similarities between zoroastrianism and christianity

The Apostle Peter describes this event: But the day of the Lord will come like a thief. the use of epithets to describe said deity which include, the belief in a Supreme Supernatural Evil, who is in constant opposition to the Supreme Creator Deity, and whose occupation it is to destroy and cause wickedness, as well as lord over all unlikable creatures like snakes and flies, the belief in high-level spiritual entities who are the, the belief that humans must play an active role in the cosmic conflict between said forces of good and evil, the belief that souls live on after death and are judged for their actions during life, the belief in a two-dimensional afterlife comprised of both bright paradise where everything is awesome (heaven), and a dark place full of torment and agony specifically, a pit of fire and stench and general suckage (, the belief in a rite of initiation into the religion marked by exposure to special fluids (baptism), the belief in an end-times scenario wherein good and evil duke it out for the souls of mankind, the belief in an end-times scenario wherein the sun and moon will darken (I dare say, turn as black as sack-cloth), people will abandon their faith, the natural order will be torn asunder, and the Supreme Evils greatest minion (who is described as a fiery beast or dragon-man) will be set loose upon the world to do all sorts of horrible stuff, the belief in a coming Savior who will be born of a virgin and will raise the dead for a final judgment of the world and the souls therein, the belief that after the final judgment, there will be paradise on earth and all the righteous humans will live forever. The holy text for Zoroastrianism its the Avesta and for Christianity its a Bible. A Messiah born of a Virgin In Christianity there is Jesus, born of The Virgin Mary. Each faith has social features that are present to date. As you probably know if youve read any of my astrology articles, the Greeks were pros when it came to stealing adopting other cultures ideas. if the story is true, the Zoroastrians saw and respected similarities in practice between their own religion and that of the Jews. The unifying principles of Judaism are an identity by covenant with God as His chosen people based on the Bible (Old Testament) and a unifying expression of this relationship through prescribed tradition. But Zoroastrianism is hundreds of years older. Mary Boyce, Handbook of Living Religions, Penguin Books, 1984, pg 177. 11. They also believe that his rival, Angra Mainyu, is the root of evil., Identify key Zoroastrian beliefs and assess the notion that Zoroastrianism may have influenced other world religions., Prior to the concept of Zoroastrianism many Indo-Aryan traditions placed heavy emphasis on the sacrifice of the cow. Does this connection really exist? This statement is assumed on numerous statements of exclusivity in Scripture. [23] The individuals thoughts, words, and deeds are then placed upon the scale, and if the amount of good outweighs the bad then the bridge is easily wide enough to walk across into paradise, but if the bad outweighs the good the bridge becomes razor thin and the person falls into hell. Moultons footnote on this passage brings interesting light on the Zoroastrian view of sin and salvation. 15. Such as the idea of an afterlife where you are judged by good and bad, monotheism versus polytheism, and free will versus predestined fate., Babylonian Captivity- referring to the seventy years the ancient Hebrews was held captive in Mesopotamian, Abrahamic religions are monotheistic religions that involve only one God. Zaehner, The Dawn and Twilight of Zoroastrianism, G.P. If Moulton was right in the first clause of his statement, that there are many doctrines which a Christian would endorse in Zoroastrianism, it would most closely relate to their elaborate eschatology. While Muslims believe that God (Allah) is not a trinity, and is looked through an Islamic view called strict Monotheism. First, the trinity doctrine sets the Christian view of God apart from all religious perspectives, including other monotheistic viewpoints (such as Judaism and Islam). S.A. Nigosian, The Zoroastrian Faith, McGill-Queens University Press, 1993, pg 22. A worldview is how someone views the world. How Has Hinduism Influenced Social Structure In , A Goal Common To Confucianism Taoism And Buddhism Is To Establish Peace And Harmony In , Similarities Between Zoroastrianism And Christianity. However, Jesus rose from the grave on the third day. It is the foundation for how a person thinks, what they consider right and wrong, beliefs and values, and is the basis for ones perspective of the world. Atenism was Egypt's state religion for around twenty years, before subsequent rulers returned to the traditional gods and the Pharaohs associated with Atenism were erased from Egyptian, Zoroastrianism is recognized by most historians as the first monotheistic religion of the world. Zoroastrianism is a religion from ancient Iran named after founding Prophet Zarathustra, who lived 1000 BCE. But it does not think this is a war between independent powers. 2. 7. Lawrence H. Mills, Avesta eschatology compared with the books of Daniel and Revelation, Open Court Publishing Company, 1908, pg 68. Explain your choice by discussing at least three comparative aspects of these two religions., Christianity and Judaism are two of the most similar religions in the world. 23. Hi, Lillian! [22] So when one dies he is judged for his thoughts, words, and deeds and how closely they conformed or departed from Order. Zoroastrianism too sees the world at war, a world divided into two camps, those who believe the Lie (druj) and those who believe in Order (asha), and by the endowment of intelligence man can frame his confession and determine his own destiny by following the Right or the Lie. The Jewish people have the Torah or Old Testament which is the law code and beliefs of the Jewish people. This triune nature means that God is superpersonal (more than merely a personal being). The Origins of Satan: Part 2 Zoroastrianisms Influence on Judaism, The Origins of Satan: Part 3 The Shocking Similarities Between Christianity and Zoroastrianism. The Christian consummation starts with the second advent of Jesus Christ to the earth, at which the archangel will blow the trumpet and God will judge the world (1 Thessalonians 4:17). The philosophical minds of the two cultures may indeed have recognized each other as fellow monotheists, but this central Jewish doctrine is one which was not learned from the Zoroastrians. [29] Therefore, the inhabitants of this renovated world can actually see the God whom they equate with the invisible world of thought.. Their integration of Zoroastrianism was no different, and the ancient religion ended up playing a major role in shaping Greek philosophy. The Horse). The Resurrection as I mentioned below, both of these religions believe in the final judgment. For Jews, it is the Synagogues or the Temple of Jerusalem. On the other hand, in Zoroastrianism, we have heaven, or the light and goodness above, which is the kingdom of Ahura Mazda. 21. [25], During the processes of the soul in which theologians title the intermediate state (before the resurrection) judgment does occur, at which God will render to each one according to his deeds (Romans 2:6). Christian believe that we are all born sinners due to Adam and Eve, but we can all reach salvation by faith in God and good works. [6] If these spiritual beings are connected with Ahura Mazdas substance then we have a close connection with the Christians ontological trinitarianism, if they are not then we have a very unrelated polytheism.[7]. Abstract: What are the similarities and differences between Zoroastrianism and Christianity? S.A. Nigosian, The Zoroastrian Faith, McGill-Queens University Press, 1993, pg 94. Both Zoroastrianism and Christianity consider themselves to be monotheistic, but like all other monotheisms they have highlighted certain aspects or energies of the divine to emphasize, and these are not meant to be . A lot of doctrines of the Christian belief allow parallels all the rage Zoroastrianism, e. g., the virgin beginning, the descendant of Divinity, after that reappearance. James Hope Moulton, Early Zoroastrianism: The Origins, The Prophet, The Magi, Philo Press, 1972, pg 8. Similarities Between Zoroastrianism And Christianity The dualism of good and evil, God and The Devil - this dualism is present not only in Christianity through Jesus and Satan or God and Lucifer. Christianity believes that God sent his son, Jesus, to be born of a virgin and pay the price of our sins with his death on the cross. A believer of Zoroastrianism also believes that there is a constant, daily fight between a good . These writings of apocalyptic literature claim to reveal Gods purpose in history. Im happy to help. In the Christian Bible, Jesus was born from a virgin who named Mary. Many consider that these Similarities Between Zoroastrianism And Christianity are, in fact, influences. One God. First, according to, "Jewish history begins with the covenant established between God and Abraham around 1812 BC, during the Bronze Age, in the Middle East. What are the similarities between Christianity Judaism and Buddhism? The book that the Muslim religion follow is called the Quran revealed to the prophet Mohammad for over a period of 20 years. The bases or these 2 religions are similar. Both religions view death as a beginning to a new series of events that the soul must encounter in the afterlife. These monotheistic religions all follow their respective holy books, founding father and worship, Identify a religion that you believe has the most in common with the teachings of Christianity. Regardless of the diverse opinions within Zoroastrian scholarship there remains an overall commonality between the Zoroastrian and Christian metaphysical systems, whether by a plurality within the Godhead or a pleroma of celestial beings similar to archangels, the former being more likely. Depravity and thus inability to make free choices is a long debate within Christianity to this day and is not so in Zoroastrianism. And if you made it through the last sentence, youre probably recovering from over exposure to -isms. E.O. There are few possible explanations Read more. Zoroastrianism, Christianity, Judaism And Islam. Similarly, Christians view of God is shaped and defined by the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. That little known religion is called Zoroastrianism, or the Parsi faith. King Cyrus had great power over the Persians tribe they were able to defeat the Lydian and take over all their gold mines, trading routes and land. Secondly, the figure of the Messiah, originally a future King of Israel who . Mary Boyce, a leading scholar, calls Angra Mainyu equally uncreated. Mary Boyce, Zoroastrians: Their Religious Beliefs and Practices, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1979, pg 20. So much so that Judaism is sometimes called the original Christianity because Christianity derived from Judaism. I read all the information you wrote and it is true this is something that God was teaching me about. Zoroaster taught nothing about God which a Christian would not endorse and much that a Christian should add- James Moulton[1]. They will awake from the dead. The Zoroastrian people have the Avesta which consists of twenty two Fargards that explain the principles of Zoroastrian beliefs., The early Hebrew religion and Zoroastrianism both shared similarities in their high ethical standards; however, Judaism only consisted of the Ten Commandments and a covenant with their god. RELATING WITH THE GOVERNMENT Romans 13:1-7 S.A. Nigosian, The Zoroastrian Faith, McGill-Queens University Press, 1993, pg 21. Moreover, the recognition of God as monotheistic was founded on the revelation key prophets received in each faith. The Final Judgment both of these religions mention the final judgment. If so, how did it happen? How similar is Zoroastrianism to Christianity? Therefore both Zoroastrianism and Christianity look towards a future resurrection from the dead when all men will rise before God for judgment, right before the great consummation of all things. The fiery . In Genesis chapter one there is no conflict or war among any spiritual beings, only a creation of the material world with a divine sanction And the Lord (singular) said that it was good (Gen 1:31). This is to be expected, as Judaism strongly influenced the creation of Christianity. I remember when I was starting my spiritual journey I had a lot of interaction with black shadows and just a lot of dark energy but then again me myself I felt like I was at a lower vibration and the more I continued to pray and change inside issues which took years I began to see less and less of these entities. 22. Skip to content. 02b. Answer (1 of 4): 01. University of the District of Columbia December 11, 2012 Author Note This paper was prepared for Interdisciplinary General Education 270, Section 01, taught by Professor Anthony Mansueto, PhD Zoroastrianism and Christianity 2 Similarities and Differences from a Historical and Cultural Perspective: Zoroastrianism and Christianity History has . Christians believe that God Exists in three distinct persons (The Trinity) the Father, the son, and the Holy spirit (Matthew 21:28). The history of the most ancient religions reveals that most common belief systems had some influences on each other. These rituals would allow followers to sacrifice cows and horses to the gods as gifts of appreciation for their protection and hopes of their good graces. Home Shrines Home shrines are arguably as old as human settlements. Zoroastrianism began in Ancient Persian , when the prophet Zarathustra was inspired to teach and preach to others when his peaceful society was being torn apart by warring tribes. September 15, 2017 If a sinner turns his evil way and does what is just and right, he shall save his soul alive-if he can crowd into the rest of his life merit enough to outweigh his sin.[20]. Zarathushtra and Zoroastrians worshipped Ahura Mazda. So the Virgin Birth is irrelevant to Islamic beliefs. A few scholars answer to Zarathustra (a. k.a. Lets see the main Similarities Between Zoroastrianism And Christianity. Heaven and Hell the concept of heaven and hell is present in both religions. And how much of the similarity between these faiths is due simply to parallel evolution, rather than direct contact and influence? What Is The Purpose Of The Mantra During Meditation? Even further, all the religions view the world to be in a constant battle between good and evil, and between God and the devil. They are both monotheistic religions. 6. Jews believe in one God, while Zoroastrians believe in multiple Gods. Christianity also relies heavily upon the future resurrection. Leave a reply in the comments section below, or contact me today to let me know what you think. Both Zoroastrianism and Christianity are eschatological religions, they ultimately look forward to the consummation of all things and the end of this present age. The now but not yet is a tension placed upon these worldviews by this eschatology and brings about both existential angst and religious fervor. Your article caught my attention because I was looking to get an answer about what or where do demonic beings most likely reside. Jesus resurrection from the dead is deemed the firstfruits because those who believe in him will rise to life as well. At best we could avoid polytheism by affirming a Modalism in which the Amesha Spentas are merely modes which manifest Ahura Mazda to His creatures. The word Judaism derives from the Greek Ioudaismos, a term first used in the Intertestamental Period by Greek-speaking Jews to distinguish their religion from Hellenism. Each faith has social features that are present to date. This personified daena meets the soul at the famous Chinvat Bridge, or Bridge of the Separator, where Boyce notes there is impartial judgment for each soul at death, with the sum of its good thoughts, words, and acts throughout adult life being weighed against the sum of its evil ones, and its fate decided accordingly. Given the vast number of issues that Zoroastrianism, Judaism, and Christianity share, it is not contestable that there must be clear connection between them. 13. This shows what an integral part that the resurrection doctrine has within the Zoroastrian community. Here is where Christianity parts ways with the Zoroastrian theodicy. [11] The majority consensus in scholarship understands Zoroastrians to teach that both the Spenta Mainyu and the Angra Mainyu are uncreated,[12] and obvious problems arise with this system. Zoroastrians were also obligated to stand in the will of god, and unlike the early Hebrew religion, Zoroastrians had consequences in their afterlife for their actions in life, in which may have later influenced Judaism., One of the monumental blows dealt to the Jews was in 586 B.C.E. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Cyrus then built the foundation for a mail service and Darius had organized a communication network throughout the entire empire. Copyright 2022 All rights reserved. Zoroaster arose in the first half o the seventh century before Christ in Media, where, a century previously, "the king of Assyria" In respect to a coming Savior, Judaists waited for the Messiah, Christians wait for Jesus, and Zoroastrians expected the Saoshyant. The religions Judaism, Zoroastrianism, and Atenism have many similar guidelines for living, but they also have some differences. In the Avestas, Ahura Mazda is depicted as the Creator of the world (Yasna 31:7), omniscient (Yasna 31:13), omnipresent (Yasna 44:2), personal (Yasna 31:21), and just (Yasna 44:3), and in the Bible Yahweh is given such descriptions (Gen 1:1, 2 Chron 16:9, Psalm 139:1-2, Deut 32:4). The Jewish people have the Torah or Old Testament which is the or. Faith has social features that are present to date evolution, rather than direct contact and influence Judaism similarities between zoroastrianism and christianity?. Avesta and for Christianity its a Bible is not a trinity, and is looked through an Islamic called. Do demonic beings most likely reside Boyce, a leading scholar, calls Angra Mainyu equally.... Over a period of 20 years dead is deemed the firstfruits because those believe. And Religious fervor of events that the resurrection as I mentioned below, or contact me today let... 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similarities between zoroastrianism and christianity