kushan dynasty founder

Kajula Kadphises (Kadphises I) Whether Vasudevas death was the signal for the Persian invasion or its result is at present uncertain. 258-60) suggests that he may, after advancing down the Kabul River valley, have briefly occupied that city. 165 to A.D. 320, JRAS, 1903, pp. He defeated the Parthians and conquered Kabul and part of Gadara. Upon his succession, Kanishka dominated vast territory almost complete northern India, south to Ujjain and Kundina and east behind Pataliputra. Kujula would have retained control of the Indus west bank, with headquarters on the Kabul River at Nagarahra (Jallbd), besides his original territories north of the Hindu Kush and beyond the Oxus/mu Dary River. 819-20; tr. Chronology of the Kushans, KUSHAN DYNASTY vi. 64-76, with some reservations; pls. 243, nos. The Kushans appear to have continued the use of the Greek alphabet for writing the local Bactrian language, a practice in all probability pioneered by the Greco-Bactrians, and even for many years to have used the language itself for their coin inscriptions. He started an era in 78 AD which is now known as the Saka Era and . 9-39. Huvishka(Kushan: , Ooishki) was a Kushan emperor from the death of Kanishka (assumed on the best evidence available to be in 150) until the succession ofVasudeva I about thirty years later. He issued gold coins along with the existing copper and silver coinage. The map shows the extent of the Kushan Empire, c. 100 - 240 CE. Since iva the Destroyer had clearly some aspects of an underworld god, one may understand this aspect of the identification. Ahura Mazd, the supreme deity of Zoroastrianism, is in fact a rare type, if reported specimens are genuine at all (Gbl, p. 65). The founder of the Kushan dynasty was Kujula Kadphises. 415-30. 1021. N. Sims-Williams and Fr. Iran III/1, 1983b, pp. Kanishka's Reign and Buddhism: Kanishka usurped the throne in 78 AD, and then started a new era, what is known to us as the Shaka era. In the post-Kushan, indeed post-Sasanian, period, the Muslim historian al-Tabari gives us a resume of the career of Ardashir I and says that after the conquest of Sistan and Khurasan up to Khwarazm, the Sasanian founder received envoys from the kings of "the Kshan, of Trn, and of Makrn," (al-Tabari 820) who . This theme would be appropriate for a cremation casket. Its official language was Bactrian, although it is hypothesized that the original language of the Yuezhi was . In other words, it was an Empire that derived its culture through the fusion of various other cultures. The name Kushan derives from the Chinese term Guishang, used in historical writings to describe one branch of the Yuezhia loose confederation of Indo-European people who had been living in northwestern China until they were driven west by another group, the Xiongnu, in 176-160 B.C. His name on the coins is written in the nominative case, KANHKO, rather than in the oblique case KANHKI, as on coins of the first Kanishka, who followed Greek practice in naming the issuer of a coin in the genitive. (This revives the suggestion of Jayaswal, 1920, esp. 185) and Heracles. Vima Kadphises extended the Kushan territory by his invasions in Bactria. Kushan Empire - Ruler Vima Kadphises [AD 95-AD 127] Shaka era is still in use in India. The proliferation in the art of Gandhara of images of Hrit, Goddess of Smallpox, clearly indicates local preoccupation with this danger at the time. The Kushana empire got much reduced in his rule. Erich Frauwallner, Die buddhistischen Konzile, ZDMG 102, 1952, pp. The Kushan were one of these. Delhi, 1979. His rule is recorded atMathura, inGandharaand as far south as Sanchi (nearVidisa), where several inscriptions in his name have been found, dated to the year 22 (the Sanchi inscription of Vaksushana i.e., Vasishka Kushana) and year 28 (the Sanchi inscription of Vasaska i.e., Vasishka) of a possible second Kanishka era. 6.0 6.1 Liu, Xinrui (2001). Of note are their dastars and the clothes that cover their bodies and conceal their weapons. 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This suggestion has been vigorously denied by Indologists, but the discovery of other Greek names associated with works of the Gandhara period, especially that of Palamedes (Curiel, 1954, pp. Kujula Kadphises was succeeded by his son Vima Taktu, who expanded the empire into northwest India. One could therefore conclude, though without claiming absolute certainty, that at this time Kujula had recently passed away. Idem, Early History of India, 4th ed., Oxford, 1924. In which of the following places did the Danish Colonial Empire hold possessions in India? Iran III/1, 1983a, pp. Their capitals were at Peshawar and Mathura. Who was the founder of the Satavahana dynasty? At the same time, Joe Cribb contends that Kujula was identical with Heraus, whose silver coinages are well known north of the Hindu Kush (Cribb, 1993, p. 131). Kun-ahr) represented a major world power in Central Asia and northern India. What is said to be the original home of the Sungas? The Kushana empire was the second great Indian empire, the first being that of the Mauryas. KUSHAN DYNASTY (Mid. Vima Kadphises (AD 95-AD 127) Kanishka and Huvishka are also mentioned in the Kashmir chronicle, the Rajtarangi, and credited with the foundation of the cities Kanikapura, Jukapura, and Hukapura (Stein, tr., 1900, I, p. 30). The Yueh-Chih divided the country into five chiefdoms. Other mentions in Classical literature from the Imperial period of the Bactrians (Bactriani) may also sometimes cover notices of the Kushans. This was the figure of the Hindu god Siva, often accompanied by his vehicle, the bull Nandi. A Teshkadehye Sorkh Kowtal, situated in the Qonduz valley, closed to the Kabul- Mazar- i- Sharif road, is dated by an inscription to the time of the Kanishka reign. (On the inscription, see further, Fussman, 1987, p. 79; Falk, 2002.). before invading northern and central india and establishing themselves as a full-fledged empire, the kushans had migrated from northwestern china and occupied for more than a century these central asian lands, where they are thought to have assimilated remnants of greek populations, greek culture and greek art, as well as the languages and Kun, Bactrian Koano) of the 1st-3rd centuries CE. Grard Fussman and Olivier Guillaume, Surkh Kotal en Bactriane II: les monnaies, les petit objets, MDAFA 32, Paris, 1900. He was a worshipper of Siva. Untersuchungen zu kulturellen und historischen Problemen einer bergangsphase, mit einem textkritischen Exkurs zum Shiji 123, Wiesbaden, 1995. He was a great patron of Buddhism. In the phrase of Trogus (Prologue 42.2.2) Reges Tocharorum Asiani interitusque Saraucarum The Asiani (becoming) kings of the Tochari, and the destruction of the Saraucae, the second clause relates to the collapse of the Indo-Scythian (Sak) empire, with the demise of Azes II, which may have occurred towards 9 CE. Kiu-tsiu-kio is generally identified with the Kushan king Kujula Kadphises, named on late imitations of the Indo-Greek Hermaeus coin series in the Kabul valley region, and subsequently as the Prince Kapa on the celebrated Takht-i Bahi (remains of a Buddhist monastery in Pakistan) inscription (Konow, 1929, p. 62). (see above). Heinrich Lders, Mathur Inscriptions, Gttingen, 1961. 2021 Entri.app - Privacy Policy | Terms of Service. The Kushans in general were also great devotees of Buddhism, and, starting with Emperor Kanishka, they also employed elements ofZoroastrianism in their place of worship. The Kushan Empire began in the early 1st century as a branch of the Yuezhi, a confederation of ethnically Indo-Europeans nomads who lived in eastern Central Asia. Oskar von Hinber, Beitrge zur Erklrung der Senavarma-Inschrift, Abhandlungen der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaftlichen Klasse, Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur, Stuttgart 1, 2003. * Map showing the Kushan empire with capital cities and current country boundaries. The empire was created by the Kushan tribe of the Yuezhi confederation, a people from the eastern Tarim Basin and Gansu, China, possibly related to the Tocharians. Some important facts related to Kanishka are as following: It was during Kanishka's reign that Buddhism was divided into Mahayana and Hinayana. Soon afterwards, as progress was made in the recovery and interpretation of lapidary inscriptions in India, it was found that many of these made mention of the same rulers named on the coins. 1/2, 1949, pp. Idem, The History of Eastern Iran, in Camb. Since the 7th century BCE, Chinese annals had recorded the presence of the Yuezhi (Yeh Chih), close to the Chinese frontiers in Kansu (Gansu) (Haloun, 1937; Pulleyblank, p. 19). At the same time, representations of pagan Iranian or possibly Mithraic deities, such as Mithra, Nana, Vrrana (Orlagno, Wahrm Mars), and Tr Mercury (not Tistriya Sirius, as later conceived) are prominent. [25] Under Kanishka's rule, the Kushan Empire reached its maximum territorial limits. After the loss of their western territories, succeeding Kushan rulers withdrew towards the east, where the main focus of their activities was at Mathura. His control over Kabul, Kandahar and Afghanistan was developed. On these coins, Maues already claims the title Great King of Kings, implying a prominent status (see, e.g., Whitehead, I, p. 98, no.1; pl. Map of Kushan Empire. I, Texts I, 2 vols., London, 1999. On epigraphic grounds, the editors date him after 50 BCE. Kushan Empire. Iran. This stupa was one of the largest to have been recorded in the subcontinent (Dobbins, 1971 p. 22). However, few legible specimens can be adduced, and identification may largely depend on the specific Brhmi akaras in the reverse fields. Kujula issued an substantial of coins and was the father of two sons, Sadakaa (who is known from only two inscriptions, especially the Rabatak inscription, and evidently never ruled), and Vima Takto. Before long the Persians were embarked on their conquest of the Kushan Empire, a task which must have taken several years, and which established their control up to the River Indus. (For evidence of esoteric elements in early Mithraism, see Bivar, 2005, esp. A hundred later, the Kushan chief Kujula Kadphises secured the political unification of the Yueh-Chih kingdom under himself. Various road and irrigation projects were taken . . AD 78-225 Yuezhi / Yueh-chi / Kushan Empire. The Kushan empire was a syncretic empire formed by Yuezhi, an Indo-European confederation of nomadic pastoralists, who migrated from the arid grassland area in the northwestern part of the modern Chinese province of Gansu and settled in the territories of ancient Bactria. Kanishka was a great Patton of art and learning. The sponsors of this flowering of architecture and sculpture would have been principally the Indian merchant communities, who were benefiting hugely from this expansion of trade. It was in eastern and northern Afghanistan and the north-west of India[3] established by people of Turkic origin who had earlier migrated from Central Asia. Idem, Mithraism: a Religion for the Ancient Medes, Iranica Antiqua 40, 2005, pp. Gandharva artists followed the Greek art in this subject. Complete answer: The founder of the kushan dynasty was Kujula kadphises. Kanishka did a lot for the spread of Buddhism. The Kushan Empire expanded out of central Asia into the Punjab under the leadership of their first emperor, Kujula Kadphises, . Kushan Empire: The Gatekeeper for the Eastern and Western Worlds. Gandhar art is also called Indo-Greek Buddhism. Gritli von Mitterwallner, Mnzen der Spten Kus, des Hunnen Kirada/Kidara und der fruhen Guptas, Munich, 1983. Idem, The Kamra Kharoh Inscription of Vsika, East and West 25/1-2, 1975, pp. J. P. Mallory and Victor H. Mair, The Tarim Mummies: Ancient China and the Mystery of the Earliest Peoples, London and New York, 2000. This crushing reversal convinced the Yuezhi, though still a very numerous tribe, that they could no longer maintain their hold over their grazing-grounds in Kansu province in the face of the encroaching Xiong-nu. The coins of Kadphises show that his authority extended up to Banaras and also till Indus basin. The Kushan Empire was founded by the Yuezhi prince Kujula Kadphises (ruled 30 - 80 AD). After being defeated by the Xiongnu confederation around 176 BC, they were forced to migrate. published on 23 June 2015. In a long-lived dynasty, a reign of this length is nothing improbable. P. Huyse, Die dreisprachige Inschrift buhrs I. an der Kaba-i Zardut (KZ), Corp. Inscr. They are clad in various fabric pieces. Kings of Kushan Empire (Kushan Dynasty) The first great ruler of the Kushan Empire was Kujula Kadphises I. (see Sims-Williams and de Blois). He was the first Yueh Chi chief who crossed the Hindukush Mountains and laid down the foundation of the Kushana Empire. Later inscriptions then appear seemingly with omitted hundreds, or perhaps with a re-started era commencing close to or at the year 100. KUSHAN DYNASTY vi. 191-209. Meanwhile the Yuezhi/Tochari, hard on the heels of the Saki, in turn, so Justin records (42.2), collided with the Parthian frontier. History is filled with many incredible . A recent article by Harry Falk (p. 126) reinterprets a passage of the early Sanskrit astronomical text Yavanajtaka, by Sphujiddhvaja, to signify that a Kushan Era commences 149 years after the start of the aka Era. His rule was a period of retrenchment and consolidation for the Empire. It is now generally agreed, as we have seen, that at or about the year 100 of the era of Kanishka, a new count was begun by the succeeding Kushan rulers. The Kanishka was also famous for intellectual and cultural development. The history of the Kushan empire presents many difficulties, given the paucity and heterogeneity of the Greco-Roman, Syrian, Indian, and Chinese sources. His wight standards were later used by Gupta emperors and thus remained effective for almost 4 centuries in India! The founder of the dynasty,Kujula Kadphises, followed Greek religious ideas and iconography after theGreco-Bactriantradition, and also followed traditions ofHinduism, being a devotee of the Hindu GodShiva. He was the last great Kushan emperor, and the end of his rule coincides with the invasion of the Sasanians as far as northwestern India, and the establishment of the Indo-Sasanians or Kushanshahs in what is nowadays Afghanistan, Pakistan and northwestern India from around AD 240. Coinage of the Kushans. This event is considered by most to be the formal start of the Kushan Empire, with minted coins labeling Kujula Kadphises as the koana . The first Kushana dynasty was founded by Kujula Kadphises. Establishing the Kushan territorial expanse is itself a matter of debate. Pers. The Kushan Empire was a syncretic empire, formed by the Yuezhi in the Bactrian territories in the early 1st century. It is indeed iconographically one of the richest coinages of any historic period. bodhisattva Maitreya Kushan dynasty, Kushan also spelled Kusana, ruling line descended from the Yuezhi, a people that ruled over most of the northern Indian subcontinent, Afghanistan, and parts of Central Asia during the first three centuries of the Common Era. Another fragmentary text (Lders, p. 63) has the year 28 of the same king. Production of the large number of stylistically more developed Hrit figures in Gandhara sculpture should reflect rising anxiety at the spread of the infection. Idem, The Hellenistic Temple of the Oxus in Bactria (South Tajikistan) I. Excavations, Architecture, Religious Life, Moscow, 2000 (in Russian, English summary). Walter Emile van Wijk, On Dates in the Kanishka Era, Acta Orientalia 5, 1926, pp. However, the rising power of their northern borderers, the Xiong-nu/Hsiung-nu (probably ancestors of the later Huns), was beginning to make itself felt, and in 176 BCE the Yuezhi were heavily defeated by Maodun (d. 174 BCE), the rising chief (shanyu) of the Xiong-nu. Some doubts remain as to the succession of following rulers and the attribution of their coins and inscriptions. Many inscriptions naming Huvishka have been recorded in and around Mathura. The knob on the center of the lid has the form of a seated Buddha, with a standing companion at either side. Kun-ahr) represented a major world power in Central Asia and northern India. Under Kenosha I and his successors, the Kushans kingdom reached its height. Judging by the words of Silat when urging them to finish their duty, they may belong to the Bakiraka clan. That Heraus was therefore the tribal chief of the Kuei-shang (Kushan) section of the Tochari, ruling towards the end of the first century BCE, or during the first century CE, seems probable enough. However, a recent study by de Blois shows that this era was more probably that of the establishment of the Sasanian dynasty in 223 C.E. The Bactrian inscriptions are, moreover, frequently blundered. They had been a numerous and powerful tribe, well able to maintain themselves against the encroachments of neighbors. 163-69. He established his supremacy over Kabul, Kandahar and Afghanistan. In fact the imprints of Kushan Dynasty are still found in Jammu & Kashmir in the form of names. And after Vasudeva, petty Kushan princes ruled for sometime in northwestern India after which the empire faded away. Essays on the pre-Islamic History of the Indo-Iranian Borderlands, Vienna, 1999, pp. Paul Bernard, M. Burda, and Franz Grenet. Elizabeth Errington, Numismatic Evidence for Dating the Kanishka Reliquary, Silk Road Art and Archaeology 8, 2002, pp. One should not, however, suppose that the Kushans themselves professed Buddhism, and the predominance of coin types reflecting a variety of Iranian religion suggests that they practiced an eclectic form of Zoroastrianism. ( for evidence of esoteric elements in early Mithraism, see further, Fussman, 1987, p. ;... The Bakiraka clan major world power in Central Asia and northern India Jammu & ;... Bactriani ) may also sometimes cover notices of the lid has the year 100 ed., Oxford,.... A period of the lid has the form of names one may understand this aspect the... Afghanistan was developed Kushan chief Kujula Kadphises, his succession, Kanishka vast. It was an Empire that derived its culture through the fusion of various other cultures der Spten Kus des... Standing companion at either side Gupta emperors and thus remained effective for almost 4 centuries in India.. 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kushan dynasty founder