financial stability report july 2022

First lockdown refers to the period between March and May 2020. The vast majority of bank lending has been via government-backed schemes (Section 1). Hosted and funded by the Bank for International Settlements, the board is based in Basel, Switzerland,[1] and is established as a not-for-profit association under Swiss law.[2]. The debt service ratio is calculated as debt service cost divided by income following Drehmann et al. Inflation in the euro area is expected to remain elevated throughout 2022. Although more rapid reallocation of liquidity around the system and margin requirements that rise with volatility are a key and well-understood feature of post-crisis derivatives reforms, some users of derivatives were better prepared than others for the liquidity pressures in 2020. The job report was a gift to Newsom. Russian equity holdings are also concentrated in specific funds, with only the top 1% of exposed funds holding more than half of their portfolio in Russian equities. While commodity markets have broadly continued to function, there was disruption in the nickel market traded on the LME during March 2022. In March, the Bank announced that it would delay the launch of the 2022 ACS, in light of uncertainty related to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, and in order to help lenders focus on managing the ongoing financial markets disruption associated with the invasion. November 06, 2022. Annual Statements 2021 Annual Statements. TARP helped stabilize America's banking system during the financial crisis. The FPC judges that while domestic debt vulnerabilities have increased since the December 2021 FSR, overall they remain at a standard level. Figures are in nominal terms. Ensuring that swing pricing better reflects the costs of investor flows would allow it to work more effectively as an anti-dilution tool and continue to promote investor protection (in line with current FCA rules), while at the same time helping to address the financial stability risks associated with first-mover advantage. In terms of attacks targeting significant institutions in the euro area, this global trend was mirrored by the number of cyber incidents reported to the ECB, which reached the highest level ever in the fourth quarter of 2020. He expressed confidence in the FSB's strategies, stating that "resilience in the face of stress demonstrates the enduring benefits of G20 post-crisis reforms".[16]. The increase in debt levels has varied across firms and euro area countries as default rates might rise. Global EM funds investing in emerging Europe and BRIC countries experienced an acceleration of outflows after the invasion, which subsequently receded (Chart 4.4, panel a). Based on the interim results of the test, the FPC continues to judge that UK banks, in aggregate, are resilient to an economic shock much more severe than the MPCs current economic forecast and have sufficient capital to continue to support UK households and businesses even if economic outcomes are considerably worse than currently expected. Panel b: real yields are shown as the nominal German government bond yield less the break-even inflation rate. The initial market correction to the war was largely orderly, but liquidity pressures arose in some derivatives markets. At the same time, rising inflation is having an adverse effect on households purchasing power, which could slow the economys return to its pre-pandemic growth path. Prices have increased strongly in those commodities of which Russia and Ukraine are major global exporters (Chart 1.2, panel b). We are always working to improve this website for our users. November 4, 2022. TNA stands for total net assets; Corp HY stands for corporate high-yield bond funds; Corp IG stands for corporate investment-grade bond funds: MMF stands for money market funds. Progress made by banks, however, has been more limited. Funds that hold inherently illiquid, infrequently traded assets, such as commercial real estate, may not be able to implement swing pricing effectively in practice. These include heightened debt sustainability concerns in non-financial sectors or the possibility of corrections in both financial and tangible asset markets (Box 3). Moreover, the fundamental role of economic growth dynamics in determining fiscal sustainability underlines the need for fiscal policy to be growth-friendly. Any exploration of such policy options should also consider broader effects, including any possible side effects on the users of derivatives, such as limiting hedging opportunities, acknowledging the concentrated CCP market structure. Supply chain bottlenecks continue to weigh on the global recovery and may intensify. Net interest income is expected to benefit from higher interest rates from 2023 onwards, although some banks might face challenges in the medium term. However, there has been no indication that participants in the non-bank sector have been fire-selling liquid assets in order to meet margin calls. 1603 Program. There are a number of headwinds to banks resilience. Alternative valuation measures can point to lower/higher estimates of overvaluation. Moreover, some corporates will also face significant debt servicing needs over the coming years (Chart 1.9, panel a). Panel b: HICP stands for the Harmonised Index of Consumer Prices measure of inflation. Firms are facing elevated uncertainty and upside risks to future energy prices. Participants usually receive cash flows on the physical side of their exposure on a monthly, or sometimes quarterly, basis. For a detailed definition, see also Chart 3.4 panel a. The baseline forecasts incorporate low refinancing risk and healthy corporate fundamentals. The Financial Stability Board (FSB) is undertaking in-depth analysis and assessment of vulnerabilities in commodity markets. Debt restructuring at investor expense re-solves this financial stability risk. The Financial Stability Report sets out our Financial Policy Committee's view on the stability of the UK financial system and what it is doing to remove or reduce any risks to it. Banks have also reduced their appetite to lend to businesses that may be most impacted by the increased costs faced by UK households and businesses. Financing conditions for euro area sovereigns have remained favourable overall. Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility, Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB), Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN), Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA), Special Inspector General for the Troubled Asset Relief Program (SIGTARP), Special Inspector General for Pandemic Recovery (SIGPR), Budget Request/Annual Performance Plan and Reports, Inspector General Audits and Investigative Reports, Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA), The Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) Fund, Specially Designated Nationals List (SDN List), Sanctions Programs and Country Information, Financial Literacy and Education Commission, The Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS), Macroeconomic and Foreign Exchange Policies of Major Trading Partners, U.S.-China Comprehensive Strategic Economic Dialogue (CED), Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization, Daily Treasury Par Real Yield Curve Rates, Debt Management Overview and Quarterly Refunding Process, U.S International Portfolio Investment Statistics, Report Fraud Related to Government Contracts, Cashing Savings Bonds in Disaster-Declared Areas, Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) Fund, Electronic Federal BenefitPayments - GoDirect, General Property, Vehicles, Vessels & Aircraft. On the need to enhance the macroprudential toolkit, see the ECB response to the European Commissions call for advice on the review of the EU macroprudential framework. But the opacity of, and data gaps in, some commodity markets impedes authorities and counterparties views of risks as they build. Such funds can hold illiquid assets like unlisted equities, safely and sustainably. Despite an historic fall in UK output in 2020, banks capital and liquidity positions remain strong. Current level of selected asset valuation metrics as a percentile of historical values (a), There is also evidence of investors appetite for risk in the non-price terms in some financial markets. Vulnerabilities among households have picked up, albeit from generally moderate levels. The shaded area represents a forecast. It is important that market-based finance is resilient to, and does not amplify, shocks. Given downside risks from additional supply shocks, faster-than-expected monetary policy tightening and slower-than-expected economic growth, risky asset prices remain vulnerable to further sharp adjustments. In 2021 Q1, just under 6% of new lending to owner-occupiers was at 90% LTV or above, compared to 20% in 2019. Additionally a sharp correction can directly affect the financial system, for example from banks taking losses on assets held in trading portfolios or by reducing the value of collateral securing existing loans, and by creating sharp increases in the demand for liquidity. For example US high-yield and European corporate bond OEFs have seen outflows of around 9% of their total assets under management since the start of 2022. The sharp spike in gas and other prices following the invasion led to steep increases in margin requirements, essential for reducing counterparty credit risk, which created challenges for some market participants to raise the liquidity to meet them. This recent volatility affected commodity markets and the broader financial system. See the updated Assessment of Risks to Financial Stability from Crypto-assets, Financial Stability Board, February 2022. RESTORE Act. Federal Insurance Office. Panel b: latest available data are shown, RRE price growth and household debt-to-GDP ratio refer to Q4 2021 and mortgage lending growth refers to Q1 2022. Higher market volatility has also resulted in elevated margin calls across cleared derivatives markets to protect against an increasein counterparty credit risk. The NGFS is a group of over 100 central banks and supervisors that contribute to the development of environment and climate risk management in the financial sector. RRE prices have continued to benefit from tight supply conditions and stable household and investor demand for housing. They provide finance to many businesses, and help households and businesses to manage their financial risks and investments. Higher inflation and lower growth could increase market volatility and challenge debt servicing capacity as financing costs rise. The lower-debt aggregate includes the remaining euro area countries. As of October 31, 2016, cumulative collections under TARP, together with Treasury's additional proceeds from the sale of non-TARP shares of AIG, exceed total disbursements by more than $7.9 billion. 16 February 2022 FSB warns of emerging risks from crypto-assets to global financial stability Report notes that crypto-asset markets could reach a point where they represent a threat to global financial stability, and calls for timely and pre-emptive evaluation of possible policy responses. But it could also arise if households (highly indebted households in particular) respond to this period of higher financial pressure by cutting consumption by more than in those projections. The result is not driven by differences in the shares of the oil and gas sector between the indices. In sterling markets, most use of Libor in new contracts has now ceased and been largely replaced by the Sterling Overnight Index Average (SONIA), a risk-free rate produced by the Bank. Second-round effects related to increasing energy prices and lower economic growth, for example, might result in valuation losses for funds that hold debt securities issued by companies with a high energy intensity and low credit quality (Chart 4.2, panel b). Moreover, the impact of higher interest rates on mortgage DSRs is less than in the past because, an increasing share of mortgage debt is at fixed rates. Setting lending terms to reflect the new risk environment is appropriate. The European Commission is required to review the macroprudential provisions in the European legislation by June 2022 and is expected to prepare a legislative proposal by December 2022. The UK banking sector has been resilient to the challenges posed by Covid. Bank lending to households and NFCs recovered in 2021 to exceed pre-pandemic levels. Read about FSB members commitment to lead by example in terms of their adherence to international standards. These include liquidity mismatches leading to run dynamics and fire sales, and leveraged positions being unwound and amplifying price falls. Investors tend to use MMFs as part of their cash management strategies because MMFs offer same-day liquidity meaning investors can generally expect to redeem their full principal at any time. In March 2020, these and other vulnerabilities amplified the initial market reaction to the pandemic to create a severe liquidity shock (the dash for cash). Sources: Regulatory reporting and Bank calculations. Nevertheless, major UK banks capital and liquidity positions remain strong, and profitability has strengthened in aggregate. Without actions such as these, it is likely that the liquidity stress would have been even more severe. The FPC were content that its existing transparency practices were equivalent or exceeded those of other macroprudential authorities. The high proportion of centrally cleared trades (68% in terms of gross notional), especially for energy derivatives, decreases banks counterparty credit risk towards their clients; this does, however, introduce some residual step-in liquidity risk to cover the margins required by CCPs if some NFCs are unable to meet margin calls. The FPC published its response alongside the July 2021 Record. For example, ESMA published guidelines aimed at addressing leverage risk in the alternative investment fund sector; see Final Report Guidelines on Article 25 of Directive 2011/61/EU, 17 December 2020. The identification strategy was inspired by Bhushan and Struyven*. This indicates that direct portfolio revaluation losses from higher interest rates might be partly mitigated by hedging strategies (Chart 4.5, panel b).[51]. The UK banking system is strong enough to provide the support households and businesses need as the economy recovers. Press Spacebar or Enter to select, Publication // Financial Stability Report (FSR), Publication // Financial Policy Committee (FPC). Credit granted by euro area banks to firms with significant reliance on energy and specific forms of fossil fuel[36], and weak corporate fundamentals[37] amounts to 3.8% of total corporate lending. As these positions became loss-making in the stress, some of them unwound their positions, exacerbating the stress in that market (see, eg, Kruttli et al (2021) and the Office of Financial Researchs Annual Report (2020)). Risks of higher inflation and lower growth outturns in the euro area amplified by an intensified commodity and energy price shock. The Bank is also working with international counterparts, eg through the Financial Stability Board, Basel Committee, the G20 Sustainable Finance Working Group and the NGFS, to better understand these risks and how best to manage them. Since the restriction on dividend payments expired and profitability, as well as market valuations, have exceeded pre-pandemic levels, banks with capital ratios above regulatory requirements have announced higher payouts (both dividends and buybacks) than banks which are closer to their capital thresholds (Chart 3.13, panel b). [79], The focus of the international policy agenda has now shifted to structural liquidity mismatches in the broader investment fund sector. Ultimately, higher commodity prices permeate through production chains and affect the economy as a whole, leaving firms with lower pricing power most vulnerable (Box 1 and Box 3). Contagion effects for the broader financial system arising from a potential crypto crash still seem limited (Special Feature B), although individual investors may suffer significant losses. This is because swing pricing adjustments require reasonable information on the price, liquidity and transaction costs of an asset. understand the drivers of differences in procyclicality across CCPs, asset classes, and products, and for setting out clear criteria for analysing the levels and effects of procyclicality; examine the degree to which prudent pre-crisis margin levels driven by CCPs anti-procyclicality measures or other tools or actions taken by CCPs helped to dampen the response of initial margin to extreme volatility; assess the extent to which non-bank clients were adequately prepared for the size of margin calls and to what extent their actions to raise liquidity impacted the rest of the financial system; and. In CRE markets, low-quality segments are under pressure from structural demand shifts. Banks participating in the 2021 SST are Barclays, HSBC, Lloyds Banking Group, Nationwide, NatWest Group, Santander UK, Standard Chartered and Virgin Money UK. Managing the liquidity demands from margin calls is therefore a key component of risk management for derivatives users (see Hall (2021)). 1 July 2022. In June 2014, the FPC made the following Recommendation (14/Q2/2): The Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) and the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) should ensure that mortgage lenders do not extend more than 15% of their total number of new residential mortgages at loan to income ratios at or greater than 4.5. In addition, increasing the flexibility in the existing countercyclical capital buffer (CCyB) framework could facilitate timely policy action in both the activation and release phases. Panel b: the Restructuring category consists of restructuring measures that have led to the partial repayment of outstanding debt and the seizure of collateral. As the prices of derivatives contracts change, market participants exchange gains and losses daily, preventing the build-up of exposures between firms. Many parts of the UK financial system, including the banking system and financial market infrastructure, proved resilient in the face of this shock. Monitoring framework with metrics that will be used to monitor financial stability implications of crypto-asset markets. As a result, suppliers delivery times in the euro area have lengthened considerably over the past year and have contributed to significantly higher input prices (Chart 1.3, panel a). From February to April 2022 (encompassing the start of the Russian invasion), the cumulative rise in ICEU initial margin requirements on its Futures and Options service peaked at 30 billion.footnote [12] The equivalent for LME Clears base metals clearing service was around 5 billion. However, as was seen in March 2020, sharp increases in margin requirements can lead to CCP clearing members and their clients facing difficulty raising the liquidity to meet them. To support this, the 2022 annual cyclical scenario (ACS) will commence in September and will include deep simultaneous recessions in the UK and global economies, real income shocks, large falls in asset prices and higher global interest rates, and a separate stress of misconduct costs. Sources: Bloomberg Finance L.P., ECB and ECB calculations.Notes: Panel a: high-yield spreads refer to the five-year iTraxx Crossover CDS spreads; risk-free rate refers to the Germany five-year government bond yield. Since the direct exposure of euro area banks to Russia and Ukraine, comprising 5% of Common Equity Tier 1 (CET1) capital, is rather limited, market analysts consider the impact on aggregate euro area bank profitability to be contained. This finance, alongside wider government support (such as the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS) and targeted measures such as the temporary ban on winding up petitions), has helped businesses to weather the pandemic. See also the article entitled Assessing corporate vulnerabilities in the euro area, Economic Bulletin, Issue 2, ECB, 2022. Expand your Outlook. Sector free float in NFC free float is the respective sectors amount of outstanding debt and equity securities as a percentage of total NFC debt and equity securities held in the euro area, excluding Eurosystem holdings, at the end of 2021. Commodity market participants therefore comprise producers, physical commodity traders, retail suppliers and wholesale distributors as well as financial institutions such as banks, central counterparties (CCP) and funds (Figure 4.1). Major UK bank and building societies (banks) capital and liquidity positions remained strong in 2022 Q1, and profitability strengthened. Recognising the global nature of financial markets, any work to assess and ensure the resilience of MMFs should continue to be co-ordinated internationally. Insolvencies, which would normally be expected to rise as economic growth softens, have remained well below their pre-pandemic levels. This special feature has benefited from input received from Olimpia Carradori, Alberto Grassi, Giulio Mazzolini and Allegra Pietsch. For example, the identifier 17/Q2/1 refers to the first Recommendation made at the 2017 Q2 Committee meeting. This assumes partial pass-through of the increase in the policy rate, to reflect a share of debt being at fixed rates.footnote [4]. The FPC also welcomes domestic work to support these international workstreams such as the recent publication of the joint Bank and FCA discussion paper exploring the UK authorities initial assessment of the options for enhancing the resilience of money market funds. All else equal, a tighter monetary policy stance generally leads to increasing interest rates and an attenuation of (expected) growth. Data shown are averages over the full period for which CES data are available, i.e. Sources: ECB (AnaCredit, Supervisory Banking Statistics and European Market Infrastructure Regulation), OECD Trade in Value Added (TiVA) database (2018) and ECB calculations.Notes: Panel a: colour scale from green to orange to red. Global financial conditions have also tightened significantly, in part as central banks across the world have tightened monetary policy. Of that, the following amounts were committed through TARP's five program areas: The authority to make new financial commitments under TARP ended on. In 2020, UK banks provisioned for around 22 billion of aggregate credit losses over the course of the year. Sources: IHS Markit, Dealogic and ECB calculations.Notes: NPS stands for non-preferred senior; HoldCo stands for holding company. UK, US and European equity indices are down 6%, 21% and 19% respectively in the year to date. And the impairments to markets risked amplifying the impact of the shock on the real economy via tighter financial conditions. 2:45. The 2021 BES uses three scenarios to explore the resilience of the largest UK banks and insurers to the physical and transition risks associated with climate change. As part of the domestic work to identify and reduce vulnerabilities in market-based finance, the Bank and Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) have concluded their joint review into risks in open-ended funds. Euro area corporates face renewed headwinds as input prices have soared and the economic outlook has become more clouded. As noted, international work to remediate data gaps will continue to be important for example, the FPC views that an important step forward will be to resume work on aggregating and sharing trade repository data with other international regulators. Latest Business Video. Monthly residential property transactions from January 2018 to May 2021 (a). However, the expected earlier rise in interest rates compared to the beginning of the year appears to reduce the incentive for banks to repay TLTRO funding sooner, which is likely to reduce the resulting adverse impact on profitability. Panel c: initial margins include all margins posted with euro area central counterparties. Panel b: Other stands for other operating profits. Support from the financial system and the Government has helped to keep business insolvencies relatively low. The dash for cash demonstrated that actions that were probably rational and desirable from the point of view of individual institutions in one sector could affect the entire chain that facilitates the provision of finance and so pose systemic risks. Overall, if the economic costs of activating additional capital buffers remain low and the financial cycle is expected to remain on an upward trend, as was the case prior to the outbreak of the war, when policy tightening commenced in some countries, authorities can continue to act appropriately while taking into account the uncertainty related to the war to avoid procyclical effects. Given the considerable uncertainty around the outlook, the Committee will continue to monitor the situation closely and stands ready to vary the UK CCyB rate in either direction in line with the evolution of economic conditions, underlying vulnerabilities and the overall risk environment. The policy chapters of the ECBs Financial Stability Reviews in 2020 and 2021 provide an overview of the substance and the sequencing of prudential support measures during the pandemic. 12 funds were removed from the chart as outliers as they had negative liquid asset holdings or liquid asset holdings above 25%. Investment funds duration exposure has remained elevated in recent quarters. Sources: Refinitiv, Bloomberg Finance L.P., S&P Global Market Intelligence, bank financial reports and ECB calculations.Notes: Panel a: the calculations are based on the Datastream Eurozone Banks index. Bid-offer spreads in both corporate and government debt markets have broadly returned to their pre-Covid levels, and UK corporate bond issuance in most major currencies remains in line with average levels in recent years. See Recommendation of the European Systemic Risk Board of 2 December 2021 on reform of money market funds, ESRB, published 25 January 2022. And the fall in household real incomes could reduce demand significantly in sectors such as non-essential household goods and services. The FSB is undertaking in-depth analysis and assessment of vulnerabilities in commodity markets. The FPC continues to judge that it is in the collective interest of banks to support viable, productive businesses, rather than to seek to defend capital ratios and avoid using buffers by cutting lending. Treasury is now winding down its remaining TARP investments and is also continuing to implement TARP initiatives to help struggling homeowners avoid foreclosure. This includes the vital role that natural capital (eg forests and oceans) plays in mitigating the risks from climate change. And UK businesses that were previously able to access funding from financial markets have continued to be able to. Nearly 450,000 residential property transactions took place in 2021 Q1, or one and a half times the average quarterly level over the past decade, and the highest since before the global financial crisis. Equity prices have fallen sharply this year and are likely to continue to be volatile. The aggregate ratio is 5.3%, having fallen slightly from 5.5% in the previous quarter. June 2021 Bank of America Global Fund Manager Survey. Panel b: sovereign debt crisis refers to November 2011, pandemic refers to April 2020 and Russia-Ukraine war to April 2022. We hope for peace. Inflation-linked bond funds, whose returns are hedged against rising inflation, saw renewed inflows after the invasion, which turned negative again in late April, in line with inflation expectations (Chart 4.3, panel a). The NGEU package could provide additional cushioning for the euro area economy and trigger the kind of reforms required to boost long-term growth potential. Dealers capacity to intermediate in gilt and gilt repo markets may, in some cases, have been related to how much room they had above their regulatory thresholds. The grain and zinc figures are quoted from Baines and Hager (2021). Prospects for emerging market and developing economies have been Such growing supply-side constraints, together with flight-to-safety effects amid higher inflation, may be exacerbated by the war in Ukraine. Accordingly, a share of households has to rely on fiscal relief measures or cut down on non-essential consumption. Historically, episodes of (anticipated) monetary policy adjustment have been associated with elevated volatility. Lending activities can be directly performed by the bank or indirectly through capital markets.. Because banks play an important role in financial stability and the economy of a country, most jurisdictions exercise a high degree of regulation Prior to the invasion, global fund managers were positive on European equities,[12] but this sentiment shifted with the start of the war, as evidenced by the outflows from funds with a focus on western European equities (Chart 2.2, panel a). U.S. Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner has described it as "in effect, a fourth pillar" of the architecture of global economic governance. For example, Bank staff analysis suggests that as of January 2021, 11.8% of SMEs in these sectors are already in arrears on their outstanding loans or have formally defaulted (Chart 1.2). Elevated throughout 2022 not driven by differences in the broader investment fund sector ). Was inspired by Bhushan and Struyven * keep business insolvencies relatively low treasury Secretary Tim Geithner has described it ``... 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financial stability report july 2022