nuer tribe family life

A PEOPLE whose material culture is as simple as that of the Nuer are highly dependent on their environment. Their solidarity is most evident in the dry season when they live in a circle of windscreens around a common kraal, but it can also be seen in their wet season isolation. They live along the Nile River and move farther . Grave-digging privileges are given to the other relatives of the deceased persons, and only family members attended the burial at that movement. In fact, the importance of kuar muon is demonstrated in his authority over cases of murder, incest, and other important disputes. Raids on the Dinka were very frequent; war between tribes less so. Most are thought of as alien, originating from the Dinka. Nuer Marriage. Naath cherish independence and freedom including freedom to invade others and take over their property, which makes for uneasy and sometimes violent relations with Dinka and Anyuak. The main idea here is the continuity of the lineage. South Sudan declared independence from the north on Saturday. If one might have more than enough to provide for themselves then they also provide that to other kin that are in need, as it is a part of their role in kinship. The White Army was finally put down in mid-2006, though a successor organisation self-styling itself as a White Army formed in 2011 to fight the Murle tribe (see 20112012 South Sudan tribal clashes), as well as the Dinka and UNMISS. There are 36 immigration records available for the last name Nuer. The hostility and mode of expression in these different relations varies in degree and in the form it takes. . Between tribe and tribe there is no means of bringing together the parties to a dispute and compensation is neither offered nor demanded. It was difficult to make a census of cattle, even in a small area, and Nuer would certainly have regarded such an attempt with repugnance. Because marriage is a long process for the Nuer, bridewealth payments can be seen as a way to develop social relations among people with no kinship ties(i.e. An infertile woman can even take a wife of her own, whose children, biologically fathered by men from other unions, then become members of her patrilineage, and she is legally and culturally their father, allowing her to metaphorically participate in reproduction. There is only one Deity, and it is original to the Nuer; the spirits of the above are many and may come from other peoples (although the colwic, spirits of people killed by lightning, appear to be older and not of alien origin). of his family who view the failure to pay the agreed upon dowry as being a breech of contract and the ruining of his life. Historically, surnames evolved as a way to sort people into groups - by occupation, place of origin, clan affiliation, patronage, parentage, adoption, and even physical characteristics (like red hair). Principally, the Nuer inhabits the swamps and expansive open grassland on either side of the Nile River, and its tributaries in the Southern part of Sudan. between families of the bride and bridegroom). The force of law varies with the distance in tribal structure that separates the persons concerned. The Nuer believe they establish contact with these ancestor ghosts and spirits by rubbing ashes along the backs of oxen or cows dedicated to them, through the sacrifice of cattle. As we can see, pre-marital sex makes up not only an important aspect in the life for the nuer, but also an important step to marriage. Because a man and woman is only fully married when the woman has a child and comes to live with her husbands people, this means that the relation is tied through the child. But it is very rare to happen. Marriage among the Nuer is brought about by payments of bride-wealth, and by performance of certain ceremonial rites. Meanwhile . They shaped the Nuer's daily duties, as they dedicate themselves to protecting the cattle. In most instances, the bridegrooms people want their wife and the brides people want their cattle so that they can finalize marry in short period of times. They might not even include or care to use the cattle of the betrothal for this final purpose because these are only on pledge and if negotiation breaks down, they have at once to be returned (cows) back to the owner without any cow remaining behind. At this phase, marriage is provisionally agreed upon both families. Instantly in the Nuer societies, propitiation, supplication, prayer and sacrifice are the various ways in which the living can communicate with their ancestors. As bravery is the legacy in the Nuer tribe, every Nuer man is brave not because bravery is in the gene but because it is imparted to boys by their parents since childhood. If one is able to obtain the history of each cow in a kraal, one obtains at the same time not only an account of all the kinship links and affinities of the owners but also of all their mystical connections. Additionally, the pater would also receive bridewealth if any of her daughters were to marry. Found inside - Page 240343 Customary south Sudanese law , 341 varying from tribe to tribe , 342 is applied by chiefs in tribal courts in much . Thus dominant clans have the greater political importance. Therefore, the Nuer always considered their culture, lineages or kinship system as the best among the best cultures in the world according to their view of others culture. They have a life-giving power given to them by the divinity Ring ("flesh"). Both peoples are characterized by their fierce sense of independence, seeing themselves alone in a world that is hostile to them both environmentally and politically. When perched on an isolated knoll, homesteads are crowded together; when strung out along a ridge, they are more widely separated; and when spread over a broad stretch of higher ground, several hundred yards may intervene between one hamlet and the next. Evans-Pritchard's account. Even though the two concepts may not be identical it is convenient to use the term Deity here for both. Although a Nuer youth usually has the freedom to choose his or her own mate, parents approval is still important, and this depends on whether the boy has sufficient cattle for bridewealth. Nuer people from South Sudan perform for people gathered following rehearsals for independence celebrations in . Their staple crop is millet." Centuries of isolation and influence from Luo peoples caused them to be a distinct ethnic group from the Dinka. The flesh is committed to the earth, while the breath or life goes back to God (Kuoth). Indeed personal qualities including lineage, age, seniority in family, large number of wives and children, marriage alliances, wealth in cattle, prowess as a warrior in youth, skill in debate and some ritual powers combine to produce a social personality who is regarded as 'kuar' or 'tut wec' (leader) of the village or camp. They are all of less importance than the spirits of the above and not held in great esteem. There is little rain and the rivers are low from December to June. They are the second largest tribe in South Sudan, numbering over one and half million people. Among the Nuer they are the Leopard-skin priests, members of particular lineages who possess powers, the principal of which is to purify those who have been placed, through their own or others' deeds, in a state of pollution and spiritual danger. They might also turn to millet when the cattle are performing well enough to support their family. The dance in weddings attract crowds to come, although the union do not directly concern them. The people pray much to God. There are 28 military records available for the last name Nuer. Sharon Hutchinson writes that "among Nuer people the difference between people and cattle was continually underplayed." If a patient happens to die, the doctor is not charged to pay compensation because he was trying to save the patient's life. Every household goes through these alternating periods of poverty and comparative wealth. The community is ruled by people selected through the election, but leader must have certain characters that he might be known for before he becomes a leader. They also have a culture of counting only older members of the family. Never do Nuer slaughter animals solely because the desire to eat meat. The Nuer tribe is rich in cultural ethics and norms that guide their behaviors. Most tribes have a population of over 5,000 and the largest number between 30,000 and 45,000 souls. The main crops are sorghum, maize (Jikany most probably adopted from the Anyuak) and tobacco. The Nuer warriors are among the most skilled fighters in Africa; they wielded weapons made of finely crafted iron. Cows are dedicated to the spirits of the lineages of the owner and of his wife and to any personal spirit that has at some time possessed either of them. This generalized idea points to, The term "shamanism" is of Russian-Tungusic origin. The Nuer diet primarily consists of fish and millet. Historically, scarification has been an essential part of the Nuer culture and tradition but the type of scarification varies depending on the specific subgroups. Amassing wealth is not an aim. They abhor anything that insults their sense of homeland for instance at their initial contacts with the Arabs and Turks, the Naath took offence of Muslim prayers in their land. For example, a Zande man could find it quite difficult to marry a Dinka or Nuer woman as the tribes follow a different traditional form of livelihood; it would be a complicated process and the dowries would be large. This sacrifice is important to ward off evil and contamination, according to Nuers religious beliefs. The Nuer pray for health and well-being, offering sacrifices to Kwoth so he will answer their petitions. They use different means ranging from letters to new technologically advanced communication methods in order to stay connected to their families in Africa. only be followed when one understands the difficult cattle-terminology of colours, ages, sexes, and so forth. the girl's family must approve of the suitor's family. This focus on cattle dominates the Nuer lifestyle, and provides them with a way of life to carry into their future. A tertiary section is divided into villages and villages into domestic groups [Figure 1]. Evans-Pritchard wrote, "The importance of cattle in Nuer life and thought is further exemplified in personal names." You must know that you have reached the age of manhood. Manuel Neuer Family, Relatives and Other Relations He was born to Peter Neuer & Marita Neuer. 5 What kind of religion does the Nuer tribe have? Iowa had the highest population of Nuer families in 1880. The bond of cattle between brothers is continued long after each has a home and children of his own, for when a daughter of any one of them is married the others receive a large portion of her bride-wealth. In around 1850, further slave raids as well as flooding and overpopulation caused them to migrate even further out of Bentiu and eastwards all the way into the western fringes of Ethiopia, Displacing and Absorbing many Dinka, Anyuak and Burun in the process. A tribe is divided into territorial segments which regard themselves as separate communities. Nevertheless, so long as a sense of community endures and the legal norm is formally acknowledged within a tribe, whatever may be the inconsistencies and contradictions that appear in the actual relations between tribesmen, they still consider themselves to be a united group. The relation between tribes and between segments of a tribe which gives them political unity and distinction is one of opposition. One of the most important things is the burial of dead person. The pattern of Nuer scarification varies within specific subgroups. For example, the Nuer believe that counting the number of cattle one has could result in misfortune and prefer to report fewer children than they have. Some misfortunes could be avoided through cattle sacrifices. In studying the Nuer political constitution, it is therefore essential that we view it together with those of their enemies as a single political system, for the outstanding structural characteristic of Nuer political groups is their relativity. The Nuer people are pastoralists who herd cattle for a living. Leaders emerge in the community after demonstrating leadership qualities and gaining the respect of the other community members. Therefore, that information is unavailable for most content. Then either the contradiction of feuds is felt and they are settled, the unity of the tribe being maintained thereby, or they remain so long unsettled that people give up all hope and intention of ever concluding them and finally cease to feel that they ought to be concluded, so that the tribe tends to split and two new tribes come into being. Marriage in Nuer culture has many ceremonial steps. Its unity is expressed in the idiom of lineage and clan affiliation. he is a member of a tribe in relation to other tribes and he is not a member of it in so far as his segment of the tribe is opposed to other segments. According to Sfholm, the organising principle within the Nuer political structure, which gives it conceptual consistency and a certain measure of actual cohesion is in the status of the diel. The Nuer turn to this staple product in seasons of rainfall when they move their cattle up to higher ground. A casual slight may lead to a quarrel or fight. Thus dominant clans have the greater political importance. The natures, identities, and motives of these lesser deities are many. Men always tend to care for cattle and were the warriors fighting neighboring societies for land use, cattle, and out of a sense of pride in their tribe and abilities. While women managed the household and make most decisions regarding the rearing of children, The men play their role of war and war related concern in the field. Between 1976 and 1999, in the United States, Nuer life expectancy was at its lowest point in 1999, and highest in 1976. She is a refugee from South Sudan ( Ethiopia) RM BC154N - Portrait of a Nuer man. The Nuer people are a Nilotic ethnic group concentrated in the Greater Upper Nile region of South Sudan and are from Ethiopia's Gambela Region. Occasionally visits the girl with his friends, but they are carefully observed by brides family. Due to seasonal harsh weather, the Nuer move around to ensure that their livelihood is safe. The Nuer honor and appease the spirits of their ancestors. They treat the objects they consider animate as if these things had a life, feeling, and a will of their own, but did not make a distinction between the body of an object and soul that could enter or leave it. The reverence that Nuer people in Sudan grant to deceased relatives is based on believing that in dying, they have become powerful spiritual being or even admittedly less frequently to have attained the status of gods. This is usually based on the belief that ancestors are active members of society, and still interested in the affairs of their living relatives E. E. Evans-Pritchard studied the Nuer and made very detailed accounts of his interactions. The different Naath sections have evolved their different dances: 'buul' performed during the early afternoon especially for marriages; dom-piny (a hole in the ground covered with a skin) is performed during the night where wut and nyal court themselves. Every person is in categories in terms of age set which is an association made up of equal in age. To him they are considered gol which is far more intimate and significant. Browse profiles of historical people with the Nuer last name, This page needs Javascript enabled in order to work properly. And it is the spirits of the above who possess certain people who thereby become prophets. British anthropologist E. E. Evans-Pritchard wrote, They depend on the herds for their very existenceCattle are the thread that runs through Nuer institutions, language, rites of passage, politics, economy, and allegiances.. Nuerland is more suited for stock-breeding than for agriculture: it is flat, clayey, savannah country, parched and bare during the drought and flooded and covered with high grasses during the rains. I used some-times to despair that I never discussed anything with the young men but live stock and girls, and even the subject of girls led inevitably to that of cattle. Sacrifice is made to remove the sin from the possessed person, who is thereby cured, and the spirit is sent back to its proper place in the outside world. The Nuer people, one of the largest . The Naath are rich is songs, and folktales. Dinka prophets were also important and numerous. Furthermore, Nuer in the United States observe family obligations by sending money for those still in Africa. Thok Naath Nuer language is spoken all over the rool Naath. He said the following article interprets the meaning of the scar-marks. In the early part of the dry season one sees a joint family of this kind living in a circle of windscreens around a common kraal, and in the big camps formed later in the year one finds them occupying a distinct section in the lines of windscreens. They tend to travel when heavy seasons of rainfall come to protect the cattle from hoof disease, and when resources for the cattle are scarce. Naath articles of arts and music include 'thom' and 'bul', which are similar to those of other Nilotics. In the homestead of the bride, they usually make many foods, wine (beer), two oxen are usually killed and in the homestead of bridegroom there is always much rejoicing. There is the danger of the oxs spirit visiting a curse on any individual who would slaughter it without ritual intent, aiming only to use it for food. The Nuer are fully transhumant; the Dinka less so as their environment is less harsh and better watered, consisting of orchard savanna rather than the treeless plains of Nuerland. Cattle in traditional setting were used to buy everything from food to bride, and to pay for anything from personal debts to fines. Nuer tribes live in the marsh and savanna country on both banks of the Nile River in South Sudan. A betrothal ceremony is necessary, but it is sometimes possible to proceed at once to the full wedding ceremony, and this is usually done when the bridegroom is a rich man with plenty of cattle, and when the bride is a girl who has passed the usual traditional age of marriage. Usually, the betrothal ceremony is held in the rainy season, and the wedding in the following windy season. During the rains Nuer live in villages perched on the backs of knolls and ridges or dotted over stretches of slightly elevated ground, and engage in the cultivation of millet and maize. The tribesmen have a sense of patriotism: they are proud to be members of their tribe and they consider it superior to other tribes. They speak an Eastern Sudanic language of the Nilo-Saharan language . The legal status of the partners and of their children is defined by cattle-rights and obligations. what does the Nuer tribe celebrate? The woman marries to his name so that the children would carry his line. Cite this article Pick a style below, and copy the text for your bibliography. Where did the Nuer people originally come from? Where did the Nuer people come from in Ethiopia? We refer to the divisions of a tribe as primary, secondary, and tertiary tribal sections. First, the girlfriend of the boy attends to see how brave the boys act during that period of intense suffering, and showing fear would subject the boy to ridicule insult and ignorance from the society. Second, the cut could be made uneven, bearing a permanent sign that the boy flinched while they were being cut. After they all finish, the mothers of the boys will dance and the big cow (bull) is always killed to show that we have a young men. After his death in 1906 his powers passed to his son Gwek. The Nuer are not historically known to circumcise, but sometimes circumcise people who have engaged in incest. Archeologists indicate that the introduction of cattle in this area is related to the development of the distinct peoples the Nuer are descended from. Their Ethiopian counterparts are the Horn peninsulas westernmost Horners. In the 1990s, Sharon Hutchinson returned to Nuerland to update E.E. Relations between local groups based on patrilineal clans and lineages take place largely through exchanges of cattle at marriages and, in times of hostility, through cattle raiding; cattle also have a central religious importance, with a strong sense of spiritual identification between humans and cattle. Many plates in this book show the appearance of Nuer cattle. Some tribes cultivate more and some less, according to conditions of soil and surface water and their wealth in cattle, but all alike regard horticulture as toil forced on them by poverty of stock, for at heart they are herds-men, and the only labour in which they delight is care of cattle. Evans-Pritchard relates the social organization of the Nuer to their cattle based, nomadic life style in a semi-arid environment. Younger and less important prophets have arose with the last one who left an impact being wud Nyang (1991-1993). Any animal that dies of natural causes is eaten. Many times it may not even just be cattle that they consume, it could be any animal they have scavenged upon that has died because of natural causes. This is to make the ghosts witnesses of the union. He also describes Nuer cosmology and religion in his books. Kinship is customarily defined by reference to these payments, being most clearly pointed at marriage, when movements of cattle from kraal to kraal are equivalent to lines on a genealogical chart. During this period many Dinka people were incorporated into the Nuer community. It was probably more destructive in the past than now, though the attacks I witnessed were severe; but in the past the warlike Nuer could always restore their losses by raiding Dinka. A member of Z tertiary division of tribe B sees himself as a member of Z2 community in relation to Z1, but he regards himself as a member of Y2 and not of Z2 in relation to Y1. Hence a man counts as a member of a political group in one situation and not as a member of it in a different situation, e.g. Food is most abundant from the end of September to the middle of December in a normal year, and it is during these months that most ceremonies, dances, etc., take place. The arid nature of their homeland in central Upper Nile dictates their dry season migration to the Sobat basin or to Zeraf basin precipitating feuds with Jikany (fishing rights), Gawaar and Dinka, respectively. They have had little success among the Nuer and rather more among the Dinka, perhaps because the Dinka, as the largest group in the southern Sudan, give greater importance to Western forms of education and to their political ambitions in the modern world. The main distinction in everyday life is that a clan divinity, associated with an animal species or a class of objects, is the concern of all the members of a particular clan, whereas the sky divinities force themselves upon the living by possession and so create a permanent relationship with them individually and irrespective of clan affiliation. They are a pastoral people who rely on cattle products for almost every aspect of their daily lives., "Nuer and Dinka Religion Nuer people from South Sudan perform for people gathered following rehearsals for independence celebrations in Juba, South Sudan, Tuesday, July 5, 2011. The Nuer (Naath) people in South Sudan are one of the largest ethnic groups in the northeastern Africa which stretches from Egypt for 2000 km and westward from the Red Sea for 1500km. Burial process for the Nuer is another important ceremony. Increased violence has resulted in massive displacements and movements of people that out of necessity have resulted in some positive change in attitudes and perceptions. Nuer slaughter animals solely because the desire to eat meat focus on cattle products for almost every of! Deity here for both it is the spirits of their children is defined by cattle-rights obligations... 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nuer tribe family life