reported social unrest index

[29][34] However, according to the Daily Maverick, Mathunjwa's attempts to mediate between the strikers and management were stymied by the refusal of Lonmin and the police to accede to the strikers' demand that Lonmin management address them directly. [154] Later on 11 October, a group of strikers went to Bathopele mine to attempt to suspend operations there; they were dispersed by police rubber bullets, and there were 14 arrests. These barriers were further fortified by the use of improvised explosive devices made from cooking gas cylinders armed with electronically detonated fuses. 2022 Cable News Network. Public anger has grown in Iran since authorities announced Mahsa Amini's death. Read about our approach to external linking. The movement had its origins in the Reconstruction era during the late 19th century, although it made its largest legislative gains in the 1960s after years of direct actions That is why we say the ringleaders must be arrested. People died here at Marikana. [83] This decreased to 13 per cent on Monday 27 August, even though the week of national mourning had by then ended. [11] First, KDC East the eastern section of the KDC mine on the West Rand near Carletonville, Gauteng was affected by a week-long unprotected strike, primarily concerning the demand of NUM-affiliated miners that their NUM representatives resign. [15] The rock drillers sought a three-fold wage increase, from R4,000 a month to R12,500 a month,[16] notwithstanding the fact that the prevailing collective wage agreement was not due to expire until 2013. [134], South African news media showed graphic footage and photos of the shootings, under headlines including "Killing Field", "Mine Slaughter", and "Bloodbath". [42], By 28 May a total of 22 illegal firearms and 8,550 rounds of ammunition had been seized from the area of operations. Risks to consumers are significantly increased when obtaining medical products from unlicensed and unregulated sources. We do not know where it comes from and we have to address it. [26] After processing most of the approximately 700 persons were released, however more than 50 of these men were wanted by the police for various crimes[44] and remained in custody,[45] and a large number of them were listed as persons of interest and remained under police watch. [17], Over the next few days, SAPS drastically increased its presence in Marikana, deploying additional members from other provinces. The South African Communist Party called for Amcu's leaders to be arrested for their role in the strike. The cold murder fields of Marikana", "Women of Marikana: Remembering Aug 2012", The South African Police Service and the Public Order War, "South Africa mine killings: Jacob Zuma announces inquiry", "eNCA | New Evidence Shows Marikana Miners Shot First", "South African president condemns platinum mine massacre", The New York Times, South African Official Defends Police Killing of 34, 19 August 2012,, "Police open fire on South African miners", "Marikana's Small Koppie: 14 dead, 300 metres away from Wonderkop. Marxist analysis, international working class struggles & the fight for socialism He also said that he was the constitutional president and would remain so. Fans spilled onto the pitch as the game was abandoned after unrest inside the stadium. [37][38], On 27 May, police said they had located the corpses of 73 civilians. A career in the police service should not be a death warrant. The cold murder fields of Marikana", "Conflicting accounts of Lonmin shooting", "South Africa's "Hill of Horror": self-defense or massacre? [107] However, although Lonmin said that it viewed the situation at Marikana as "extraordinary", some observers worried that Lonmin's concessions to the strikers would create moral hazard and inspire copycat wildcat strikes, with similarly ambitious wage demands, at other mines. Then we have to take responsibility for such irresponsibility.. Rights groups have reported the arrest of hundreds of people, including human rights defenders, lawyers, civil society activists and at least 18 journalists. [188] Among the first tasks of the commission was a tour of the site of the massacre and nearby settlements. [180][178], Nor were platinum and gold the only sectors affected. [25] According to the Guardian's sources, it was on the afternoon of 11 August that other miners not just rock drill operators, but other Lonmin workers joined the strike, infuriated by the NUM's response to the protest and by what they viewed as NUM collusion with Lonmin. [191][192] The total cost of the commission over its lifespan was R153 million. [27], Early in the morning on Saturday 11 August, the strikers still primarily NUM-affiliated rock drill operators marched to the main offices of the NUM in Wonderkop, where they intended to present a memorandum to their NUM branch leaders (who are elected representatives, senior to shop stewards, paid a bonus by the mine for their union work). According to Lonmin and NUM officials, there was widespread intimidation of workers who wished to report for duty instead of joining the strike. Gimnasias statement also demanded an investigation into the incident in order to discover what caused the tragedy. [27] It held its last hearing in November 2014. But Russia and China, among others, stood by President Maduro. [30] However, the official investigation later reported that two protestors had been shot by NUM representatives but had survived. ", "The murder fields of Marikana. However, her family said she had no pre-existing heart condition, according to Emtedad news, an Iranian pro-reform media outlet which claimed to have spoken to Aminis father. [185] The commission, when it began on 1 October,[186] was seated at the Rustenberg Civic Centre, but later moved to Centurion, Gauteng. In Venezuela, the government of President Nicols Maduro and the opposition are engaged in a bitter power struggle. We need to ensure the safety of these people, and need to help stop police action against the people of Marikana. [6] Although the U.S. government considered Golding one of Coke's associates, it said it supported the Jamaican government's attempt to capture Coke. [55] 34 people were killed and 78 injured.[56]. [128] Arguing that Amcu had instigated the bloodshed, NUM spokesman Lesiba Seshoka said, "These people said today they want to die on the hilltop. Ground reports suggested that it took the soldiers two hours to advance a distance of 200metres at the start of the operation, a distance that usually takes fiveminutes. [The government] had no right to shoot. The South African Police Service (SAPS) have The commission said that this plan, though it was devised with the reasonable intention of dispersing the strike (and not of causing harm to the strikers), was "prepared in haste",[194] that it should have been clear that it could not be carried out without significant bloodshed,[191] and that it replaced an alternative plan to encircle the miners that had been more carefully prepared and that was "relatively risk-free". The recovered ammunition included a wide assortment such as 7.62mm, and 5.56mm rounds for rifles, to 9mm rounds which can be used in handguns and submachine guns. [31], On the evening of 13 August, the police had made a decision to attempt to negotiate a peaceful resolution with the strikers, who were still occupying the koppie. [27] Another mineworker, Julius Langa, was stabbed to death in the early hours of 13 August, again presumably by strikers. [13] ANC Treasurer-General Mathews Phosa called the NPA's decision "absurd",[70] and Jeff Radebe, South Africa's Minister of Justice, acknowledged that the announcement had caused "shock, panic and confusion" among the public and promised to seek an explanation from the NPA. [29] The strikers refused to listen to Zokwana who later said that the strikers did not trust the NUM and would never have wanted its involvement in negotiations[28] but Mathunjwa was able to address them. The Marikana strike occurred against a backdrop of antagonism between the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) and its emerging rival, the Association of Mineworkers and Construction Union (AMCU). [27] Subsequent investigation concluded that SAPS probably understood at this point that the strikers would not comply and that the tactical option would be necessary. Golding denied claims that Manatt, Phelps & Phillips was contracted to represent the Jamaican Government. [21] Indeed, negotiations between SAPS and the strikers were to resume on the morning of 15 August, and Mathunjwa made himself available to assist. We need to help realise programmes to ensure people can get an income, that they can enjoy a reasonable standard of living. In the statement Commissioner Phiyega claims that the SAPS had on a number of occasions since the beginning of the week attempted to negotiate a peaceful end to the strike. [4] Prime Minister Golding said: "The government deeply regrets the loss of lives, especially those of members of the security forces and innocent, law-abiding citizens caught in the crossfire. [198][199] In 2022, Farlam himself lamented that the report had not led any public institutions to undertake disciplinary proceedings against state officials. The hearing took place under heavy security at a military outpost in Kingston, due to fears of possible attacks by supporters. National Geographic stories take you on a journey thats always enlightening, often surprising, and unfailingly fascinating. Citing articles in the constitution which in such cases call for the leader of the National Assembly to step in, Juan Guaid declared himself acting president. Footage shows some protesters chanting, Women, life, freedom. Others can be seen setting up bonfires, scuffling with police, or removing and burning their headscarves as well as destroying posters of the countrys Supreme Leader and shouting, Death to the dictator., In one video in Tehran, young protesters march around a bonfire on the street at night, chanting: We are the children of war. Farlam said that the police had, at "the highest level", attempted to mislead the public particularly by failing to report the shooting at the second scene and the commission itself. [8][9] In January and February 2012, a six-week strike at the Impala Platinum mine in Rustenberg, North West Province turned acrimonious when the NUM accused Amcu of fuelling the strike to gain members;[10][11] four people died in the ensuing violence. He added that he hopes the family shows good will to help bring back calm in society.. It was critical of both National Police Commissioner Phiyega and North West Police Commissioner Mbombo, recommending inquiries into their fitness to hold office, and also criticised the conduct of other police commanders on the scene. At the end of the programme, Zokwana and Mathunjwa agreed to go together to Marikana to speak to the strikers and urge them to return to work. [6] The civilian death toll was raised to 44. Who are they? Thus there would be ample time for some residents to retrieve weapons from the slain gunmen as the members of the security forces themselves would have to proceed with caution before attempting to retrieve those firearms after hitting the gunmen. Something needs to be done. [13] This was the case even though some of those arrested had been unarmed or at the back of the crowd, and even though six of them remained hospitalised for injuries incurred during the massacre. ", "Amcu blames NUM, politics for Lonmin massacre", "South Africa Marikana Probe to Focus on Mining Practices, Conditions", "South Africa could do more for miners, says ILO mining specialist", "Marikana prequel: NUM and the murders that started it all", "Report on Matters of Public, National and International Concern Arising Out of the Tragic Incidents at the Lonmin Mine in Marikana, in the North West Province", "Marikana Commission: NUM in a deep hole over the fight that started it all", "Marikana Commission: What happened before 16 August? Some of the workers also feel threatened by their managers. In a recording of the conversation, Mbombo says that if the strikers did not surrender their arms the following day, "it is blood". [82] Nonetheless, by Friday 24 August, only about 23 per cent of the workforce was present at the mine, far too short for production to resume. Now it is your turn. Mass surveillance in the People's Republic of China (PRC) is the network of monitoring systems used by the Chinese central government to monitor Chinese citizens.It is primarily conducted through the government, although corporate surveillance in connection with the Chinese government has been reported to occur. [67], The release of the detained mineworkers began the following day. KTOO provides a variety of public services throughout Alaska. A wounded girl lying on the sidewalk was taken by ambulance to the hospital, and five others arrested on the north side of Enghelab Square.. [175][11], Finally, a nationwide wildcat strike affected the operations of AngloGold Ashanti, the world's third-largest gold bullion producer. An aide to Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei promised a thorough investigation into Aminis death during a meeting with her family in their home on Monday, according to Irans semi-official Nour News agency. According to SAPS figures, there were 209 SAPS members at Marikana on 13 August; this increased to 532 members on 14 August, 689 members on 15 August, and, finally, 718 members on 16 August. The violence, which largely took place over 2425 May, killed at least 73 civilians and wounded at least 35 others. [64] The families of the miners criticised the government's delay in producing a list of the dead, which left many uncertain whether missing members of their families were amongst those killed, wounded, or arrested on 16 August. [61] However, the Independent Police Investigative Directorate (IPID) announced that an investigation would be conducted to determine whether the police response had been proportionate to the threat posed by the striking miners. [57][58][59] On 27 May 2010, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights called for an impartial inquiry into the unrest. Jonny Steinberg a South African-born academic at Oxford University suggested that the repressive police response at Marikana might have reflected an attempt by President Zuma to project authority over an increasingly fractured country and government ahead of the ANC's 53rd National Conference in December 2012. The elaborate defence network included booby traps (such as LPG cylinders laced with explosives) and explosive devices. Commissioner Phiyega said that the SAPS had acted well within their legislative mandate as outlined in Section 205 of the Constitution of South Africa. [44], Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP) Charles Scarlett rejected claims that the detainees had been abused and denied basic amenities such as toilets. CNN Sans & 2016 Cable News Network. The Daily Maverick reported in 2012, based on interviews with sources, that two protestors both rock drillers and NUM members had been killed by gunfire. [26], On 30 May the last group of persons detained during the nearly week-long operation were released. [50] He claims that some of the victims "appear to have been shot at close range or crushed by police vehicles." [178][179] Despite an ultimatum issued by AngloGold, sit-ins and work disruptions continued at Mponeng into November. "[59] On the police response, Amcu general secretary Jeffrey Mphahlele said, "There was no need whatsoever for these people to be killed like that". As of August 2022, the state had paid more than R70 million to the families of those killed and more than R102 million to 287 workers who were unlawfully arrested; other negotiations were still ongoing. The Guardian implied that Mbembe appeared, in the video, to change his mind after taking a phone call;[17] while Mbembe himself testified that the strikers had charged the police,[27] though further video footage later emerged which appeared to contradict this. [98] On Sunday 16 September, in response to the previous day's violence, hundreds of mineworkers from the Rustenberg area reportedly dominated by workers at Amplats mines[96] marched towards the Rustenberg police station, protesting the violence against strikers. When my husband was going to work, leaving me, he told me that they are going to a meeting, where they are going to be addressed by the union. He must step down. Five of them three strikers and two SAPS members were killed in a single confrontation on 13 August. A Warner Bros. [142][152][111][113] On 4 October, one 48-year-old striker died after police opened fire with rubber bullets[149] on a gathering of strikers on a hill adjacent to Amplats's Merensky reef. "[17] In another email, he wrote that, "the Minister [Susan Shabangu, Minister of Mineral Resources] and indeed all government officials need to understand that we are essentially dealing with a criminal act". Post-mortem examinations were to be conducted on the 73 persons killed by the security forces on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of the next week, and the photographs of the dead persons were to be posted on a billboard in Tivoli Gardens. [94] The strike had by then spread to the Rustenberg mines (nearby Marikana) of platinum giant Anglo American Platinum (Amplats) (see below), and some labour activists in the area were proposing a general strike of mineworkers. [26][16] According to sources interviewed by the Daily Maverick, the instigators of the strike were largely NUM members, but "came together as workers, not as a union" and held the strike without any union representation. [195] Although an independent panel was set up in 2015 to advise the Minister of Police on how to implement Farlam's recommendations,[196][197] progress in implementation was slow. "[121] In the weeks after the massacre, Zuma sought to reassure international investors: while visiting the European Union (EU) headquarters in Brussels, Belgium, he acknowledged the tragedy saying, "Certainly we regarded the incident of Marikana as an unfortunate one. [60] Amnesty International and Jamaica's third party have echoed these sentiments. After his father's mysterious death in the 1990s, Christopher Coke took over the leadership of Shower Posse and its political garrison in Tivoli Gardens. "[17] The strikers and police then reached an agreement that the police would escort the strikers to the koppie, where they would hand over their weapons. "[57] President Jacob Zuma who at the time was in Maputo, Mozambique, attending a summit of the Southern African Development Community[58] condemned the killings but made no reference to the actions of the police, saying in a statement: We are shocked and dismayed at this senseless violence. 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reported social unrest index