projective techniques qualitative research

In this paper, the authors discuss how projective techniques were operationalized and consider their broad implications for qualitative research. Brandspeak is a leading research consultancy formed in 2004 by a group of colleagues with a shared desire to deliver game-changing research and strategic thinking. The common feature of these different models is the expedited implementation timeframes which generally range from 10 days to 6 months. Manchester Mood Boards or Scrapbooking. Respondents are first asked to explain why they have selected that person (i.e. Unlike a traditional in-person group setting, when online our respondents have time to respond when they choose to. VAT number GB 945 6312 15. Working with Jeremy from Brandspeak has opened my eyes to how powerful good quality quantitative data can be to inform and drive better business decisions. Click on the e-book to learn more now. The information is generated not by writing down the individual character of the selected tree, but by asking the respondent to specifically understand why that character was selected over others. Some of the best qualitative methods are the most creative, and this projective method is an incredibly useful tool to help stakeholders get a feel for what consumers think about their brand, product, or service. Participants sort pictures representing a wide variety of topics, selecting those they believe best represent a brand. Whilst most projective techniques will elicit a wide variety of brand-related insights, we find that some techniques are better than others for meeting certain brand objectives. There are some potential pitfalls to be considered when using projective techniques; During the analysis stage the researcher must also resist the temptation to over-analyse and make deductive leaps that the respondents projections dont actually support. Spontaneous brand associations, likes and dislikes, The brands values including perceived strengths and weaknesses, Different projective techniques have different strengths and present different challenges to both moderators and respondents. Projective techniques are used to obtain deep understanding of emotional needs, barriers and motivators. This is great for all respondents but especially so for international respondents who might not always be responding in their native language. The extensive use of projective measures of achievement and affiliation motivation in a wide variety of social psychological and personality research represents another major area of application (Atkinson 1958; McClelland et al. Projective techniques have been used in marketing research for an extended period of time (Donoghue, 2000; Gambaro, 2018) and have been described as 'a structured-indirect way of. 10 For instance, participants could be asked to create a mind map around their impressions of a restaurant brand. What is good about the party and what isnt? The purpose of this paper is to describe the development and use of two methods of brand image research based on personification. Combining qualitative and quantitative data, 1. An impact evaluation approach suitable for retrospectively identifying emergent impacts by collecting evidence of what has changed and, then, working backwards, determining whether and how an intervention has contributed to these changes. 30 Respondents can see and read each others responses. I have really enjoyed working with them and look forward to doing so again. 90 Instead of directly asking what they like about a particular topic, ask participants to write down as many words and phrases as they think about that topic. Their approach was extremely professional, they took the time to clearly understand the brief and overall were very informed in the world of research. The methods used in qualitative research -- observation and interviews -- are unobtrusive, and allow the researcher to observe their natural behavior. Projective techniques have been found to be used by psychologists, more so to understand the those aspects of the respondents personality that are dormant or rest in the subconscious. If you are a qualitative research consultant or a business offering qualitative . The key to success is to give respondents clear instructions and creative license (and no, its not a contradiction). Respondents reply at a time and place that is convenient to them. The time machine is a technique we use to stimulate creativity and future thinking in the focus group environment. Some of those emotions or memories may even have been repressed, to the extent that we are no longer aware of them. To reveal a new level of insight into your participants, I've included three examples of projective techniques you can include in your next qualitative research study: Mindmap, Picture Sort and Deprivation. There is less pressure for respondents. Projective techniques on the other hand, are indirect interviewing methods which enable participants to project their thoughts, beliefs and feelings onto a third party or into some task situation. Genactis, founded in 1998, is a global research-based consultancy . Below, they talk briefly about what children receive today for Christmas, before brainstorming what they think children will receive for Christmas 30 years from now. They allow moderators to inject new energy into a research session, adjust its mood and . 80 Genactis. Brandspeak helped us with getting invaluable market insights! According to Giles, this attempts to trace the flow of information between the groups and then examines the ways of disseminating the new ideas. Only one response is obtained per card from the subject. Here 45 ink stain papers based on color, movement and shading are used. Managing Editor Kristie Saumure University of Alberta. This method is often used to develop hypotheses and in the elaboration of questionnaires. Respondents are given cartoon images with an empty balloon on top, asking them to fill in the balloon space with their own words. In Qualitative research, the main aim of a researcher is to know about the deep behavior, opinions, and attitudes of people or subjects under research. An impact evaluation approach that compares results between a randomly assigned control group and experimental group or groups to produce an estimate of the mean net impact of an intervention. An impact evaluation approach that iteratively maps available evidence against a theory of change, then identifies and addresses challenges to causal inference. Many terms are used to describe these approaches, including real time evaluations, rapid feedback evaluation, rapid evaluation methods, rapid-cycle evaluation and rapid appraisal. Editorial Board Tom Barone Kimberly D. Elsbach Arizona State University University of California, Davis Julianne Cheek Ted Palys University of South Australia Simon Fraser University Jean Clandinin Judith . Need a Brand Health Check-Up? To make it simpler, it is a tactic of asking a question that taps into one's imagination rather than logical/factual and often used because of two main reasons: Why do we use projective and enabling techniques? They were able to help us and provide valuable knowledge throughout the entire process, from helping curate survey questions, carrying out the research and feeding back the results in a clear and proficient way, all with exceptional communication. They are useful for capturing individual opinions on topics, and in particular the how would this make you feel? This is a very useful technique for respondents who, at first, might be reluctant to verbalize their own emotions to a group of strangers, since it also allows us to use the perspective of a third party, for example, this is how I think most customers would react to this service experience. Respondents may be asked to work in pairs and using suitable magazines, create collages that sum up their perceptions of the brand(s) in question. As a group technique, idea boards can be time-consuming, but they are also very revealing. Projective techniques are used by researchers to find the true views of participants which might remain hidden otherwise. They can still serve the purposes for which they have traditionally been used: to facilitate a deeper understanding, to explore sensitive issues and to understand emotional response. Projective techniques are creative and indirect methods used in qualitative research. The SAGE Encyclopedia of QUALITATIVE RESEARCH METHODS Editorial Board. 30 For example, respondents may be asked to bring to the group items that represent what they most associate with eating Cadburys chocolate, Apple iphones, all-inclusive holidays, at-home DIY projects or home baking (these are all subjects that Brandspeak has successfully used this approach for in the past). This extends far beyond receiving simple yes-and-no answers into unpacking cognitio. M1 6HS. It may reduce group bias All respondents have the chance to get their opinions across and they are less likely to be swayed by others. Kahneman explains that if each of these decisions (and the information that is associated with them) were to be processedconsciouslythe brain would quickly become overloaded. Ms de 90, Nmero de Pginas Here we have a countdown of some of our favourites. Mustard Below are 7 key reasons to use projective techniques in your online qualitative research, projectives can: Keep respondents engaged and interested to encourage their participation. The respondents are asked to fill-in each speech bubble with the words they feel would be most appropriate and representative in the given situation. 90 That is down to the respondents playing the individual parts. In this section we provide examples of those objectives and the projective techniques that work best in each case. Projective techniques may be used in qualitative as well as quantitative studies (Levy 1994) and they are useful (Boddy 2004b) in both. Within qualitative research, brand personification is probably the one that most immediately springs . Itis a useful approach to document stories of impact and to develop an understanding of the factors that enhance or impede impact. Examples are: Word association tests Finishing sentences Personification Photo-sort Collages Role-playing 3. Mood boards are great for expressing what you feel through images, colours, and themes, really . A way to jointly develop an agreed narrative of how an innovation was developed, including key contributors and processes, to inform future innovation efforts. The projective techniques that are used in qualitative market research today take the form of deliberately ambiguous, interpretive exercises, whereby respondents subconscious thoughts and feelings relating to the brand or concept in question are projected using less challenging, more easily described, everyday objects or activities. The answers are analysed on the basis of certain rules of interpretation. Projective techniques are used to gain a deep understanding of emotional needs, barriers, and motivators. Once the collages have been created, a moderated discussion ensues regarding the themes emerging both by collage, and overall across the different collages. Good projective techniques can generate the deepest insights of a qualitative project. For example, the Rorschach ink stain test is one of the best known. 10 Generally 50 to hundred 100 words are administered to the respondent and they will be required to give their response with suitable matching word which occur to their mind without thinking much. Here are three commonly used projective techniques: Brand Personification Mustard often uses the projective technique of room theatre when using focus groups to conduct proofs of concept and creative development projects. The rationale is to help people surface and discuss things that lie beyond their immediate conscious awareness, yet influence their behaviour. The defendants are presenting the case for the brand or idea, whilst the prosecutors present the case against it or a competitor brand. These techniques allow us to delve deeper into the human psyche. Within qualitative research, the personification of the brand is probably the one that most immediately comes to mind when considering projective techniques. A particular type of case study used to jointly develop an agreed narrative of how an innovation was developed, including key contributors and processes, to inform future innovation efforts. It is an attempt to figure out the consumer profile relevant to the marketing problem under study. In a card sorting session, the participant is given small cards with a single word or short phrase on each one. ), Providing too little means that respondents are again likely to lack the confidence to contribute wholeheartedly, The 2020 BrandZ Most Valuable Global Brands report. Develop programme theory/theory of change, 5. This is for a variety of reasons. The moderator can act as the judge who may also identify the individual criteriathe two sides should be addressing in their arguments. Although System 2 defers to System 1 wherever possible,it stands ready to intervene if System 1 is unable to complete the required task. 56 Princess Street Instead, the sub-conscious nature of System 1 thinking combined with the inherently challenging nature of such questions requires an indirect approach; one that is sufficiently ambiguous and creative in nature that the respondent feels they have licence to answer creatively and imaginatively. This is because the experiences, thoughts and emotions within the subconscious are: Projective techniques are most often used to obtain detailed, perceptual feedback onexistingbrands. Projective techniques are used by marketing researchers to reveal important connections to brands . As such , customer experience projectives are most suitable for assessing service or experience-led e.g. An approach especially to impact evaluation which examines what works for whom in what circumstances through what causal mechanisms, including changes in the reasoning and resources of participants. Often employs an indirect prompt ("If Brand X were a person, what type of car would it drive?") or non-verbal response (such as collages, image associations, etc. For example, 'Randomized Controlled Trials' (RCTs) use a combination of the options random sampling, control group and standardised indicators and measures. 20 What is content analysis and what research do you use it in? We have found this leads to less duplication with responses as respondents want to bring fresh ideas to the table. Check the results are consistent with causal contribution, 3. Synthesise data from a single evaluation. Nmero de pginas It too stores information and memories, but ones that occurred in the more distant past or are of less importance. Enabling exercises have no interpretive value; they purely act as facilitators. This article discusses using projective techniques in focus groups, including operating principles of projective groups, disadvantages and limits of the technique, and projective groups in international surveys. Projective Techniques - Read online for free. Be sure to add that this could include anything good or bad, including your thoughts, feelings, senses, associations, impressions, images, and preferences. It is interpreted at three levels of adequacy. Goals are questions or exercises designed to uncover peoples deepest feelings about a topic. Projective and enabling techniques. In most cases, participants are divided into teams and asked to use the above discussion and their own opinions to form a case for or case against of the customer that precedes one or more concepts or improvements of the service. Respondents typically work in small groups to prepare a visual manifestation of the topic at hand, be it a brand, a service, or an ideal proposal. This approach picks up a much wider range of answers and often uncovers topics that would not have been discussed when only asked what they like about a particular topic. They are purposely posed to ask key questions indirectly. The analysis of matching words gives the clue as to whether a particular word can be used for its intended purposes. A few of these will be significant, but most will be trivial in nature. And if you want to be aware of our innovative services and the different advantages of hiring us, follow us on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. Human nature is that people will engage more with enjoyable tasks. 90 For example, someone might reply, This is a picture of a bridge to nowhere, although for me it shows optimism. They are not intended to replace the minds answers to direct questions, but can provide information that is not obtained with traditional questions. Projective techniques, originally developed for use in psychology, can be used in an evaluation to provide a prompt for interviews. 10 deciding which brand of frozen pizza to buy), or when the subject is undertaking an often-repeated, business-as-usual activity (e.g. A variety of techniques are subsumed under . Their task is then to present the competitive case for that person / brand . The challenge for the researcher is that thecontents ofthe System 1 brain are deeply embedded, difficult to access and even more difficult to articulate. As they perform, they project their feelings and behaviours into the role. Document management processes and agreements, 7. Projective techniques are commonly used in qualitative education research (Gordon & Langmaid 1990) where the aim of the techniques is to facilitate the gaining of a deeper understanding of the area being . Tipo de Investigacin Projective techniques have been in widespread use in market research since the 1970s. It can pose problems when it comes to managing it in multidimensional responses. Definition. Makarand Upadhyaya. Details such as how guests are dressed, the food served, and the music played convey insights into participants perceptions of the brands values and personality. Respondents are asked to order the sequence of these pictures according to their perception and based on their reasoning. Thinking about commissioning a market research agency but not sure where to start? a customer service situation) for the picture or let the respondents decide that for themselves. This serves both as a preliminary task and as a projective technique. Several interesting twists can be added. Marketing Manager | Industrials Group. These techniques . The e-book is a practical handbook about qualitative marketing research, with tips, techniques, and questions you can use. I suggest that excellent examples of mood boards from other unrelated projects be saved for use as a creative stimulant. Projective methods qualitative research Projective methods are used mostly in Qualitative Research. Brand association with people (e.g., if brand X grew arms and legs and became a person, what kind of person would it be?), is probably the best known and provides insight into the brands most emotional attributes, and is often used to develop a better understanding of the brands personality. 1953). An impact evaluation approach without a control group that uses narrative causal statements elicited directly from intended project beneficiaries. Qualitative Research Is Evolving at a Pace That Is Unbelievable. It is certainly one of the most fun (both for customers and moderators and for respondents), but it can also be one of the most revealing. For decades, projective techniques have been widely used within qualitative research studies as a means of unearthing some of the underlying thoughts, needs, attitudes and emotions that research participants often have difficulty articulating. For more information on our qualitative research projective techniques and the other proprietary methods that Brandspeak uses to identify how consumers really see and feel about your brand, please contact us on +44 (0)203 858 0052 or at (0) 203 858 0052. An participatory approach to value-for-money evaluation that identifies a broad range of social outcomes, not only the direct outcomes for the intended beneficiaries of an intervention. 30 Respondents are provided with symmetrical but meaningless ink smudge cards (10 in number) previously printed. to work with researchers who get the whole thing effortlessly a heartfelt thanks. Circulate between groups as boards are built to check progress and clarify requirements. This qualitative research method is best positioned to help create immediate and impactful product tweaks. This is important because psychology has told us for a long time that much of what drives behavior can be emotional and irrational in nature. This technique can be part of a larger ethnographic study: we would recruit people loyal to the product or brand advocates and encourage them to spend a period of time living without that brand or product, and ask them to record the experience through a journal, dictaphone or video. Instant Focus Group Questions e-book is packed with hundreds focus group questions, including projective techniques. They're asked to rank the cards in priority order, or group them together and label the group. British Journal of Projective Psychology, 33(2), 5467. For example, participants in focus groups are asked to remember what children received for Christmas, for example, 30 years ago. There is no reason for qualitative researchers to abandon projective techniques in an online bulletin board setting. I see the _____ organization as an organization that takes on challenges and works to be creative. During the course of this guided fantasy you can visit other brands/planets and compare and contrast the atmosphere, how welcoming it feels, how much you enjoyed the visit, etc. These techniques allow researchers to tap into consumers deep motivations, beliefs, attitudes and values. A stakeholder involvement approach designed to provide groups with the tools and knowledge they need to monitor and evaluate their own performance and accomplish their goals. Approach primarily intended to clarify differences in values among stakeholders by collecting and collectively analysing personal accounts of change. From the moment I contacted Brandspeak I can't thank Jeremy and his team enough. It allows respondents to take their time and read through all instructions and questions and absorb them fully. For this projective technique respondents are invited to bring along to the focus group an item that they associate with the brand or situation in question. Home Blog Top 10 benefits of using projective techniques in online research. From their initial proposal they displayed an understanding of financial services and a clarity of thinking that made them stand out. Skills, memorization ability are measured using different formats and methods. That person could be a celebrity, a personal acquaintance, an historical figure or an avatar. Thanks to them, we could learn a lot of things and could improve our future marketing strategies. 10. Sources Each layer of associations builds on the previous one. Garner Denver Limited. 50 Define ethical and quality evaluation standards, 6. They are useful because psychology theories have proven that much of what drives behaviour can be emotional and irrational in nature. We asked support for the Campaign Evaluation Research of our TVCM campaign. 70 However, it is the work of psychologist Daniel Kahneman that has enabled us to truly appreciate their importance to the marketing industry and brought them to the fore again. It means that if we are to gain real understanding of the relationship between brand and consumer we need to be able to bypass the logical, System 2 brain and access the sub-conscious, System 1 mind, where so much of our brand decision-making is undertaken. Here are three commonly used projective techniques: Participants describe a brand as a human being, using demographics, consumer behavior, and social interactions. This paper is an attempt to study the effectiveness of projective techniques in exploring the brand image of ego-sensitive brands, possessing minimal functional differentiation. Projective research techniques are derived from clinical psychology, and many remain rooted in this discipline. 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projective techniques qualitative research