advantages of arranged marriages

There is a less chance of taking wrong decision . She says, she is just somebody whos trying to make herself a writer and for now, shes just writing 2022 ThePleasantRelationship ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 4) No need to wait forever for that perfect suitor who may never materialize. In love marriage, a person can choose his/her life-partner of his/her own choice and in an arranged marriage, he/she have to marry with his/her parent's choice. Simple acts can go a long way in building a strong bond and loving relationship. There was also a practice back in 1960, where the groom would travel to Japan where he would marry a girl arranged by his family so that a girl from Japan would arrive in the United States as a picture bride. It still exists in a modified version today, with lesser divorce rates than love marriages. Arranged marriages across different kingdoms were usually intended to create political alliances and peace in history. If I had written this post ten years ago, I would have argued vigorously against an arranged marriage and advised anyone who was considering one to visit a shrink. The popularity of matrimonial websites in fact is evidence of the remarkable way in which an essentially traditional and conservative system like arranged marriage has adopted modern technology to maintain its continuity and relevance.Couples start with minimum expectationsProponents of arranged marriages often claim that societies that largely follow this system have vastly lower rates of divorces as compared to societies where marriages based on love are the norm. My bro had an arranged marriage and is doing well. The separation was fast. While love marriages have love as the first step, arranged marriages have marriage. For all the reasons that you mentioned above and then some. YOu pretty much got it right a third person does the research and makes the proposal to you. A man and a woman went to an island for a short vacation and while they were there, they met and fell in love instantly. You can select the one you want to marry after seeing multiple people and put your own choices at priority. Global average divorce rate on arranged marriages - 4.2 %. If you travel down the path of history, you will find arranged marriages in every corner of the world until the 18th century. Lisa Marie Presley and Michael Jackson, The couple reminds the world of the number 72. Their expectations can cause stress between married couples, and hence, the majority of youth today want to escape this type of marriage. Maybe it was arranged by the Gods. It wasnt uncommon in the past for families who wanted to enter into business together or form alliances to arrange for their youngsters to marry. The families would do all the planning with little or no involvement from the actual couple. Risk of incompatibility is diminished. I have an arranged marriage,and i can say that marriages are decided in heaven and made on earth so the end result is harmony for those who want it and disharmony who dont work on it.Im thankful for my marriage. A couple has to suffocate and still stick together in the bond because of the restrictions of the elderly people. Preston and Travolta had chemistry right after they crossed paths and dated for some time. Poverty stands to be the second reason behind arranged marriages. Interference from extended family. If someone is married into too rich a family, there could be potential for social awkwardness and embarrassment which may eventually prove difficult for the marriage. Both parties know exactly what theyre there for marriage. So all of this is an immense amount of pressure on families to have an impeccable reputation. So when the family scout out a suitable partner for their child, they naturally try to choose someone who shares these values. I think there are a lot of benefits to an arranged marriage because you have an entire research department trying to figure out every aspect of compatibility. Top 8 Advantages of Arrange Marriages in India. From reading yours and other comments to this post, I get the feeling that the issue isnt so much which marriage is better but how do we make marriage in general work? well, she had other ideas! How can we create the best relationship possible in marriage is a better question than which marriage is better. This is because as you progress in your married life, you develop a love elation ship with the person your married to. And lets face it, a marriage, whether love comes first or after, needs a connection. Surabhi wakes up every day with a drive to craft words that can create a soulful impact. They seemed like a simple and happy family when people saw them in their fairy tale wedding and many such red-carpet appearances. Theyre trying to figure out whether something could go wrong that could drive people apart, Dr. Epstein, a senior research psychologist at the American Institute for Behavior Research and Technology in Vista, California says. Todays brides and grooms can either give a thumbs up or down to their future mate, similar to a Facebook like. But most importantly, perhaps, is the continuation of culture and religious beliefs. There are so many differences of opinion, 6. It often becomes a loveless marriage. Often, people misunderstand arranged marriages as forced marriages. Hack Spirit. Children of a wedding couple are well looked after by friends, family . Sounds like you didnt have quite an arranged marriage but had a chance to know your wife and her parents before proposing. Now that you know the definition, history and types its time to dive into. For some people marrying without already loving the person is a matter of question. Cultural similarity. List of the Advantages of Arranged Marriages 1. This belief went on for centuries until the 19th and 20th centuries when people in Europe, America and a couple other continents began to make several legal changes to improve the rights of women. Sure, my former wife and I shared the same cultural traditions, spoke the same language and came from the same community in South India. Who could possibly ever think of such a far-fetched cockamamie idea? What Are the Advantages of an Arranged Marriage? List of the Advantages of Arranged Marriage. By continuing to use this site, you agree to our use of cookies. In an arranged marriage, forget the frogs, your family will do their best to find someone they feel suits you in every way possible, the first time around. Amazing writer! Harmony in life and peace of mind is an important aspect of married life.Not just the wedding day but the entire wedded life is intended to be a smooth sailing.Without rancour ,without the deep disagreements,without creeping suspicions.Its like two lost souls who come together for a short while and who need to discover their true purpose of meeting each other. Never knew folks thought sooo much about arranged marriages. Wise words, Balroop. Marriage is a union or an institution in which two individuals are bound together legally, religiously or otherwise. When they are yet to discover more about their partner, they cannot expect anything from them. Inability to make up one's own mind 2. For a long time, this has been one of the most controversial topics in society. For example, Sikh marriages between 1910 and 1980 in Canada. Discussion. After knowing about these few famous couples, let us find answers to questions about arranged marriages. And leading on from the last point, this unity within families means that the couple will receive an exceptional amount of support from their loved ones. Your parents intend to spend a significant amount of time with your soon-to-be spouse which only means additional consideration, reflection and improved selection. Their families got along well, he was a nice guy, surely they could make it work, right? The Responsibility Factor Thanks for sharing your experiences Dave and glad to hear youre familiar with the topic. In the Quran, Allah says: "And among His signs is this: that He created for you mates from among yourselves that ye may dwell in tranquillity with them" (30:21). Families tend to pick spouses based on shared values. Your post reminded me of a friend who went to India to get married. It sounds like you both decided first before allowing your families to decide:), You make a good point that it doesnt really matter about how involved families are but how NOT involved they are (how much influence they exert) And the less influence they have in the relationship, the better? September 29, 2022, 2:34 pm, by And, if the couples upbringings are similar, it makes it easier for them to merge into each others families. If you want specific advice on your situation, it can be very helpful to speak to a relationship coach. Saying yes to a match even if one or both dont feel any connection, Saying yes to getting married in the first place, even if one or both are against the idea of marriage, Theyre afraid of shaming or bringing dishonor to their family by getting a divorce, Their family encourage them not to consider divorce to keep the peace between the two families, A divorce may not feel like its just between the couple; it can feel like trying to divorce the entire family. Arranged marriages presuppose that two people are perfectly matched because they belong to the same culture, share the same religious upbringing, speak the same language, and raised in more or less the same socio-economic class. Thanks I chose to take another route and fall in love before marriage, not after it. He saw about 200 girls in about 3 weeks! The writers of PenMyPaper establish the importance of reflective writing by explaining its pros and cons precisely to the readers. Got the t-shirt AND the divorce papers! If you are single and have no time to find . The couple is barely compatible because they do not have much time to know their partner before the wedding. The parents, grandparents, and even extended relatives will band together and help the couple in times of need, as well as with: This is because EVERYONE is invested in the marriage, not just the couple. Lastly, most arranged couples try to resolve their problems amicably to avoid embarrassment from their parents. There are advantages of an arranged marriage. Julianne Cantarella, MSW, LSW As Tracy Macmillan has mentioned in the case of love marriages, many women dont get married because theyre looking for all kinds of shallow qualities in men. Also, it is likely this relationship is the first real relationship both parties have had. Indeed the familiarity of background in arranged marriages also ensures that you know certain past details about your prospective partner like a history of mental or physical illness or conflict with the law details which is immensely difficult to find out about a stranger if they are not forthcoming themselves.A ready-made support networkThe primacy of families in arranged marriages also means that new couples have a strong support network in terms of personal and financial crisis. Copyright 2002-2020 Quest Mercury Intermedia Private Limited. One of the benefits of marriage is that you never have to keep any secrets with your spouse. but not regular marriages? While you typically think of arranged marriage as seeing your spouse at the altar for the first time, let me bring you the modern twist in it.Earlier, the concept used to be that the family members choose the partner and the couple agreed to marry just after looking at each others photographs, but now things have completely changed.It is like the family finding a prospective bride or a groom, but you have full rights to say no to the prospect if you do not like their choice. And post marriage, this partial transparency may affect the marriage. Shockingly, Lisa had announced to the media that she was then Mrs. Lisa Marie parsley- Jackson and that she had fallen in love with him in 1994. In this case, the partners have fallen in love and decided to get married, the elders just have to accept their decision. All Rights Reserved | Vishnu - Immigration Lawyer - Seattle, USA. Table of Contents Introduction Arranged marriages were very popular in the traditional societies across the world. . Many cultures also follow the same stance, making it hard for people to come out, let alone ask to be matched with someone of the same sex. And as long as the couple is happy in a marriage, it hardly matters what type of marriage they chose. They got married in July 1981 after 6 months of engagement. by While love marriages have love as the first step, arranged marriages have marriage. It is quite clear that arranged marriages are not a problem but forced marriages are. They went on dates, spent hours chatting on the phone, all the usual excitement that comes with falling in love, yet their conversations were focused on figuring out if they would make suitable life partners for each other. After being lost in my thoughts for so long, they gave me a unique insight into the dynamics of my relationship and how to get it back on track. Sounds like you had a feel of your in-laws getting involved with your marriage and doing a values-based matching system. Thorough background checks such as religious, social, financial, cultural and even medical checks are carried out on both individuals. August 24, 2022, 2:41 pm. Along with family comes accountability and support. Since the couple doesnt know each other, there are possibilities of differences arising between the two in the later stages of marriage. 4. many from the East and, some, in fact, had arranged marriages. Julianne is Certified Relationship Coach and Licensed Social Worker. A type of marriage. She has 15 years of experience in Matchmaking industry. Advantages of Arranged Marriages: 1. No need to deal with dating pressures The challenge of finding someone who can fall in love with you and sign up to get married is difficult. In many areas, it is difficult for women to find any work. Juliannes expertise as a Relationship and Dating Coach has been highlighted through her articles in Your Tango,, Talk of The Town Magazine and Vue Magazine to name a few. Or that a young man will be penalized because his family is dysfunctional, even though hes chosen a better life path for himself? Ultimately as with all things in life its about what we bring to the experience. 12) Less confusion for your children. When your parents are involved in your dating life, theyll be there as a backup support system in case you need counseling, unwanted advice or a kick in the rear. Also, the marriage will only happen if the 2 individuals like each other . The entire responsibility of the marriage is undertaken by both the parents. Many families still have the mindset that their children must follow the concept of arranged marriages only. When the couple argues, the families might take sides and end up alienating each other or their son/daughter-in-law. In recent times, the government has increased the legal age of marriage to 21 but in many such rural areas, the families tend to get their children to marry before the age of 12 itself. The more you have of it and the more your future husband earns, the better off you are. There are horrible stories out there of arranged marriages gone wrong. My wife and I had to take a questionnaire about our values and viewpoints and a bunch of other concerns. Sorry to hear about your divorce. But there are also many advantages linked with an arranged marriage.Since the arranged marriage is usually within the same caste and culture, the couple is likely to be more compatible as their family backgrounds and beliefs are quite similar.Couples who marry just because they are madly in love with each other later find they are not very compatible. This site is not intended to provide and does not constitute any medical, health, psychological, legal, financial, or other professional advice, diagnosis, or treatment. My marriage wasnt arranged, but Ive been fascinated with how they work. Now, arranged marriage is not like marrying a total stranger. Sometimes they tend to ensure a marriage that doesnt work still works so their reputations are protected and they feel no guilt for having set up a match that didnt work. The couple feels that they themselves are enough for each other and they don't require familial love. If we go on it on our own, there is no one to blame but ourselves. Greater than through a field of thorny roses. Or the Internet Gods. 1. All this makes it easier for a couple to make a new life together. Before the mid-20th century, the concept of arranged marriages was known as blind marriages in China because the decision was made by the elders, and children were asked to marry the selected prospect. No, todays generation doesnt see arranged marriages as a bad practice. In arranged marriages, the character research is done early and extensively. and as always, love the interaction in the comments too. In addition, there are many more . In just a few minutes you can connect with a certified relationship coach and get tailor-made advice for your situation. in 2006 95% of marriages in india were arranged. As weve already established, arranged marriages are very much a cultural/religious practice. Hack Spirit is one of the leading authorities providing practical and accessible relationship advice. One of the biggest advantages of an arranged marriage is that it takes the pressure off of finding a partner. All rights reserved. Unlike partners is a love match, here spouses know that they have to adjust to a new way of life together and hence are more willing to make compromises an important factor which contributes to long marriages. According. People still see failed marriages as a taboo and hence, consider arranged marriages as a safer option. But in arranged marriages, you are open to accepting your partner because you are trying to know them, and so the love keeps on growing with time. Even though an arranged marriage is based on rationality, not emotion, theres no doubt that a torrent of nerves, excitement, and curiosity is going through the couples minds. Additional materials, such as the best quotations, synonyms and word definitions to make your writing easier are also offered here. Your parents essentially become troubleshooters before the match is made knowing innately if your personalities, lifestyles and families would suit each other. You learn a lot from heartbreak or dating the wrong person. For example, in a few rural parts of Afghanistan and Pakistan, disputes are settled by the council of village elders. Hi Vishnu, In arranged marriages, the parents, grandparents, family friends or other trusted nearby people helped find suitable matches. Score! Harmony is the single most ingredient of marriage.nothing else matters.The mantra is humility , patience,and a prayer for both. Their marriage was not so happy as Albert had to take up most of Victorias work as a queen because of the multiple pregnancies. There is usually no violence taking place. As stated earlier, when a marriage is arranged, the union is not only between the couple but also between the two families so when couples in arranged marriages have misunderstandings, they try their best to resolve them as quickly as possible in order to prevent their parents from finding out about it and interfering in their private lives. Firstly, arranged marriages these days are optional and are only carried out with the childrens consent (Should arranged marriages be outlawed? Or family. We talked, romanced and wooed each other. No one is going to ask the couple whether theyre in love because most of the time they havent had enough time together for that to happen before the wedding. This keeps the families united and happy. Now, because the bride and groom are getting into the marriage without knowing each other, they are open to accepting each others flaws and behavior. In prearranged marriages, the couple frequently does not have attainable goals. Finding the Right One is Much Easier; It's no secret that deciding whether to marriage or not is never easy. 1. 1) Marriage helps to prevent temptation and preserve chastity. Contrary to popular belief, nowadays, an arranged marriage is not much different from your best friend introducing you to someone casually over drinks. At the same time, they have some very real disadvantages too. Usually, middlemen, parents, or guardians select a few prospects first and then show their pictures to the one who is to be married. Reviewed by Nice post, though I am not a big fan of arranged marriage as mine didnt work out but I echo almost all your points except for the love between two in an arranged marriage, I dont want to stereotype from my experience though!!! Add to these the patriarchal basis of divorce law as well as the abysmally low rate of alimony and child support and it may be no wonder that women in these societies are willing to put up with much more than women in emancipated societies where love matches are a norm.In the end however arranged marriages have several advantages which make it possible for individuals to find a life partner most compatible in financial and cultural terms and hence with high chances of success. Ownership. In Western culture, we are often told that we need to find our "soulmate" and that true love will last forever. It was useful in that we got to see the areas that might be a concern. The important political advantages to royal arranged marriages made refusing to marry the appointed person an impossibility. We use cookies in order to give you the best possible experience on our website. But for many young people, not having to search for the one frees up time to focus on other things; career, friends, family, and hobbies. But it would be unrealistic to imagine that parents will always find the right match for their children. For some couples, it might be love at first sight and some might take about years to fall in love.But rest assured that if you have the commitment for each other, you will fall in love with each other. Percent of marriages in the world that are arranged - 54 %. But eight years of married life plus two years of post-divorce life plus observations about marital success in several cultures are factors that lead me to question if there are benefits to arranged marriages and if they are the way to go. There are many reasons behind arranged marriages. If you work on it, harmony will be the gift. What are the three advantages of arranged marriage? But obviously, it depends on an individuals way of thinking, and both ways ultimately lead us to find a perfect life partner. Lisa and Michael became friends, but their relationship did not progress much. As iffy as I am about marriage, I actually think arranged marriages work. The marriage is based on shared family and personal values. But long after the momentous day comes and goes, the emotional benefits of . With each generation, traditions are passed down, with no fear of them becoming lost due to the mixing of cultures. Simply, because it didnt work out. I think Im gathering a pretty good perspective here on the fact that it doesnt matter how marriages get formed but what matters is what happens when two people get married. Hilarious and Im sure all South Asians will get it. Interesting post, Vishnu. You already know what the goal of the relationship is when you first start dating.. Okay, maybe minus the drinks but you get the gist it should be an introduction and no pressure to jump straight into commitment. Arranged Marriage Statistics Data. There are several reasons for this, including the aforementioned cultural compatibility. An arranged marriage is when your parents or relatives choose a suitable match for their children. An excellent price as well. Unlike the passionate world-wide initial romance which catapulted us to our wedding day, our relationship fizzled to a melodramatic and sad end. My grandparents generation, for example, might have met their future spouse once (or sometimes not at all) before the wedding day. updated December 7, 2021, 6:38 am. They were one of the most iconic couples of Hollywood and were married to each other from 2006 to 2012. Louise Jackson Since the entire family is involved in the marriage, it becomes difficult to call off the marriage. 8) Takes the guesswork out of dating. 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advantages of arranged marriages