effective ways to monitor and evaluate a strategic plan

This can be used to guide their assessments of the overall planning processes and, hence, assess the extent to which a planning project has achieved its goals and objectives. 1. Hire new talent to fill 6 positions on the board by years end. The contents of this website are the sole responsibility of Breakthrough ACTION and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID, the United States Government, or Johns Hopkins University. Step 1: Identify Strategic Issues. There are several activities that need to be properly coordinated and that we will present in a didactic way so that you definitely understand what strategic planning is for. After following these 6 steps, the outline of the M&E plan should look something like this: M&E Planning: Template for Indicator Reporting, Evaluation Toolbox. What is a Monitoring and Evaluation Plan? Examples of strategic planning indicators. We use cookies to improve and personalize your experience with Talentedge. Monitoring is part of the strategic planning system primarily to keep track of what is happening. Are the goals SMART Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Relevant and Timely? Usefulness: This should be a conversation between program staff, stakeholders, and donors. 2 2. This study considered the monitoring and evaluation of a large-scale and domestic and global strategic change programme implementation. Since they are directly related to the organizational climate and the corporate image of the company. These tables should outline the indicators, data, and time period of reporting. McLaughlin, J. "Using a logic model to plan and evaluate a community intervention program: A case study," International Quarterly of Community Health Education, 18, no. it's incredibly important to create systems of evaluation and control to monitor your organization's . Below are the main objectives and benefits of monitoring your organizations strategic plan: During the development of strategic planning, for each activity planned for the organization, necessary parameters for their accomplishment are considered. How Digital Marketing will impact Businesses in 2022? Set up your strategy review meetings. Although we mentioned these concepts, we will discuss them more specifically. Determine your strategic position. fnames[3] = "ADDRESS";
fnames[4] = "PHONE";
The soul of the organization is closely linked to its vision, mission and values. The underlying benefit of establishing a monitoring and evaluation strategy is to provide an indication of how well a project or program is tracking. The five stages addressed are the monitoring and evaluation of: (1) The planning processes used. What steps are being taken to solve that problem? If the necessary time is taken to plan out all aspects of the project, it saves much time and many resources later on in terms of a failed or less than expected . Deactivate business units with less than 20% profitability and use the proceeds from the sale of these assets to start an international expansion project by opening 1 unit in countries X, Y and Z and 3 units in country W within 4 years. Ongoing support is provided by Breakthrough ACTION with support from USAID's Bureau for Global Health, under Cooperative Agreement #AID-OAA-A-17-00017. We recommend tracking implementation data regularly to avoid missing data. Keep all your teams connected to the plan. This website temporarily stores data to improve your browsing experience and recommend personalized content. Do research staff need to perform any statistical tests to get the needed answers? It is not a strict roadmap that cant be changed if the situation deems necessary. Legal and regulatory change. . When a company monitors its strategic planning closely, it ensures that its teams are doing a good job, committed to maintaining progress, and with proper records so they can be evaluated. Identify the elements and steps of an M&E plan, Explain how to create an M&E plan for an upcoming program, Describe how to advocate for the creation and use of M&E plans for a program/organization. However, if not, the M&E plan is a great place to start. We explained that the process of implementation turns your strategies into a reality. Everything else is dynamic be it technology, customer expectations regulatory norms or business trends. Perhaps these other two other Drucker quotes are more enlightening: Long term planning does not deal with future decisions, but with a future of present decisions, Doing things right is more important than doing the right things, In other words: Planning and monitoring activities are closely linked! Execute and manage your plan. Strategic planning is a continuous process of systematically, and with the greatest possible knowledge of the future, making current decisions that involve risks; systematically organizing the activities required to execute these decisions and, through organized and systematic feedback, measuring the outcome of those decisions against expectations. From formative research through monitoring and evaluation, these guides cover each step of the SBC process, offer useful hints, and include important resources and references. Step 2: Where are we now? However, it is also necessary to include departmental or functional heads, and even teams from bottom layers of management to get a holistic perspective. The SPIME complements and completes the SWOT, environmental scanning, action plan to come out with an ideal but workable road map, blue print, milestone, in the . Competitive pressure. If we consider that strategic planning is the consolidation of ideas, it is in the implementation of these ideas that the organization will obtain its results, as Charan pointed out. Data for datas sake should not be the ultimate goal of M&E efforts. I appoint MyMoneyMantra as authorized representative to receive my credit information from Experian for the purpose of providing access to credit & targeted offers ('End Use Purpose') as defined in given Terms & Conditions. Ensure that the most important components are in place. Before you launch a new campaign, implement your monitoring tools. Define and Communicate Company Goals and Performance Objectives Your employees cannot meet your performance expectations or company goals if they are not clearly outlined, making this our first step toward effective performance management. What is a Monitoring and Evaluation Plan? Whats more is that evaluating your efforts will serve as an early warning mechanism.
They rarely fail due to lack of intelligence or vision.. It's hard to measure the effectiveness of anything without knowing the end game. Template for M&E plan. When you are writing your strategic plan, you must decide what systems and structures will be used to evaluate your progress. . In order to empower these people to do an effective evaluation, it would be a good idea to do business strategy courses online. It is responsible for monitoring internal activities to allow managers to take corrective action if necessary. In the final installment of Developing Your Strategy, we will focus on the ideas of monitoring and evaluating your strategic plan. What have you seen work, or not work, in organizations? Include the plan in new employee onboarding. Hence, senior leaders should do the evaluation. An easy way to put this into the M&E plan is to expand the indicators table with additional columns for who is responsible for each indicator, as shown below. For example, a program team may want to review data on a monthly basis to make programmatic decisions and develop future workplans, while meetings with the donor to review data and program progress might occur quarterly or annually. What is strategic planning and why is it important? 6 Strategy Evaluation Tips & Techniques. That is, at the time of executing the plan, it is crucial to carry out strategic monitoring and evaluation of the planning systematically and constantly. It enables a friendly view of your strategy map, making it easy to track indicators and goals and creating action plans for each one. cookies. Unless there is a business change that is game-changing, the plan shouldnt be tempered to alter the overall goals for which it was prepared in the first place. Just as you check directions along a road to see if you are nearing the end of your journey, it is just as important to check that the business and process development that the company has planned is on the right track by using a follow up plan. This will ensure there is a system in place to monitor the program and evaluate success. Strategic evaluation planning means that the evaluation activity first considers what evidence is needed to inform decision making, and what questions need to be answered to help the organization obtain the evidence to improve the way it does business. Marketing plans are geared toward customers both current and future. If these plans are in place from the beginning and become routine for the project, meetings and other kinds of periodic review have a much better chance of being productive ones that everyone looks forward to. At Magnolia Consulting, we find the following five strategies help us to effectively monitor and evaluate implementation: Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI) Statement. Retrieved from: http://www.fhi360.org/sites/default/files/media/documents/Monitoring%20HIV-AIDS%20Programs%20(Facilitator)%20-%20Module%203.pdf, United Nations. Think of it as a periodic checking to see how things are going. Track progress using the traffic light system. This will be affected by donor requirements, available resources, and the timeline of the intervention. STEP 1: Choosing the right time 16 STEP 2: Building the team 18 STEP 3: Reviewing your mission and vision 22 STEP 4: Analysing the current situation 30 STEP 5: Developing your strategic plan 36. By comparing performance data with established standards, it is possible to visualize or anticipate possible bottlenecks in corporate daily life. Define your business goals. It works as measurement. It is important to decide from the early planning stages who is responsible for collecting the data for each indicator. Required fields are marked *. Oftentimes, businesses do not recognize the accomplishments they have achieved. Percent of youth reached with condom use messages through the media, Percent of youth using condoms during first intercourse, Number and percent of trained health providers offering family planning services to youth. They help to answer the question, Have program activities made a difference? Some examples of outcome indicators are: These are just a few examples of indicators that can be created to track a programs success. Once all of the data have been collected, someone will need to compile and analyze it to fill in a results table for internal review and external reporting. Both are a fatal mistake. The above advantage is obvious. Depending on the scope and use it is implemented by project staff, consultants or specialized organizations. Your email address will not be published. So, see below: What is strategic planning anyway? If not, then what are the reasons for the delay? Here are seven steps to consider: 1. Honestly, it is perfectly fine and your strategic plan is a guideline and not written in stone. Program indicators should be a mix of those that measure process, or what is being done in the program, and those that measure outcomes. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. 70% of strategies fail due to ineffectiveness. For example, weekly project governance meetings where project managers present status reports. 65-72. To plan a suitable route you must know where you are (situation analysis) and where you want to go (establish goals and identify outcomes). Monitoring strategic planning is also a way to ensure that activities are being developed in accordance with the values that guide the organization and its organizational culture. In this case, you have a complete understanding of why you are changing from the original plan and what needs to be done. In order for your strategy evaluation framework to work effectively, you need to have a few things in place first: Accountability: First, you need to have a clear owner for all of your goals, measures, and projects. ftypes[5] = "birthday";
Are the people responsible for implementation equipped with enough resources such as money, manpower and training? Before you start your project, it's crucial to ensure that you have all the necessary resources at hand to complete the tasks. This should also include your budget. 70% of strategies fail due to ineffectiveness. As a management process, it's unique in that it's built to handle unknowns and ambiguity as it tracks a strategy's implementation and subsequent results. Percent of youth receiving condom use messages through the media. In such a case, the change in the strategic plan is intentional. ftypes[3] = "address";
Now, while the plan is being put in place, the manager must make sure that all activities are being carried out within the proper parameters. Adults tend to learn best when they're actually doing something with new information and materials and then they're continuing to reflect on their experiences. While monitoring is an on-going process accompanying all campaign activities, evaluations are more time-bound and specific interventions, usually carried out at the end or at particular moments (e.g. Now, youre probably wondering if deviating from your plan is alright. It is important to develop an M&E plan before beginning any monitoring activities so that there is a clear plan for what questions about the program need to be answered. M&E data provides quantifiable results to help the involved parties to learn from project successes and challenges and be more adaptive. After creating monitoring indicators, it is time to decide on methods for gathering data and how often various data will be recorded to track indicators. At the strategic level, the focus is given to the consistency of the strategy with the environment, and at the operational level, how well the organization is pursuing the strategy is assessed. SPSS? After completing the steps for developing an M&E plan, the team will: Developing an M&E plan can take up to a week, depending on the size of the team available to develop the plan, and whether a logic model and theory of change have already been designed. Bentley. Retrieved from: http://evaluationtoolbox.net.au/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=23:create-m-and-e-plan&catid=8:planning-your-evaluation&Itemid=44, infoDev. 449-458. Examining program implementation helps program developers, stakeholders, and evaluators better understand how certain factors (e.g., adherence, dosage, quality of delivery, participant engagement, modifications) might influence a programs intended outcomes. Usually, the strategy is always assessed after the implementation. This way when it is time for reporting there are no surprises. Strategic planning process steps. There are tools available to track strategic priorities, like Bridgespan, for example. What are the lessons learnt from this evaluation exercise. Strategic control is a way to manage the execution of your strategic plan. Check out another quote of Peter Drucker that is worth knowing: Now that you know more precisely what strategic planning is and what it is for with the help of Peter Druckers ideas lets take a look at some strategic planning objectives. Are the current processes effective enough to achieve the goals going forward? Revolutionize the management of your company with STRATWs One, Your email address will not be published. Professor Jim Macnamara International Journal of Strategic Communication, Routledge, 2018. Strategies should be creative and innovative while the execution should be both effective and efficient. Step #1: Evaluation and communication of the Strategic Plan. If yes, can the organization afford to deviate from the original goals? window.fnames = new Array();
The plan is effectively a "route-map" from the present to the future. As the years pass by, your company will probably change directions several times as business changes and grows. Challenges of following strategic planning. This table can be printed out and all staff working on the program can refer to it so that everyone knows what data is needed and when. 1. Review the Strategic Improvement Plan Monitor regularly. What problem is the program trying to solve? Treat evaluation and tracking as an integral part of the marketing process and assign . If necessary, from what is evaluated, it is possible to correct the current path, make investments, hire staff, seek technological tools, build partnerships, among many other solutions. Excel? You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. (3) The inputs needed to maintain the . Remember that a strategic plan is a guideline to keep you on track. Monitoring and assessing strategic plans is as important as identifying strategic issues and objectives. window.ftypes = new Array();
There is no right frequency at which the strategic plan should be evaluated. For example, elements such as the logic model/logical framework, theory of change, and monitoring indicators may have already been developed with input from key stakeholders and/or the program donor. Keep note of any external and internal adjustments that may need to be made the match organizations strategy. Accuracy and Objectivity 3. The framework references the work being done at AMEC and is a valuable tool for any government department looking to evaluate their communication efforts. For many businesses, these steps are as vital as completing the initial strategic plan. Step 2: Gather the inputs to your Strategic Plan. Therefore, you can make vital adjustments along the way. Let's take a closer look, along with strategies for making these tools more adaptable to changing . It considers the necessary prerequisites to overcome challenges and barriers that prevent systematic and effective monitoring and evaluation to take place alongside its operationalisation. Scope 4. Figure 1: The project circle with the processes of Monitoring and . That is: Our decisions may not come to fruition, which is why monitoring and evaluating a strategic plan is so important. The Learning Cycle (Image Credit: Christina Page) Planning involves two key tasks: deciding what you need to learn, and then deciding how you are going to learn that material. Summary: A Tool That Does It All How do you define strategic planning indicators, anyway? How AI is Transforming The Future Of Digital Marketing? Step 1: Who should be involved? Your employees performance will be stimulated and improved as well. Analyze what worked and what didn't and make necessary pivots in your plan. var $mcj = jQuery.noConflict(true);
, The Compass is closely linked with Springboard, an online community of SBC professionals who share experiences, ask/seek advice, and enhance their skills collectively. Take a look at the steps to ensure that happens. This guide can help managers to support the need for research and ensure that research staff have adequate resources to conduct the research that is needed to be certain that the program is evidence based and that results can be tracked over time and measured at the end of the program. Monitor the early warning . Short-term goals concern tasks for the upcoming few months and may focus on clearing obstacles or laying a foundation for work to come. When should a Monitoring and Evaluation Plan be developed? * I accept Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions. Ideally and hope not! It is easiest to set concrete goals for short-term objectives because the details graft naturally onto information you already have. The M&E plan takes those documents and develops a further plan for their implementation. 3 3. Gather evidence of implementation and progress Collect evidence in an ongoing manner. Whether it is meeting on a weekly, bi-weekly, monthly or quarterly basis, you have to find the regularity that is right for your company. * Loan Processing fee to be paid directly to the Loan Provider. Complete a SWOT analysis. It ensures that the organization is moving forward in the right direction and is well-aligned to its goals. 4, pp. Describe what you think would be the most effective way(s) to monitor and evaluate a strategic plan, and explain why. Program evaluations should be planned strategically, rather than on an ad hoc basis. Paying Attention to Customer Response. 1- Ensuring that activities are being performed within the defined parameters During the development of strategic planning, for each activity planned for the organization, necessary parameters for their accomplishment are considered. need to be modified.

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effective ways to monitor and evaluate a strategic plan