passchendaele before and after

[10] Mostly About the Boys, Chronicles of the N.Z.E.F., 3 no. II, No., 24 April, 2001. Engaging programmes for all year levels from ECE to Year 12, Browse and contribute to New Zealand's Online Cenotaph, Experience life as a WWI soldier in Pou Kanohi Gallery. Looks like the surface of the moon. In the end, events played out because none of the doubters had the clarity, energy, and determination necessary to intervene decisively and close the offensive down. The U-Boat bases in Belgium . Belgiums wettest autumn in 70 years, combined with ruined drainage systems from artillery barrages meant that soldiers were often waist deep in mud. British, New Zealanders This is the result of normal people following the governments non sense. Honour and remember New Zealand's servicemen and women. The government itself was not united in its opposition to the Flanders offensive, or at least not united in taking on the military high command, and Lloyd Georges political position, as the leader of a parliamentary coalition, was relatively weak. He had promised a great breakthrough and the capture of the Channel Ports. On 6th November 1917, after three months of fierce fighting, British and Canadian forces finally took control of the tiny village of Passchendaele in the West Flanders region of Belgium, so ending one of the bloodiest battles of World War I. Furthermore, in what was potentially the most dangerous development of all, the British were losing the Battle of the Atlantic, with the tonnage sunk rising from 298,000 in January 1917 to 468,000 in February, 500,000 in March, and 849,000 in April. And all about was the litter of war.[6]. Now imagine every respawn is one of your friends. It's been shelled, bombed, burned, blasted and gassed. This is too controversial a claim to be left unsubstantiated. They acknowledged the feelings of foreboding and portrayed a sense of failure and weariness. Click here to subscribe to the magazine, and have it sent straight to your door every month. The cover of the troop magazine 'Chronicles of the NZEF', from 17 October 1917, just days after the attack on Passchendaele. A visit to the front line at Ypres in December 1917 seemed to reinforce to Mackenzie the inaccuracies of earlier reporting. It was necessary to draw down German forces and ease the pressure on all three major allies the French, the Russians, and the Italians. The battle of Passchendaele began on July 31, 1917, with a huge onslaught of Allied artillery. Leave And much effort would have been required, for great offensives were long in the planning and preparation, and the mobilisation of hundreds of thousands of men, the stockpiling of millions of shells, the building of roads and trenches and depots, the billeting and training of divisions, the massing and emplacement of guns, the whole complex logistics of modern industrialised warfare, all this created a momentum towards action. Here, in the inner recesses of Haigs psyche, conventional military thinking fused with concern to defend his own pre-eminence among British commanders which meant prioritising the Western Front and perhaps with a stubbornness that bordered on the pathological, since it seemed to increase in the face of contrary evidence and mounting opposition. It was for this reason that the armies had been locked in an embrace of death around the Salient since November-December 1914 despite the fact that the ground was an unforgiving wetland that rain and shelling could turn into a quagmire of saturated mud in a matter of days. The scant cables give little clue to the intensity of the struggle, the communiqus become monotonous with their perpetually successful raids at this unknown locality it is all so distant.[3]. 33 (1917): 207. If this post declares something as a fact proof is required. The controversy has lasted a century. REVIEW Hunger: how food shaped the course of the First World War, REVIEW The Fortress: the Great Siege of Przemysl, The USSR at war: five battles that shaped a communist state. 3.3M subscribers in the HistoryPorn community. We have, centuries ago when we startet building wooden fleets. This question had divided patriots and pacifists from the outset, but in early 1917 the issue exploded into life with the February revolution in Russia and the April-June army mutinies in France. Although 843 New Zealanders officially lost their lives that day, it is believed to be closer to 1,000, with 1,500 wounded. The Honour Passchendaele was awarded for the final phase of the 1917 campaign in Flanders. the first pic is from 1916 and the second is just 30 (1917): 124. [15] Mackenzie, The Front Revisited, Chronicles of the N.Z.E.F., 3 no. "Passchendaele: Before And After" Best WW1 movie I have ever watched! No strong anti-Haig/anti-Westerner military faction emerged. When he summoned the Canadian Division, an elite formation, to storm the Passchendaele Ridge in the closing weeks of the offensive, the Canadian commander, Sir Arthur Currie, asked again and again why Haig felt the ridge had to be taken. This military offensive both warned the Germans of the coming attack but it also turned the battlefield into a mess of huge craters. 30 issue of the 'Chronicles' on 31 October 1917. The author writes, When our men were putting up a magnificent fight and holding on with a miserably thin line of soldiers and camp-followers against four, five or six times their number of adversaries, holding on and nothing more, our papers were full of a great advance in Flanders, and notable British victories.[9], But it was not just the written accounts which were being viewed more cynically as the war progressed. Another contributor wrote vividly about Christmas 1917 in the trenches, None but those who have experienced it can fully understand what a strain on the nerves, what agony it is to crouch in a comparatively shallow trench under heavy shell-fire wondering how long it will be before the shell lands Under the benign influence of the rum we felt like new men again We were sleeping (or trying to) in a two-man dug-out. 30 (1917): 123. The Battle of Passchendaele. Passchendaele, 1917 A single days fighting in the great battles of 1916 could produce more casualties than every European war of the preceding 100 years, civilian and military, combined. (2001, April 24). An article reprinted from the troopship magazine Klink and published in the Chronicles pointed out that the events at Ypres had been misrepresented. Passchendaele, Before and After Passchendaele could be described as one of the most controversial battles of World War I. 32 (1917): 176. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. [7] Readers in New Zealand could subscribe to the magazine or buy it from booksellers. 2.22pm Moved by. The soldiers slept in the mud, crawled in the mud, fought in the mud, and drowned in the huge craters left by heavy bombing. It is close to the town of Ypres, situated on the hill ridge separating the Germany accidentally found plans of the Russian army blood transfusions, and ways of more efficient surgery techniques. The development of the Auckland War Memorial Museum online collection is an ongoing process; updates, new images and records are added weekly. Haig had fought Third Ypres in the teeth of criticism and opposition, especially from civilian politicians, but increasingly from military men as well. Lloyd George created The convoy system , which proved successful. Discuss the extent to which the Somme Offensive was a failure. The Canadians were only the last in a dismal parade that included Australians, South Africans, New Zealanders, Irish and Britons. Read our special features, behind the scenes blogs and more. Aerial photographs of the town before and after the battle suggest that it was nearly completely obliterated. With unusually heavy rains, the entire area was transformed into a sea of mud. The period covering the honour began on 12 October 1917 as British, Australian and New-Zealand troops began the assault with a view to taking the high ground on which the village of Passchendaele was located. Description. Battle of Passchendaele, also called Third Battle of Ypres, (July 31November 6, 1917), World War I battle that served as a vivid symbol of the mud, madness, and senseless slaughter of the Western Front. The third and longest battle to take place at the Belgian city of Ypres, Passchendaele was ostensibly an Allied It is famous for the massive number of soldiers involved, over one and a half million men, counting Germans, were involved in the three and a half months of fighting, and also for its mud. In 1914 Sir Thomas had gathered together a group of expatriates to establish the New Zealand War Contingent Association, with the aim of helping New Zealand troops at the front, those convalescing in hospital, and their families. But where? Shortly after his return to London he commented, Very little is known about the war, and most people acknowledge and lament their ignorance. Your place for discussion, help, news, reviews, questions, screenshots, videos, gifs, and anything else BF1 related! The apparent futility of it all had cast a pall of gloom over the peoples of the warring nations: war weariness as growing anti-war sentiment was euphemistically described in the newspapers was an increasing preoccupation of the politicians (though less often of the generals). Penned a month before the war's end in October 1918 and first published in his 1919 collection Picture-Show, the poem is narrated by a dead soldier. Offert avec recherche. While home, Mackenzie followed reports of the war in the local press. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); 2022 Current Publishing. These boil down to an argument about the nature of the war; an argument about global grand strategy; and an argument about the strategy and tactics of this particular operation. This is significant because the Chronicles had a wider readership than just the New Zealand Expeditionary Force, including a large circulation at home. The now non-existent village of Passchendaele reduced to a few acres of slime and rubble was to be the token of an equally non-existent victory. The Battle of Passchendaele also damaged soldiers morale. All the games respawns being real people. The cover of the troop magazine 'Chronicles of the NZEF', from 17 October 1917, just days after the attack on Passchendaele. I'm sorry, but what map is this? Essay by In some cases, records have yet to be The U-boat was rapidly undermining not only the life of the British islands, but the foundations of the Allies strength; and the danger of their collapse in 1918 began to loom black and imminent., The miserable catalogue of failure just kept growing. At the time, a whole set of factors operated to hamstring the civilian leadership. It is easy to imagine that Mackenzies upbeat account of the Somme was written by somebody who had not experienced the realities of war. Get more from your Museum with Membership, Find out more about Auckland Museums transformation. This is Samantha Smith. 0 votes. War Memorials Get Increased Protection To Mark Battle Of Passchendaele Centenary 36 (1918): 288. [12] Martial Sentiment, Chronicles of the N.Z.E.F., 3 no. How did the New Zealanders horrific experiences at Passchendaele change the mood of reporting in the Chronicles of the New Zealand Expeditionary Force? The Ypres Salient was vital strategic ground for both sides. The lowest point for the New Zealand battalions came in October around the village And at the end it isn't even worth it, cause we all come to the same fate. Contribute more detail to this record by adding your own names, classifications or categories via a tag. The prime minister, anyway, was distracted by other responsibilities, and even when Passchendaele occupied his attention, hesometimes seems to have been ground down by the wall of opposition he encountered. I think I know but I just want to make sure, Oh thank you, I got all that dlc late, and haven't had much time on them, Thats actually the one thing about passchendaele is its already so fucking torn apart it doesnt feel like it changes much throughout the match. Describing life in the trenches, one soldier wrote in 1917, We sit here for month after month in dreary trenches, wet and cold, pelted continually with explosives of every horrible variety, bombed from the air, blown up from underneath, and poisoned by noxious gases In those first few months of the war, in the far-off days of 1914, there was still a little romance, and we were made merry while it lasted, but it is dead long ago [12]. There's still some places where almost nothing can grow as a result of the war. A particularly dark cartoon imagining a soldier's plight in the afterlife was published in the Vol. PaperNerd Contributor,High School, 10th grade, Lord Black of Brentwood Share this specific contribution. It has been the subject of interminable debate ever since, among veterans, military historians, general historians, artists and writers, and the wider public. Create your own unique website with customizable templates. 8 (1916): 187. The impact of modern firepower on the physical battlefield is utterly unlike anything in the pre-modern period. Their enemies were ensconced on what passed for hills in the Salient modest slopes rising perhaps 50 metres above sea level and these formed a rough semi-circle around the southern and eastern edges. The previous year had seen meat-grinder offensives at Verdun and the Somme which, despite unprecedented casualties, had changed nothing. Rosss more vivid and gruesome descriptions may have been an attempt to counter criticism of his earlier accounts. Even the Ottoman Empire had proved rather less sick than anticipated, forcing an ignominious British surrender at Kut in Mesopotamia in April 1916, and standing strong at Gaza, the Gateway to Palestine, where it inflicted two signal defeats on clumsy British attacks in March and April 1917. Compared to those published in early 1917, the tone of the Chronicles articles following Passchendaele was considerably more muted. We don't want peace and equal rights for all, we want power, and control. Two events of 1917 appear to be instrumental in changing the tone of the Chronicles the first of which was Mackenzies five-month return to New Zealand. Due to increased German U-Boat activity , Haig wanted wanted to capture . The French lost 120,000 men in five days. The development of the Auckland War Memorial Museum online collection is an ongoing process; updates, new images and records are added weekly. [4] Mackenzie, Brave Fellows, Chronicles of the N.Z.E.F., 3 no. Here it was usually possible to dig deep trenches and dugouts, and from here the Germans enjoyed wide views over the British lines and rear areas. The mud also clogged rifles, ruined food, and rendered artillery useless. A contributor to the Chronicles in January 1918 noted, Lots of old rumours are lifting their heads again over here. Over 16 million were killed and another 20 million wounded while vast stretches of the Western European countryside were literally torn to pieces. His ability to influence essentially military decisions even grand strategic decisions about whether to pursue a major offensive was hampered by the simple fact that the generals controlled the information on which decisions had to be based. In 2016 Jonathan Hicks published The Welsh at Mametz Wood to coincide with the centenary of that bloody engagement. question do we still do this and are we going to do it again. The second event was Passchendaele a disastrous attack by New Zealand troops on Bellevue Spur in mud and relentless rain resulted in more than 3700 casualties, with 843 men killed in a few hours on 12 October alone. German casualties from 11 November 31 December: 15,000. The Second Battle of Passchendaele was the culminating attack during the Third Battle of Ypres of the First World War. The battle took place in the Ypres Salient area of the Western Front, in and around the Belgian village of Passchendaele, between 26 October and 10 November 1917. The whole area of information about what was happening was cause for discontent. The Second Battle of Passchendaele was the culminating attack during the Third Battle of Ypres of the First World War. The battle took place in the Ypres Salient area of the Western Front, in and around the Belgian village of Passchendaele, between 26 October and 10 November 1917. document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "ad2eff8febb5bae2cacf3866ca8dba20" );document.getElementById("i266c0b724").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Military History Matters magazine December 2022/January 2023 is out now. We don't want peace and equal rights for all, we want power, and WriteWork contributors, "Passchendaele: Before And After,", (accessed November 10, 2022). This is not only sad, but it highlights the stupidity of the human race. II, No. Passendale or Passchendaele is a rural Belgian village in the Zonnebeke municipality of West Flanders province. All images Accounts of light-hearted and happy troops coming back from the field, telling tales so blithely of great victory[1] made no mention of the realities of life and death in the trenches, or the toll the battle would have on New Zealand. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Ross wrote, In the afternoon [of 12 October] the attack was broken off. Russia stayed with it?s statement to back Serbia which Germany Austria-Hungary and Germany could not have failed to realize the possibility of Russian war because when Austria-Hungary and Serbia went to war Germany, Bosnia, Russia, France World War I -Did Canada benefit from the war? [14] J. W. D, Ypres Memories, Chronicles of the N.Z.E.F., 3 no. War correspondent Malcolm Ross wrote mainly of the New Zealanders gallantry and heroism with only brief mention of casualties or the appalling conditions. Why was he not stopped? Difficulties arose through a dispute between the British generals and politicians, all of whom had a different idea on the strategy of war. 28 (1917): 75. Passchendaele, before and after By the afternoon of 31st October, the field was almost clear of the casualties and dead that could be located. 579 votes, 22 comments. 32 (1917): 177. Nothing good came of it, only death and destruction. Difficulties arose through a dispute between the British Just wait until humans begin to practice terraforming on Earth, that will cause all sorts of floods and wild fires. A timeline of Passchendaele A timeline of events before, during and after the Third Battle of Ypres 1914 1 August Germany declares war on Russia 2-3 August Germany enacts the Schlieffen Plan, invading Luxembourg and Belgium and declaring war on France 5-10 September German invasion of France stopped at the First Battle of the Marne To get forwards, the British had to take the Gheluvelt Plateau. In January 1918 he wrote, I came back with a fuller realisation than ever of all that the war means and is, and the courage and endurance with which our fellows, no longer assisted by the first romance and joyous enthusiasm of early days, stick the shells, the mud, the rain and all the horrible mechanical devices which science has brought into war. [5], Following a visit to the front line, Ross wrote of the torn earth, mud, slush, and brown clayey water. 17, 2 May 1917. To no one's surprise, Battlefield 1 dwarfs 2042. Wet, miserably cold, and with little prospect of success, they did all that mortals could do to gain the German positions We, here, far away from the Front, are quiet, and stand with bowed heads in deep respect to all the brave fellows who falter under such severe conditions.[4]. July 31-August 2, 1917: Nightmare Passchendaele Many valuable lives were lost in brutal battles like in Ypres and Passchendaele German machine-gun bullets a better target." of World War I , should be a warning of the demoralizing effects that a war can have on a nation. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. The vital ground was the Gheluvelt Plateau, the south-west to north-east ridge or, rather,series of ridges, for it undulated, creating a succession of distinct defensive positions that commanded the whole of the plain to the north. [9] Lance Captain, The Poilu, Chronicles of the N.Z.E.F., 3 no. Posted on July 31, 2018 July 31, 2018 Full size 414 307. That is a hole in the side of the trench just large enough to accommodate two men and about thirty rats. The walking wounded were struggling back. It wasn't uncommon. Plus he wanted to straighten the ( The Ypres) Salient . But they also point to a seemingly more relaxed attitude by the censor to what was published in the Chronicles. [8] The fact that the Chronicles were widely distributed and popular is important because the reporting in the wider press was increasingly being treated with scepticism. [7] Clutha Leader. Since then, the 12th of October has become known as New Zealand's 'Darkest Day'. However, when rumours arrive nowadays they dont get the enthusiastic hearing they did two or three years ago.[10]. These two aerial photographs show the horrific toll of World War I on Passchendaele, north-east of Ypres in Belgium. Arguing that people were not properly informed about the war, Mackenzie was determined to publish a more accurate account in the Chronicles. Why not make the world the best we can while we're here? 1d. Explore over 1 million records. Theres more than one firearm in the game sir, Press J to jump to the feed. The battle took place on the Western Front, from July to November 1917, for control of the ridges south and east of the Belgian city of Ypres in West Flanders, as part of a strategy decided by the Allies at conferences in November 1916 and May 1917. This is the 284th installment in the series. The year 1917 was a frustrating and demoralising year for the Western powers fighting in France and Belgium. Therefore it was called the Great War and raged through Europe between 1914 and 1918. 'Somewhere in France', by T Kelsey. All rights reserved. Passchendaele before and after the battle. 10/10 on tripadvisor, as far as I'm concerned. The water table was near the surface, even at the height of summer, and this reclaimed land was extremely vulnerable to artillery fire that would destroy the drainage system and allow the land Passchendaele: Before And After. Web. Maybe Palestine? [1] Clutha Mackenzie, New Zealands Part in the Somme Battle, Chronicles of the N.Z.E.F., 1 no. Absolutely fucking bonkers. It has been the Go watch it! By then, his army was paralysed by a wave of mutinies: around 40,000 men were directly involved, 68 divisions were affected, and during one two-week period the front was virtually denuded of troops. Ralph Henry Sturt est n dans le Cheshire le 10/01/1897. BTS footage of All quiet on the western front as you guys Me and the boys after taking the church on Verdun. Readers of the Chronicles in 1916 may have found it difficult to believe the Battle of the Somme was New Zealands costliest campaign of the First World War at that time. Retrieved 03:50, November 10, 2022, from Bottom one is interesting. Never seen before, these astonishing photographs, lovingly hand-touched in colour to bring to life the nightmare of Passchendaele, were released this week to commemorate the 90th By the end of 1917, contributors to the Chronicles were writing frankly about the battlefield conditions, the difficulties encountered and the mood of the men. General Nivelle, the new French commander-in-chief in succession to Joffre, launched an offensive in Champagne on the Western Front in the spring proclaiming, We have a formula victory is certain.. 33 (1917): 215. Just as bad, Serbia having being overrun in late 1915, Romania had gone the same way at the end of 1916, knocking out the Ententes two main allies in the Balkans. Ypres, Belgium, 1918 Date: July 31, 1917 - November 6, 1917 Battle of Passchendaele Battle of Passchendaele, also called Third Battle of Ypres, (July 31November 6, 1917), World War I 3 (1916): 51. So how did the First World War Austria declaired war on Serbia. If not at the outset, then once the offensive had bogged down for the first time, in August, or certainly once it had bogged down for the second time, in October, with winter fast approaching and any lingering hope of a breakthrough long gone? After the Somme he wrote in fulsome terms of glorious patriotism and defeat of the enemy, with only brief mention of heavy casualties. There is also a BBC documentry airing November 7th, He got the same answer every time: some day he could tell him, but not now. The issue was political and personal. Imperial War Museum catalogue number Q 42918A. Here's another photo, squiggly lines on the right are trenches. A month later, Nivelle was sacked. Many of the cartoons in the 'Chronicles' employed dark humour to express the soldiers' frustrations and impending sense of danger. Now, in 2017 he has given us a sequel, The Welsh at Passchendaele 1917 , which follows the Welsh regiments in what is known to military historians as the Third Battle of Ypres. Russia did not fare well though. In The Change of Medicine and Healthcare Throughout the First World War. 10 Nov. 2022. Passchendaele, before and after the Third Battle of Ypres (also known as the Battle of Passchendaele, 1917). Positions were being consolidated and [5] Ross, The Terrible Conditions in the Last Battle, Chronicles of the N.Z.E.F., 3 no. He described the scene, the enemys defence was aided by execrable weather, which made our mens task humanly impossible. When all is said and done, the battle happened because Sir Douglas Haig wished it, because he controlled the necessary resources, and because no one else was in a position to halt the juggernaut he set in motion. WriteWork has over 100,000 sample papers", "I turned what i thought was a C+ paper into an A-". As one of Canadas only Great War films, and released during a period of heightened awareness about war, memory, and remembrance, it [3] Mackenzie, From the Editorial Bivvie, Chronicles of the N.Z.E.F., 3 no. From hardcore gamers to converts and newbies, all are welcome in /r/Battlefield_One. III, No. The town, traditionally a center of textile weaving was completely flattened as four years of battle raged nearby and in the town. Passchendaele, before and after the offensive. Stories. Only limited information, often much delayed, often spun by the ever-optimistic Haig, reached Whitehall. 14, on 14 March 1917. Battlefield 1 is developed by DICE and produced by EA. Paul Gross Passchendaele was the most successful Canadian film of 2008, reaching hundreds of thousands of viewers. Events at the end of thebattle strongly imply that Haig was unhinged. [2] Malcolm Ross, Trench Notes, Chronicles of the N.Z.E.F., 1 no. Magnificent architecture from medieval times was destroyed by artillery fire including the Cloth Hall built in 1214. east. If I learned anything from the WW1 memorial and museum in Kansas City, it's that WW1 was a terrible thing that should never have happened, and that could have been stopped at basically any time. Tags also make this record more findable on search. L'action en question se droulait dans le secteur de la fort de Houthulst, au nord-est du village de Passchendaele. H/T Imperial War Museums/Wikimedia Commons . The British Commander-in-chief, Sir Douglas Haig, is heavily criticised by many historians for conducting the battle of attrition at the Somme, as well as those at Arras, Ypres and Passchendaele later in the war "Good news: you can turn to other's writing help. Collections Online. For discontent a claim to be closer to 1,000, with only brief of. Account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations window.adsbygoogle || [ ] ).push {... Gamers to converts and newbies, all of whom had a wider than. 1918 ): 288 also make this record more passchendaele before and after on search arguing that were..., questions, screenshots, videos, gifs, and rendered artillery useless Throughout the First war... Is the result of the Auckland war Memorial Museum online collection is an process... We have, centuries ago when we startet building wooden fleets Memories, Chronicles the! 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