discus temperature minimum

Anything above 7.8 is not good as it will stress out the discus. Keeping Bettas with discus is possible, but not recommended because Discus fish is very sensitive to aggressive behavior and male bettas can get very aggressive. They can survive with Neon Tetras and other tropical fish species but with Discus, when temperatures reach above 72F, they become stressed and pale with washed-out color. So, proper filtration and a nutritious diet are required to keep them happy, healthy, and thriving. Maybe a huge variable is also the suppliers they come from/genetics in general. Corydoras Agassizi The only exception for this is if you have a bonded breeding pair. pH level: 6.0-7.0. Also, bloodfin tetras are active swimmers, buzzing in groups and rarely aggressive during feeding hours. Foods fed should be small in size. What are the minimum system requirements necessary to use DISCUS Desktop? I've always thought that the temp where their found to be misleading. What splendid colors, what foliage and what variety! I've had many tropicals [. Thus, it is important to keep their aquarium water exceptionally clean, and temperature constant. NEVER add any chemicals to raise or lower your PH! Heres a list of my favorite discus tank mates that get along with each other nicely and calmly. Water temperatures ranging from 82-86 F. You will need to provide them with a high and wide tank to facilitate movement. A good group size would be eight to ten of them. This species is used in Discus aquaria, or as part of a typical blackwater selection incorporating Cardinal Tetras, small cichlids like the Checkerboard, or Rio Negro Apisto species, Pencilfishes, e.g., Nannostomus eques. Water Changes- How often you do water changes and how much water you change is completely up to you. Also, the best background color for a discus fish tank is blue which will make the colors of the fish look very bright and sharp. Corydoras paleatus is a species of catfish of the family Callichthyidae. . The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. If there is a sure-proof way to prevent the sump from overflowing in the event of a power outage then I would have to agree and say that the sump provides better filtration. There is no book on successful discus keeping in the high 70s. Precisely, water in the fish tank should be siphoned at least twice a week or more as it is deemed necessary. Malaysian Trumpet Snail You can have hundreds of these helpful little Malaysian Trumpet Snails in your tank and never see one, unless you look at your tank an hour or two after you turn out your lights. So with this information so far we can see that a tank of at least 60 gallons will need to be used for keeping discus. Heckels must be kept in waters from 85F to 90F since they come from warmer waters. The minimum set up for keeping Discus. Yellow Emperor Tetra The emperor tetra (Nematobrycon palmeri) is found the streams and rivers of western Colombia including the Rio Atrata and the Rio San Juan. The body of Cardinal tetra is adorned with a blue line and red stripes that are longer. As they are tropical fish, you should keep the temperature between 82 and 84F, with a pH between 6.0 to 7.0 and a 1-4dKH. The easiest trick for keeping happy discus is to raise the water temperature. Scientific Name: Chromobotia macracanthus, Origin: The Paran River, or Rio Paran river in South America, 13359 North Highway 183 Suite 406 Scouts honor . You can go for an 18inch to 24 inch high tank. Novice fish keepers can hardly differentiate between a Neon tetra and a Cardinal tetra because of their uncanny resemblance. The aquarium should have a gravel substrate that may aid in intensifying the colors of the fish if a dark gravel is used. Sometimes these fish are a bit skittish and that can frighten a discus. Aquarium Store Depotis a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. The added benefit is the Discus will eat more and go through a noticeable growing spurt after the heat treatment. Copyright 2022 DiscusGuy.com. First of all, be informed that discus and freshwater angelfish are compatible. The ideal temperature would be 84 degrees Fahrenheit. German Blue Rams have an orange face, a red/yellow belly, and neon blue towards the back half of the body. 125 minimum for adults . Betta Fish And Discus Temperature Needs. Discus fish are very sensitive to temperatures and thrive best in warm waters. These fish are omnivores so they will eat flake food as well as freeze dried bloodworms. If the stripes are short, the fish is Neon Tetra. Temperatures should be around 27C-28C (80.6F - 82.4F). They like to have a medium planted tank for hiding when they sleep. While keeping the above-mentioned factors in mind, Ive prepared a list of 15 great discus tank mates that would get along with your discus fish nicely. Harlequin Rasbora are tropical freshwater fish species that grow around 5 inches and live for about 6 years within a water temperature of approx 73 to 82 degrees. The only issue with keeping these fish together is that they water temperature requirements don't perfectly match up. pH should be between . Theres no getting around it. They need a lot of work. What temperature do discus fish need? In captivity, discus fish can live between 10-15 years. By the way any links on this page that lead to products on Amazon and other stores/partners are affiliate links. But again as most discus keepers know this also can happen in the higher temps. Plants in cool water have a much more steady metabolism than those in warmer water. When mature, the iridescent colors of the Congo Tetra run through the fish from front to back, starting with blue on top changing to red through the middle, to yellow-gold, and back to blue just above the belly. They are a great addition to any soft water Discus aquarium. The abdominal area is flat. 18+ articles for discus temperature minimum Discus live in soft and acidic waters ph 50-65 with minimum current and warm temperature at a. The Harlequin Rasbora (our favorite) is one of the most popular aquarium fish. If youre planning to keep saltwater angelfish in your Discus tank, think again as it wont survive for long. Like 78 all the time. This is maintained at 6.6 - 6.8 PH, and the temperature is set at 82 to 84 degrees F. We make 50% water changes weekly, and some breeders will go as high as 95%. Fork Tail Rainbow Fish Compared to females, male rainbow sharks have thinner bodies with black lines along the tailfins. This species is of typical tetra shape but grows to a maximum overall length of approximately 2 cm (0.8 in). Discus Fish Minimum Temperature February 13, 2016 john The Drift of Events toward Independence.-Official support for the discus fish case of a battle and that if Pierre would say to her citizens. The difference between male and female is that the males have blue eyes and the females green. The body of the Siamese algae eater is slender torpedo-shaped with a single horizontal stripe in front of its eyes and transparent body. The eye has two thin but distinctive color bands across the top, red above yellow. Panda Cory Of course, you can put Discus fish in a community tank because discus fish thrive in a community tank with other compatible tank mates that are peaceful, calm, slow swimmers and eaters that enjoy the same water parameters as the discus fishes. The Double Full Red Agassizi Cichlid should be kept in an aquarium that is 30 gallons minimum, with densely planted groupings. This is actually quite small for a catfish but is perfect for sharing a tank with a Discus. Yes- I agree. To keep the discus fish in ideal conditions, a large-sized tank is preferable. The higher the water temperature, the less oxygen there is in the water. Tank Size: Corydoras Sterbai needs a tank that is at least 20 gallons. Austin, Texas 78750. They prefer warmer temperatures and are extremely territorial with other Plecos. Like White Cloud Mountain Minnows, Bloodfin tetras enjoy cool fresh water tank conditions. Therefore, its recommended to keep a school of 5 or more rainbow fishes in the tank to keep them healthy and happy. NOTE: Most of the bacteria that affect the Discus cannot survive in high temperatures. A great hardy plant that can be used to create accents in your planted Discus aquarium is called Bucephalandra. It keeps the tank at a conducive temperature of (82 - 92 degrees Fahrenheit) which tends to keep your Discus from bacterial infections and disease. The pH level of water ought to be between 6.0 and 7.0. A discus fish needs at least 50 gallons of tank size in order to survive . Rob, In your article above you state that canister filters are best, just wondering why they would be better than a sump and drilled tank? Clown loaches also thrive at the same warm water temperatures that Discus enjoys. Electric Blue Acara - A Complete Care Guide, Aquarium Plants In Gravel - 10 Popular Choices (With Pictures), Compatibility: Peaceful fish, widely compatible, Origin: India, West Bengal, Assam, and Bangladesh, Scientific Name: Trigonostigma heteromorpha, Compatibility: Peaceful, compatible for a community tank, Origin: Southeast Asia, Malaysia, Singapore, Sumatra, Thailand, Compatibility: Peaceful fish, suitable for a community tank, Compatibility: Peaceful community fish species. Discus require a temperature range of 82 to 86 degrees Fahrenheit in order to thrive. The easiest trick for keeping happy discus is to raise the water temperature. However, the distinguishing factor is in the red stripes. Sailing surfing and other aquatic videos. ; Most exhibit striking orange and reddish coloration with mild translucency near the pelvic fin. In this post, we'll highlight 15 amazing low-maintenance fish that you can keep. Hiding spaces such as rocks, plants, and driftwood are recommended to give this fish a sense of security. Neon Hatchet fish, is one of the plainest members of the Chela genus. You should keep a minimum group of 4-6 discus in your main tank, and add more discus in groups of 4-6 as well. Discus fish are beautiful, peaceful, and docile fish that appreciates a well-planted community tank with compatible tank mates. L'aquarium du poisson Discus L'aquarium requis pour profiter des poissons Discus doit pouvoir contenir au minimum 300 litres d'eau. German Blue Rams All of these plants can be found at most pet stores or online. Therefore, discus fish are not ideal for novice aquarists. Ive had good luck keeping this catfish with my discus. However, they need access to the surface air to breathe air. . If your discus fish tank is rather long you may want to consider placing 2 heaters in the tank one at each end set to the same temperature. Hot temperatures (above 84F) may kill plants that prefer colder temperatures like tiger lotuses and bucephalandra. Also discus being a shoaling species a minimum number of at least six discus will need to be kept. Higher Temperature Water. Discover Our Copeland Semi-Hermetic Lineup The only issue with keeping these fish together is that they water temperature requirements don't perfectly match up. . Though its body is mostly golden in color, the base of the tail has a black color that extends into the tail. So, you can come up with a solution like getting an aquarium heater, right tank placement, etc. Discus Aquarium size - 3 feet wide, 18 high (min) Discus Tank substrate Many experienced keepers prefer their Discus aquarium to have no substrate, mainly for maintenance and ease of cleaning. Pleco fish are bottom-feeding algae eaters freshwater fish that have sucker-shaped mouths and bony plates all over their bodies. Cardinal tetras enhance the beauty of your aquarium adding the extra red color and exceptional movement in your fish tank. The Siamese algae eaters are native to the main lands of Southeast Asia such as the Mekong and Chao Phraya Rivers. How does temp effect heart rate, breathing and organ functions. Symphysodon aequifasciatus, the Green Discus, lived in waters with an average temperature of 28.2C/82.7F through 1997. The fact of the matter is that Discus, especially smaller ones do better and feel more secure in big groups. Hence, they enjoy a calm and peaceful school around them. Electric Blue German Rams prefer warm(78-82F), soft (. Since Discus fish are mid feeders, I also recommend keeping them with bottom feeders small fish species such as Corydoras. However, with caution. Additionally, you can also keep Apisto Agassizi, Siamese algae eater, Pencil Fish, Loaches, Panda Cory, Corydoras Sterbai, Marbled Hatchetfish, Assassin Snails, and German Blue Ram in your Discus fish tank. I recommend keeping a large school of Characins including Neon tetras, Cardinal Tetras, and Rummy Nose Tetras that imitate the natural habitat of discus fish and thrive together in the same water quality. Don't even worry about it. I tried upping the temperature from 28C to 30C and it seems fluke can not survive at the higher temp. For keeping discus in general: 84F-86F For raising young or growing juveniles: 86F-88F The increased temperature will speed up their metabolism, allowing for more feedings and faster growth. Just as good or even better thana canister. You can be able to tell the number of times the water is turned by the filter by simply dividing the GPH of the filter by your tank size. Long Fin Pepper Cory 3-5 discus should be doable in a 55gal aquarium as long as water changes are kept up with. Bolivian Rams are golden brown in color with reddish highlights on the dorsal and caudal fins and pearly turquoise-blue highlights on the pelvic and anal fins. If kept in a school of eight or more, the Red White Cloud will be more active and colorful. What Other Fish Can Be Kept With Discus fish? Temperature 82-86F. Share. However, I have heard many horror stories about sumps overflowing when the power goes out. What is the minimum tank size for discus? Take note that warmer water's ability to hold oxygen is lower - make sure that your tank is well aerated . New Guinea Rainbow Fish This, though, isn't a big problem because there's a nice chunk of crossover . If you have wild Heckel discus, then you may consider 90 as the optimum temperature. Taller plants should be used to coincide with its mid-level swimming habits along with plenty of rock formed cave structures. Feed a quality flake food as well as freeze-dried bloodworms, tubifex, and brine shrimp. In a discus aquarium, when your fish will sense Characins in it, they will come out naturally because they assume theyre safe to swim with Characins in the open. Also called the Butterfly Ram and the Red Ram, is a social fish that will form pairs and often remains faithful to each other. Discus fish are not like your average tropical freshwater fish, they require optimal tank environment and care. Thanks, Hi, thanks for the comment. So, you need to make sure that your Discus fish are well-fed if particularly kept with freshwater angelfish. I'd say anywhere from 82 to 85 depending on the species. I'd dose the tank and be free of it and then, eventually it'd make a return. 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discus temperature minimum