pakistan vs usa military power

[28], The first documentary evidence of the phrase "United States of America" dates from a January2, 1776 letter written by Stephen Moylan to Joseph Reed, George Washington's aide-de-camp. [69], Australia and New Zealand are close allies of the United States. Asia, Europe and Africa make up a single continuous landmassAfro-Eurasia (except for the Suez Canal)and share a common continental shelf. 3 (2017): 501522. At the end of 2011, there were 18,000 Asian people mainly in Southeast Asia, China and Japan who have at least $100 million in disposable assets, while North America with 17,000 people and Western Europe with 14,000 people. [115], During the massacre of at least 500,000 alleged communists in 1960s Indonesia, U.S. government officials encouraged and applauded the mass killings while providing covert assistance to the Indonesian military which helped facilitate them. On 7 September, a flotilla of the Pakistan Navy under the command of Commodore S.M. During the war on terror, the United States significantly expanded its military and intelligence capacities while also pursuing economic methods of targeting opposing governments. Irish Freedom, by Richard English Publisher: Pan Books (2007). Prior to then in the Bronze Age the records of the Assyrian Empire, the Hittite Empire and the various Mycenaean states of Greece mention a region undoubtedly Asia, certainly in Anatolia, including if not identical to Lydia. [196] However, according to the world bank data India's defence expenditure by GDP decrease from 3.871% in 1965 to 3.141% in 1969, thereafter slightly increased to 3.652% in 1971.[197]. "[303], The United States has the highest documented incarceration rate and largest prison population in the world. [250] Each state has the amount presidential electors equal to the number of their representatives plus senators in Congress, and the District of Columbia has three electors. India vs Pakistan. The Asian countries of Bangladesh, India, the Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand, Pakistan, China and Sri Lanka were among the 16 countries facing extreme risk from climate change. In E. Craig (Ed. "40 Terrorism Databases and Data Sets: A New Inventory", Estimates on the Global Threat of Islamic State Terrorism in the Face of the 2015 Paris and Copenhagen Attacks, Middle East Review of International Affairs, Terrorism, Law & Democracy: 10 years after 9/11, UNODC United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime Terrorism Prevention, Terrorism and international humanitarian law, North Korea and weapons of mass destruction, Targeted Killings: Law and Morality in an Asymmetrical World, Withdrawal of United States troops from Afghanistan (20112016), Withdrawal of United States troops from Iraq (20072011),, Wikipedia articles in need of updating from August 2021, All Wikipedia articles in need of updating, Short description is different from Wikidata, Wikipedia indefinitely semi-protected pages, Articles lacking reliable references from March 2010, All Wikipedia articles needing words, phrases or quotes attributed, Wikipedia articles needing words, phrases or quotes attributed from March 2010, Articles needing additional references from March 2017, All articles needing additional references, Articles with disputed statements from October 2019, Articles needing examples from October 2019, Articles with unsourced statements from August 2017, Articles with unsourced statements from October 2016, Wikipedia articles needing factual verification from October 2022, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Intimidate a group of people into capitulating to the demands in order to avoid future injury, Get attention and thus political support for a cause, Directly inspire more people to the cause (such as revolutionary acts) , Indirectly inspire more people to the cause by provoking a hostile response or over-reaction from enemies to the cause, Adoption of a particular political philosophy, such as, Preventing a rival group from sharing or occupying a particular territory (such as by discouraging immigration or encouraging flight), Subjugation of a particular population (such as, Spread or dominance of a particular religion , Responding to a violent act (for example, tit-for-tat attacks in the, Perception that the cause responds to a profound injustice or indignity, 32% had pre-existing mental health disorders, while many more are found to have mental health problems upon arrest, At least 37% lived alone at the time of their event planning and/or execution, a further 26% lived with others, and no data were available for the remaining cases, 40% were unemployed at the time of their arrest or terrorist event, 19% subjectively experienced being disrespected by others, 14% percent experienced being the victim of verbal or physical assault, Dominance of territory or resources by various, Imposition of a particular form of government, Opposition to a domestic government or occupying army. Much of American foreign policy has involved combating the Soviet Union in the 20th century and Russia in the 21st century. [133] Christian Identity's origins can be traced back to Anglo-Israelism, which held the view that the British people were descendants of ancient Israelites. The launch of a "War on Poverty" expanded entitlements and welfare spending, leading to the creation of the Food Stamp Program, Aid to Families with Dependent Children, along with national health insurance programs Medicare and Medicaid. International Boundaries: A Geopolitical Atlas. [53] The Pakistani infiltrators were soon discovered, however, their presence reported by local Kashmiris,[54] and the operation ended unsuccessfully. Air superiority was not achieved, and were unable to prevent IAF fighter bombers and reconnaissance Canberras from flying daylight missions over Pakistan. Eisenhower defeated Taft for the 1952 nomination largely on foreign policy grounds. [10][12], The Global Terrorism Database, maintained by the University of Maryland, College Park, has recorded more than 61,000 incidents of non-state terrorism, resulting in at least 140,000 deaths, between 2000 and 2014. This time, India's victory was nearly total: India accepted cease-fire only after it had occupied 740 square miles [1,900km2], though Pakistan had made marginal gains of 210 square miles [540km2] of territory. With a large population and economy, on a practical level this can undermine the effect of certain agreements,[38][39] or give other countries a precedent to cite for non-participation in various agreements. The center and the peripheries were mostly kept separated by mountains and deserts. Terreur is the origin of the Middle English term terrour, which later becomes the modern word "terror". The Code of Conduct was initiated by Kazakhstan President Nursultan Nazarbayev. [86][87][88] The Second Great Awakening, especially in the period 18001840, converted millions to evangelical Protestantism. "[11], State terrorism refers to acts of terrorism conducted by a state against its own citizens or against another state.[33]. "[154], State terrorism has been used to refer to terrorist acts committed by governmental agents or forces. People born in American Samoa are non-citizen U.S. nationals unless one of their parents is a U.S. citizen. Groups accused of terrorism understandably prefer terms reflecting legitimate military or ideological action. [41], Over time, indigenous cultures in North America grew increasingly complex, and some, such as the pre-Columbian Mississippian culture in the southeast, developed advanced agriculture, architecture, and complex societies. The prevalence of Islamist groups in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Nigeria and Syria is the main driver behind these trends. ", "9/11, spectacles of terror, and media manipulation: A critique of Jihadist and Bush media politics", "Terrorism in the Middle East: The Case of the Arab-Israeli Conflict", "Political Violence in a Democratic State: Basque Terrorism in Spain", "Ethnic and Ideological Terrorism in Western Europe", International Journal of Disaster Medicine, "Radicalisation, De-Radicalisation, Counter-Radicalisation: A Conceptual Discussion and Literature Review", The Right of Self-Defence under International Law-the Response to the Terrorist Attacks of 11 September, "22 U.S. Code 2656f Annual country reports on terrorism", "Jihadist Terrorist Use of Strategic Communication Management Techniques", "Number of Terrorist Attacks, Fatalities", "Sovereignty under attack: the international society meets the Al Qaeda network (abstract)", "Qu es el "terruqueo" en Per y cmo influye en la disputa presidencial entre Fujimori y Castillo", "Beliefs; The just-war tradition, its last-resort criterion and the debate on an invasion of Iraq", "Getting Attention: A scholar's historical and political survey of terrorism finds that it works", Ronald Reagan, speech to National Conservative Political Action Conference, "President Meets with Afghan Interim Authority Chairman", President Discusses Progress in War on Terrorism to National Guard, Terrorism: concepts, causes, and conflict resolution, BBC NEWS:World: Americas: UN reforms receive mixed response, BBC NEWS: World: Africa: Profile: Nelson Mandela, "Hunt WikiLeaks founder like al-Qaeda and Taliban Leaders", "Julian Assange like a hi-tech terrorist", "Quinn v. Robinson, 783 F2d. Various legal systems and government agencies use different definitions of terrorism in their national legislation. The exercise concluded that, in the event of a war with India, Pakistan would win. [56] Most American troops stationed in foreign countries operate in non-combat roles. The territories are administrative divisions of the federal government. Depending on the country, the political system, and the time in history, the types of terrorism are varying. [112], Michael Mousseau shows possible relationships between the type of economy within a country and ideology associated with terrorism. More than 37 million spoke Spanish at home, making it the second most commonly used language in the United States. 17751783: American Revolutionary War: an armed struggle for secession from the British Empire by the Thirteen Colonies that would subsequently become the United States.. 17761777: Cherokee War of 1776: a series of armed At that same time, the United States Congress adopted The Star-Spangled Banner as the country's official national anthem. [84], Arguably the first organization to utilize modern terrorist techniques was the Irish Republican Brotherhood,[85] founded in 1858 as a revolutionary Irish nationalist group[86] that carried out attacks in England. Terrorists, tyrants, foreign adversaries, and economic competitors have all been found to engage in "a range of intelligence activities" directed against the United States. [77] United States military action may take place in accordance with or in opposition to the wishes of the United Nations. [78] The Christian revivalist movement of the 1730s and 1740s known as the Great Awakening fueled interest both in religion and in religious liberty. The Dalai Lama has received approximately eighty-four awards over his spiritual and political career. The 20th century was marked by two world wars in which Allied powers, along with the United States, defeated their enemies, and through this participation the United States increased its international reputation. Violence done by those lower on the hierarchy to those higher is unthinkable, and when it does occur it is regarded with shock, horror, and the fetishization of the victims. Robertson, John M., "A Short History of Christianity" (1902) p.278. [449] Despite some student loan forgiveness programs in place,[450] student loan debt has increased by 102% in the last decade,[451] and exceeded 1.7trillion dollars as of 2022. By the end of August, however, both sides had relative progress; Pakistan had made progress in areas such as Tithwal, Uri and Poonch and India had captured the Haji Pir pass, 8km into Pakistan administered Kashmir. Jacob Bercovitch and Richard Jackson (1997). The war was militarily inconclusive; each side held prisoners and some territory belonging to the other. During the Civil War, Spain and France defied the Monroe Doctrine and expanded their colonial influence in the Dominican Republic and Mexico, respectively. Most of the said awardees are from Japan and Israel except for Chandrasekhar and Raman (India), Abdus Salam and Malala Yousafzai, (Pakistan), Arafat (Palestinian Territories), Kim (South Korea), and Horta and Belo (Timor Leste). [11] Over time, other themes, key goals, attitudes, or stances have been variously expressed by Presidential 'doctrines', named for them. The general replied that most of India's frontline ammunition had been used up and the Indian Army had suffered considerable tank losses. [citation needed] Asia varies greatly across and within its regions with regard to ethnic groups, cultures, environments, economics, historical ties and government systems. There are several academic journals devoted to the field, including Perspectives on Terrorism. [77] With very high birth rates, low death rates, and steady settlement, the colonial population grew rapidly, eclipsing Native American populations. For there are three-thousand neat-ankled daughters of Ocean who are dispersed far and wide, and in every place alike serve the earth and the deep waters. [433], The U.S. health care system far outspends that of any other nation, measured both in per capita spending and as a percentage of GDP but attains worse healthcare outcomes when compared to peer nations. [69] By 2027, according to Goldman Sachs, China will have the largest economy in the world. European missionaries and others felt it was important to "civilize" the Native Americans and urged them to adopt European agricultural practices and lifestyles. [289] The United States has the third-largest combined armed forces in the world, behind the Chinese People's Liberation Army and Indian Armed Forces. [422] In 2008, 273 incorporated municipalities had populations over 100,000, nine cities had more than one million residents, and four cities (New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago, and Houston) had populations exceeding two million. [249], Each of the 50 states holds jurisdiction over a geographic territory, where it shares sovereignty with the federal government. [335] The U.S. ranked second in the Global Competitiveness Report in 2019, after Singapore. [128][129], According to one peer-reviewed study, the U.S. intervened in 81 foreign elections between 1946 and 2000. Trade between Asian countries and countries on other continents is largely carried out on the sea routes that are important for Asia. Offensive counterintelligence operations undertaken by the United States include recruiting foreign intelligence agents, monitoring suspected foreign agents, and collecting information on the intentions of foreign intelligence services, while defensive counterintelligence operations include investigating suspected cases of espionage and producing analyses of foreign intelligence threats. Partly as a result of the inefficient information gathering preceding the war, India established the Research and Analysis Wing for external espionage and intelligence. This page was last edited on 1 November 2022, at 07:24. AsiaAfrica boundary. [31] Annual reports produced by the Department of State, such as "Advancing Freedom and Democracy" and the "Country Reports on Human Rights Practices", track the status of human rights around the world. Democracies don't attack each other. [173][174][167][175], Regarding support for certain anti-Communist dictatorships during the Cold War, a response is that they were seen as a necessary evil, with the alternatives even worse Communist or fundamentalist dictatorships. 720 tanks[1], Effective strength on the West Pakistan Border[4], 260,000 infantry (whole army)[1] 8082. Citizens of Brazil, Nigeria, and India were found to have more favorable opinions of the United States, while citizens of China and Germany were found to have less favorable opinions of the United States. "), "Grand Slam A Battle of Lost Opportunities", "Claims and Counter Claims (1965 Air War)", Group Captain Cecil Chaudhry, SJ Chowk: India Pakistan Ideas,, "Milestones: 19611968 - Office of the Historian", CONTROVERSY: Why Gohar Ayub is wrong about 1965 Khalid Hasan, Army attempts to prevent book sales by Amir Mir, Musharraf buys all copies of sensitive '65 war, Inside Story of Musharraf-Mahmood Tussle, Hassan Abbas, Sep. 26, 2006, Musharraf, the 'poor man's Ataturk' By Khalid Hasan, "An Impending Nuclear War Between India and Pakistan Over Kashmir |", "1965 war: We achieved air superiority in three days, says Air Force Marshal Arjan Singh", "Military expenditure (% of GDP) India | Data", Declassified telegram sent to the US Department of State, "Operation Gibraltar: The Pakistani troops who infiltrated Kashmir to start a rebellion", 1965: How Pakistan won the war of propaganda, Pakistan And Its Three Wars by Vice Adm (Retd) Iqbal F Quadir, An Analysis The Sepoy Rebellion of 185759 by AH Amin, "Pakistan Lost Terribly in 1965 War With India: Pak Historian", Second opinion: The insidious logic of war Khaled Ahmed's Urdu Press Review, Reflections on two military presidents By M.P. India's strategic aims were modest it aimed to deny Pakistani Army victory, although it ended up in possession of 720 square miles [1,900km2] of Pakistani territory for the loss of just 220 square miles [570km2] of its own. Relations with Britain continued to be strained as a result of border conflicts until they were resolved by the WebsterAshburton Treaty in 1842. The president is not elected by direct vote, but by an indirect electoral college system in which the determining votes are apportioned to the states and the District of Columbia. Hennigfeld, Ursula/ Packard, Stephan, ed., Lutz, James and Brenda Lutz. Pakistan: A failed state or a clever gambler? In English, the word "American" rarely refers to topics or subjects not directly connected with the United States. The Legacy of Nuremberg: Civilising Influence or Institutionalised Vengeance? A 24-hour lull ensued the replacement, which allowed the Indian army to regroup in Akhnoor and successfully oppose a lackluster attack headed by General Yahya Khan. The resulting backlash and instability enabled the rise of Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant and the temporary creation of an Islamic caliphate holding territory in Iraq and Syria, until ISIL lost its territory through military defeats. And the peripheries were mostly kept separated by mountains and deserts involved combating the Union! The 21st century Soviet Union in the United Nations a common continental shelf geographic territory where... Of border conflicts until they were resolved by the WebsterAshburton Treaty in.... Militarily inconclusive ; each side held prisoners and some territory belonging to the field including. English term terrour, which later becomes the modern word `` American '' rarely refers to topics or not! 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pakistan vs usa military power