python loop through image pixels opencv

Nathan kindly read the comments on this post. The PySimpleGUI package offers many more example demos that you can use to build your skills and discover how to use all the tools in the library more effectively. Now that our input image has been converted to grayscale, we need to squash it down to 98 pixels, ignoring the aspect ratio. Both had a special connection to me to the point people would notice. I ran pip install face_recognition successfully on Windows. Note: While I am running the same code with slower images [3 to 10 KB] , that time it works fine. Is there any chance of updating embeddings pickle file by adding encodings of only added images instead of running encodings for all the images from starting. You are a champ ! Actually detecting and recognizing a face is covered in this post. Please read the other comments. The bounding box coordinates are returned on Lines 67 and 68. In both PySimpleGUI and Tkinter, you use the Canvas() element for drawing. Hi Adrian, huge thanks for this great article! I have created my own dataset and I ran the following command : python dataset mydataset encodings myencodings.pickle . Can you suggest an alternative to the image resizing thing done using imuitls? for the nice tutorials. Being able to access all of Adrian's tutorials in a single indexed page and being able to start playing around with the code without going through the nightmare of setting up everything is just amazing. Or has to involve complex mathematics and equations? Hope you can take your time and give me some opinions on it. How can I train a Caffee or TensorFlow model using the same techniques? Is there any class will change refCoords by previous objCoords whenever new objCoords changed to next. This code is a bit different from the others youve seen because its encapsulated within a main() function. Hey Shreekant take a look at the comments on this post, Ive addressed that question multiple times. I strongly believe that if you had the right teacher you could master computer vision and deep learning. Can you confirm whether the error is for your RAM or for your GPU memory? At this point we can apply template matching to our resized image: On Line 46 we compute the Canny edge representation of the image, using the exact same parameters as in the template image. so instead I run it using. In this case, we can have a better and not sensitive face recognition i do it? All the individual numbers, i.e., 1, 2, 3, and 4 are separate objects, according to the contour hierarchy and parent-child relationship. help=width of the left-most object in the image (in inches). The remaining introduction to this blog post is very personal and covers events that happened in my life five years ago, nearly to this very day. Its really appreciated what youve shared. Are you using the exact same code + dataset I am using in the blog post? Please let me know your thoughts for the same. I have understood the process but cannot find from where can I download pre-trained encodings. In other words, contour 2 could have been labeled as 1 and vice-versa. Im so happy you enjoyed the tutorial . i am using python.3.5. However the accuracy isnt so. I would suggest taking a look at AstroCV and the associated slides if your goal is to apply computer vision to the images you linked to. Youll want to double-check your install of dlib. Loop over the input image at multiple scales (i.e. The smaller the distance, the more similar they are. Is there a way to sort your blogs by date ? I would suggest adding some more print statements to your code and try to debug where the error is. Hi there, Im Adrian Rosebrock, PhD. I am trying to use your code for facerecognition. My guess is that your GPU is not being utilized. If dogs feel and understand this sort of love that leaving us to be is not completely some accident of indifference then Im sure Josie, however shes continuing on, would be glad youre keeping on and doing what you usually do, even if she had no idea what exactly that is. If you execute the script on the examples I provide in the Downloads, your results will look like this: Which effectively demonstrates the script accomplishing the same task. Hi Ali and Adrian I ran through the post and it worked great. Unless Im mistaken, I dont think there are Python bindings for OpenCVs hashing module? We pass two parameters to the face_recognition.face_locations method: Then, were going to turn the bounding boxes of Ellie Sattlers face into a list of 128 numbers on Line 45. $ cd dlib Taking the white pixels around the perimeter of each object as similar-intensity pixels, the algorithm will join them to form a contour based on a similarity measure. You will need to install dlib though so make sure you have dlib installed as well. CCOMP: [[[ 1 -1 -1 -1][ 3 0 2 -1][-1 -1 -1 1][ 4 1 -1 -1][-1 3 -1 -1]]], Here, we see that all the Next, Previous, First_Child, and Parent relationships are maintained, according to the contour-retrieval method, as all the contours are detected. But most important thing is, with all the difficulties you had, look where you are now, you didnt let yourself down, and I am really happy for you being in this stage. Try images containing varied shapes, and experiment with different threshold values. I have a question for my final project on face reco. dlib.DLIB_USE_CUDA = True and it changes to true, but as soon as i quit python it to run the python script for the face detection it automatically reverts to false again. I have even tried GCP, 1. Any advice would be appreciated. If I have an image with family members, Im getting a lot of incorrect detections. Using todays code youll be able to stitch multiple images together, creating a panorama of stitched images.. Just under two years ago I published two guides on image stitching and panorama construction: $ python dataset dataset encodings encodings.pickle. I would like to ask several questions regarding it. Some applications require high quality contours. frame=cv2.rotate(frame, cv2.ROTATE_90_COUNTERCLOCKWISE). Thank you, My bad, youve already answered questions about confidence in the comment section. You should compute the center (x, y)-coordinates of the bounding box. I am running it on google colab. So I dont know whats wrong. If you have different reference objects, youll need to identify which one you are looking at. Does face_recognition support multiple CPU threads, or do I have to write my own codes to do that? I have a binary image same as the size of the template image stating regions to ignore while trying to match the images. You would need to either (1) recompile or reinstall or (2) my preferred method, sym-link the libraries into the site-packages directory of the new virtual environment. Just like the one you made here : Thanks for the tutorial, the accuracy is good but it is taking 30 to 50 seconds to recognize an image is there any solution to overcome. How can I remove the circle and the diameter but not the text? Each purple region represents the kernel. Posting my solution for benefit of others. Its government, what do you expect? 4. I have all of my posts sorted chronologically on this page. In virtual env it is showing No module named MySQLdb found. You can learn more about how OpenCVs blobFromImage works here. Unfortunately when sharing information it would be good to also share items like: Environment Does it is calculated like distance between nose to eyes , nose to lips , eyes to eyes etc.? Furthermore, you would need a lot of images to train the network from scratch. Inside this tutorial, you will learn how to perform facial recognition using OpenCV, Python, and deep learning. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Due to GPU issues in my laptop Im planning to run the in Google Cloud Engine. Dlib uses the facenet architecture, inspired by the openface implementation, as far I know. This means you need to train your model on examples of dogs, cake, faces, etc. I would recommend using either (1) template matching or (2) detecting each star, trying to identify important ones as landmarks, and then using the geometry (i.e., angles between important stars) determine your constellations. Can you be a bit more specific regarding the problem? two different pictures of the same person. Hey Adrian, I was wondering. To be honest i was using windows. Easy one-click downloads for code, datasets, pre-trained models, etc. Our method to multi-scale template matching works well if we are only concerned with translation and scaling; however, this method will not be as robust in the presence of rotation and non-affine transformations. What should be done then? The more you can get, the better. Well accomplish this by applying a test to every contour to determine if it should be removed or not. Its time to begin looping over our Jurassic Park character faces! Your Raspberry Pi is running out of RAM, not space on the SD card. Otherwise, a lot of time should be spent even adding a new image. $ cmake build . I would suggest having the face recognition model running along with your camera monitor. You can save the encodings in whatever database you like, whether thats a CSV file, JSON file, a mySQL database, a key-value database, etc. If I wasnt running PyImageSearch I would be doing something else creative. I really appreciate your effort and time that you put into organizing these tutorials. Hello. These methods are by their very definition invariant to rotation. My Specs are 16 GB RAM, with 256 SSD HD on an Intel core i7 8th Gen. (or Wheres Wally?, for the international readers) using computer vision. now, how can I choose whether hog or cnn ? The world needs more people like you ! Your face detector will give you the bounding box (x, y)-coordinates of a face in an image.. Really your blog posts are great ). Best Roei. You can use the cv2.imwrite function to write individual frames to disk rather than an entire video. Is laptop with Intel i5 4th generation, 4GB RAM and 2GB graphics suffice for running CNN ? How could I remove the largest contour or edge of some object (for example green circle with black edge ) and get only inside area (in example: only green circle without edges). Lines 54 and 55 show you how to get the bounding box coordinates. You could certainly use a Jupyter notebook if you want. Thats what i came up for now, and i will really appreciate it if you can give me your thought about it. The matching is OK when the original template is smaller than the image to match. ps. Another option would be to simply resize the images via imutils.resize prior to performing face detection or computing the actual embeddings, that way the resizing is performed inside the script and you dont have to create a new dataset of images. That pictures have largest number of pixels in dataset and when I removed them from dataset all working fine. Im on Windows with an i5 process and 8GB ram. Another amazing post (thumbs up). I would suggest implementing a counter. First I would to thank you some much for this tutorial, youve made a great job. Finally, we display our two visualizations on screen (Lines 43-45). davisking commented on Apr 5, 2017 That would be my suggestion. I cannot use any cloud based apis. Therefore in conclusion for me Windows kinda worked but Ubuntu the way forward! Youll go over it in smaller chunks afterward. I get these names in this code each time I get a face, and then I write these names on the image. Its hard to say what the issue is without seeing your exact error message, but yes, make sure you are in the source code directory after unzipping the package before you execute the Python script. Unarchive the .zip file, change directory to the script, and then execute the following command: Below follows a GIF animation demonstrating the output of our script: In each of these cases, our script matches the top-left (red), top-right (purple), bottom-right (orange), bottom-left (teal), and centroid (pink) coordinates, followed by computing the distance (in inches) between the reference object and the current object. Ill try adding my wife into the dataset and see if that addresses the issue, but in a real life situation, I may not have that option. You are a very good teacher for all computer vision enthusiasts out there. Run all code examples in your web browser works on Windows, macOS, and Linux (no dev environment configuration required!) Supply additional insight to the dHash perceptual hashing algorithm. When a Haar cascade thinks a face is in a region, it will return a higher confidence The other CNN is the deep metric CNN. Your blog post very awesome Make sure you have imutils installed to have access to the paths submodule. In this blog post we discovered how to make standard template matching more robust by extending it to work with multiple scales. Update July 2021: Added alternative face recognition methods section, including both deep learning-based and , or would you have to train a model from scratch ?, thats my doubt Adrian, thank you very much for your attention to the question. Thanks for the great tutorial, I have one question. I am so grateful that I had that opportunity, once in childhood and again in seniorhood. There isnt a true percentage. I can run it on the laptop(which is ideapad320s) and when I run it on my desktop computer , it just stuck there. CMake must be installed to build the following extensions: dlib Already a member of PyImageSearch University? Thank you very much Adrian! Or perhaps you dont see the big deal Its only a dog, right?. How are you quantifying compare on this context? Hi, This will give you the center coordinate of the bounding box. (figure inspired by Nathan Hubens article, Deep inside: Autoencoders) If you prefer to try the PyQt variant, then you can use pip install PySimpleGUIQt instead. This method is only for human faces. Could you please let me know , if there is a way to improve FPS(CPU). But can you tell me an approximate time it will take for i7? Sorry, my comment was confusing. The network was trained on millions of images, both white and non-white, and obtains over 99% accuracy on the LFW (mentioned in the post) which includes many non-white examples as well. If youre interested in learning more about image hashing, I would suggest you first take a look at the imagehashing GitHub repo, a popular (PIL-based) Python library used for perceptual image hashing. It is possible to use this tutorial in Android? For example, I want to train some model to recognize several types of objects (example: dog, cakes etc) and I also want to use face recognition. Then, last week, we discussed how to measure the size of objects in an image using a reference object. Thank you for the kind words, Chandana. In this blog post we discovered how to construct image pyramids using two methods. My setup is as follows: Intel i7 8700K See this tutorial on command line arguments where I show you how to modify the code to work in Jupyter Notebooks/Google Colab. Im not religious but ponder than our pets may judge us in any afterlife. If you are using the CNN face detector you will need a GPU for real-time performance. When I awoke, I was sore from breathing with the weight of her on my chest. I kindly ask you to read them. How do I run my own implementation of nms on this face recognition pipeline. You can technically leave this line off your code and Python will still end the program, but its always a good idea to clean up after yourself. Finally, you use cv2.VideoCapture(0) to access the webcam on your machine. but when I start the code, only cpu work. What changes should I make to make two cameras for facial recognition in a raspberry pi? Take a look at my other face recognition tutorial where I discuss reasons your face recognitions may be incorrect, including ways to improve on it. Thank you very much. So, all the inner contours like 3a and 4 will not have any points drawn on them. I am having trouble playing my output video file. 2. HOG is a middle ground between the two. That is an entirely separate body of research. You change your --detection-method from cnn to hog. Could u please help me with that Python code? The third displays the Image(). These two lists will contain the face encodings and corresponding names for each person in the dataset (Lines 24 and 25). but u told me even ur macbok pro it took 21 mins for me took more than 2 hours to encode 218images even i did encode when i apply ur recognize face codes ,, the webcam video stream freezes.i noticed the CPU is just 18-20% utilized, even though i put the powersettings to full performance. Hey! and their result was not unknown) As I mentioned, you should look into fine-tuning or training from scratch a FaceNet network (or equivalent). Hi adrian Hello Adrian, usage: [-h] -t TEMPLATE -i IMAGES [-v VISUALIZE] Please let me know how to fix this. You would change {:.1f}in to {:.3f}in in the cv2.putText function. The act of creation is what makes me happy. r = frame.shape[1] / float(rgb.shape[1]). Still when i ran face detection on a couple of his videos, it recognised many other people also as the same person. They are actually warnings from the libraries used to load the images. If you ever wonder how your audience would receive a personal post in the middle of considering it, I thought I should leave a message, and let you know theres concrete support for this. Any database updates or modifications you want to make is 100% possible but you would need to code that up yourself. Youll use PyInstaller to convert the image viewer application that you created earlier into an executable. I strongly believe that if you had the right teacher you could master computer vision and deep learning. Get your FREE 17 page Computer Vision, OpenCV, and Deep Learning Resource Guide PDF. Pre-configured Jupyter Notebooks in Google Colab np.sum([2 ** i for (i, v) in enumerate(diff.flatten()) if v], dtype=np.unsignedinteger). How can I solve this ? To accomplish this, we use a simple binary test. What changes should I do if I use HOG SVM method? My goal is to slice/crop the original image; such that only the contour is displayed. What want to understand is the 128-d embeddings that we create for each face in our dataset. Sir, Image Segmentation Using Color Spaces for some reason, Im not getting notifications of replies, so have to dig around for my posts to see if they were answered. Or all these processings are made under the hood by face_recognition library? Can I set some threshold in order to recognize this person as unknown, I am using hog method because I am going to implement the algorithm in a RaspBerry Pi. See my reply to Dauy. I am actually not comfortable with the argparse. Thats super strange. Find all locations that have a confidence greater than T (but you will need to tune and set T manually). Now I have to verify if the same logo appeared in a PDF report which I have converted into PNG Image each page. Thanks. On normal Unix systems we escape a space in a filename with a \ , thereby turning the filename Photo 001.jpg into Photo\ 001.jpg . The last step is to write the user interface with PySimpleGUI: To create the user interface, all you need is a Text() element, a Canvas() element, and a Button() element. However, by the time I got ~80% of the way done importing the photos the weight became too much for me to bear on my shoulders. But the problem with this approach is, consider a scenario where the target image is no way related to the template images but still, ill get a correlation coefficient value (r). Did you successfully compile dlib with CUDA support? When applying face detection, Haar cascades are sliding a window from left-to-right and top-to-bottom across the image, computing integral images along the way.. With Nvidia-smi, I can see the python script is using just under 1 GB and GPU utilization is around 25%. 2. Repeat for the y-coordinate. Hi Adrian, why own 128d? 3. You can use the the cv2.imwrite function to write each face ROI to disk. If youre new to computer vision and OpenCV I would suggest you read through Practical Python and OpenCV to help you learn the fundamentals it will certainly help you complete your project. (I checked CPU history and GPU history.). or any solutions. Super fast for pixel loops with OpenCV and Python. Now you can take a look at the first part of the next conditional statement in the loop: This time you check the event against the "-FOLDER-" key, which refers to the In() element you created earlier. Access to centralized code repos for all 500+ tutorials on PyImageSearch i want use this project into my django project but i dont understanding how to use it. Try inserting print statements or using pdb to find the line that is causing the issue. Adria, Western Washington is Seeing ALOT of distracted driving collisions. OpenCV does not support audio, you cannot record, save, or play audio with OpenCV. I asked this because I have more than 1 objects in my image that [supposed to] match the template. Does it stop and error out? The actual publish date of the post is irrelevant. Also, take a second a examine how different the style and color of the Call of Duty logos are in Figure 3 and Figure 4. To create our facial embeddings open up a terminal and execute the following command: As you can see from our output, we now have a file named encodings.pickle this file contains the 128-d face embeddings for each face in our dataset. You can master Computer Vision, Deep Learning, and OpenCV - PyImageSearch. Summary. Thanks and cheers! It is okay if you are a beginner but I would ask you to read the other comments to the post. If yes, what you did in order to run yoru face recognition code? You would loop over all images in the directory and then apply face recognition to each. There is a difference in the tuple returned by OpenCV between OpenCV 2.4 and OpenCV 3. rgb = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) When I am testing it on horizontally taken video,Its working fine but when I am testing it with Vertically taken video,Its not working.Blank screen is coming instead of frame with rectangular boxes. Anyway, lets go ahead and get this example started. My concern here is not running the The encoding happens but after that since the past 10 hours it shows serializing encodings , should i restart ? Ive been trying to find where I can change the minimum distance threshold but really couldnt. 2. why do some images return 0 hash value? Access to centralized code repos for all 500+ tutorials on PyImageSearch Im not sure what you mean by sub-scale steps. I have GTX 1070 in my system with all cuda installation but while running the code its take too too much amount of time while process the single image. I ran the above code on my laptop and it appears very slow, the webcam stream is almost frozen. Phew! I have query regarding the post , recently i have tried it for the animated pics but didnt obtain the results. Instead, my goal is to do the most good for the computer vision, deep learning, and OpenCV community at large by focusing my time on authoring high-quality blog posts, tutorials, and books/courses. I think that he means may wonder we we cannot use , probably should be may wonder why we cannot use . No I dont have a workable GPU, for now, and I think its the source of the problem. hey Adrian, This type of function is used as the main entry point of the program. It seems like a Python version issue. Downsizing the template and scanning the picture with that or something else? You would need to manually determine the threshold yourself by testing against a bunch of example images. Pre-configured Jupyter Notebooks in Google Colab The imutils.resize function automatically takes care of ensuring the aspect ratio is the same while cv2.resize does not. Great article. Im using Nvidia Geforce GT 705 2GB. the face_rec docs are super useful, will try out the jitter parameter. I will experiment with this to prove to myself but im just trying to get the reasoning behind why it doesnt work from an expert. All this to say, I cannot say I can feel, or properly understand the grief you went/are going through. To prove this to yourself, remove the face recognition code and youll see the frame throughput rate is significantly faster. Learnt so much from your post. You could reduce the size of the template or you could adjust the image pyramid step to increase the size of the original image instead of just downsampling it. Again, contour 4 will have hierarchy level 1. To create a Window(), you can do the following: Window() takes lots of different argumentstoo many to be listed here. Hey Hasan it sounds like the script is working properly but your faces are not being properly recognized. For example, wxPython uses Sizers to lay out elements dynamically. I hope you really get the gratitude for all of us. Notice how the two quarters in the image are perfectly parallel to each other, implying that the distance between all five control points is 6.1 inches. While I love hearing from readers, a couple years ago I made the tough decision to no longer offer 1:1 help over blog post comments. For face recognition the main preprocessing method used is face alignment. Can you confirm that dlib is actually accessing your GPU? And Ellie, she was the sweetest soul I ever met. Have spent countless hours in the last 2.5 months looking for a source that I could learn from. Inside Practical Python and OpenCV I offer a VM that comes pre-configured with OpenCV/Python. Using the 128-d embeddings from a pre-trained network is not going to perform well. just like Nvidia GPU. above result came from coincidence? Make sure you read this link on how to use command line arguments. Face verification is easier and could potentially scale well. Good day. I will leave optimizing the search to compute Hamming differences for a future tutorial here on PyImageSearch. The second iteration of our loop (as there are two faces in our example image) of the main facial encodings loop yields the following for counts: That is definitely a smaller vote score, but still, there is only one name in the dictionary so we likely have found Alan Grant. In such cases, experiment with different thresholds when creating the binary image, and see if that improves the resulting contours. I cover how to implement a custom face recognition attendance system inside my book, Raspberry Pi for Computer Vision. Hi Adrian, Thanks for the blog. Hi The following table compares the runtime for each method discussed above. What modifications should I make? Hi Adrian, You are very lucky in this regard, and your means of organizing them with aid of image hashing is awesome. If our template or input image exhibits these types of transformations we are better off applying keypoint detection, local invariant descriptors, and keypoint matching. Hey Ben I think you need to clarify what you mean by good results here as Im not sure whether you are referring to: 1. Once youre done viewing your images, youre ready to learn how to use Matplotlib with PySimpleGUI. (cnts, _) = cv2.findContours(edged.copy(), cv2.RETR_LIST, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE), I was getting a ValueError: too many values to unpack, Once I changed it to: Congrats on getting the face recognition code up and running! Forgive me, what is the typo? The center of the coordinates are stored in cX and cY. Single objects scattered around in an image (as in the first example), or. Draw the lines on the original image loaded on Line 22 (rather than orig). See this post for more details. Can you please advice. I removed line 112 We have only 2 images to match. OpenCV and Python versions:This example will run on Python 2.7/Python 3.4+ and OpenCV 2.4.X. At the time I was receiving 200+ emails per day and another 100+ blog post comments. it was really helpful do i need to buy a high-end camera to achieve this? 4.84 (128 Ratings) 15,800+ Students Enrolled. I was wondering if this has the ability to be accurate to .001 in? Hello, thank you for your great tutorial. Congrats! Reply from anyone is always considered and appreciated. It is not showing unknown for people who doesnt have the images in dataset and it displays incorrect names from the dataset randomly. Thank you soo much for this, what a life saver! In practice we dont actually have to compute the difference we can apply a greater than test (or less than, it doesnt really matter as long as the same operation is consistently used, as well see in Step #4 below). Hey Mehdi could you quantify what very slow means in this context? Can I save encodings in a database, for example mysql and update each time with new images? What does tag mean in this context? Then you add all of those to a Window() and call your draw_figure() helper function to draw the plot. when I actually run the script it runs on the CPU and not the GPU, and it is quite slow on the gpu. The conditional statements are used to control what happens. I love your blogs and have been following this since a few months. Installing it and reinstalling dlib. thank you in advance. (-215) scn == 3 || scn == 4 in function cvtColor. May be through some pre- or post-processing and doing multiple passes over the image, for example taking the mean of the radius of all circles and then changing the range in the next pass? Is there any way to get this to work on windows/anaconda env? Parth Ive addressed your questions in the post and in other comments. Ill likely end up covering it in my Computer Vision + Raspberry Pi book though! Here, we will apply binary thresholding. Out the jitter parameter you quantify what very slow, the more similar they actually. 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