what is the main concept of hatha yoga pradipika

Forgetting that I know a little, I listen and learn. And this would mean: beyond the borderline of logic there "really" is nothing. Practising Pranayama after Shat Karma Kriyas takes care of the mind, as the breath and mind are intimately connected. A wandering. Bandha comes from "to bind." Her interest in yoga, Hinduism, and Buddhism was sparked during her teens. These will be learned at the next level. It is that which is represented by the five forms [of the bodily currents]: prana, udana, samana, vyana, and apana. Change). The heart chakra has a unique position in many ways; it would not respond to physical pressure in any event. Thus with the aid of kundalini [which is aroused by this process] we achieve highest Knowledge. Why should we deny this? The practice of pranayama is explained to weaken diseases in the body; other techniques that contribute to the wellness of the body are karmans, purifying actions (Svatmarama 38). The land should be fertile and well governed. Swami Atma explains the meaning of this scripture. Specific bandhas are: Mula Bandha, contraction of the perineum, Uddiyana bandha, contraction of the abdomen into the rib cage, Jalandhara Bandha, tucking the chin close to the chest, and Maha Bandha, combining all three of the above bandhas (Wikipedia 2017). He mentions the other important Hatha Yoga scriptures. In view of these figures, to claim that hatha yoga is merely physical yoga is simply ridiculous. Here a new problem arises: the quest for a guru, which has now almost become a fad. So let us start by looking at yoga with a new physiological understanding. Nor do we want to go to the trouble of becoming perfect. He enjoins the student of yoga to water the field with the help of yogic practice and renunciation so that the consciousness becomes stainless and the Self shines forth. Since it is the task of these nadis to circulate the life stream of prana, they must be kept clean, which is not a simple matter. Artificial temperature changes do not agree with the yogi while he is in an altered state. They begin in the nostril of their respective sides, wind once around the ajna chakra like thread around a spindle, and end all the way down where the main channel, the sushumna, also ends, in the muladhara chakra. Yoga is not for braggarts or egocentrics, nor is it for those who merely want to add method to their physical training. This flash of light is not really the kundalini, however. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Private Limited. A return journey from nada to kala, kala to bindu is the ultimate in hatha yoga. When viewed from this perspective, hatha yoga is a tantric practice as it attempts to bring about a harmony between the two energies of life: the pranic and the mental. Hatha yoga, or hatha vidya (the science of hatha yoga) is commonly misunderstood and misrepresented as being simply a physical culture, divorced from spiritual goals. (verse translations by Swami Muktibodhananda Saraswati, Bihar School of Yoga, Mungar, India 1998 ed. From this angle no sense can be discovered, just as it cannot be convincingly denied. (See. B.K.S. This terse definition hinges on the meaning of three Sanskrit terms. This 15th century text was written by Swami Svatmarama, and is said to be the oldest surviving text about Hatha Yoga. As mentioned above, the "mountain in the center of the world" has the earth at its foot and the sky at its peak. is the fault of the teacher. The accumulation of karma and the strengthening of attachment binds and entangles ones jiva or individual soul in aweb or sea of samsara, which leads us into further suffering. The oldest and most widely used ancient text on the physical practices of Hatha Yoga is the Hatha Yoga Pradipika.As with all ancient spiritual texts, the writing is terse and often mystical, mysterious, and a bit cryptic. Thus when later on we deal extensively with the prana, the life stream that here is "vata," then with "soma," the nectar, the "fertile water for the play of life" that here is "kapha," and finally with the inner fire that is "pitta," we should not forget this survey. (The ethical disciplines of what to do and what not to do are given in the text. So hatha yoga texts emphasise the restraint of energy, which can be more easily achieved than the restraint of the fluctuations of the mind. (16) Success depends on a cheerful disposition, perseverance, courage, self-knowledge, unshakable faith in the word of the guru, and the avoidance of all [superfluous] company. Modern interpretations of Hindu texts Of course, modern science has provided us with a fabulous amount of knowledge concerning our body and mind. Its a state of pure consciousness where there is no separation between self and the divine. Dharma, artha and kama areimportant in matters of worldly life. Samadhi, the subject of Part Four, is the subjective science of liberation, the experience of unalloyed bliss. Our endeavor here is not so much to enrich science as to enrich ourselves; and he who enriches his self, his inner Self, does he not also enrich the science of man? The practice of the system presents comparatively few dangers for the student who does not overdo. We can influence the prana through the process of breathing and the apana through the above-mentioned movement of the sphincter muscle. Samadhi is the collective Before discussing Samadhi, we need to look at consciousness (citta). (14) Seated in such a place, the yogi should free his mind from all distracting thoughts and practice yoga as instructed by his guru. It should be level with the ground and have no holes in the wall. This is the first step to raja yoga. This is called padmasana and cures all diseases* [See. The teacher will not divulge to him the last secrets because he knows that this student is lacking the necessary foundation. The yogi develops understanding only in the third stage. Besides, a hundred years more or less is important only to us. Then, the yamas are presented as rules of conduct: non-violence, truth, non-stealing, continence, forgiveness, endurance, compassion, humility, moderate diet and cleanliness. How compulsory is it for a yogi? Put aside all your Western knowledge and your prejudice, and do what yoga students have done from time immemorial: sit down, relax, and listen with joyful attention to these ancient teachings. Certainly one could--and even with a fair measure of success--draw psychosomatic conclusions from asana such-and-such. Considered one of the three main traditional hatha yoga texts, the Hatha Yoga Pradipika comprises four chapters which discuss asana (yoga postures), pranayama (breathing practices), mudras (gestures or seals), and samadhi (the state of enlightenment that many yogis strive to reach). Many Western men with executive ulcers could write reams about this. And it has been proven a thousand times that a clear head is the result of yoga practice. He explains the essence of the teaching of Swatmarama. There is no doubt about it. But since evidently nothing is more attractive than to confound the words of great masters and present them according to one's own taste, whole libraries have grown around the teachings of the great ones, so that we are now hardly in a position to find the real words of the masters among the presumptuous "improvements." Prana is an auto-energising force. (48) Having assumed the padmasana posture, with the hands one upon the other, and the chin firmly pressed upon the chest, meditate on Brahma, frequently contracting the anus muscle to raise apana. Here we have full-fledged physicians who master an art--that nobody in the West can understand? No, there are good reasons. (50) Place your angles in the region of the sex organs [between anus and scrotum]: the right ankle to the right and the left to the left side. (64) Anyone who actively practices yoga, be he young, old, or even very old, sickly or weak, can become a siddha. For their teachings, love, and generosity, she is eternally grateful. And this is poison, especially for further development. 1. Similarly, by contracting the throat, force prana down. yogi has no birth certificate, and it seems strange that one can state that he is exactly 250 years old, while his younger colleagues do not know whether they are 10, 20,30, or 40 years old. (4:103). More importantly, yoga teaches us to accept and delight in the play of samsara instead of renouncing it. The usual translations as wind, gall, and phlegm are misleading, incomplete, senseless, and simply wrong--as wrong as the false analogies discussed earlier. Where is the logic of the drug addict who knows he is digging his grave and still does not desist ? Can you add a logo to iPhone email signature? And--as it should be--the worldly problems are mostly situated in the lower part and the more ideal ones in the upper one. There is then emphasis on practice and the chapter ends mentioning that asanas, and other practices of hatha yoga must be kept until raja yoga is attained. They may not be as dramatic as the slowly clarifying background of asanas, but they are important enough to cause tremendous difficulties if they are ignored. She is a founding member of the Tanzfabrik Berlin, and performed in Meredith Monks production of Vessel at the Schaubuehne, Berlin. After a long time the trembling body becomes calm, but the flash of light shooting through the spinal column to the crown of the head is unforgettable. There is time for philological studies when I am back in my room, where I can reflect upon what I have seen and heard. But when the breath is calmed, the mind too will be still." So Hatha Yoga Pradipika can be thought of as a guiding light to the mystic world of hatha yoga. Dharma and moksa should be followed judiciously if they are to lead to Self-realisation. As we will see from our text, what the West understands as yoga is simply a technique to keep the motor in good condition. 12:12). The balasana yoga or the asana helps release any tension in the chest. (1.61). For who is capable of explaining the internal relationships? What it really means becomes evident only after one has carried the sentence around for a few weeks, having used it like a pair of spectacles through which to view everyday life. Then the aspirant ceases to be troubled by the pairs of opposites, and the indivisible state of existence is experienced. The focus for meditation is urged to be placed on nada, which refers to inner sound and leads to absorption of the mind (Burley 99). According to Mr. Iyengar, this is the essence of part three of the HYP, the union of the divine force with the divine Self. Out of this sentence evolves everything that he now needs to accomplish his high goal. more than oxygen and nitrogen, even more than any chemist could analyze. This is kurmasana. At the time of Goethe these teachings had not yet reached the West, and it speaks for his universal genius that he recognized their supreme importance. A graduate of the 1999/2000 Jivamukti Teacher Training Program, she is now devoting her efforts to the practices of Ashtanga and Jivamukti Yoga. The answer would be quite clear if we. For the student of Indian wisdom this reference to Faust presents an especially interesting parallel. The manipura chakra is also dealt with in an unusual manner here, for instructions arestatic in nature. She knows past, present and future and becomes fixed in khechari. (ie consciousness moves into the higher realm) III:102, The bindu and that rajas in ones own body unite through the union by practice of vajroli, thus bestowing all perfections or siddhis. III:101, The yogi who moves the shakti regularly, enjoys perfection or siddhi. . It is worth noticing that there are ten and not only five as Patanjali describes them. Have patience; all shall be explained in due course. garlic. It forms the basis to learn Raja yoga and samadhi. Yogis were in constant contact with nature and they were searching for natural remedies to combat afflictions. . Certain phenomena will tell him that he should change his way of practice, and if after due practice these phenomena do not occur, he surely has made a mistake. It implies raising the legs and supporting the back with the hands. some will ask. These are just a few examples. He easily conquers time and death. We must certainly be grateful to science for giving us so much that we so quickly take for granted. Porthill: Timeless Books. Bandha means lock and mudra means seal. Actually, this is not a very good example, for the law puts the teacher before the license. Esoterically it is "the yoga of radiating light," for "raja" can also mean "to shine." One must not forget, however, that in the native language these sentences have a much deeper and more manifold meaning, and that through association their content is considerably enhanced. It is also advisable to avoid: reheated food, an excess of salt or acid, foods that are hard to digest or are woody. Another mudra mentioned by the HYP, but quite widely practised in yoga in the west, is Veeparita Karani, the reversing process where the navel region is above the palate. in his own breast" chafe under the material illusion of the cosmos: the insensitive matter as master of which he entered the world and whose slave he soon became. It is not slain when the body is killed. Similarly, I have seen more laughing yogis than smiling professors. Ulrich (1992) also affirms that mudra awakens kundalini, but this would only happen after considering all the former practices previously described in chapter one and two. The intention underlying the strenuous Hatha Yoga practices must be enlightenment for the sake of the Cosmic Self. I have seen many hemitages that conformed in only a few points to the ideal. Not completely, of course. This is dhanurasana. The Haha Yoga Pradpika is one of the foundational texts of the Yoga tradition. The fundamentals of Hatha Yoga The word describes already what the purpose of Hatha Yoga is: balancing your Solar and Lunar energies, your male and female attributes in your body and your mind. A cheerful disposition is incompatible with executive ulcers. Yoga-practice. Is there a difference of opinion? These traditions describe samsara as a cyclical state of being where we have no choice but to experience pain, sorrow, and frustration. Not even a word about thinking. He is glad to hear that Siva drank the poison, and believes that he is therefore out of danger, until he later learns that danger will still threaten if he does not carefully follow his guru's instructions. (15) The yoga forces are dissipated by too much eating, heavy physical labor, too much talk, the observances of [ascetic] vows, [promiscuous] company, and a growling stomach [too much fasting]. A summary of the Hatha Yoga Pradipika By Adriana Maldonado, May 2017 Swami Satyananda Saraswati describes the main objective of hatha yoga in the Introduction of The But there areother methods which are indicated under other conditions. Naturally the ancient Indian art of healing is not exhausted by these three main terms. Only three nadis are important for us: first, the previously mentioned sushumna path in the center of the spinal column, and then the two major nadis which run parallel to the spinal column, ida (left) and pingala (right). And this is exclusively the measured rhythm of nature. Remove ads with a membership. In order to achieve this, it is necessary that we pretend to know as little about ourselves as a newborn babe. When human existence no longer holds any problems. "Tat tvam asil--Thou art Thati". For us, however, this short survey will suffice. And how can we possibly judge anything if we know only one of its many facets, and not even the most essential one at that? The colophon itself says Hathapradipika. First in No. This, I think, is much more vital for the understanding of "Eastern exotics." Is the cosmic mathematics of Einstein which created our atomic age limited to logic ? This is pure karma yoga. We cannot be expected to comprehend this. Nothing against success--which, after all, is the foundation of a "happy life." Therefore, Western science, despite its undisputed merits, will be neglected in the following chapters, in favor of that ancient science which is the foundation of yoga therapy. We can influence the prana through the above-mentioned movement of the teaching of.. Is nothing to Faust presents an especially interesting parallel student is lacking the necessary.. Here we have no holes in the wall, just as it can not be convincingly denied it raising! 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what is the main concept of hatha yoga pradipika