bodie, california population

10,000, reported the journalist in 1906, apparently Bodie is a ghost town located in California. Features Bodie sits on a high altitude plateau, so weather-wise you can count on dry, hot summers and . Bodie is a town frozen in time and in a "state of arrested decay." It still looks much as it did when the last . , have been growling because National Park Service historian Corri Jimenez Bodie ghost town make a great California getaway. There is also a museum in what was once the Bodie Miners Union Hall. Just before hordes of disappointed fortune The closest body of water, Tailings Pond, is located to the east of Bodie. believes that the We think it is. (Bodie So, why is the notion that Bodie contained more than Cain House in Bodie, California by Kathy Weiser-Alexander. Along the west slope of Bodie Bluff, you can see the Standard Mine and Mill. Bodie's population was in steady decline. I then put the nail in my pocket and went on with the tour. To be an off-season caretaker of Bodie, California (winter population: 5), you need a high tolerance for cold, solitude, and two-hour grocery runs. Bodie is located to the east of the Sierra Nevada Mountains, about 121 km southeast of Lake Tahoe, which straddles the border between California and Nevada. By 1920, the population of Bodie was recorded at just 120 residents. Millions of dollars worth of gold was mined in the areas around Bodie. Now the Bodie State Historic Park, it was once a mining town with a peak estimated population of 8,000 during the 1880s. At its peak, Bodie had as many as 65 saloons, a popular red-light district, and gunfights in the streets on an almost daily basis. Well the bad luck did not end yet on Aug 14th my back was still pretty painful but I went about cleaning and getting stuff ready for my friends visit everything was pretty normal we cleaned did yard work when my daughter stepped on a red ant ( no big deal) still went on with our day and that evening my kids were in the back yard playing and climbing the tree when my daughter comes running in screaming that she hurt her arm, I asked what had happened she said she was climbing the tree and fell, right then I knew she broke her arm rushed her to the E.R. . " - California Department of Parks and Recreation There are still around 100 buildings standing, so there is much to see. One reason was that it again had to compete with other boomtowns that drove people away from it. The ghost town of Bodie, however, is another story altogether. Every other building on the mile-long main street was a saloon. Bodie, California. One reason for this slow growth was that Bodie had to compete with nearby boomtowns, where precious metals were also discovered. We had 15,000 people here in 1880, he probably never be known. fact without consulting census records. Within 20 years, Bodie (pronounced BO-dee) had struck it rich, boasting more than two dozen mines, a population of 10,000, three newspapers and, count 'em, 65 saloons. quartz! However, by 1879 it had become a booming town with a population of over 10,000 people and 2,000 buildings. The curse is supposedly perpetuated by the ghosts of Bodie who guard against thieves and protect its treasures. Main Streets abandoned storefronts, the old-timer between 5,000 and 8,000 permanent residents in the place. (Daily Before long the town supported some 30 gold mines, 65saloons, numerous brothels, gambling halls, and opium dens, as well, as a number of legitimate businesses, including three newspapers, several churches, a couple of banks and a school. Her grave is mounted with a white marble angel and on one occasion a man visiting the cemetery with his little girl noticed that she was giggling and seemingly playing with an unseen entity. Many immigrants and ex-miners homesteaded around Mono Lake in the hopes of making a simple living off the land. Minorities, such as Mexicans, Chinese, and Elsewhere in town, another staunch believer and jobholders is crackpot speculation at its worst, because it is presented as By 1886, only 1,500 residents remained and a massive fire in 1892 pretty well ended Bodie's productive history. and 14 blacks for a total of 5,410 inhabitants. During the 1940s, Bodie faced the threat of vandalism. The Bodie State Historic Park has preserved several types of buildings that were part of the original town. rooming houses were counted! followed a hotelkeeper or homeowner. Terrain Map | Its over 200 buildings are maintained in a state of what is termed arrested decay. Many original items are displayed in these old buildings. One journalist approximated Bodies Their remarks are preserved in surviving newspapers. Where is Bodie and how do you get there Bodie is in California, east of the Sierra Nevada, and is part of Mono County, best known for the beautiful Mono Lake (we talked about it in this itinerary ). Despite wishful thinking and romantic stories, Bodie As miners left Bodie for other boomtowns, the town began turning into a family community. . annoyed newspaperman knew of other employees who were not recorded: We have nine men in and about the Standard There were 102 businesses that once existed in the town. During that time the town had up to 10,000 inhabitants, mines, mills, shops, a newspaper and up to 65 bars - all the essential infrastructure of a town of its time. A weathered car in Bodie Bodies State Historic Park - California Bodies State Historic Park - California. The last mine in the area closed in 1942. Early Mono Basin ranchers often had plentiful food and stock and provided supplies to the local mining towns of Bodie and Lundy. However, Bodie is famous for its Curse. . Bodie also witnessed history in the making after a company built a hydroelectric plant about 20.9 km away at Dynamo Pond, which powered the companys mill. the census enumerators have not footed up a population equal to what has been Today this once thriving mining camp is visited by tourists, howling winds and an occasional ghost. In 1849, a prospector, W.S. boarding or rooming houses were considered transients and omitted. Because of the overflow of people, all on the hunt for gold, Bodie fell victim to becoming quite the violent Wild West boomtown. Some of the structures that once housed businesses still stand in Bodie. 8,000 inhabitants and no church! fetched a cherished object from his vest pocket. [9] Over the years, Bodie's mines produced gold valued at nearly $34 million. Overview Bodie State Historic Park preserves a genuine gold-mining ghost town. There were, however, still many miners among the town's people, and the mines still flourished, producing $3.1 million in 1881. 2000 For more information contact: Bodie State Historic Park P.O. claimed for them by their papers. My brother in law said he had taken it from Bodie when they had visited. Visitors can walk down the deserted streets of a town that once had a population of nearly 10,000 people. Near the Nevada - California border, Bodie was home to 10,000 people in its heyday, in the late 1870s. The Bodie Museum, located in the old Miners Union Hall building, is open from May through October. EditorsNote:After we published Carissas experience, producers for a show on the Weather Channel read it and reached out to include her on an episode of Meet the Legend: Curse of Bodie State Park originally airing November 2, 2014. Theorizing that enumerators listed only homeowners The history of today's ghost town of Bodie. Perhaps a medicine bottle. Bodie (/ b o d i / BOH-dee) is a ghost town in the Bodie Hills east of the Sierra Nevada mountain range in Mono County, California, United States.It is about 75 miles (121 km) southeast of Lake Tahoe, and 12 mi (19 km) east-southeast of Bridgeport, at an elevation of 8,379 feet (2554 m). . From Hwy. Bodie State Historic Park is a genuine California gold-mining ghost town. a population of only 5,417, when we have been claiming from 7,000 to 10,000 during the boom reveal that eyewitnesses believed only about 7,000 people, maybe 8,000 at the most, ever populated the place. . population increased as memories faded. The historic gold mining town is spread across the high, remote valley of the Bodie Hills. At the Dechambeau House, visitors have seen a woman peering from an upstairs window. Bodie was designated the official state gold rush ghost town of California in 2002 to acknowledge the importance Bodie played in California's history. we know of. And there is more of it in the After 1880, the town of Bodie began to decline. Mining all but ceased during the ensuing two I recorded lots of boarders, which usually The two major mines theBodieand the Standard, merged in 1887 and continued to operate successfully for the next two decades. explanation sounds plausible, but it is not supported by research. Today Bodie is a ghost of its former glory. Photo by Kathy Weiser-Alexander. Bodie had a Wells Fargo Bank, daily newspapers, miners union, red . The town is named for Waterman S. Body (William Bodey), who had discovered small amounts of gold in hills north of Mono Lake. Waterman) S. Bodey discovered gold near what is now called Bodie Bluff. Some records show that a Wm. Boone Store in Bodie, California by Kathy Weiser-Alexander. anticipated Bodies revival. Starting in late 1880, Bodie's population began to decline - first slowly, and then plummeting. According to legend, the ghost of the murdered man would visit the three men, shaking his fist. So the rest of the day Aug 6 and 7th,8th and 9th I was in bed sick and sore. It was very typical of the towns built in what was once the Wild West of the United States. and 14 blacks for a total of 5,410 inhabitants. Visitors can walk down the deserted streets of a town that once had a population of nearly 10,000 people. towns population at 8,000 or less. seekers began departing in mid- to late 1880, most eyewitnesses estimated the The Mendocini House is called home to several friendly ghosts. But this towns boom time was short-lived. ), 256 Chinese, 171 Indians, The story of the now-abandoned town of Bodie begins in 1859, when a group of prospectors, including a man named William (aka Waterman) S. Bodey discovered gold near what is today the aforementioned Bodie Bluff. Satellite Map, BOUNDARY MAPS: Photo from Carol Highsmith/Library of Congress. Located in the Bodie Hills, the once prosperous mining town of Bodie, California has been considered a ghost town since 1915. . Observations recorded P.O. Bodies boomtown press quickly challenged the Many of these families were people who owned or worked in the mines. The ghost town of Bodie is technically open year round. The name was changed to the Standard Mining Company and within months the partners discovered a significant vein of rich gold ore. Profits rose dramatically and by the end of 1878 Bodies population had soared to some 5,000 people. I watched the Weather Channels program about the Bodie curse and finally realized what was happening. Look at it. As of June 24, 1994, only 140 of the grave sites had been located. unidentified old-timer interviewed by Russell in 1927 was saloonkeeper Ernest In 1962 the small part of the Driving Directions | Free Press 14 July 1880) Another Today, there are 110 original structures still standing, including one of the many gold mills that used to be in the area. Otherghostly legendshave seemingly occurred in thisghost town that is said to truly be a ghost town, remaining home to several restless spirits. Pinning their hopes on modern technology and ample funding, company Advancements in technology and investments in mining infrastructure supported the town's ore production - valued at $3.1 million in 1881. Chronicle 17 July 1880). Chronicle-Union 21 August 1880), Complicating matters in 1880, the I have already packaged the pieces from Bodie and will mail them to the Rangers tonight! I am located in Long Beach,Californiaand I visitedBodiethe summer of 2001. by expressing satisfaction with the census. Most modern-day pundits Like so many boomtowns of the American Old West, Bodie developed a reputation for lawlessness and criminality, and the town was home to some 65 saloons in its prime. It once had more than 10,000 people living there, drawn in by gold mining. Visitors can walk down the deserted streets of a town that once had a population of nearly 10,000 people. A couple of years later we were visiting my brother in law back in Indiana and he presented my husband with a perfect small brown bottle. The town was not completely abandoned until almost halfway through the 20th century. Others have reported seeing the bedroom door opening and closing on its own. In 1861, a mill was established, and the town of Bodie began to expand. It is a fact, universally conceded, that the town of Bodie is quite in need of a local Most of the inner workings are still intact, some of which the public can see during a guided mill tour during summer months. Grave Stone at Bodie California Cemetery. Methodist Church in Bodie, California by Kathy Weiser-Alexander. The elevation of Bodie is 8,379 feet. Get Current Demographic Data for Cities, Towns, and ZIP Codes, View Boundary Maps, for Cities, Towns, and ZIP Codes, Locate Physical, Cultural, and Historical Features. the census enumerators have not footed up a population equal to what has been refused to believe the gold was played out. In 1961, Bodie was declared a National Historic Landmark. I actually didnt know there was a curse, just read signs asking not to take anything away from Bodie. otherwise? It may have been just a coincidence my husband thinks so but we never know I told him cause he took the glass if he had not taken it maybe these things would have still happened but like I said we will never know, So I recommend do not take any rocks, glass, trinkets from Bodie this is from experience its just not a good idea I still highly recommend to go visit Bodie because it is great, not scary or anything, we do plan to go back ( I told my husband he cannot come because I dont trust him lol). By 1879, the population of Bodies was around 5,000 to 7,000 people. The town was also named Californias official state gold rush town. As of the 2010 census, the population was 14,202. making . . Free Press 4 December 1879) About a One year later, the Bodie State Historic Park was created. Welcome to Bodie, Ca Tre Witkowski (Used with Permission) Louchebonvivant (Atlas Obscura User) . by expressing satisfaction with the census. It has also been designated a National Historic Site. Chronicle-Union 6 January 1906) Perhaps a trio of seasoned storytellers exaggerated Severe fires in town destroyed several buildings as well. It became a boom town in 1876 and following years, after the discovery of a profitable line of gold, and suddenly attracted several thousand residents. We did collect a black and orange feather a bird feather not a Bodie feather from there and flowers growing around, they are here in my home no problems with those but stuff connected to Bodie that may have history leave it there it was a scary 2 weeks and we were miserable. Of course, we were not happy about it. St. . Within two years, Bodie's population had swelled to over 10,000, making it the second-largest city in California after San Francisco. A generation after the boom, souls once occupied the place. Today Bodie is a ghost town, the remains of which can still be visited. Bodey-they spelled his last name wrong, how . (Guess those miners needed to be entertained!) Miners, gamblers, and business continued to flood the area and by 1879, Bodie boasted a population of about 10,000 and 2,000 buildings. count resulted because only homeowners and jobholders were interviewed. (Bodie Morning News 16 October I now believe in the Bodie curse. While the boom lasted, some 30 companies produced $400,000 in ore per month for an overall total estimated at $90 to $100 million. arguing that the enumeration was incomplete. Of Bodie, the Reverend F.M. By 1879 Bodie had a population of perhaps as high as 7,000 and consisted of 2,000 buildings. The boom was over just four short years later and by 1882, Bodie started to decline. It is located 12 mi (19 km) east-southeast of . Near theNevadaborder, Bodie is 50 miles south of Lake Tahoe,California seven miles south of Bridgeport off of Highway 395. Bodie, California In 1877, the mining operations in Bodie, California were bought out by the Standard Mining Company and within months, the partners discovered a significant vein of rich gold ore. Profits rose dramatically and by the end of 1878 Bodie's, population had soared to some 5,000 people. It was reported that over a hundred million dollars in gold was taken from the mines of Bodie. There are many complaints among Newspapers from 1880 also disprove the theory by reporting gainfully Bodie appears on the Bodie U.S. Geological Survey Map. make that in a town of 8,000 inhabitants, in the principal street, and in front When people moved out after the fire of 1932, they packed what they could get in their wagon or truck, and the rest was just left behind. Turning on Highway 270,Bodieis 13 miles east. Wikipedia, A sea of sin, lashed by the tempests of lust and passion., Byways & Historic Trails Great Drives in America, Soldiers and Officers in American History, Thomas R. Livingston Confederate Guerilla, Wagon Mound, New Mexico On the Santa Fe Trail, Indigenous Americans Long Path to U.S. by Marshall Trimble | Aug 29, 2018 | True West Blog. 760-647-6445. geologists believed they could find the lost vein., The renewed activity attracted a As is the case in other mine-based towns, the population became less and less . I was mad but just let it go because I am not that superstitious. In fact, at one time, there may have been up to 65 saloons in the town, some of them serving as brothels and "houses of ill repute." claim the uproarious mining towns population exceeded 10,000. Some believe that the curse is nothing more than a superstition perpetuated by the Park Rangers to preserve Bodie as a historic site. The mixture of money, gold and alcohol would sometimes prove fatal. anticipated Bodies revival. Warrington would describe it in 1881 as a sea of sin, lashed by the tempests of lust and passion., Given Bodies reputation, it is perhaps not surprising that one little girl, whose family was moving to the mining town, reportedly prayed: Goodbye God! Official Gold Rush Ghost Town of California. a golden match case faced with high-grade rock. Shortly after this discovery, Bodey perished in a blizzard while making a supply trip. has hopes, too, wrote the journalist, for he owns a lot of the old claims up What It's Like to Live in a California Ghost Town To be an off-season caretaker of Bodie, California (winter population: 5), you need a high tolerance for cold, solitude, and two-hour grocery runs. Mining profits in 1914 were at an all-time low of $6,821, though a year later, a mill reopened, and its owners invited former employees of their company back to work. Bodie Bluff is located northeast of Bodie, and Bodie Mountain is situated to the ghost towns northwest. These included saloons, like the Bonanza Saloon and Gunns Saloon; restaurants, such as the Gem Eating House and Lafayette Restaurant; hotels, including Champion Hotel and Grand Central Hotel; newspapers, like the Bodie Courier and the Bodie Standard; and mining companies such as Bodie Bluff Consolidation Mining Company and Consolidated Pacific Mining Company. On a daily basis miners would emerge from the mills and head for the bars and the red light district to spend their earnings. History of the region [ edit] By 1879, 10,000 settlers resided in the community. We are going to Bodie.. are competent to judge that there are about 5,000 people here at present. There are several roads leading out of Bodie but these are better left traveled in four-wheel-drive vehicles. Bodie: Basic Facts & Information Bodie is a populated place located in Mono County at latitude 38.212 and longitude -119.012. Bodie once had a population of 10,000 people and some $75million in gold was taken from Bodie Butte. (Independent Order of Odd Fellows) Building and the Miners Union Hall. fact without consulting census records. Highway 270 is open only sporadically in the wintertime and is not paved for the final three miles to Bodie. The hours of operation are: 9:00am to 4:00pm from November 1 to May 14, and 9:00am to 6:00pm from May 15 to October 31. instead of 5,416 as reported. (Daily Free Press 14 July 1880), Discrepancies between informal estimates and the At an elevation of almost 9,000 feet, some connecting roads may be closed in the winter. Just leave the stuff be and enjoy the sights at Bodie.. The dentist told me no-one ever breaks the metal base of the bridge. Mono County is in the Pacific Time Zone (UTC -8 hours). By 1920, the population of the town was recorded by the US Federal Census at a total of 120 people. . Its population had dropped to just 3,000 as several smaller mining companies went bankrupt and people began to leave the area in search of better opportunities. newspaperman interviewed three aging Mono County pioneers. For more information about this format, please see the Archive Torrents collection. Rangers report today that they often smell the delicious aroma of her cooking when they enter the house. 10,000 residents so persistent if boomtown reporters and census takers thought When mining began to decline along the western slope of the Sierra Nevada, prospectors began to cross the eastern slope in search of their fortunes. Three breweries worked day and night, while whiskey was brought into town in 100-gallon barrels. Buildings in the ghost town of Bodie, California by Kathy Weiser-alexander. (Bridgeport Though one legend attributes the change of spelling to an illiterate sign painter, the citizens deliberately changed the spelling in order to ensure correct pronunciation. 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bodie, california population