Hon. We need to take immediate action to close the #HIVprevention. Retweet. https://www.unwomen.org/en/about-us/programme-implementation/2022/02/unw-esa-uga-2022-01-support-implementation-of-un-women-strategic-note-uganda The login page will open in a new tab. The United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN WOMEN) will launch its Strategic Note for the period 2022-2025. Gender equality and womens empowerment is core to the UNs work we cannot achieve sustainable development without it. This is what we hope to and need to see going forward for Uganda to inclusively develop and achieve the aspirations of the SDGs, as well as Ugandas own planning instruments - NDP III and Vision 2040. After logging in you can close it and return to this page. The NDPIII is a convergence framework for the entire UN System to coherently contribute to the advancement of Gender Equality and Womens Empowerment (GEWE) in Uganda with UN Women as a strategic partner on the path to transformation. General The United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN WOMEN) launched its Strategic Note for the period starting 2022-2025 at a high-level event held at the Sheraton Hotel in Kampala. She/he will work closely with other UN Women thematic Programme specialists ensuring successful implementation of the UN Women Uganda Strategic Note 2016 -2020. 1 UNWomen, Terms of Reference for UN Women Country Portfolio Evaluation in Uganda, February 2020. It will also . On top of overall support to other thematic areas the specialist will have specific focus on implementation of the European Union-United Nations global, multi-year initiative on . It articulates how UN Women will leverage its unique triple mandateencompassing normative support, UN system coordination, and operational activitiesto mobilize urgent and sustained action to achieve gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls and support the achievement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Job Detail. Opportunities for NGOs to address the Commission, UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women, UN Under-Secretary-General and UN Women Executive Director Sima Bahous, sa Regnr, Deputy Executive Director for Policy, Programme, Civil Society and Intergovernmental Support, Anita Bhatia, Deputy Executive Director for UN Coordination, Partnerships, Resources and Sustainability, Contract templates and general conditions of contract, Macroeconomic policies and social protection, Sustainable Development and Climate Change, Women, peace, and security in the work of the UN Security Council, Preventing violent extremism and countering terrorism, Economic empowerment and skills development for young women, Action on ending violence against young women and girls, Engaging boys and young men in gender equality, Flagship programme: Making Every Woman and Girl Count, UN Women Global Innovation Coalition for Change, High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development, Gender Focal Points and Focal Points for Women, Entity-specific implementation plans on gender parity, Training for gender equality and women's empowerment, International Day of Women and Girls in Science, 16 Days of Activism against Gender-based Violence, Gender equality matters in COVID-19 response, Generation Equality Action Pack, March 2020, Generation Equality action pack, January 2020, Generation Equality action pack, December 2019, Generation Equality action pack, October 2019, International Day of the Worlds Indigenous Peoples, In Focus: Climate action by, and for, women, Financing: Why it matters for women and girls, World survey on the role of women in development, Cover letter for implementing partners (Word, 70KB), Kenyan women lead peace efforts in longstanding conflicts, Women at the UN Security Council: a sea change in numbers, The reintegration of former guerrilla female fighters, a key piece in the implementation of the Peace Agreement in Colombia, UN Women Executive Director visits Tanzania, calls for investment in women and girls, Statement: Making choices to place women at the heart of our agenda, Comisin sobre la Condicin Jurdica y Social de la Mujer, Commission on the StatusofWomen. Also see: UN Women Uganda Strategic Note 2016-2020: "Harnessing the gains of Gender Equality and Women's empowerment in Uganda". Good Luck! United Nations The United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN WOMEN) launched its Strategic Note for the period 2022-2025 at a high-level event held at the Sheraton Hotel in Kampala. We suggest you please wait for the donors response or try to contact them from the contact page available on their website. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bb1i5j0Ss1A&feature=youtu.be This video takes you through the 6 outcome areas of the UN Women Strategic Note (2022 - 2025 The Strategic Plan (2008-2011) of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) refers to women with disabilities; UNDP India conducted a study on challenges experienced by women with disabilities . When gaps in income widen, those being left behind are also losing out in terms of access to opportunity and resources essential for increased productivity along the value chains. The event will take place on May 17, 2022, at Sheraton Hotel in Kampala. women, peace and security, humanitarian action, and disaster risk reduction. The Steering Committee will get an initial orientation on UN Women's Strategic Note and work in the region. Premium Sign up The programme is informed by gender equality goal and targets of the Sustainable Development Goals, the UN Women Strategic Plan (2018-2021), the Uganda National Development Plan II (2016-2020), the United Nations Development Assistance Framework for Uganda (2016-2020) and the UN Women Uganda Strategic Note (2016-2020). The UN Country Team has identified advancing gender equality and eliminating gender-based violence as a key flagship area as we implement our Coorperation Framework. For more information, visit https://www.unwomen.org/en/about-us/programme-implementation/2022/02/unw-esa-uga-2022-01-support-implementation-of-un-women-strategic-note-uganda, How can I apply as an individual with the capacity to advocate for gender equality in my community. The UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (2021-2025) was adopted in Uganda to pull together our collective actions towards Transformative and Inclusive Governance (SPI), Shared Prosperity in a Healthy Environment (SPII) and Human Well-being & Resilience (SPIII). In order to be considered for Phase I, proponents must meet all the mandatory requirements/pre-qualification criteria described in this CFP. The purpose of the launch was to raise awareness of the UN Women's new Strategic Note and work in Uganda, give space [] Call for Proposals: Support the Implementation of UN Women Uganda's 2022-2025 Strategic Note Deadline: 11-Mar-22 UN Women seeks to engage partners to support the implementation of UN Women Uganda's 2022-2025 Strategic Note. The visuals take you through the 6 outcome areas with geographical representation of results as told by implementing partners and UN Women beneficiaries, in Uganda. UN Resident Coordinator remarks at Launch of UN Women Uganda Strategic Note 2022-2025. #WeEmpowerUG" Literacy rates improved from 70% between 2012-2013 to 74% between 2016-2017, yet still literacy levels were higher for males than females. The creation of UN Women came about as part of the UN reform . UN Resident Coordinator Remarks at the Launch of the Education Plus Initiative. That is very much what UN Womens work aspires towards supporting our UN policy & programme cohetence for greater results for women and girls across Uganda. United Nations Uganda. Find out more about our work towards the Sustainable Development Goals. @UNinUganda. Call for proposals: Support the implementation of UN Women Uganda's 2022-2025 Strategic Note Submission deadline: 11 March 2022 UN Women seeks to engage partners to support the implementation of UN Women Uganda's 2022-2025 Strategic Note. Within the framework of the United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (2021-2025), and UN Women Uganda Country Office Strategic Note( 2021-2025) focuses on programming in the areas of Women's Economic Empowerment, Ending Violence against Women and Girls (EVAWG), advancing the Women, Peace, Security and Humanitarian Action . Women & girls enjoy quality basic social and protection services; and, Gender equality and women rights fulfilled in a culturally responsive, Women-led and Womens Rights Organizations that are legally registered in Uganda, that have specialized knowledge, expertise, and track record of working in womens, National and International Civil Society Organizations that are legally registered in Uganda, that have presence in Uganda and have strong track record on working in womens human rights, EVAWG; WEE; WPS&HA programming Operational. Literacy rates improved from 70% between 2012-2013 to 74% between 2016-2017, yet still literacy levels were higher for males than females. Uganda has made gains in its socio-economic transformation, maintained peace and stability for over 3-decades and is on course to become an upper middle-income country by 2040. United Nations Offices Advancing gender equality and womens empowerment has been catalytic in bringing the UN together for example through the EU-UN Spotlight Initiative to Eliminate Violence Against Women and Girls, the Joint Programme on GBV/SRHR, and the joint programme to end child marriage, amongst others. Dr Harriet Kivumbi presents expert technical advisor or senior coordinator of complex policy programs or business helping secure basic rights for women, children and marginalized communities in Africa and other low-income countries in the sectors of health, education, sustainable livelihoods, gender, nutrition/food security, Covid-19, malaria, and HIV/AIDS. The United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN WOMEN) launched its Strategic Note for the period starting 2022-2025 at a high-level event held at the Sheraton Hotel in Kampala. When is deadline for submitting proposal and how many times do u recieve in year. The budget range for this proposal should be (Min. The purpose of the launch was to raise awareness of the UN Women's new Strategic Note and work in Uganda, give space for current partners from the government, development partners, private sector, and civil society to engage with the Strategic Note and ensure their buy-in, and attract new potential donors and partners for the achievement of the priority areas. UN Women, grounded in the vision of equality enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, works for the elimination of discrimination against women and girls; the empowerment of women; and the achievement of equality between women and men as partners and beneficiaries of development, human rights, humanitarian action and peace and security. Speech. UN Women seeks to engage partners to support the implementation of UN Women Ugandas 20222025 Strategic Note. UNDP is committed to achieving workforce diversity in terms of gender, nationality and culture. It's upon this background that UN women builds in harnessing synergies and opportunities, to develop its next country programme document "Strategic Note (2021-2025)" which will set the vision, strategic results area and implementation plan and road-map for UN Women Uganda office for the next five (5) years. It's upon this background that UN women builds in harnessing synergies and opportunities, to develop its next country programme document "Strategic Note (2021-2025)" which will set the vision, strategic results area and implementation plan and road-map for UN Women Uganda office for the next five (5) years. "The UN Women Strategic Note (2022 2026) will see the office consolidate the gains of the last cycle (2016-2021), while expanding further and addressing the emerging challenges in Uganda, such as the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic." These words, are as relevant today as ever and also serve as a reminder that for too long we have failed to fully utilize womens empowerment as a tool for inclusive and sustainable development. Increased protection of womens rights, gender responsive. How do I apply for fund help because ihave all the documents you need for my project. Background UN Women Office in Uganda, in alignment with the just finalized United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF: 2020-2025 and SDGs, looks forward to strengthening collaboration with the Ugandan government and other partners to achieve gender equality and empowerment of women and girls through implementation of transformative programs in Uganda. governance and participation in public life; ending violence against women and girls; and. I hope in 20 years those who will come after us will find other quotes more relevant because so much progress will have been made. USD: 250,000 Max. New York, NY 10005 Hello, Due to the concentration of women in the informal sector and rural economy, the country is faced with the risk of unequal economic growth for women. RT @UNYouthEnvoy: More than 2 million people are infected with HIV every year. The potential partners submitting proposals should be women-led civil society organizations, women rights organizations (WROs), international and non-government organizations (NGOs) with a proven record of innovative and high-impact programmes on the advancement of gender equality, protection of womens rights, and the empowerment of women. But we need much more. Note: In July 2010, the United Nations General Assembly created UN Women, the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women. Households spend up-to 63% of their budget on food, shelter, and health, while 23% is spent on education, transport, shelter, and communication. Showing 1 to 12 from 70. Favorite. Lead the operationalization and monitoring of the UN Women Strategic Plan 2022-2025 and programmatic quality assurance processes; . When UN Women reformed from UNIFEM in 2011, it was endowed with this specific coordination mandate. Good Luck! We are sorry but couldnt comment on this as the reply of a grant application is completely depends upon a donor. The UN system in Uganda recognizes and applauds the Government of Uganda for their commitment to advance gender equality and womens empowerment. The programme is informed by gender equality goal and targets of the Sustainable Development Goals, the UN Women Strategic Plan (2018-2021), the Uganda National Development Plan II (2016-2020), the United Nations Development Assistance Framework for Uganda (2016-2020) and the UN Women Uganda Strategic Note (2016-2020). The Strategic Plan is based on key findings from an extensive consultative process and draws from the analysis of lessons learned and recommendations from evaluations, audits, and other assessments, including those from the 25-year review and appraisal of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action. Minister Peace Mutuuzo, Senior Government. UN Women plays a critical role in supporting the UN system on gender equality and womens empowerment I am pleased to see this coordination mandate recognized as a cross-cutting outcome in their Strategic Note. The United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women, UN WOMEN, launched its Strategic Note for the period from 2022-2025 at a high level event at the Sheraton Hotel Kampala. Unless otherwise specified, this website is not affiliated with any of the organizations mentioned above. UN Women seeks to engage partners to support the implementation of UN Women Ugandas 20222025 Strategic Note. The Ugandan . fundsforngos.org and fundsforngospremium.com domains and their subdomains are the property of FUNDSFORNGOS, LLC. Premium Terms of Service, FUNDSFORNGOS LLC This 10-minute video was produced by UN Women Uganda to accompany the launch of the new UN Women Strategic Note (2022-2025). Kampala, Uganda, UN Resident Coordinator remarks at Launch of UN Women Uganda Strategic Note 2022-2025, United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women, Welcome to the United Nations country team website of Uganda. Fight Fraud against NGOs It's upon this background that UN women builds in harnessing synergies and opportunities, to develop its next country programme document "Strategic Note (2021-2025)" which will set the vision, strategic results area and implementation plan and road-map for UN Women Uganda office for the next five (5) years. Almost 20 years ago, the then Secretary General Kofi Annan noted there is no tool for development more effective than the empowerment of women. Find out what the UN in Uganda is doing towards the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. The UN Women Uganda Strategic Note 2022-2025 will guide interventions within the UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework 2021-2025. UN in Uganda. Increased productivity, income and access to resources for women and girls. The theme for todays launch is We Empower. Hello, 14 hours 54 min ago. USD: 6M for four (4) years). Vulnerable women mitigate and adapt to climate change & Disaster Risk Reduction. Let's Take Action Towards the Sustainable Development Goals. The UN Women Strategic Note for Rwanda 2019-2023 was developed in 2018 and informed by rigorous participatory processes involving representatives of women organizations, the Civil Society Advisory Groups, research institutions, donors and Government agencies. Privacy Policy, Contact us Uganda has made important gains in recent years - including now 46% women in Cabinet - but of course on the road towards women's empowerment and our development aspirations, many challenges remain, including violence against women, teen pregnancy, and womens economic empowerment. Please log in again. UN Women Uganda is in the final year of implementing its Country Strategic Note (2016-2020), through which it supports Government of Uganda and national actors to achieve gender . We have been making development progress. Ugandas National Development Plan (NDP) III focuses on inclusive growth, human wellbeing and resilience, transformational and inclusive governance positions. 17 May 2022. UN Women, grounded in the vision of equality enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, works for the elimination of discrimination against women and girls; the empowerment of women; and the achievement of equality between women and men as partners and beneficiaries of development, human rights, humanitarian action and peace and security. UN Women's work is embedded within the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, especially its General Recommendations 19 and 35; the 1993 UN Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against Women; the Beijing . 2015. The mandatory requirements/pre-qualification criteria have been designed to assure that, to the degree possible in the initial phase of the CFP process, only those proponents with sufficient experience, the financial strength and stability, the demonstrable technical knowledge, the evident capacity to satisfy UNWOMEN requirements and superior partners references for delivering what is envisioned in this CFP will qualify for further consideration. Learn about employment opportunities across the UN Women Uganda Strategic Note 2022-2025 will guide interventions within the UN Women Strategic! Partners to support the implementation of the Education Plus Initiative to be considered for Phase I, must! Be considered un women uganda strategic note Phase I, proponents must meet all the documents you need for project... Proposal and how many times do u recieve in year advancing gender and... 4 ) years ) we are seeking change & disaster risk reduction on May 17, 2022, at Hotel. 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